130 research outputs found

    The \u3cem\u3eLotus\u3c/em\u3e Newsletter: An Electronic \u3cem\u3eLotus\u3c/em\u3e Research Community

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    The Lotus Newsletter (LN) was created by Dr. W.F. Grant (former editor) in 1971, integrating scientists working on diverse aspects of research on Lotus spp. The LN received further impetus under the editorship of Dr. P.R. Beuselinck, who shaped the electronic version (http://www.psu.missouri.edu/lnl/). The newsletter aims to provide a vehicle for the exchange of information where opinions, in addition to established facts, can be presented. One of the strengths of the LN has been the lead article for each issue and the extensive bibliographic listing published every year, which facilitates access to recent literature. As a medium to let everyone know what research is being carried on in different parts of the world, it helped to prevent overlap of projects and to form research alliances. Broadleaf birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.), narrowleaf trefoil (L. glaber Mill.), and big trefoil (L. uliginosus Schkuhr.) are the most common commercial species of Lotus, but there are more than 150 other species. Within LN volumes the first indications of a biotechnology revolution are recorded. This eventually identified L. japonicus as a plant model for genetic research on symbiosis and physiological processes. The LN had pulled together information on all aspects of Lotus spp. research and provided a wide view of the Lotus community. The Lotus community through the Newsletter could play a key role in exploiting the close relationships between the model species and forage Lotus species, thus assisting the development of the latter

    Mappe concettuali vs ontologie. Un confronto sull'utilizzo di strumenti informatici per la didattica

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    Questo lavoro propone un confronto tra diversi strumenti utilizzabili per modellare la conoscenza di dominio in ambito didattico: le mappa concettuali, Novak e Cañas (2006), (uno strumento tradizionalmente utilizzato nelle scuole) e le ontologie computazionali (dei sistemi formali di modellazione concettuale, attualmente molto usati nei sistemi di intelligenza artificiale per le loro capacità di “ragionamento automatico”, si veda Guarino, (1995)). Nello specifico, questo articolo presenta il risultato di un un doppio esperimento sul campo condotto presso il Liceo Scientifico “Guido Parodi” di Acqui Terme in cui gruppi di studenti paragonano lo strumento della mappa concettuale e quello dell’ontologia nella risoluzione di due problemi di “misconcezione” (o errata concettualizzazione): uno indotto attraverso la consegna di appunti e materiali didattici contenenti informazioni volontariamente contraddittorie tra loro (caso che potrebbe corrispondere alla situazione in cui uno studente prende - per qualche motivo - degli appunti in modo scorretto) e l’altro legato ad una complessità concettuale intrinseca all’argoment

    Genetic Resources for Temperate Areas - Achievements and Perspectives

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    The processes of natural evolution and domestication of temperate forage genetic resources resulted in a build-up of genetic diversity, being remarkable in natural populations of grasses and legumes from Central Europe and the Mediterranean basin. Worldwide utilization of few species caused further increment in intraspecific genetic differentiation, meanwhile landraces became adapted to local agricultural production systems. Highlights are given to the risk of genetic erosion of indigenous grasslands as a consequence of the ecosystem modifications imposed by agriculture, as well as the drastic reduction of intraspecific genetic diversity caused by the process of plant breeding and environmental leveling in modern times. The balance of the ex situ germplasm collections and the genetic status of the main collections are reviewed. The largest collections of the most relevant legumes and grasses are held by Oceania (\u3e 55,000 accessions) and Central Europe (\u3e 31,000 accessions), respectively. In contrast, few attempts to collect and characterize indigenous species well adapted to marginal areas have been perform outside the Mediterranean. There are many potentially useful accessions and natural populations suitable for forage production already stored in gene banks, but financial constraints usually limit germplasm evaluation and characterization. The development of core subsets will optimize efficiency in management and use of collections, encouraging germplasm enhancement and utilization. The stratification strategy to sample useful germplasm for plant breeding and the relevance of geographical factors to classify collections are highlighted

