106 research outputs found

    Modern Society Challenges: Youth Communication in Instagram

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    With the emergence and further development of network communication, the number of participants in this process began to increase. The youth turned out to be especially receptive and open to such modern manifestations of communication. It is the youth who actively and easily joins the use of social networks in their lives, where they mainly work. The article is devoted to the consideration of the main theoretical and research approaches to the problem of modern challenges of society - communication of young people on Instagram. The authors noted that one of the main signs of the development of modern society is the rapid formation of computer information technologies, which gives a modern person an opportunity to study, discuss problems that bother him, meet new people and communicate with friends, use the unlimited possibilities of the Internet. One of such information media is the social youth network -  Instagram, which can be called one of the best, most convenient and interesting. The article notes that it is young people who master network communication better and use it more often than other age groups, because they are at the forefront of new transformations, and therefore the study of their communicative practices seems to be the most significant and promising

    Лабораторный макет системы лечения онкологических заболеваний методом фотодинамической терапии

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    Для відпрацювання технічних аспектів мінімально інвазивної технології лікування онкологічних захворювань за методом фотодинамічної терапії розроблений лабораторний макет систем з використанням в якості джерела випромінювання багатоелементних матриць світловипромінюючих діодів.The system laboratory mockup has been designed to development the technical facets of the minimally invasive technique for oncologic disease treatment with photodynamic therapy method. The mockup uses the multiunit arrays of the light emitted diodes installed on the bearing hemisphere as a radiation source. LED’s irradiation generates effective operating zone with 40 mm spot diameter on the hemisphere equatorial plane.Для отработки технических аспектов минимально инвазивной технологии лечения онкологических заболеваний методом фотодинамической терапии разработан лабораторный макет системы с использованием в качестве источника излучения многоэлементных матриц светоизлучающих диодов. Излучение светодиодов, размещенных на несущей полусфере, формирует в ее экваториальной плоскости эффективное операционное поле диаметром 40 мм

    Светодиодный излучатель для фотодинамической терапии СВиФТ-90

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    Для відпрацювання в лабораторних та клінічних умовах технічних аспектів технології фотодинамічної терапії з використанням першого вітчизняного фотосенсибілізатора Гіперфлав розроблений та виготовлений дослідний зразок світлодіодного випромінювача СВиФТ-90 двох модифікацій. При проведенні попередніх випробувань для різних режимів роботи приладу, управління якими здійснюється з пульту керування, експериментально визначено освітленість в операційній зоні, що співпадає з вихідним торцем волоконно-оптичного інструмента. Також визначені напрямки подальших робіт, спрямованих на суттєве підвищення вихідних характеристик світлодіодного випромінювача.The LED illuminator experimental model, named SViFT-90, has been designed and made in two modifications to development under laboratory and clinical conditions the technical facets of the photodynamic therapy method used first Ukrainian photosensitizer Hyperflav. Under preliminary test illumination intensities at the operating area have been detected for different device modes of operation changed with control board. The device operating area is coincided with an output face of the fiberoptic instrument. Following operation directions aimed to improve LED illuminator output characteristics have been defined as well.Для отработки в лабораторных и клинических условиях технических аспектов технологии фотодинамической терапии с использованием первого украинского фотосенсибилизатора Гиперфлав разработан и изготовлен опытный образец светодиодного излучателя СВиФТ-90 двух модификаций. При проведении предварительных испытаний для различных режимов работы прибора, управление которыми осуществляется с пульта управления, экспериментально определены уровни освещенности в операционной зоне, которая совпадает с выходным торцом волоконно-оптического инструмента. Также определены направления дальнейших работ, направленных на существенное повышение выходных характеристик светодиодного излучателя

    Experimental Detection of the CNO Cycle

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    Borexino recently reported the first experimental evidence for a CNO neutrino. Since this process accounts for only about 1% of the Sun’s total energy production, the associated neutrino flux is remarkably low compared to that of the pp chain, the dominant hydrogen-burning process. This experimental evidence for the existence of CNO neutrinos was obtained using a highly radio-pure Borexino liquid scintillator. Improvements in the thermal stabilization of the detector over the last five years have allowed us to exploit a method of constraining the rate of 210Bi background. Since the CNO cycle is dominant in massive stars, this result is the first experimental evidence of a major stellar hydrogen-to-helium conversion mechanism in the Universe

