300 research outputs found

    Scoping study brief – State of climate information services in East Africa

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    This brief presents the findings of a scoping study on climate information services in East Africa, conducted as a requirement for the Climate Resilient Agribusiness for Tomorrow (CRAFT) Project, under Work Stream 4 on Enabling Environment for Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA). The purpose was to ascertain the status of climate information services under the ambit of CSA in each of the three East African countries

    Scoping study brief - Potential for adaptation and mitigation

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    This brief presents the findings of a scoping study on potential for adaptation and mitigation in East Africa, conducted as a requirement for the Climate Resilient Agribusiness for Tomorrow (CRAFT) Project, under Work Stream 3 on Enabling Environment for Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA). The purpose was to ascertain the potential for adaptation and mitigation under CRAFT

    Scoping study brief - State of index-based crop insurance services in East Africa

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    This brief presents the findings of a scoping study on index-based crop insurance in East Africa, conducted as a requirement for the Climate Resilient Agribusiness for Tomorrow (CRAFT) Project, under Work Stream 3 on Enabling Environment for Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA). The broad objective was to identify potential for index-based crop insurance, and gaps and barriers to roll-out in the current enabling environment for Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, in order to inform the development of CRAFT’s policy influencing and advocacy strategy. It was also meant to identify options to support the creation of an enabling policy environment that is more conducive to engagements and investments in index-based crop insurance

    Crowdsourcing vegetables for farmers’ livelihood improvement: a novel collaborative pilot in Uganda. Resilient seed systems for climate change adaptation and sustainable livelihoods in the East Africa sub-region project progress report

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    The Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT is implementing a Dutch-supported project entitled: Resilient seed systems for climate change adaptation and sustainable livelihoods in the East Africa sub-region. This work aims to boost timely and affordable access to good-quality seed for a portfolio of crops / varieties for millions of women and men farmers’ and their communities across East Africa. East West Seed (EWS) and the Alliance, in collaboration with the Wageningen Center for Development Innovation, the World Vegetable Centre and National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO)-Uganda, are combining the EWS farmer training approach and the Alliance’s crowdsourcing methodology in a small pilot initiative on vegetables in Uganda. The targeted portfolio of vegetables include traditional (e.g. green leafy vegetables) and modern ones (e.g. tomato, onion, sweet pepper, cabbage, pumpkin) based on farmers’ interests and marketing opportunities, sourced from EWS, the World Vegetable Centre and farmers’ own gardens. The main objective is to strengthen farmers’ capacity to make better use of crop (vegetable) diversity for multiple livelihood purposes. Based on a situational analysis in the Hoima area, 13 farmers were selected to take part in the pilot. They received training in the various aspects of vegetable management from the EWS Knowledge Transfer team in Uganda. The ultimate aim is scale the pilot to about 1,000 farmers. The main research questions for this initiative are: • What are the promising vegetable varieties that smallholder farmers could integrate in their production system? • How do social and gender variables influence crop/variety selection? • What organizational form can best support the testing and adoption of vegetable new species and varieties

    Development of biomaterial self-assembling based platforms to obtain human cartilage tissue in vitro

