110 research outputs found

    O teletrabalho

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    Estudo sobre o teletrabalhoStudy on the legal aspects of telewor

    Igualdade de tratamento no trabalho e no emprego: nótula

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    Direito do trabalho / Igualdade de tratament

    Crystal Growth of Pharmaceuticals from Melt

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    In vitro and in vivo models to assess cancer metastasis

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    Cancer metastasis is the major cause of cancer-related deaths. Some proteins/lipids-attached glycans are aberrantly expressed in cancer and this pattern is highly associated with malignancy and tumor progression. Thus, aberrant glycans are promising candidates as cancer biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Glycosyltransferases overexpression is the main mechanism behind tumor-associated glycans such as Sialyl-Tn (STn), α2,6-sialyl lactosamines and Sialyl Lewis X (SLex) antigens. Colorectal cancer (CRC), the second most common cancer, is described to present STn and SLex, which correlate with disease progression. Although no glycan biomarkers yet reached clinical application due to the scarce understanding of the molecular mechanisms and the lack of relevant in vitro/vivo models to address them. Therefore, this study main goal was to establish experimental models of CRC cell lines expressing altered glycans and to evaluate their behavior in vitro through: CRC cell lines 1) overexpressing STn and 2) expressing Luciferase. In the first, the LS174T cell line was transduced with ST6GALNaC I gene to induce STn expression. In the second, SW48, SW948, SW620 and HT29 cell lines that overexpressed, or not, relevant sialyl and fucosyltransferases were used: ST6Gal 1 responsible for increased α2,6 sialylation; and FUT 6, responsible for increased SLex expression. These cell lines were then genetically modified to express LUCIFERASE (LUC) gene to allow cell tracking. After ST6GALNaC I or LUC genes transduction, the cells were phenotyped by flow cytometry to assess glycan expression and Luciferase was assessed by bioluminescence. Results showed that LS174T did not induce STn expression after transduction, since its precursor was absent. Regarding the remaining cell lines transduced with LUC, only HT29 FUT VI and SW948 ST6GAL I, and respective controls, emitted bioluminescence when tested. This study contributed to the comprehension of cancer-related glycan expression in CRC cell lines. These established cell lines may open the way for future investigation lines of metastasis development in vivo

    Os direitos de personalidade no código do trabalho: actualidade e oportunidade da sua inclusão

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    Artigo sobre o significado, vantagens e inconvenientes da inclusão de uma secção no Código do Trabalho, tendo por objecto a tutela dos direitos de personalidade do trabalhador.Opportunity and convenience of including in the Labour Code a section regarding the worker's personality right

