942 research outputs found

    Direct Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Waves Interacting with a Shock Wave in a Quasi-1D Convergent-Divergent Nozzle Using an Unstructured Finite Volume Algorithm

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    Numerical simulation of a very small amplitude acoustic wave interacting with a shock wave in a quasi-1D convergent-divergent nozzle is performed using an unstructured finite volume algorithm with a piece-wise linear, least square reconstruction, Roe flux difference splitting, and second-order MacCormack time marching. First, the spatial accuracy of the algorithm is evaluated for steady flows with and without the normal shock by running the simulation with a sequence of successively finer meshes. Then the accuracy of the Roe flux difference splitting near the sonic transition point is examined for different reconstruction schemes. Finally, the unsteady numerical solutions with the acoustic perturbation are presented and compared with linear theory results

    Multidimensional Binary Vector Assignment problem: standard, structural and above guarantee parameterizations

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    In this article we focus on the parameterized complexity of the Multidimensional Binary Vector Assignment problem (called \BVA). An input of this problem is defined by mm disjoint sets V1,V2,,VmV^1, V^2, \dots, V^m, each composed of nn binary vectors of size pp. An output is a set of nn disjoint mm-tuples of vectors, where each mm-tuple is obtained by picking one vector from each set ViV^i. To each mm-tuple we associate a pp dimensional vector by applying the bit-wise AND operation on the mm vectors of the tuple. The objective is to minimize the total number of zeros in these nn vectors. mBVA can be seen as a variant of multidimensional matching where hyperedges are implicitly locally encoded via labels attached to vertices, but was originally introduced in the context of integrated circuit manufacturing. We provide for this problem FPT algorithms and negative results (ETHETH-based results, WW[2]-hardness and a kernel lower bound) according to several parameters: the standard parameter kk i.e. the total number of zeros), as well as two parameters above some guaranteed values.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Open up Internet Research

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    Nel 2007 il Times sceglieva l’utente del web come persona dell’anno: Yes, You. You Control the Information Age. Welcome to Your World. Dal 2007 molta acqua sotto i ponti della Rete è passata e, a otto anni da quella copertina, il nuovo mondo è cresciuto in mole e complessità, così come si sono moltiplicati i tentativi da parte della ricerca, pubblica e privata, di mettere ordine nella comprensione dei meccanismi che lo governano. Obiettivo di questa rubrica è fornire alcuni primi riferimenti per orientarsi nel mondo della ricerca e dello studio intorno alla Rete. Ognuno di questi costituisce un hub di collegamento a network e comunità professionali ampie ed accreditate da cui imparare e con cui confrontarsi

    Community knowledge, attitude and practice on rabies, incidence in humans and animals and risk factors to rabies in selected districts of Tigray Region, Ethiopia

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    Community awareness and assessing the trend of suspected rabies cases play a significant role in preventing its fatality. Therefore, a cross-sectional study design was employed (October 2016 - April 2017) to assess community knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP), and Incidence and risk factors to rabies (human and animal) in the study area. A semi-structured questionnaire was employed to collect required information from 1440 study participants. Retrospective data of five-year (2012-2016) from hospitals and health centers (human cases), and veterinary clinics (animal cases) was used. Majority of the study participants (64.3%) were rural residents, 95.2% have heard about rabies and 50.1% were found dog owners. Among the study participants, 72.2%, 66.0%, and 62.4% have a good level of knowledge, attitude, and practices about rabies, respectively. A strong association between knowledge, attitude and practice with sex; educational level; occupation, dog ownership and rural/urban dwellers (p<0.05) was recorded. Furthermore, a total dog bite cases of 398 domestic animals and 4617 humans were found registered on casebooks of both veterinary and human health service centers of the study districts during the five years study period among which the highest percentage (36.4%) was recorded from canines. The highest anti-rabies vaccine coverage recorded was 36.0% in the year 2016, and higher human dog bite cases recorded was 50.1% on individuals aged between 5-15 years (both male and female). Hence, the current findings suggest that there is a need for coordinated and integrated effort of government, professionals (medical and veterinarians), community and other stake holders towards rabies control and prevention.Keywords: Animal, Human, Tigray, Rabies, Statu

    A radiation free alternative to CBCT volumetric rendering for soft tissue evaluation

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    Objective: The aim of the present study is to evaluate whether a “radiation free” method using 3D facial scan can replace Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) volumetric rendering of soft tissue of the patient to assess maxillofacial surgery outcomes and compare the reference points and angular measurements of patient facial soft tissue. Material and Methods: Facial soft tissue scan of the patient’s face, before and after orthognathic surgery and a CBCT of the skull for volumetric rendering of soft tissues were carried out. The 3D acquisitions were processed using Planmeca ProMax 3D ProFace® software (Planmeca USA, Inc.; Roselle, Illinois, USA). The participant were positioned in a natural position during the skull scannering. Three sagittal angular measurements were performed (Tr-NA, Tr-N-Pg, Ss-N-Pg) and two verticals (Go-N-Me, Tr-Or-Pg) on facial soft tissue scan and on the patient’s 3D soft tissue CBCT volumetric rendering. Results: A certain correspondence has been demonstrated between the measurements obtained on the Proface and those on the CBCT. Conclusion: A radiation free method was to be considered an important diagnostic tool that works in conditions of not subjecting the patient to harmful ionizing radiation and it was therefore particularly suitable for growing subjects. The soft tissue analysis based on the realistic facial scan has shown sufficient reliability and reproducibility even if further studies are needed to confirm the research result

