62 research outputs found

    Investigation of personality traits in Karst shepherd

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    Poznavanje osebnosti psov je pomembno tako za lastnike, kot tudi za vzreditelje in trenerje, saj omogoča lažje sobivanje in sodelovanje s psom. Namen diplomskega dela je bil oceniti osebnost slovenske avtohtone pasme kraševec, s pomočjo testa osebnosti odraslih psov (DMA). Sedemnajst psov, starejših od enega leta, se je v spremstvu lastnikov udeležilo testiranja slednjih osebnostnih lastnosti: igrivost, radovednost, družabnost, lovljenje in agresija. Testiranje je potekalo na poligonu na prostem in sestavljalo deset nalog: socialni stik, igra 1, test lovljenja, pasivno stanje, igra z razdalje, nenaden nastop, hrup kovine in verige, pojav duha, igra 2 in hrup strela. Posamezno obliko obnašanja psov smo ocenili po lestvici od 1 do 5, kjer je bila ocena 1 enaka najnižji in ocena 5 enaka najvišji intenzivnosti odziva. Predvidevali smo, da bodo kraševci nezaupljivi do tujcev, mlajši psi bolj igrivi kakor starejši psi in šolani psi manj agresivni in bolj družabni od ne šolanih. Predpostavili smo da bo interes za lov majhen. Rezultati so pokazali sorazmerno visoko stopnjo agresije (3,26) ter zmerno stopnjo za družabnost (2,24), radovednost (2,21) in lov (2,26). Najmanj izražena je bila igra (1,39). Osebnost je odvisna od mnogih dejavnikov, med katerimi smo se v raziskavi osredotočili na starost, spol in stopnjo šolanja. Agresija in interes za lov sta bila izrazita pri samicah in mladih psih, medtem ko igra pri samcih in mladih psih. Lastnosti družabnost in radovednost sta bili izrazitejši pri šolanih psih in upadali s starostjo.Knowing the personality of dogs is of great importance to the breeder, the coach, and the dog owner, since it increases the quality of coexistence with the dog. The purpose of this BSc thesis was to examine the personality of the Slovenian autochthonous breed, the Karst Shepherd. Personality was evaluated for 17 dogs older than one year, based on five narrow traits: playfulness, curiosity, sociability, chase-proneness and aggressiveness. We used the standardized behavioural test called the Dog Mentality Assessment (DMA), which consists of ten subtests: social contact, game 1, chase, passive situation, distance play, sudden appearance, metallic noise, ghosts, game 2 and gunshots. We evaluated every form of dog behavior on a scale from 1 to 5 based on response rate. We assumed that dogs would be unconcerned by a stranger, younger dogs would be more playful than older ones, trained dogs less aggressive and more sociable than those not trained at all, and that the breed in general would show only a small interest in hunting. Results showed a relatively high rating in aggression (3.26), dogs were moderately social (2.24) and curious (2.21) with a medium value for chase-proneness (2.26). The lowest value was scored for playfulness (1.39). Personality is influenced by many factors, therefore we focused on age, gender and level of training. Aggression and chase-proneness were more common in females and young dogs while play more in males and younger dogs. Sociability and curiosity increased with training and declined with age

    Size fractionation of bioaerosol emissions from green-waste composting

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    Particle size is a significant factor in determining the dispersal and inhalation risk from bioaerosols. Green-waste composting is a significant source of bioaerosols (including pathogens), but little is known about the distribution of specific taxa across size fractions. To characterise size fractionated bioaerosol emissions from a compost facility, we used a Spectral Intensity Bioaerosol Sensor (SIBS) to quantify total bioaerosols and qPCR and metabarcoding to quantify microbial bioaerosols. Overall, sub-micron bioaerosols predominated, but molecular analysis showed that most (>75%) of the airborne microorganisms were associated with the larger size fractions (>3.3 µm da). The microbial taxa varied significantly by size, with Bacilli dominating the larger, and Actinobacteria the smaller, size fractions. The human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus dominated the intermediate size fractions (>50% da 1.1–4.7 µm), indicating that it has the potential to disperse widely and once inhaled may penetrate deep into the respiratory system. The abundance of Actinobacteria (>60% at da < 2.1 µm) and other sub-micron bioaerosols suggest that the main health effects from composting bioaerosols may come from allergenic respiratory sensitisation rather than directly via infection. These results emphasise the need to better understand the size distributions of bioaerosols across all taxa in order to model their dispersal and to inform risk assessments of human health related to composting facilities

    The Campus Chat

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    Semiweekly student newspaper from the North Texas State College in Denton, Texas that includes local, state, and campus news along with advertising

    The Campus Chat

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    Semiweekly student newspaper from the North Texas State College in Denton, Texas that includes local, state, and campus news along with advertising

    The Campus Chat

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    Semiweekly student newspaper from the North Texas State College in Denton, Texas that includes local, state, and campus news along with advertising

    The Campus Chat

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    Semiweekly student newspaper from the North Texas State College in Denton, Texas that includes local, state, and campus news along with advertising

    The Campus Chat

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    Semiweekly student newspaper from the North Texas State College in Denton, Texas that includes local, state, and campus news along with advertising

    The Campus Chat

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    Semiweekly student newspaper from the North Texas State College in Denton, Texas that includes local, state, and campus news along with advertising

    The Campus Chat

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    Semiweekly student newspaper from the North Texas State College in Denton, Texas that includes local, state, and campus news along with advertising