97 research outputs found

    The Poincare mass operator in terms of a hyperbolic algebra

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    The Poincare mass operator can be represented in terms of a Cl(3,0) Clifford algebra. With this representation the quadratic Dirac equation and the Maxwell equations can be derived from the same mathematical structure.Comment: 5 pages Latex2

    A second order differential equation for the relativistic description of electrons and photons

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    A new relativistic description of quantum electrodynamics is presented. Guideline of the theory is the Klein-Gordon equation, which is reformulated to consider spin effects. This is achieved by a representation of relativistic vectors with a space-time algebra made up of Pauli matrices and hyperbolic numbers. The algebra is used to construct the differential operator of the electron as well as the photon wave equation. The properties of free electron and photon states related to this wave equation are investigated. Interactions are introduced as usual with the minimal substitution of the momentum operators. It can be shown that the new wave equation is equivalent to the quadratic form of the Dirac equation. Furthermore, the Maxwell equations can be derived from the corresponding wave equation for photons.Comment: Reverted preprint to initial version of 1999. Most of the content has been published under the new title "Relativistic quantum physics with hyperbolic numbers". However, interesting parts like the second quantization of fermion fields within a Klein-Gordon theory, which is only possible with the help of hyperbolic or bicomplex numbers, dropped out of the revised versio

    O Facebook como tecnologia favorável aos multiletramentos de alunos com deficiência intelectual : um estudo de caso

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (especialização)—Universidade de Brasília, Ministério da Educação, Coordenação de Formação Continuada de Professores, Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Distrito Federal, Especialização em Letramento e Práticas Interdisciplinares nos Anos Finais, 2015.Neste estudo de caso, discutem-se as noções de deficiência intelectual e a contribuição os gêneros multimodais. Este estudo foi feito com três indivíduos, irmãos, egressos do ensino público. A análise das postagens e comentários feitos por eles no ambiente da rede social Facebook, dos relatórios de aprendizagem e dos relatórios médicos visa compreender como os textos multimodais apresentados pela rede social e o contexto de interação podem contribuir para o letramento dos deficientes intelectuais.In this case study , discusses the notions of intellectual disability and the contribution of multimodal genres. This study was done with three individuals , brothers , public school dropouts . Analysis of the posts and comments with them on Facebook social network environment , learning reports and medical reports aims to understand how multimodal texts tabled by the social network and the interaction context can contribute to the literacy of the intellectual disabled

    Perancangan Sistem Data Wirehouse untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Pelayanan Bantuan Bagi Masyarakat pada Kantor Lurah Oebobo dengan Menggunakan Borland Delphi 7.0

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    Abstract - Computer technology represent important medium which used in various actifity management of governance. But that way the applications in computer technology still have common traits, and there is no application which in making special for the making of bank statement able to water down service of aid to society in braiding cooperation between governmental institution and society. Result of which obtaining from this research is a System Data of Warehouse able to in utilizing to assist increase service of aid to society which in the form of giving certificate. &nbsp

    Discursos e letramentos de estudantes com deficiência intelectual no contexto da educação inclusiva do DF