    Estudo do comportamento sísmico de construções em alvenaria

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    Mestrado em Engenharia CivilA frequência com que a humanidade tem sido confrontada com catástrofes naturais, em particular de foro sísmico, justifica a necessidade em aprofundar os conhecimentos dos materiais de construção e das características das estruturas em que o Homem habita, especialmente o conjunto das construções tradicionais e históricas em alvenaria, estruturas predominantes nos centros históricos das cidades. O desempenho sísmico das estruturas em alvenaria é especialmente difícil de caracterizar uma vez que depende diretamente de uma multiplicidade de detalhes estruturais. Não obstante, o presente trabalho procura contribuir para o maior conhecimento da atuação da construção em alvenaria face à resposta sísmica. Para esse fim, a primeira parte do estudo é dedicada à comparação entre a regulamentação de construções em alvenaria, americana e europeia. Deste modo pretende-se contribuir-se para o desenvolvimento de uma regulamentação cada vez mais consistente, capaz de mitigar a vulnerabilidade sísmica desta tipologia construtiva. Num segundo momento da investigação, com o intuito de estudar o comportamento sísmico de edifícios antigos com paredes em alvenaria de pedra tradicional, realizou-se uma análise numérica com recurso ao programa Ansys, tomando como base a campanha experimental realizada com estruturas à escala real desenvolvida no EUCENTRE, em Pavia, Itália. A utilização do programa Ansys permitiu simular parte da campanha experimental, pelo que foi possível aumentar os conhecimentos no campo da vulnerabilidade sísmica deste tipo de construções. A análise numérica assentou na construção de dois modelos numéricos para simular um abalo sísmico de acordo com os ensaios experimentais. O primeiro modelo simulou uma estrutura com um pavimento de diafragma flexível e o segundo modelo foi reforçado com 8 tirantes, que serviram como reforço estrutural no ensaio experimental. É especialmente relevante sublinhar os últimos resultados da simulação não linear dinâmica do primeiro modelo, uma vez que traduzem claramente a tendência do mecanismo de colapso potencial que se veio a verificar no ensaio experimental da construção em alvenaria não reforçada. Antecedendo esta análise, recorreu-se ainda ao programa Seismosignal para determinar os deslocamentos medidos pelos acelerómetros instalados na estrutura dos testes experimentais. Deste modo, os resultados dos deslocamentos permitiram consolidar a interpretação dos resultados da análise numérica.The frequency with which the humanity has been confronted with natural disasters, namely earthquakes, justifies the need to enhance knowledge on construction materials and the characteristics of the structures in which humans live, especially the traditional and historic masonry building stock, structures predominant in historical city centers. The seismic performance of masonry structures is particularly difficult to characterize since it is directly dependent on a multiplicity of structural details. Nevertheless, this work aims to contribute to a better knowledge of the performance of masonry construction concerning the seismic response. To achieve this goal, the first part of this study focused on a comparison between the masonry construction codes, American and European. By that it is intended to contribute to the development of a more consistent regulation, capable to mitigate the seismic vulnerability of this construction typology. In a second moment of this research, in order to study the seismic behavior of the old buildings with traditional stone masonry walls, it was carried out an numerical analysis using the Ansys program, based on the real-sized experimental campaign developed in EUCENTRE, in Pavia, Italy. The use of the Ansys program allowed the simulation of part of the experimental campaign, therefore it has able to increase the knowledge in the field of seismic vulnerability of such buildings. The numerical analysis was based on the construction of two numerical models to simulate an earthquake according to the experimental trials. The first model simulated a structure with flexible floor diaphragm and the second model was retrofitted by adding eight tie-rods, which worked as structural reinforcement in the experimental testing. It is especially important to underline the latest results of the non-linear dynamic simulation on the first model, as they clearly reflected the trend of the potential collapse mechanism that was verified on the experimental test of the non-reinforced masonry construction. Previous to this analysis, we used the Seismosignal program to determine the displacements measured by the accelerometers installed in the structure of the experimental tests. In this way, the results of the displacements allowed us to consolidate the interpretation of the results from the numerical analysis

    An examination of Australian news coverage of Papua New Guinea

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    This thesis examines Australian news coverage of Papua New Guinea, a country with which Australia shares geographic proximity and strong historical ties. Specifically, this study examines the coverage of PNG by The Australian and The Sydney Morning Herald newspapers from January 01 until June 30, 2010. This work aims to demonstrate that PNG is a neglected news region. This neglect – in terms of quality reporting – has produced a limited and fragmentary portrayal of PNG in the Australian media. In this context, this study observes that the majority of news stories about PNG tend to lack analysis and contextual background. By examining the process of news framing and news values, this thesis suggests that the disproportionate emphasis on events associated with crime, chaos, disaster, and corruption has constructed PNG as a fragile, suffering and dependent society. The key methodologies used in this thesis are content analysis, and indepth interviews with a selected number of Australian journalists currently or previously based in PNG. The thesis forms part of a much broader examination of the changing trends in international news coverage of developing countries, particularly the Asia-Pacific

    Sousa Gomes e o ensino da química

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    Trabalho temporário: tabela comparativa DL 358/89 vs Lei 19/2007

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    Trabalho Temporário Tabela Comparativa de correspondência DL 358/89 vs Lei 19/200


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