    Breeding for Persistence in Lotus Corniculatus

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    The objectives of this study were to develop a more persistent germplasm of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) and to evaluate its potential use in Uruguay. Two cycles of phenotypic recurrent selection were done under field conditions. Eight hundred and 1600 spaced plants were established for the first and second cycle of selection. Both nurseries were visually assessed for crown rot, relative growth, plant habit and foliar diseases. The final selection of the breeding population LE 65-56 includes thirty six plants selected from sixteen elite families. This selection was more persistent and productive than the check varieties in plot evaluation. On average, LE 65-56 produced 12%, 16% and 114% more forage than cv. San Gabriel in the first, second and third year, respectively. Selecting for crown health and relative growth in the spaced plant nurseries increased persistence and forage yields in plots under cut

    Characterization of Landraces of \u3cem\u3eLotus corniculatus\u3c/em\u3e L. in Uruguay

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    Lotus corniculatus, the main cultivated forage legume in Uruguay since the sixties, is well adapted to soils with low P availability and pH where alfalfa has restricted growth. Local landraces are potential sources of valuable genes that could benefit the farming community. Traditionally farmers harvested their own seed through many generations in the southwest (Garcia et al. 1991), where sown pastures were rotated with cereals. These local landraces were conserved in situ in the past, but ley-farming systems have been substituted for continuous soybean cropping in recent years. INIA collected 110 samples for ex situ conservation with proper passport information (eg. genetic origin, years of multiplication, cultural practices) from farmers’ harvests during 1999 (Rebuffo et al. 2005) and 2006. This work outlines the variability of landraces for forage production and their relationship to the cultivars of origin

    Relationship between Genetic Origin and Characterization of Varieties of \u3cem\u3eLotus corniculatus\u3c/em\u3e L. in Uruguay

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    Changes in cropping systems have moved pastures into more restrictive environments, affecting the traditional seed crop harvest of Lotus corniculatus L. in Uruguay. This traditional harvest may have generated landraces (LR) with differences in dry matter and seed production and/or adaptation. The potential seed yield of L. corniculatus and that obtained by farmers is very different (Garcia et al, 1991). Several factors impact on achieving potential seed yield and it is possible that these constraints maybe overcome via breeding. The objective of this study was to identify LR’s with more seed production and/or persist-ence, compared with parental cultivars and determine if indirect parameters of yield components could be identified. The study also identify the degree of association between LR and the original cultivar sown in sampled paddocks, and their ranking in terms of seed production towards new cultivars generated by INIA

    Nota a «Paradosso 2012/2. Forme della vita e statuti del vivente», AA.VV. (05/09/2013). Una riflessione stimolata da Giorgio Forti: la libertà del caso in una prigione determinista

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    Controreplica di Franco Rebuffo del 05/09/13 stimolata dalle precedenti note di Giorgio Forti del 09/07/13 e del 27/07/13

    Sí al deporte en la escuela, pero… ¿y las competiciones deportivas escolares?

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    El presente ensayo surge a propósito de la investigación en curso titulada “El deporte escolar y las competiciones en el ámbito formal: la realidad montevideana”. En él se realiza un recorrido particular de recopilación y reflexión en torno a la concepción de deporte escolar y su tratamiento en el currículum oficial. Se profundiza especialmente en la competición deportiva como una oportunidad educativa de riesgo. Se fundamenta y justifica por qué se decidió investigar las relaciones entre deporte escolar y las propuestas de competición existentes en escuelas de Montevideo.UY-MoUC

    Italsider Lovere. Una città e una fabbrica

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    Editors’ Introduction. Futures: Imagining the World of Tomorrow

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    From 12 to 17 September 2016 in Cuneo (Italy) took place the 9th edition of the international Summer School organized by the Centro Studi sul Pensiero Contemporaneo (CeSPeC). The event revolved around the topic of the “future”, which was analysed from different interdisciplinary perspectives and gave rise to stimulating conversation. In this introduction we provide an overview of the topic and of the reflections stemming from that event