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Linguística, Português e Línguas Clássicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística, 2020.O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar de que forma a trajetória de família e as relações sociais do contexto escolar influenciam os letramentos de pessoas com deficiência intelectual. A motivação para esta pesquisa surgiu da minha trajetória pessoal, como irmã de três pessoas com deficiência; e profissional, como professora da rede pública de ensino do Distrito Federal. No contexto da educação inclusiva de uma escola pública de Ensino Médio no Distrito Federal, realizei pesquisa etnográfico-discursiva (MAGALHÃES: MARTINS; RESENDE, 2017). Esta pesquisa está vinculada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística da Universidade de Brasília e ao projeto de pesquisa “Trajetória de Famílias e a Escola Inclusiva: Discursos, Letramentos e Crítica Social”, coordenado pela professora doutora Maria Izabel Santos Magalhães e aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. A escola participante desta pesquisa está localizada em uma área de vulnerabilidade social e os/as participantes são estudantes com deficiência intelectual, mães e docentes. A pesquisa de cunho etnográfico privilegiou espaços de fala para as pessoas com deficiência intelectual. Desse modo, a geração de dados e as macrocategorias emergidas deles têm como foco a participação dos/das estudantes. As escolhas metodológicas são: observações iniciais de pesquisa, observações participantes (tanto de sala de aula quanto de outros espaços escolares), notas de campo escritas em vinhetas, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e coleta digital de artefatos (Status de WhatsApp dos/das estudantes com deficiência intelectual). Os pressupostos teóricos que ancoram o presente estudo são Modelo Social (GUIDENS; SUTTON, 2017) de interpretação da deficiência, Análise de Discurso Crítica (FAIRCLOUGH, 2003; CHOULIARAKI; FAIRCLOUGH, 1999) e a Teoria Social do Letramento (ROJO; MOURA, 2019; STREET, 2012, 2014; MAGALHÃES, 2012; ROJO 2009; KLEIMAN, 2001; BARTON; HAMILTON; IVANIC, 2000). A discussão sobre como as representações ideológicas (deficiência intelectual como loucura, sinônimo de não aprendizagem, problema e preguiça) podem limitar os eventos de letramentos do ambiente escolar é uma das principais contribuições deste estudo. Situada na Linguística, especialmente nos estudos de ADC, esta pesquisa ressaltou a importância de nomear a violência simbólica (BOURDIEU, 1989) sofrida pelas pessoas com deficiência. O ponto inicial foi a identificação do problema social na representação depreciativa da deficiência intelectual e da educação inclusiva. Assim, entre as análises, abordo como o capacitismo (ALVES, 2019; CAMPBELL, 2001), preconceito direcionado às pessoas em razão da deficiência, problema social que é discursivamente representado pelos/pelas estudantes, docentes e familiares, influencia os letramentos de estudantes com deficiência intelectual. Outro aspecto discutido na pesquisa está relacionado ao uso de aplicativos de comunicação, como WhatsApp, e sua contribuição para novos letramentos dos/das estudantes com deficiência intelectual e para o estreitamento de relações (familiar e educacional) dos/das estudantes com deficiência intelectual. Entre as contribuições dessa análise, destaco o uso do Status do WhatsApp como recurso de expressão e protagonismo dos/das estudantes.The purpose of this study is to analyse how family history and social relationships in the school context influence the literacies of people with intellectual disabilities. The motivation for this research came from my personal trajectory, as a sister of three disabled people and as a public school teacher in the Federal District. In the context of inclusive education in a public high school in the Federal District, I carried out an ethnographic-discursive research project (MAGALHÃES: MARTINS; RESENDE, 2017).This research was linked to the Postgraduate Program in Linguistics at the University of Brasília and to the research project “Trajectory of Families and the Inclusive School: Discourses, Literacies and Social Criticism”, coordinated by Professor Maria Izabel Santos Magalhães. It was approved by the Research Ethics Committee. The school participating is located in an area of social vulnerability and the research participants were students with intellectual disabilities, mothers and teachers. The ethnographic research privileged speech spaces for people with intellectual disabilities. The methodological choices were: initial research observations, participant observation (in the classroom and in other school spaces), field notes written in vignettes, semi-structured interviews and the collection of digital artefacts (the WhatsApp status of students with intellectual disabilities). The theoretical framework that anchored the present study drew together three areas of theory-building: The Social Model of Disability(GUIDENS; SUTTON, 2017), Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2003; CHOULIARAKI; FAIRCLOUGH, 