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    El cartílag articular té una capacitat limitada de creixement i regeneració i, els tractaments per restaurar la funció del teixit, després d’una lesió, són limitats i poc entesos per la comunitat mèdica. Existeix, per tant, un gran interès en trobar una solució pràctica i agradable pel pacient que aconsegueixi la reparació del cartílag. La enginyeria de teixits va sorgir per restablir teixits danyats usant noves plataformes terapèutiques basades en cèl·lules i/o biomaterials. Aquestes noves teràpies pretenen crear estructures similars al cartílag que imiten les propietats mecàniques i biològiques que trobem in vivo. En aquest context, l’ús de matrius biomimètiques que reprodueixin estructural i funcionalment el microambient natiu han despertat gran interès en aquest camp. Els pèptids auto-ensamblants representen candidats ideals per crear nínxols cel·lulars, ja que les seves nanofibres i propietats biomecàniques son similars a les de la matriu extracel·lular. En aquesta tesi, s’ha desenvolupat nous biomaterials sintètics amb gran potencial per la reparació de cartílag. Aquests estan basats en el pèptid auto-ensamblant RAD16-I decorat amb motius bioactius, amb l’objectiu de reproduir la matriu del cartílag. Donada la versatilitat del hidrogel RAD16-I, les noves matrius es van formar per simple mescla del pèptid RAD16-I amb molècules d’heparina, condroitin sulfat i decorina. Aquestes matrius bi-composades presenten bona estabilitat química i estructural a pH fisiològic i son capaces d’unir i alliberar, gradualment, factors de creixement. L’avaluació d’aquestes matrius es va dur a terme mitjançant dues estratègies in vitro diferents: la rediferenciació de condròcits articulars humans i la inducció del llinatge condrogènic en cèl·lules mare derivades de teixit adipós. Ambdós tipus cel·lulars son considerats una bona font cel·lular per obtenir constructes que reparin defectes al cartílag. Els resultats presentats en aquest treball mostren diferencies a nivell de comportament cel·lular, patrons d’expressió i propietats mecàniques entre els dos tipus cel·lulars i les diferents condicions de cultiu (matrius i medis). Cal destacar que els dos tipus cel·lulars es diferencien a un llinatge condrogènic en medi d’inducció i que els constructes presenten propietats mecàniques compatibles amb un sistema condrogènic. A més s’ha determinat que la presencia de molècules d’heparina a la matriu promou la supervivència de les cèl·lules mare derivades de teixit adipós. En conjunt, les noves matrius bi-composades representen un material fàcil de preparar i prometedor per promoure la diferenciació condrogènica. Finalment, part d’aquesta tesi s’ha centrat en el desenvolupament d’una nova matriu composta mitjançant la infiltració del pèptid RAD16-I amb cèl·lules en microfibres de policaprolactona (PCL). S’ha demostrat que aquesta nova combinació ofereix una estructura funcional i biomimètica, ja que proporciona suport mecànic per les fibres de PCL i a la vegada, facilita l’adhesió i el creixement cel·lular per l’hidrogel RAD16-I. El cultiu in vitro de condròcits humans desdiferenciats demostra que la nova matriu composada promou la supervivència cel·lular i el restabliment del llinatge condrogènic. En general, les propietats sinèrgiques de la nova matriu composada proporcionen una plataforma terapèutica ideal per ajudar a la reparació del cartílag.El cartílago articular tiene una capacidad limitada de crecimiento y regeneración y, los tratamientos para restaurar la función del tejido, después de una lesión, son limitados y poco entendidos por la comunidad médica. Existe, por tanto, un gran interés en encontrar una solución práctica y agradable para el paciente que consiga la reparación del cartílago. La ingeniería de tejidos surgió para restaurar tejidos dañados usando nuevas plataformas terapéuticas basadas en células y/o biomateriales. Estas nuevas terapias pretenden crear estructuras similares al cartílago que imiten las propiedades mecánicas y biológicas que se dan in vivo. En este sentido, el uso de matrices biomiméticas que reproduzcan estructural y funcionalmente el microambiente nativo ha generado gran interés en este campo. Los péptidos auto-ensamblantes representan candidatos ideales para crear nichos celulares dado que, sus nanofibras y propiedades biomecánicas son similares a las de la matriz extracelular. En esta tesis, se han desarrollado nuevos biomateriales sintéticos con gran potencial para la reparación de cartílago. Éstos, están basados en el péptido auto-ensamblante RAD16-I decorado con motivos bioactivos, tratando de reproducir la matriz del cartílago. Dada la versatilidad del hidrogel RAD16-I, las nuevas matrices se formaron por simple mezcla del péptido RAD16-I con moléculas de heparina, condroitin sulfato y decorina. Estas matrices bi-compuestas presentan buena estabilidad química y estructural a pH fisiológico y son capaces de unir y liberar, gradualmente, factores de crecimiento. La evaluación de estas matrices se llevó a cabo mediante dos estrategias in vitro diferentes: la rediferenciación de condrocitos articulares humanos y, la inducción del linaje condrogénico en células madre derivadas de tejido adiposo. Ambos tipos celulares son considerados una buena fuente de células para obtener constructos que reparen defectos en el cartílago. Los resultados presentados en este trabajo muestran diferencias a nivel de comportamiento celular, patrones de expresión y propiedades mecánicas entre los dos tipos celulares y las diferentes condiciones de cultivo (matrices y medios). Cabe destacar que, ambos tipos celulares se diferencian a un linaje condrogénico en medio de inducción y que los constructos presentan propiedades mecánicas compatibles con un sistema condrogénico. Además, se ha determinado que la presencia de moléculas de heparina en la matriz promueve la supervivencia de las células madre derivadas de tejido adiposo. En conjunto, las nuevas matrices bi-compuestas representan un material fácil de preparar y prometedor para promover la diferenciación condrogénica. Por último, parte de esta tesis se ha centrado en el desarrollo de una nueva matriz compuesta mediante la infiltración del péptido RAD16-I con células en microfibras de policaprolactona (PCL). Se ha demostrado que esta nueva combinación ofrece una estructura funcional y biomimética, dado que, proporciona soporte mecánico por las fibras PCL y a su vez, facilita la adhesión y el crecimiento celular debido al hidrogel RAD16-I. El cultivo in vitro de condrocitos humanos desdiferenciados demuestra que la nueva matriz compuesta promueve la supervivencia celular y el restablecimiento del linaje condrogénico. En general, las propiedades sinérgicas de la nueva matriz compuesta proporcionan una plataforma terapéutica ideal para ayudar a la reparación del cartílago.Adult articular cartilage has a limited capacity for growth and regeneration and, after injury, treatments to restore tissue function remain poorly understood by the medical community. Therefore, there is currently great interest in finding practical and patient-friendly strategies for cartilage repair. Tissue engineering has emerged to restore damaged tissue by using new cellular or biomaterial-based therapeutic platforms. These approaches aim to produce cartilage-like structures that reproduce the complex mechanical and biological properties found in vivo. To this end, the use of biomimetic scaffolds that recreate structurally and functionally the native cell microenvironment has become of increasing interest in the field. Self-assembling peptides are attractive candidates to create artificial cellular niches, because their nanoscale network and biomechanical properties are similar to those of the natural extracellular matrix (ECM). In the present thesis, new composite synthetic biomaterials were developed for cartilage tissue engineering (CTE). They were based on the non-instructive self-assembling peptide RAD16-I and decorated with bioactive motifs, aiming to emulate the native cartilage ECM. We employed a simple mixture of the self-assembling peptide RAD16-I with either heparin, chondroitin sulfate or decorin molecules, taking advantage of the versatility of RAD16-I. The bi-component scaffolds presented good structural and chemical stability at a physiological pH and the capacity to bind and gradually release growth factors. Then, these composite scaffolds were characterized using two different in vitro assessments: re-differentiation of human articular chondrocytes (ACs) and induction of human adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs) to a chondrogenic commitment. Both native chondrocytes and adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), either bone marrow or adipose-tissue derived, are considered good cell sources for CTE applications. The results presented in this work revealed differences in cellular behavior, expression patterns and mechanical properties between cell types and culture conditions (scaffolds and media). Remarkably, both cell types underwent into chondrogenic commitment under inductive media conditions and 3D constructs presented mechanical properties compatible to a system undergoing chondrogenesis. Interestingly, as a consequence of the presence of heparin moieties in the scaffold cell survival of ADSCs was enhanced. Altogether, the new bi-component scaffolds represent a promising "easy to prepare" material for promoting chondrogenic differentiation. Finally, part of this thesis was focus on developing a composite scaffold by infiltrating a three-dimensional (3D) woven microfiber poly (ε-caprolactone) (PCL) scaffold with the RAD16-I self-assembling peptide and cells. This new combination resulted into a multi-scale functional and biomimetic tissue-engineered structure providing mechanical support by PCL scaffold and facilitating cell attachment and growth by RAD16-I hydrogel. The in vitro 3D culture of dedifferentiated human ACs evidenced that the new composite supports cell survival and promotes the reestablishment of the chondrogenic lineage commitment. Overall, the synergistic properties of the novel composite scaffold may provide an ideal therapeutic platform to assist cartilage repair


