411 research outputs found

    An Essential Physiological Role for MCT8 in Bone in Male Mice

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    T3 is an important regulator of skeletal development and adult bone maintenance. Thyroid hormone action requires efficient transport of T4 and T3 into target cells. We hypothesized that monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) 8, encoded by Mct8 on the X-chromosome, is an essential thyroid hormone transporter in bone. To test this hypothesis, we determined the juvenile and adult skeletal phenotypes of male Mct8 knockout mice (Mct8KO) and Mct8D1D2KO compound mutants, which additionally lack the ability to convert the prohormone T4 to the active hormone T3. Prenatal skeletal development was normal in both Mct8KO and Mct8D1D2KO mice, whereas postnatal endochondral ossification and linear growth were delayed in both Mct8KO and Mct8D1D2KO mice. Furthermore, bone mass and mineralization were decreased in adult Mct8KO and Mct8D1D2KO mice, and compound mutants also had reduced bone strength. Delayed bone development and maturation in Mct8KO and Mct8D1D2KO mice is consistent with decreased thyroid hormone action in growth plate chondrocytes despite elevated serum T3 concentrations, whereas low bone mass and osteoporosis reflects increased thyroid hormone action in adult bone due to elevated systemic T3 levels. These studies identify an essential physiological requirement for MCT8 in chondrocytes, and demonstrate a role for additional transporters in other skeletal cells during adult bone maintenance

    Thyrocyte-specific inactivation of p53 and Pten results in anaplastic thyroid carcinomas faithfully recapitulating human tumors

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    Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) is the most aggressive form of thyroid cancer, and often derives from pre-existing well-differentiated tumors. Despite a relatively low prevalence, it accounts for a disproportionate number of thyroid cancer-related deaths, due to its resistance to any therapeutic approach. Here we describe the first mouse model of ATC, obtained by combining in the mouse thyroid follicular cells two molecular hallmarks of human ATC: activation of PI3K (via Pten deletion) and inactivation of p53. By 9 months of age, over 75% of the compound mutant mice develop aggressive, undifferentiated thyroid tumors that evolve from pre-existing follicular hyperplasia and carcinoma. These tumors display all the features of their human counterpart, including pleomorphism, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, aneuploidy, local invasion, and distant metastases. Expression profiling of the murine ATCs reveals a significant overlap with genes found deregulated in human ATC, including genes involved in mitosis control. Furthermore, similar to the human tumors, [Pten, p53]thyr−/− tumors and cells are highly glycolytic and remarkably sensitive to glycolysis inhibitors, which synergize with standard chemotherapy. Taken together, our results show that combined PI3K activation and p53 loss faithfully reproduce the development of thyroid anaplastic carcinomas, and provide a compelling rationale for targeting glycolysis to increase chemotherapy response in ATC patients

    Vps34 PI 3-kinase controls thyroid hormone production by regulating thyroglobulin iodination, lysosomal proteolysis and tissue homeostasis

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    BACKGROUND: The production of thyroid hormones (T3, T4) depends on the organization of the thyroid in follicles, which are lined by a monolayer of thyrocytes with strict apico-basal polarity. This polarization supports vectorial transport of thyroglobulin for storage into, and recapture from, the colloid. It also allows selective addressing of channels, transporters, ion pumps and enzymes to their appropriate basolateral (NIS, SLC26A7 and Na+/K+-ATPase) or apical membrane domain (Anoctamin, SLC26A4, DUOX2, DUOXA2 and TPO). How these actors of T3/T4 synthesis reach their final destination remains poorly understood. The PI 3-kinase (PI3K) isoform Vps34/PIK3C3 is now recognized as a main component in the general control of vesicular trafficking and of cell homeostasis via the regulation of endosomal trafficking and autophagy. We recently reported that conditional Vps34 inactivation in proximal tubular cells in the kidney prevents normal addressing of apical membrane proteins and causes abortive macroautophagy. // METHODS: Vps34 was inactivated using a Pax8-driven Cre recombinase system. The impact of Vps34 inactivation in thyrocytes was analyzed by histological, immunolocalization and mRNA expression profiling. Thyroid hormone synthesis was assayed by 125I injection and serum plasma analysis. // RESULTS: Vps34cKO mice were born at the expected Mendelian ratio and showed normal growth until postnatal day 14, then stopped growing and died at around 1 month of age. We therefore analyzed thyroid Vps34cKO at postnatal day 14. We found that loss of Vps34 in thyrocytes causes: (i) disorganization of thyroid parenchyma, with abnormal thyrocyte and follicular shape and reduced PAS+ colloidal spaces; (ii) severe non-compensated hypothyroidism with extremely low T4 levels (0.75 ± 0.62 g/dL) and huge TSH plasma levels (19,300 ± 10,500 mU/L); (iii) impaired 125I organification at comparable uptake and frequent occurrence of follicles with luminal thyroglobulin but non-detectable T4-bearing thyroglobulin; (iv) intense signal in thyrocytes for the lysosomal membrane marker, LAMP-1, as well as thyroglobulin and the autophagy marker, p62, indicating defective lysosomal proteolysis, and (v) presence of macrophages in the colloidal space. // CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that Vps34 is crucial for thyroid hormonogenesis, at least by controlling epithelial organization, Tg iodination as well as proteolytic T3/T4 excision in lysosomes

    Congenital hypothyroidism due to a new deletion in the sodium/iodide symporter protein.