    Pulse shape analysis in GERDA Phase II

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    The GERmanium Detector Array (GERDA) collaboration searched for neutrinoless double-\beta decay in ^{76}Ge using isotopically enriched high purity germanium detectors at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso of INFN. After Phase I (2011–2013), the experiment benefited from several upgrades, including an additional active veto based on LAr instrumentation and a significant increase of mass by point-contact germanium detectors that improved the half-life sensitivity of Phase II (2015–2019) by an order of magnitude. At the core of the background mitigation strategy, the analysis of the time profile of individual pulses provides a powerful topological discrimination of signal-like and background-like events. Data from regular ^{228}Th calibrations and physics data were both considered in the evaluation of the pulse shape discrimination performance. In this work, we describe the various methods applied to the data collected in GERDA Phase II corresponding to an exposure of 103.7 kg year. These methods suppress the background by a factor of about 5 in the region of interest around Q_{\beta \beta }= 2039 keV, while preserving (81\pm 3)% of the signal. In addition, an exhaustive list of parameters is provided which were used in the final data analysis

    Search for tri-nucleon decays of ^{76}Ge in GERDA

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    We search for tri-nucleon decays of 76Ge in the dataset from the GERmanium Detector Array (GERDA) experiment. Decays that populate excited levels of the daughter nucleus above the threshold for particle emission lead to disintegration and are not considered. The ppp-, ppn-, and pnn-decays lead to 73Cu, 73Zn, and 73Ga nuclei, respectively. These nuclei are unstable and eventually proceed by the beta decay of 73Ga to 73Ge (stable). We search for the 73Ga decay exploiting the fact that it dominantly populates the 66.7 keV 73mGa state with half-life of 0.5 s. The nnn-decays of 76Ge that proceed via 73mGe are also included in our analysis. We find no signal candidate and place a limit on the sum of the decay widths of the inclusive tri-nucleon decays that corresponds to a lower lifetime limit of 1.2×1026 yr  (90% credible interval). This result improves previous limits for tri-nucleon decays by one to three orders of magnitude

    Liquid argon light collection and veto modeling in GERDA Phase II

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    The ability to detect liquid argon scintillation light from within a densely packed high-purity germanium detector array allowed the Gerda experiment to reach an exceptionally low background rate in the search for neutrinoless double beta decay of 76 Ge. Proper modeling of the light propagation throughout the experimental setup, from any origin in the liquid argon volume to its eventual detection by the novel light read-out system, provides insight into the rejection capability and is a necessary ingredient to obtain robust background predictions. In this paper, we present a model of the Gerda liquid argon veto, as obtained by Monte Carlo simulations and constrained by calibration data, and highlight its application for background decomposition

    Pulse shape analysis in Gerda Phase II

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    The GERmanium Detector Array (Gerda) collaboration searched for neutrinoless double-β decay in 76Ge using isotopically enriched high purity germanium detectors at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso of INFN. After Phase I (2011–2013), the experiment benefited from several upgrades, including an additional active veto based on LAr instrumentation and a significant increase of mass by point-contact germanium detectors that improved the half-life sensitivity of Phase II (2015–2019) by an order of magnitude. At the core of the background mitigation strategy, the analysis of the time profile of individual pulses provides a powerful topological discrimination of signal-like and background-like events. Data from regular 228Th calibrations and physics data were both considered in the evaluation of the pulse shape discrimination performance. In this work, we describe the various methods applied to the data collected in Gerda Phase II corresponding to an exposure of 103.7 kg year. These methods suppress the background by a factor of about 5 in the region of interest around Qββ=2039 keV, while preserving (81±3)% of the signal. In addition, an exhaustive list of parameters is provided which were used in the final data analysis

    Search for exotic physics in double-β decays with GERDA Phase II

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    A search for Beyond the Standard Model double-β\beta decay modes of76^{76}Ge has been performed with data collected during the Phase II of theGERmanium Detector Array (GERDA) experiment, located at Laboratori Nazionalidel Gran Sasso of INFN (Italy). Improved limits on the decays involvingMajorons have been obtained, compared to previous experiments with 76^{76}Ge,with half-life values on the order of 1023^{23} yr. For the first time with76^{76}Ge, limits on Lorentz invariance violation effects in double-β\betadecay have been obtained. The isotropic coefficienta˚of(3)\mathring{a}_\text{of}^{(3)}, which embeds Lorentz violation indouble-β\beta decay, has been constrained at the order of 10610^{-6} GeV. Wealso set the first experimental limits on the search for light exotic fermionsin double-β\beta decay, including sterile neutrinos.<br