4 research outputs found

    Fast and versatile sequence-independent protein docking for nanomaterials design using RPXDock.

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    Computationally designed multi-subunit assemblies have shown considerable promise for a variety of applications, including a new generation of potent vaccines. One of the major routes to such materials is rigid body sequence-independent docking of cyclic oligomers into architectures with point group or lattice symmetries. Current methods for docking and designing such assemblies are tailored to specific classes of symmetry and are difficult to modify for novel applications. Here we describe RPXDock, a fast, flexible, and modular software package for sequence-independent rigid-body protein docking across a wide range of symmetric architectures that is easily customizable for further development. RPXDock uses an efficient hierarchical search and a residue-pair transform (RPX) scoring method to rapidly search through multidimensional docking space. We describe the structure of the software, provide practical guidelines for its use, and describe the available functionalities including a variety of score functions and filtering tools that can be used to guide and refine docking results towards desired configurations

    Origin of pluripotent germ cell tumours: the role of microenvironment during embryonic development

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    Carcinoma in situ (CIS) testis, known also as intratubular germ cell neoplasia, is the cancer stem cell from which the great majority of testicular germ cell derived tumours (TGCTs) of the testis arise. TGCTs can proliferate into morphologically homogeneous seminomas or can differentiate into virtually any type of tissue and form teratomas (non-seminomas). CIS cells display a close phenotypic similarity to fetal germ cells (primordial germ cells or gonocytes) suggesting an origin due to a developmental delay or arrest of differentiation of early germ cells. The pluripotency of these neoplasms has recently been explained by a close resemblance of their expression profile to that of embryonic inner cell mass cells studied in culture as embryonic stem cells, with high expression of transcription factors associated with pluripotency, such as NANOG and OCT3/4, as well as proteins found in several tissue specific stem cells, such as TFAP2C (AP-2 gamma) or KIT. CIS and seminomas highly express a number of pre-meiotic germ cell specific genes, which are down-regulated during development to non-seminomas, while the expression of other embryonic markers, such as SOX2, is up-regulated. The mechanistic pathways and causative factors remain to be elucidated of both the initial transformation of fetal germ cells into CIS cells and the progression of CIS cells into an invasive tumour in the young adult. However, evidence supported by epidemiological studies indicate that disturbances in the hormonal microenvironment of the differentiating gonads may results in both the neoplasia and a host of other problems later in life, such as genital malformations, decreased spermatogenesis, and signs of hypogonadism

    Aneuploid yeast strains exhibit defects in cell growth and passage through START

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    Aneuploidy, a chromosome content that is not a multiple of the haploid karyotype, is associated with reduced fitness in all organisms analyzed to date. In budding yeast aneuploidy causes cell proliferation defects, with many different aneuploid strains exhibiting a delay in G1, a cell cycle stage governed by extracellular cues, growth rate and cell cycle events. Here, we characterize this G1 delay. We show that 10 of 14 aneuploid yeast strains exhibit a growth defect during G1. Furthermore, 10 of 14 aneuploid strains display a cell cycle entry delay that correlates with the size of the additional chromosome. This cell cycle entry delay is due to a delayed accumulation of G1 cyclins that can be suppressed by supplying cells with high levels of a G1 cyclin. Our results indicate that aneuploidy frequently interferes with the ability of cells to grow and, as many other cellular stresses, entry into the cell cycle.National Institutes of Health (GM056800