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    OBJECTIVE: Iodide transport defect (ITD) is a rare disorder characterised by an inability of the thyroid to maintain an iodide gradient across the basolateral membrane of thyroid follicular cells, that often results in congenital hypothyroidism. When present the defect is also found in the salivary glands and gastric mucosa and it has been shown to arise from abnormalities of the sodium/iodide symporter (NIS). PATIENT: We describe a woman with hypothyroidism identified at the 3rd month of life. The diagnosis of ITD was suspected because of nodular goitre, and little if any iodide uptake by the thyroid and salivary glands. Treatment with iodide partially corrected the hypothyroidism; however, long-term substitution therapy with L-thyroxine was started. MEASUREMENTS: Thyroid radioiodide uptake was only 1.4% and 0.3% at 1 and 24 h after the administration of recombinant human TSH. The saliva to plasma I- ratio was 1.1 indicating that the inability of the thyroid gland to concentrate I- was also present in the salivary glands. RESULTS: Analysis of the patient's NIS gene revealed a 15 nucleotide (nt) deletion of the coding sequence (nt 1314 through nt 1328) and the insertion of 15 nt duplicating the first 15 nt of the adjacent intron. The patient was homozygous for this insertion/deletion, while both consanguineous parents were heterozygous. This deletion predicts the production of a protein lacking the five terminal amino acids of exon XI (439-443) which are located in the 6th intracellular loop. COS-7 cells transfected with a vector expressing the mutant del-(439-443) NIS failed to concentrate iodide, suggesting that the mutation was the direct cause of the ITD in this patient. CONCLUSION: In conclusion we describe the first Italian case of congenital hypothyroidism due to a new deletion in the NIS gene

    Autoantibodies from patients with autoimmune thyroid disease do not interfere with the activity of the human iodide symporter gene stably transfected in CHO cells

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    OBJECTIVE: The human sodium iodide symporter (hNIS) is a candidate autoantigen in autoimmune thyroid diseases. To investigate the possible existence of autoantibodies able to interfere with the biological activity of hNIS, an assay was developed using a cell line stably expressing hNIS. METHODS: hNIS complementary cDNA cloned in pcDNA3 and a neomycin resistance gene vector were co-transfected into CHO cells. After selection with geneticin, a cell line termed PA4, showing the highest level of Na(125)I uptake, was characterized. The time course of iodide uptake was evaluated by incubating PA(4) cells with 10 micromol/l NaI and 0.1 microCi Na(125)I for a period up to 90 min. The accumulation of iodide increased linearly between 2 and 10 min, reaching a plateau at 45 min. The curve of iodide efflux mirrored that of iodide influx. Both perchlorate and thiocyanate inhibited iodide uptake in PA(4) cells in a dose-dependent manner starting from concentrations as low as 0.01 and 0.1 micromol/l respectively and complete inhibition was obtained at concentrations of 100 micromol/l perchlorate and 1000 micromol/l thiocyanate. The sensitivity of the inhibition assay was further improved using both inhibitors after 5 min incubation and in the absence of cold NaI. RESULTS: Included in the study were 42 patients with Graves' disease (25 had active hyperthyroidism, ten were euthyroid and seven had hypothyroidism); 34 patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (one was euthyroid, four had subclinical hypothyroidism and 29 were overtly hypothyroid); and 19 with atrophic thyroiditis (all hypothyroid). Four out of eight whole sera from patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and 8 out of 25 whole sera from patients with Graves' disease caused an inhibition of iodide uptake in PA(4) cells greater than 20% but also in 4 out of 15 sera from normal subjects. This inhibition activity exerted by sera from patients and controls was lost after dialyzing against buffer. Accordingly, IgGs purified from sera of all patients with Graves' disease and with Hashimoto's thyroiditis or atrophic thyroiditis were devoid of any effect on iodide uptake. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, we believe that autoantibodies able to block the function of hNIS are very rare

    TRH: Pathophysiologic and clinical implications

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    Thyrotropin releasing hormone is thought to be a tonic stimulator of the pituitary TSH secretion regulating the setpoint of the thyrotrophs to the suppressive effect of thyroid hormones. The peptide stimulates the release of normal and elevated prolactin. ACTH and GH may increase in response to exogenous TRH in pituitary ACTH and GH hypersecretion syndromes and in some extrapituitary diseases. The pathophysiological implications of extrahypothalamic TRH in humans are essentially unknown. The TSH response to TRH is nowadays widely used as a diganostic amplifier in thyroid diseases being suppressed in borderline and overt hyperthyroid states and increased in primary thyroid failure. In hypothyroid states of hypothalamic origin, TSH increases in response to exogenous TRH often with a delayed and/or exaggerated time course. But in patients with pituitary tumors and suprasellar extension TSH may also respond to TRH despite secondary hypothyroidism. This TSH increase may indicate a suprasellar cause for the secondary hypothyroidism, probably due to portal vessel occlusion. The TSH released in these cases is shown to be biologically inactive

    American Thyroid Association Guide to Investigating Thyroid Hormone Economy and Action in Rodent and Cell Models

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    Background: An in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles that regulate thyroid hormone homeostasis is critical for the development of new diagnostic and treatment ap-proaches for patients with thyroid disease. Summary: Important clinical practices in use today for the treatment of patients with hypothy-roidism, hyperthyroidism, or thyroid cancer, are the result of laboratory discoveries made by scientists investigating the most basic aspects of thyroid structure and molecular biology. In this document, a panel of experts commissioned by the American Thyroid Association makes a se-ries of recommendations related to the study of thyroid hormone economy and action. These recommendations are intended to promote standardization of study design, which should in turn increase the comparability and reproducibility of experimental findings. Conclusions: It is expected that adherence to these recommendations by investigators in the field will facilitate progress towards a better understanding of the thyroid gland and thyroid hormone dependent processes