11 research outputs found

    Assistência à gestante durante a pandemia da Covid-19: complicações na gestação / Assistance to pregnant women during the Covid-19 pandemic: complications in pregnancy

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    Objetivo: Analisar a assistência à gestante durante a pandemia causada pelo coronavírus. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa realizada através das bases de dados Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SCIELO), PubMed, Literatura Latino- Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) e Bases de Dados Específicas da Enfermagem (BDENF) mediante os Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DesCS) “coronavírus e pregnancy complications”, “covid-19 e gestation”, “nursing care e covid-19 gestation”, com uso do operador booleano AND. Resultados: Dentre as complicações por covid-19 durante a gestação podem ocorrer morte perinatal, parto prematuro, aborto espontâneo, natimorto, Pequeno para Idade Gestacional (PIG), parto Cesário e pneumonia grave. Também foi identificado que o 1º e o 3º de gravidez é a idade gestacional que a gestante encontra- se mais suscetível as doenças infeciosas.  Considerações finais: Portanto, evidencia-se a importância do manejo da gestante em meio a pandemia, visando reduzir os riscos e propagação do vírus. Observou-se a escassez de publicações sobre a temática por isso, sugere-se a elaboração mais estudos sobre o assunto, tendo em vista sua importância e relevância para o conhecimento cientifico principalmente para os profissionais da área da saúde

    Mapeamento de riscos na agroindústria familiar e possibilidades de sua mitigação

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    Na agricultura diversas são as atividades que podem ser desempenhadas pelos agricultores familiares, então neste artigo trataremos sobre as agroindústrias familiares. Este artigo se objetivou a identificar variáveis de riscos nos empreendimentos agroindustriais familiares e avaliar as formas de mitigá-los. Então utilizou-se de pesquisa bibliográfica para identificar na literatura e em sites governamentais quais seriam esses riscos e as formas de mitigá-los. Podemos afirmar que são inúmeros os riscos que sombreiam as agroindústrias familiares, porém apesar de haver riscos para esta atividade, os resultados deste artigo também aponta algumas variáveis que podem ser utilizadas para mitiga-los.This article seeks to describe the extension of actions aimed at sustainable agriculture, carried out by institutions that support farmers in agroecological base. For this, we present a comparative approach involving two groups of farmers of Pernambuco, one connected to an agroecological association, and another formed by setting an official program of agrarian reform. For the survey data, interviews with key sources and with participating farmers of the two experiments were performed. Research shows that, alongside the policies advocated by the governmental sphere in recent years and encouraging the incorporation of Agroecology rural development dynamics, it is essential the support of other actors to overcome the limitations around the different socioeconomic situations, productive, environmental and membership organization present in the strategies and experiences of family farmers

    Amylose content in rice (Oryza sativa) affects performance, glycemic and lipidic metabolism in rats Teor de amilose do arroz (Oryza sativa) afeta o desempenho, metabolismo glicêmico e lipídico em ratos

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    This research aimed at evaluating the effect of diets with high, intermediate and low amylose content of rice on performance, glycemic and lipidic metabolism in rats. Male Wistar rats were fed diets with grains of cooked rice of the cultivars 'IRGA 417', 'IRGA 416' and 'MOCHI' with high, intermediate and low amylose content, respectively. Wet and dry fecal production and serum HDL cholesterol were not affected by amylose content. The animals in the treatments with high amylose content ('IRGA 417') presented lower feed intake, body weight gain and apparent digestibility, higher fecal water content and nitrogen excretion, reduced fecal pH, lower postprandial blood glucose response, serum total cholesterol and triglycerides levels and pancreas weight, and higher fasting serum glucose concentration and liver weight. Amylose:amylopectin ratio significantly affects rice starch digestion in the gastrointestinal tract, affecting some biologically relevant parameters.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de dietas com alto, intermediário e baixo teor de amilose sobre o desempenho, metabolismo glicêmico e lipídico em ratos. Foram utilizados ratos machos Wistar alimentados com rações experimentais elaboradas com grãos de arroz cozido das cultivares 'IRGA 417', 'IRGA 416' e 'MOCHI' com alto, intermediário e baixo teores de amilose, respectivamente. A produção de fezes úmidas e secas e colesterol HDL não foram afetados pelo teor de amilose dos grãos. Os animais submetidos ao tratamento com alto teor de amilose (IRGA 417) apresentaram menores consumo, ganho de peso e digestibilidade aparente, maiores umidade nas fezes e excreção de nitrogênio, reduzido pH fecal, concentração plasmática posprandial de glicose, colesterol total, triglicerídeos e peso do pâncreas e maior concentração de glicose no jejum e peso do fígado. A proporção amilose e amilopectina nos grãos afeta significativamente a digestão do amido de arroz no trato gastrointestinal, afetando alguns parâmetros biologicamente relevantes