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    Abstract Learning model of ARIAS (Assurance, Relevance, Interest, Assesment, Satisfaction) As a lesson that instills confidence student, relevance with a children life and happily. This research had purpose (1) to state the readiness done by the teacher in the implementation of learning model of ARIAS in science for deaf student in SMPLB Karya Mulia Surabaya. (2) To describe the learning prosses in learning model of ARIAS in science by teacher and deaf students response, and (3) to describe the obstacles experienced in applying ARIAS learning model and solution will be given. The research used descriptive method of qualitative approach. research subyect is a teacher and deaf student in class VIII of SMPLB Karya Mulia Surabaya. The technique of data collection by observation, documentation and interview, data analysis used the steps of reduction data, display data, and verification / concluding. The results of the research are (1) the readiness done by the teachers in learning model of ARIAS in science lessons to deafstudent in SMPLB Karya Mulia Surabaya was arranging the modified syllabus and RPP, teaching materials adapted to the students ability, prepairing of learning media, and making assessment sheets. (2) The learning procces in learning model of ARIAS by the teacher in science lesson to deaf student could be applied well with percentage of implementation above 80%. ARIAS learning model gets good response from students, students are more active in learning and student evaluation result shows good learning progress. (3) The obstacles is the condition of interest in learning some deaf students are volatile change. The solution is to do variations of learning activities, doing ice breaking or giving more motivation by teachers and other students. The ARIAS learning model is more readily accepted by students with high abilities than students with less ability. the solution is to give more attention to the student with less ability and give understanding to all students to be able to work together.     Keywords : Learning model of ARIAS (Assurance, Relevance, Interest, Assesment, Satisfaction), science. &nbsp