1999) and the Social Theory of Literacy(ROJO; MOURA, 2019; STREET, 2012, 2014; MAGALHÃES, 2012; ROJO 2009; KLEIMAN, 2001; BARTON; HAMILTON; IVANIC, 2000). One of the main contributions of this study lies in its findings on how ideological representations (e.g. intellectual disability as madness, as synonymous with not learning, problems and laziness) can limit literacy events in the school environment. Based on Linguistics, especially on CDA studies, this research highlighted the importance of naming the symbolic violence (BOURDIEU, 1989) suffered by people with disabilities. Thus, the starting point was the identification of the social problem inherent in the derogatory discursive representation of both intellectual disability and inclusive education. During the data analysis, I showed how ableism (CAMPBELL, 2001;ALVES, 2019), prejudice directed towards people due to disability, is discursively represented by students, teachers and family members. I also revealed its influence on the literacies of students with intellectual disabilities. Another aspect discussed in this M.A. thesis related to the use of communication applications, such as WhatsApp and their contributionto the development of new literacies by the students with intellectual disabilities and to the strengthening of their relationships with family and school. Among the contributions of this study, I highlight the use of WhatsApp Status as a resource for building students’ capacity to communicate in writing and for making space for student agency.El propósito de este estudio es analizar cómo la trayectoria familiar y las relaciones sociales en el contexto escolar influyen los letramientos de las personas con discapacidad intelectual.La motivación para esta investigación provino de mi trayectoria personal, como hermana de tres personas con discapacidad y profesional, como maestra de la red pública de enseñanza en el Distrito Federal .En el contexto de la educación inclusiva en una escuela pública de Enseñanza Media en el Distrito Federal, realicé una investigación etnográfica- discursiva (MAGALHÃES: MARTINS; RESENDE, 2017). Esta investigación está vinculada al Programa de Posgrado en Lingüística de la Universidad de Brasilia y al proyecto de investigación "Trayectoria de las Familias y la Escuela inclusiva: Discursos, Letramientos y Crítica Social", coordinado por la maestra doctora Maria Izabel Santos Magalhães y aprobado por el Comité de Ética de la Investigación.La escuela que participa en esta investigación se encuentra en un área de vulnerabilidad social y los participantes de la investigación son estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual, madres y maestros. La investigación etnográfica privilegió espacios de habla a las personas con discapacidad intelectual. De ese modo, la generación de datos y las macro categorías surgido de ellos se centran en la participación de los estudiantes. Las opciones metodológicas son: observaciones iniciales de investigación, observaciones participantes (tanto del aula como de otros espacios escolares), notas de campo escrituras en viñetas, entrevistas semiestructuradas y recopilación de artefactos digitales (Status de WhatsApp de estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual). Los supuestos teóricos que anclan el presente estudio son El Modelo Social (GUIDENS; SUTTON, 2007) para la interpretación de la discapacidad, el Análisis del Discurso Crítica (FAIRCLOUGH, 2003; CHOULIARAKI; FAIRCLOUGH, 1999) y la Teoría Social del Letramiento (ROJO; MOURA, 2019; STREET, 2012, 2014; MAGALHÃES, 2012; ROJO 2009; KLEIMAN, 2001; BARTON; HAMILTON; IVANIC, 2000). La discusión sobre como las representaciones ideológicas (discapacidad intelectual como locura, sinónimo de no aprendizaje, problemas y pereza) pueden limitar los eventos de letramientos en los ambientes escolares es una de las principales contribuciones de este estudio.Situada en Lingüística, especialmente en estudios de ADC, esta investigación destacó la importancia de nombrar la violencia simbólica (BOURDIEU, 1989) que sufren las personas con discapacidad.El punto de partida fue la identificación del problema social en la representación peyorativa de la discapacidad intelectual y la educación inclusiva. Por lo tanto, entre los análisis, abordo cómo el capacitismo (CAMPBELL, 2001; ALVES, 2019), prejuicio hacia las personas debido a la discapacidad, un problema social que está representado de manera discursiva por estudiantes, maestros y familiares, influye los letramientos de los estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual. Otro aspecto discutido en la investigación está relacionado con el uso de aplicaciones de comunicación, como WhatsApp, y su contribución a los nuevos letramientos de estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual y al fortalecimiento de las relaciones (familiares y educativas) de los estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual. Entre las contribuciones de este análisis, destaco el uso del Status de WhatsApp como un recurso para la expresión y el protagonismo de los estudiantes

