596 research outputs found

    The Public Interest and Private Financing of Criminal Prosecutions

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    Using concept mapping in the knowledge-to-action process to compare stakeholder opinions on barriers to use of cancer screening among South Asians

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    BACKGROUND: Using the knowledge-to-action (KTA) process, this study examined barriers to use of evidence-based interventions to improve early detection of cancer among South Asians from the perspective of multiple stakeholders. METHODS: In 2011, we used concept mapping with South Asian residents, and representatives from health service and community service organizations in the region of Peel Ontario. As part of concept mapping procedures, brainstorming sessions were conducted with stakeholders (n = 53) to identify barriers to cancer screening among South Asians. Participants (n = 46) sorted barriers into groups, and rated barriers from lowest (1) to highest (6) in terms of importance for use of mammograms, Pap tests and fecal occult blood tests, and how feasible it would be to address them. Multi-dimensional scaling, cluster analysis, and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. RESULTS: A total of 45 unique barriers to use of mammograms, Pap tests, and fecal occult blood tests among South Asians were classified into seven clusters using concept mapping procedures: patient’s beliefs, fears, lack of social support; health system; limited knowledge among residents; limited knowledge among physicians; health education programs; ethno-cultural discordance with the health system; and cost. Overall, the top three ranked clusters of barriers were ‘limited knowledge among residents,’ ‘ethno-cultural discordance,’ and ‘health education programs’ across surveys. Only residents ranked ‘cost’ second in importance for fecal occult blood testing, and stakeholders from health service organizations ranked ‘limited knowledge among physicians’ third for the feasibility survey. Stakeholders from health services organizations ranked ‘limited knowledge among physicians’ fourth for all other surveys, but this cluster consistently ranked lowest among residents. CONCLUSION: The limited reach of cancer control programs to racial and ethnic minority groups is a critical implementation issue that requires attention. Opinions of community service and health service organizations on why this deficit in implementation occurs are fundamental to understanding the solutions because these are the settings in which evidence-based interventions are implemented. Using concept mapping within a KTA process can facilitate the engagement of multiple stakeholders in the utilization of study results and in identifying next steps for action

    Exploring Corporate Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Building Capacity for Employee Engagement in Workplace Wellness Initiatives

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    Engaging employees with chronic conditions as partners in designing, implementing, and evaluating workplace wellness activities is a promising approach for optimizing the impact of workplace health promotion programs. Yet, there is a need for information on how employees are engaged in this process. We conducted a process evaluation of activities of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research for Employees (PCORE) project formed around building capacity for employee engagement in wellness initiatives. Individual interviews were conducted with the 11 project stakeholders to explore perspectives of the project\u27s participatory process and activities. Thematic categories emerging in the analysis were (1) Commitment and support, (2) Understanding purpose and roles, (3) Role of employees in wellness programming, and (4) Communication during meetings. This process evaluation provides insights from a model of stakeholder engagement in the corporate setting. Creating an environment that supports meaningfully engaging employees as partners in co-creating workplace wellness initiatives requires effectively addressing the unique aspects of the U.S. corporate culture such as the emphasis on productivity and the prevalent traditional top-down organizational structures

    Mediating mechanisms of the relationship between exposure to deprivation and threat during childhood and adolescent psychopathology: evidence from the Millennium Cohort Study