    Ethical Considerations in Authorship and Postgraduate Supervision in Universities in Kenya

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    The emergence of knowledge economy has put premium on higher education. This has led to a rise in the number of postgraduate training and reforms in higher education.  Research, a core mandate of institutions of higher learning, should enable states to meet development needs. Research for development will require the highest standards possible in the conduct of research. This has led to calls for research ethics to protect individuals, communities and the environment. In this study, we explore ethical considerations in authorship and postgraduate supervision in universities in Kenya using a desktop survey. The study established that in Kenya, Universities Standards and Guidelines 2014 and Harmonized Criteria and Guidelines for Appointment and Promotion of Academic Staff in Universities in Kenya have apportioned the highest score on research and publication for appointment and promotion of academic staff in universities. This is likely to trigger unethical practices, increase authorship disputes and undermine collaborative research. The existing framework does not provide for a criteria on authorship listing; and the mandate of Institutional Ethics Review Committees (IERCs) is limited to approval of research proposal and treatment of human participants. Universities in Kenya have developed procedures for appointment and specified the responsibilities of supervisors of postgraduate students. However, very little has been done to train and inculcate research ethics in postgraduate students and supervisors. To mitigate these, universities should develop criterion for awarding publication credit. IERCs should expand their mandate to include ethical consideration beyond a research proposal and universities should train supervisors on supervision and research ethics before appointment.  Further research is required to determine the preparedness of supervisors of postgraduate students in Kenya in the responsible conduct of research. Keywords: research ethics, authorship, supervision, universities. Kenya DOI: 10.7176/JEP/14-15-03 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Resilient seed systems for climate change adaptation and sustainable livelihoods in the East Africa sub-region: Report of training workshop, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, 17-21 September 2019

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    Bioversity International is implementing a Dutch-supported project entitled: Resilient seed systems for climate change adaptation and sustainable livelihoods in the East Africa sub-region. This work aims to boost timely and affordable access to good-quality seed for a portfolio of crops / varieties for millions of women and men farmers’ and their communities across east Africa. A first project training: i) contextualized farmer varietal selection, ii) provided practical demonstrations of tools for climate-change analysis, iii) introduced policy issues associated with managing crop diversity, iv) outlined characterization and evaluation of genetic resources, and v) articulated associated gender issues, and issues related to disseminating elite materials. The training concluded with a contextualizing field trip. In the workshop evaluation, 98% participants declared their overall satisfaction level to be high (74%) or medium (24%), indicating the training furnished them with good ideas for networking and using the tools and methods they learned about

    Penerapan Sosio-Ekonomi dalam Eksplorasi Perancangan Hunian Industri Tahu

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    Hunian yang awalnya sebagai tempat beristirahat kini berkembang untuk mewadahi aktivitas ekonomi sebagai bentuk dari usaha masyarakat dalam menunjang kesejahteraan ekonominya. Penambahan fungsi pada hunian yang juga digunakan sebagai tempat bekerja mengakibatkan perubahan ruang pada hunian tersebut. Kampung Tahu merupakan salah satu kampung di Kota Kediri yang penduduknya memiliki usaha tahu rumahan secara turun temurun. Penataan ruang pada sebuah hunian yang didalamnya terdapat fungsi sebagai industri tahu menjadi hal yang penting untuk keberlanjutan dari industri itu sendiri. Teori dasar sosio-ekonomi digunakan sebagai pendekatan dalam eksplorasi perancangan ini untuk membantu mengetahui aktivitas sosial dan aktivitas ekonomi yang terjadi pada Kampung Tahu. Tulisan ini diharapkan mampu memberikan gambaran alternatif eksplorasi pada tatanan ruang suatu hunian yang berimbang dengan industri tahu
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