    Antioxidant protection of gallic acid against toxicity induced by Pb in blood, liver and kidney of rats

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    The effect of the antioxidant gallic acid (GA) on Pb toxicity in blood, liver and kidney was investigated in the present study. Rats Wistar received Pb nitrate (50 mg/Kg/day, i.p., 5 days) followed by GA (13.5 mg/Kg, p.o., 3 days) or a chelating agent (EDTA, 55 mg/Kg, i.p.). As result, Pb decreased body weight, hematocrit and blood δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALA-D) activity. In addition, high Pb levels were observed in blood and tissues, together with increased (1) lipid peroxidation in erythrocytes, plasma and tissues, (2) protein oxidation in tissues and (3) plasma aspartate transaminase (AST) levels. These changes were accompanied by decreasing in antioxidant defenses, like superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in tissues and catalase (CAT) activity and reduced glutathione (GSH) in liver. GA was able to reverse Pb-induced decrease in body weight and ALA-D activity, as well as Pb-induced oxidative damages and most antioxidant alterations, however it did not decrease Pb bioaccumulation herein as EDTA did. Furthermore, EDTA did not show antioxidant protection in Pb-treated animals as GA did. In conclusion, GA decreased Pb-induced oxidative damages not by decreasing Pb bioaccumulation, but by improving antioxidant defenses, thus GA may be promising in the treatment of Pb intoxications

    Pep19 Has a Positive Effect on Insulin Sensitivity and Ameliorates Both Hepatic and Adipose Tissue Phenotype of Diet-Induced Obese Mice.

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    Peptide DIIADDEPLT (Pep19) has been previously suggested to improve metabolic parameters, without adverse central nervous system effects, in a murine model of diet-induced obesity. Here, we aimed to further evaluate whether Pep19 oral administration has anti-obesogenic effects, in a well-established high-fat diet-induced obesity model. Male Swiss mice, fed either a standard diet (SD) or high-fat diet (HFD), were orally administrated for 30 consecutive days, once a day, with saline vehicle or Pep19 (1 mg/kg). Next, several metabolic, morphological, and behavioral parameters were evaluated. Oral administration of Pep19 attenuated HFD body-weight gain, reduced in approximately 40% the absolute mass of the endocrine pancreas, and improved the relationship between circulating insulin and peripheral insulin sensitivity. Pep19 treatment of HFD-fed mice attenuated liver inflammation, hepatic fat distribution and accumulation, and lowered plasma alanine aminotransferase activity. The inguinal fat depot from the SD group treated with Pep19 showed multilocular brown-fat-like cells and increased mRNA expression of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), suggesting browning on inguinal white adipose cells. Morphological analysis of brown adipose tissue (BAT) from HFD mice showed the presence of larger white-like unilocular cells, compared to BAT from SD, Pep19-treated SD or HFD mice. Pep19 treatment produced no alterations in mice behavior. Oral administration of Pep19 ameliorates some metabolic traits altered by diet-induced obesity in a Swiss mice model

    Antioxidant protection of gallic acid against toxicity induced by Pb in blood, liver and kidney of rats

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    The effect of the antioxidant gallic acid (GA) on Pb toxicity in blood, liver and kidney was investigated in the present study. Rats Wistar received Pb nitrate (50 mg/Kg/day, i.p., 5 days) followed by GA (13.5 mg/Kg, p.o., 3 days) or a chelating agent (EDTA, 55 mg/Kg, i.p.). As result, Pb decreased body weight, hematocrit and blood δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALA-D) activity. In addition, high Pb levels were observed in blood and tissues, together with increased (1) lipid peroxidation in erythrocytes, plasma and tissues, (2) protein oxidation in tissues and (3) plasma aspartate transaminase (AST) levels. These changes were accompanied by decreasing in antioxidant defenses, like superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in tissues and catalase (CAT) activity and reduced glutathione (GSH) in liver. GA was able to reverse Pb-induced decrease in body weight and ALA-D activity, as well as Pb-induced oxidative damages and most antioxidant alterations, however it did not decrease Pb bioaccumulation herein as EDTA did. Furthermore, EDTA did not show antioxidant protection in Pb-treated animals as GA did. In conclusion, GA decreased Pb-induced oxidative damages not by decreasing Pb bioaccumulation, but by improving antioxidant defenses, thus GA may be promising in the treatment of Pb intoxications. Keywords: Antioxidant, Chelating agent, Gallic acid, Lead, Oxidative stres