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    The key aim of our study was to examine pathways from exposure to childhood adversities (i.e., deprivation and threat) to adolescent psychopathology. The assessed mediating mechanisms included cognitive ability and emotion regulation, as proposed by the Dimensional Model of Adversity and Psychopathology (DMAP). The study comprised participants from the nationally representative Millennium Cohort Study. Latent scores for deprivation and threat were derived using confirmatory factor analysis from indicators collected when participants were at age of 9 months, 3 and 5 years. Cognitive ability was measured using the Verbal Similarities subscale of the British Ability Scales II at age 11, and emotion regulation was measured using emotion dysregulation subscale of the Child Social Behavioural Questionnaire at age 7. Psychopathology, defined as psychological distress, was assessed using the Kessler 6 scale at age 17. We conducted causal mediation analysis adjusting for multiple confounding factors. We did not find total effect of either exposure to deprivation or threat on psychological distress, but we did find significant indirect effects of exposure to deprivation on psychological distress via cognitive ability (− 0.11, 95% CI − 0.20 to − 0.05) and emotion regulation (0.03, 0.02 to 0.12), and exposure to threat on psychological distress via cognitive ability (− 0.04, − 0.07 to − 0.01) and emotion regulation (0.09, 0.03 to 0.15). The lack of associations between deprivation or threat and psychological distress may be due to reporting bias or developmental period of psychopathology. Results of mediation analysis partially support the DMAP but indicate limited benefits to reduce adolescent psychological distress by targeting cognitive ability or emotion regulation to those exposed to childhood adversities

    Dimensionamento e Anålise TermoeconÎmica de um Gaseificador de Leito Fixo para Produção de Syngas de Pneus Usados

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    O descarte de pneus usados de forma incorreta tem sido uma problemĂĄtica no cenĂĄrio ambiental e energĂ©tico atual. Classificado como resĂ­duo perigoso e de difĂ­cil eliminação devido a sua resistĂȘncia biolĂłgica e quĂ­mica, os pneus usados tem sido objeto de estudo dos pesquisadores para os principais processos termoquĂ­micos de conversĂŁo de energia como a pirĂłlise e a gaseificação, a fim de reduzir o impacto causado e desenvolver produtos de relevante valor energĂ©tico agregado. Esta dissertação de mestrado visa o estudo da gaseificação de pneus usados, por meio da aplicação de modelos de equilĂ­brio quĂ­mico para predição da composição do syngas produzido e da temperatura Ăłtima de reação para diferentes razĂ”es de equivalĂȘncia. Com tais dados, Ă© feito o dimensionamento do sistema de gaseificação que envolve o gaseificador de leito fixo, do tipo downdraft com garganta e um sistema de limpeza e acondicionamento do syngas, com equipamentos como ciclone, trocadores de calor, filtro de mangas, lavador de gĂĄs e um condensador. Por fim, Ă© realizada uma anĂĄlise exergĂ©tica do processo com todos seus fluxos, alĂ©m de uma anĂĄlise termoeconĂŽmica a partir das fraçÔes de incremento exergĂ©tico visando a determinação do custo de produção do syngas de pneus usados e o custo de manufatura exergĂ©tico. Uma anĂĄlise de sensibilidade tambĂ©m Ă© desenvolvida, variando alguns parĂąmetros como as horas de operação de uma planta por ano, custo do pneu e investimento nos equipamentos, para determinar como estes parĂąmetros interferem no custo de produção do syngas e no custo de manufatura exergĂ©tico. A eficiĂȘncia a frio do gaseificador Ă© dada por 35,6% e a eficiĂȘncia a quente Ă© dada por 62,22%, um pouco abaixo do esperado. Contudo essa queda na eficiĂȘncia pode ser devido ao fato de o PCI do pneu usado ser mais elevado que o PCI de biomassas lenhosas, com as quais elevadas eficiĂȘncias podem ser obtidas. Por fim, foi calculado um custo de produção mĂ©dio do syngas entre 0,05 e 0,06 US/kWh,eentre32e42US/kWh, e entre 32 e 42 US/h para o custo de manufatura exergĂ©tico, a depender da taxa de juros e do perĂ­odo de amortização, para a taxa de alimentação de 200 kg/h. A variação no custo de aquisição do pneu foi o parĂąmetro que mais interferiu no custo de produção do syngas

    Recovery of Otoacoustic Emission Function in Luetic Endolymphatic Hydrops: A Possible Measure of Improvement in Cochlear Function

