1,443 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of nonlinear development of instability waves

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    The nonlinear interactions of high amplitude instability waves in turbulent jets are described. In plane shear layers Riley and Metcalf (1980) and Monkewitz (1987) have shown that these interactions are dependent, among other parameters, on the phase-difference between the two instability waves. Therefore, here researchers consider the nonlinear development of both the amplitudes and the phase of the instability waves. The development of these waves are also coupled with the development of the mean flow and the background turbulence. In formulating this model it is assumed that each of the flow components can be characterized by conservation equations supplemented by closure models. Results for the interactions between the two instability waves under high-amplitude forcing at fundamental and subharmonic frequencies are presented here. Qualitative agreements are found between the present predictions and available experimental data

    Multiwave Interactions in Turbulent Jets

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    Nonlinear wave-wave interactions in turbulent jets were investigated based on the integrated energy of each scale of motion in a cross section of the jet. The analysis indicates that two frequency components in the axisymmetric mode can interact with other background frequencies in the axisymmetric mode, thereby amplifying an enormous number of other frequencies. Two frequency components in a single helical mode cannot, by themselves, amplify other frequency components. But combinations of frequency components of helical and axisymmetric modes can amplify other frequencies in other helical modes. The present computations produce several features consistent with experimental observations such as: (1) dependency of the interactions on the initial phase differences, (2) enhancement of the momentum thickness under multifrequency forcing, and (3) the increase in background turbulence under forcing. In a multifrequency-excited jet, mixing enhancement was found to be a result of the turbulence enhancement rather than simply the amplification of forced wave components. The excitation waves pump energy from the mean flow to the turbulence, thus enhancing the latter. The high frequency waves enhance the turbulence close to the jet exit, but, the low frequency waves are most effective further downstream

    Penuntutan Korporasi sebagai Pelaku Tindak Pidana dalam Kejahatan di Sektor Kehutanan: Optimalisasi Penggunaan Undang-undang Pencucian Uang dalam Pembuktian Tindak Pidana di Sektor Kehutanan di Indonesia yang Dilakukan oleh Korporasi.

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    Perkembangan industri saat ini menjadikan meningkatnya kebutuhan bahan baku salah satunya kebutuhan kayu. Akan tetapi kondisi tersebut didiiringi dengan pengawsan dan pengaturan sehingga terjadi pembalakan liar. Penegakan hukum yag dilakukan saat ini masih enggunakan cara konvensional. Berlakunya Undang-Undang No.8 Tahun 2010 tentang pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang memberikan kesempatan bagi Penegak Hukum untuk tidak hanya menuntut pelaku pembalakan liar dengan tindak pidana asal tetapi juga menggunakan in trumen anti pencucian uang untuk dapat menyita dan merampas asset hasil pembalakan liar. Dalam tulisan ini akan dipaparkan tentang pembalakan liar yang dilakukan oleh korporasi, pola pencucian uang oleh pelaku pebalakan liar dan pendekatan baru tentang mekanisme penanganan perkara pembalakan liar melalui pendekatan multi door

    Photoacoustic Imaging for Cancer Diagnosis: A Breast Tumor Example

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    Photoacoustic (PA) imaging utilizes laser pulses to deliver energy to an examined object for the generation of ultrasonic waves. Thus, it provides a noninvasive and nonionizing imaging modality. Therefore, it has found clinical use for cancer diagnosis in different organs, e.g., breast, prostate, and thyroid nodules. It offers morphological, functional, and molecular imaging. Moreover, the oxygen saturation in a body can be computed by calculating the wavelength-dependent light absorption coefficients at two different wavelengths. In this chapter, the principle of the PA imaging is introduced for the present book

    Systems and Methods for Suppressing Noise from an Aircraft Engine

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    Systems and methods for noise suppression for aircraft are disclosed. The aircraft may include a fuselage. The aircraft may include a plurality of wings connected to or formed with the fuselage. The aircraft may include at least one engine configured to generate a propulsion force to propel the aircraft. The at least one engine may include a nozzle assembly having a nozzle body with an outlet that releases an exhaust air or a jet flow. The aircraft may include a noise suppression assembly. The noise suppression assembly may be configured to interact with the exhaust air or jet flow to substantially suppress, mitigate, reduce, or otherwise modify noise generated by the aircraft