    Selective Perchlorate Sensing Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy with Self-Assembled Monolayers of semiaza-Bambusurils

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    In the last two decades, perchlorate salts have been identified as environmental pollutants and recognized as potential substances affecting human health. We describe self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of novel semiaza-bambus[6]urils (semiaza-BUs) equipped with thioethers or disulfide (dithiolane) functionalities as surface-anchoring groups on gold electrodes. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) with Fe(CN)63−/4− as a redox probe, together with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and ellipsometry, were employed to characterize the interactions at the interface between the anchoring groups and the metal substrate. Data showed that the anion receptors′ packing on the gold strongly depends on the anchoring group. As a result, SAMs of BUs with lipoic amide side chains show a concentration-dependent layer thickness. The BU SAMs are extremely stable on repeated electrochemical potential scans and can selectively recognize perchlorate anions. Our electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) studies indicated that semiaza-BU equipped with the lipoic amide side chains binds perchlorate (2–100 mM) preferentially over other anions such as F−, Cl−, I−, AcO−, H2PO4−, HPO42−, SO42−, NO2−, NO3−, or CO32−. The resistance performance is 10 to 100 times more efficient than SAMs containing all other tested anions.</p


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    Esta pesquisa tem por finalidade mostrar que a língua é um organismo vivo dentro da sociedade, e que, apesar da busca pela formalidade da língua ela pode se apresentar de vários modos. A pesquisa foi feita a partir de surdos que trabalham com o ensino de Língua materna, e realmente averiguar se a variação lingüística diz respeito a erros, se devem ou não, serem tratados com indiferença pela sociedade. Todos os participantes sinalizaram de maneira homogênea? Por fim, perceber qual o papel do dicionário de uma língua, a relação dele com a realidade no uso

    For the greater good : resolving differences in opinions on the standard indigenous language in Sabah

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    Bahasa Kadazandusun or BKD is the sole indigenous language offered in schools in Sabah, initially under the Pupils’ Own Language (POL) program based on the Education Act 1966. Different reactions towards BKD come from various concerned stakeholders i.e., ethnic societies, cultural bodies, and political organizations within the Kadazan and Dusun Orang Asal communities that make up almost 30% of the population of Sabah. Views on BKD range from critical and hardline positions to support and tolerance. Differing opinions can be read in the media due to the press statements by organizations or individuals reported in the news. However, one group whose opinions are rarely heard within the debates is the Orang Asal parents whose children are BKD learners at schools. This paper extracts findings from a larger study conducted to investigate the views and perspectives of stakeholders on the teaching and learning of the Kadazandusun language. In particular, this paper discusses relevant extracts from focus group discussions specifically with parents (n = 294) from five districts (Tambunan, Keningau, Kudat, Kota Marudu, and Tuaran). The study found that Orang Asal parents who are non-Kadazan or non-Dusun speakers are supportive of the BKD’s position and role as the sole indigenous language option taught in the national education system while recognizing that they want their indigenous languages to be transmitted to their younger generation, the parents also strongly encourage for inclusion of other ethnic languages in the system, formally or informally. This study found that the acceptance and tolerance shown by the parents, though themselves not speakers of Kadazandusun, are consistent with the sense of community present within indigenous communities in Sabah. The support given by non-Kadazandusun speakers to the standard language points to existing social harmony in a multicultural and multilingual society in Sabah. This paper also discusses at length the history behind the establishment of BKD and language standardization ideology within indigenous communities’ context

    For the greater good: Resolving differences in opinions on the standard indigenous language in Sabah

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    Bahasa Kadazandusun or BKD is the sole indigenous language offered in schools in Sabah, initially under the Pupils’ Own Language (POL) program based on the Education Act 1966. Different reactions to-wards BKD come from various concerned stakeholders i.e., ethnic societies, cultural bodies, and political organizations within the Kadazan and Dusun Orang Asal communities that make up almost 30% of the population of Sabah. Views on BKD range from critical and hardline positions to support and tolerance. Differing opinions can be read in the media due to the press statements by organizations or individuals reported in the news. However, one group whose opinions are rarely heard within the debates is the Orang Asal parents whose children are BKD learners at schools. This paper extracts findings from a larger study conducted to investigate the views and perspectives of stakeholders on the teaching and learning of the Kadazandusun language. In particular, this paper discusses relevant extracts from focus group discussions specifically with par-ents (n = 294) from five districts (Tambunan, Keningau, Kudat, Kota Marudu, and Tuaran). The study found that Orang Asal parents who are non-Kadazan or non-Dusun speakers are supportive of the BKD’s position and role as the sole indigenous language option taught in the national education system while recognizing that they want their indigenous languages to be transmitted to their younger generation, the parents also strongly encourage for inclusion of other ethnic languages in the system, formally or informally. This study found that the acceptance and tolerance shown by the parents, though themselves not speakers of Kadazandusun, are consistent with the sense of community present within indigenous communities in Sabah. The support given by non-Kadazandusun speakers to the standard language points to existing social harmony in a multicultural and multilingual society in Sabah. This paper also discusses at length the history behind the establishment of BKD and language standardization ideology within indigenous communities’ context