    Measurement invariance of the kidney disease and quality of life instrument (KDQOL-SF) across Veterans and non-Veterans

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies have demonstrated that perceived health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of patients receiving hemodialysis is significantly impaired. Since HRQOL outcome data are often used to compare groups to determine health care effectiveness it is imperative that measures of HRQOL are valid. However, valid HRQOL comparisons between groups can only be made if instrument invariance is demonstrated. The Kidney Disease Quality of Life-Short Form (KDQOL-SF) is a widely used HRQOL measure for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) however, it has not been validated in the Veteran population. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the measurement invariance of the KDQOL-SF across Veterans and non-Veterans with CKD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data for this study were from two large prospective observational studies of patients receiving hemodialysis: 1) Veteran End-Stage Renal Disease Study (VETERAN) (N = 314) and 2) Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS) (N = 3,300). Health-related quality of life was measured with the KDQOL-SF, which consists of the SF-36 and the Kidney Disease Component Summary (KDCS). Single-group confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate the goodness-of-fit of the hypothesized measurement model for responses to the subscales of the KDCS and SF-36 instruments when analyzed together; and given acceptable goodness-of-fit in each group, multigroup CFA was used to compare the structure of this factor model in the two samples. Pattern of factor loadings (configural invariance), the magnitude of factor loadings (metric invariance), and the magnitude of item intercepts (scalar invariance) were assessed as well as the degree to which factors have the same variances, covariances, and means across groups (structural invariance).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CFA demonstrated that the hypothesized two-factor model (KDCS and SF-36) fit the data of both the Veteran and DOPPS samples well, supporting configural invariance. Multigroup CFA results concerning metric and scalar invariance suggested partial strict invariance for the SF-36, but only weak invariance for the KDCS. Structural invariance was not supported.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Results suggest that Veterans may interpret the KDQOL-SF differently than non-Veterans. Further evaluation of measurement invariance of the KDQOL-SF between Veterans and non-Veterans is needed using large, randomly selected samples before comparisons between these two groups using the KDQOL-SF can be done reliably.</p

    Empirically modelled Pc3 activity based on solar wind parameters

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    It is known that under certain solar wind (SW)/interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions (e.g. high SW speed, low cone angle) the occurrence of ground-level Pc3–4 pulsations is more likely. In this paper we demonstrate that in the event of anomalously low SW particle density, Pc3 activity is extremely low regardless of otherwise favourable SW speed and cone angle. We re-investigate the SW control of Pc3 pulsation activity through a statistical analysis and two empirical models with emphasis on the influence of SW density on Pc3 activity. We utilise SW and IMF measurements from the OMNI project and ground-based magnetometer measurements from the MM100 array to relate SW and IMF measurements to the occurrence of Pc3 activity. Multiple linear regression and artificial neural network models are used in iterative processes in order to identify sets of SW-based input parameters, which optimally reproduce a set of Pc3 activity data. The inclusion of SW density in the parameter set significantly improves the models. Not only the density itself, but other density related parameters, such as the dynamic pressure of the SW, or the standoff distance of the magnetopause work equally well in the model. The disappearance of Pc3s during low-density events can have at least four reasons according to the existing upstream wave theory: 1. Pausing the ion-cyclotron resonance that generates the upstream ultra low frequency waves in the absence of protons, 2. Weakening of the bow shock that implies less efficient reflection, 3. The SW becomes sub-Alfvénic and hence it is not able to sweep back the waves propagating upstream with the Alfvén-speed, and 4. The increase of the standoff distance of the magnetopause (and of the bow shock). Although the models cannot account for the lack of Pc3s during intervals when the SW density is extremely low, the resulting sets of optimal model inputs support the generation of mid latitude Pc3 activity predominantly through upstream waves

    Empirically modelled Pc3 activity based on solar wind parameters

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    It is known that under certain solar wind (SW)/interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions (e.g. high SW speed, low cone angle) the occurrence of ground-level Pc3–4 pulsations is more likely. In this paper we demonstrate that in the event of anomalously low SW particle density, Pc3 activity is extremely low regardless of otherwise favourable SW speed and cone angle. We re-investigate the SW control of Pc3 pulsation activity through a statistical analysis and two empirical models with emphasis on the influence of SW density on Pc3 activity. We utilise SW and IMF measurements from the OMNI project and ground-based magnetometer measurements from the MM100 array to relate SW and IMF measurements to the occurrence of Pc3 activity. Multiple linear regression and artificial neural network models are used in iterative processes in order to identify sets of SW-based input parameters, which optimally reproduce a set of Pc3 activity data. The inclusion of SW density in the parameter set significantly improves the models. Not only the density itself, but other density related parameters, such as the dynamic pressure of the SW, or the standoff distance of the magnetopause work equally well in the model. The disappearance of Pc3s during low-density events can have at least four reasons according to the existing upstream wave theory: 1. Pausing the ion-cyclotron resonance that generates the upstream ultra low frequency waves in the absence of protons, 2. Weakening of the bow shock that implies less efficient reflection, 3. The SW becomes sub-Alfvénic and hence it is not able to sweep back the waves propagating upstream with the Alfvén-speed, and 4. The increase of the standoff distance of the magnetopause (and of the bow shock). Although the models cannot account for the lack of Pc3s during intervals when the SW density is extremely low, the resulting sets of optimal model inputs support the generation of mid latitude Pc3 activity predominantly through upstream waves