    Effects of core turbulence on jet excitability

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    The effects of varying freestream core turbulence on the evolution of a circular jet with and without tonal excitation are examined. Measurements are made on an 8.8 cm diameter jet at a Mach number of 0.3. The jet is excitated by plane waves at Strouhal number 0.5. For the excited and unexcited cases the turbulence level is varied by screens and grids placed upstream of the nozzle exit. The experiment results are compared with a theoretical model which incorporates a variable core turbulence and considers the energy interactions between the mean flow, the turbulence and the forced component. Both data and theory indicate that increasing the freestream turbulence diminishes the excitability of the jet and reduces the effect of excitation on the spreading rate of the jet

    Incorporating Local Data and KL Membership Divergence into Hard C-Means Clustering for Fuzzy and Noise-Robust Data Segmentation

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    Hard C-means (HCM) and fuzzy C-means (FCM) algorithms are among the most popular ones for data clustering including image data. The HCM algorithm offers each data entity with a cluster membership of 0 or 1. This implies that the entity will be assigned to only one cluster. On the contrary, the FCM algorithm provides an entity with a membership value between 0 and 1, which means that the entity may belong to all clusters but with different membership values. The main disadvantage of both HCM and FCM algorithms is that they cluster an entity based on only its self-features and do not incorporate the influence of the entity’s neighborhoods, which makes clustering prone to additive noise. In this chapter, Kullback-Leibler (KL) membership divergence is incorporated into the HCM for image data clustering. This HCM-KL-based clustering algorithm provides twofold advantage. The first one is that it offers a fuzzification approach to the HCM clustering algorithm. The second one is that by incorporating a local spatial membership function into the HCM objective function, additive noise can be tolerated. Also spatial data is incorporated for more noise-robust clustering

    Numerical Simulation of a High Mach Number Jet Flow

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    The recent efforts to develop accurate numerical schemes for transition and turbulent flows are motivated, among other factors, by the need for accurate prediction of flow noise. The success of developing high speed civil transport plane (HSCT) is contingent upon our understanding and suppression of the jet exhaust noise. The radiated sound can be directly obtained by solving the full (time-dependent) compressible Navier-Stokes equations. However, this requires computational storage that is beyond currently available machines. This difficulty can be overcome by limiting the solution domain to the near field where the jet is nonlinear and then use acoustic analogy (e.g., Lighthill) to relate the far-field noise to the near-field sources. The later requires obtaining the time-dependent flow field. The other difficulty in aeroacoustics computations is that at high Reynolds numbers the turbulent flow has a large range of scales. Direct numerical simulations (DNS) cannot obtain all the scales of motion at high Reynolds number of technological interest. However, it is believed that the large scale structure is more efficient than the small-scale structure in radiating noise. Thus, one can model the small scales and calculate the acoustically active scales. The large scale structure in the noise-producing initial region of the jet can be viewed as a wavelike nature, the net radiated sound is the net cancellation after integration over space. As such, aeroacoustics computations are highly sensitive to errors in computing the sound sources. It is therefore essential to use a high-order numerical scheme to predict the flow field. The present paper presents the first step in a ongoing effort to predict jet noise. The emphasis here is in accurate prediction of the unsteady flow field. We solve the full time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations by a high order finite difference method. Time accurate spatial simulations of both plane and axisymmetric jet are presented. Jet Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.1 are considered. Reynolds number in the simulations was about a million. Our numerical model is based on the 2-4 scheme by Gottlieb & Turkel. Bayliss et al. applied the 2-4 scheme in boundary layer computations. This scheme was also used by Ragab and Sheen to study the nonlinear development of supersonic instability waves in a mixing layer. In this study, we present two dimensional direct simulation results for both plane and axisymmetric jets. These results are compared with linear theory predictions. These computations were made for near nozzle exit region and velocity in spanwise/azimuthal direction was assumed to be zero
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