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    Syphilis is a preventable and curable multi-organ disease caused by Treponema pallidum that may also affect the inner ear. First reported in 1887 by Adam Politzer, luetic endolymphatic hydrops (LEH) is a treatable complication of syphilis which causes a potentially reversible sensorineural hearing loss. Symptoms of LEH include fluctuating hearing loss (often low frequency), tinnitus, and vertigo. Though audiometric parameters have been examined in patients with otosyphilis, few studies have examined the use of otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) as a tool to measure improvement in cochlear function. Here we report an improvement in hearing loss, speech discrimination, and OAEs following treatment of LEH

    Bridging geomatics theory to real-world applications in alpine surveys through an innovative summer school teaching program

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    Teaching experience in geomatics heavily relies on hands-on activities, but field surveys for educational purposes are usually conducted in controlled environments without proper connection to real-world scenarios. Combining the widespread availability of low-cost equipment with the potential of Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) in innovative teaching programmes can fill the gap in preparing young professionals in geomatics and surveying for real-world problems and global challenges, including climate change. This paper presents the active learning experience of the Belvedere Glacier Summer School organized annually by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Politecnico di Milano in the Italian Alps. During the week-long programme of theoretical and practical sessions, students from different backgrounds, ranging from Engineering to Architecture and Geoinformatics, transform knowledge into skills by designing and carrying out surveys focused on monitoring the evolution of the glacier volume, using GNSS and UAV photogrammetry, and familiarising with 2D and 3D data processing. In a peer-led environment, participants also contribute to the production of open data (orthophotos, DSM and point measurements) published in Zenodo, fostering teamwork and collaboration not only internally but also with the wider research community

    What We Learned When We Compared Discussion Posts from One MOOC Hosted on Two Platforms

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    We compared discussion posts from a data science ethics MOOC that was hosted on two platforms. We characterized one platform as “open” because learners can respond to discussion prompts while viewing and responding to others. We characterized the other platform as “locked” because learners must respond to a discussion prompt before they can view and respond to others. Our objective is to determine whether these platform differences are consequential and have the potential to impact learning. We analyzed direct responses to two discussion prompts from two modules located in modules two and six of an eight module course. We used conventional content analysis to derive codes directly from the data. Posts on the “open” platform were characterized by failure to completely address the prompt and showed evidence of persuasion tactics and reflective activity. Posts on the “locked” platform were characterized by an apparent intent to complete the task and an assertive tone. Posts on the “locked” platform also showed a diversity of ideas through the corpus of responses. Our findings show that MOOC platform interfaces can lead to qualitative differences in discussion posts in ways that have the potential to impact learning. Our study provides insight into how “open” and “locked” platform designs have the potential to shape ways that learners respond to discussion prompts in MOOCs. Our study offers guidance for instructors making decisions on MOOC platform choice and activities situated within a learning experience. We used conventional content analysis to derive codes directly from the data. Posts on the “open” platform were characterized by failure to completely address the prompt and showed evidence of persuasion tactics and reflective activity. Posts on the “locked” platform were characterized by an apparent intent to complete the task and an assertive tone. Posts on the “locked” platform also showed a diversity of ideas through the corpus of responses. Our findings show that MOOC platform interfaces can lead to qualitative differences in discussion posts in ways that have the potential to impact learning. Our study provides insight into how “open” and “locked” platform designs have the potential to shape ways that learners respond to discussion prompts in MOOCs. Our study offers guidance for instructors making decisions on MOOC platform choice and activities situated within a learning experience

    Primer registro de åcaros (Arachnida: Acari) foréticos y paråsitos asociados con moscas necrófagas en Brasil.

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    Muchas especies de artrópodos principalmente moscas (Diptera) y sus åcaros foréticos son atraídos por la carroña. Este es el primer registro de åcaros foréticos y paråsitos Leptus sp., Macrocheles muscaedomesticae y Longoseius brachypoda, en moscas necrófagas en Brasi
