333 research outputs found

    Emergent synergistic lysosomal toxicity of chemical mixtures in molluscan blood cells (hemocytes)

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    The problem of effective assessment of risk posed by complex mixtures of toxic chemicals in the environment is a major challenge for government regulators and industry. The biological effect of the individual contaminants, where these are known, can be measured; but the problem lies in relating toxicity to the multiple constituents of contaminant cocktails. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that diverse contaminant mixtures may cause a greater toxicity than the sum of their individual parts, due to synergistic interactions between contaminants with different intracellular targets. Lysosomal membrane stability in hemocytes from marine mussels was used for in vitro toxicity tests; and was coupled with analysis using the isobole method and a linear additive statistical model. The findings from both methods have shown significant emergent synergistic interactions between environmentally relevant chemicals (i.e., polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, pesticides, biocides and a surfactant) when exposed to isolated hemocytes as a mixture of 3 & 7 constituents. The results support the complexity-based hypothesis that emergent toxicity occurs with increasing contaminant diversity, and raises questions about the validity of estimating toxicity of contaminant mixtures based on the additive toxicity of single components. Further experimentation is required to investigate the potential for interactive effects in mixtures with more constituents (e.g., 50 –100) at more environmentally realistic concentrations in order to test other regions of the model, namely, very low concentrations and high diversity. Estimated toxicant diversity coupled with tests for lysosomal damage may provide a potential tool for determining the toxicity of estuarine sediments, dredge spoil or contaminated soil

    Oculomotor atypicalities in motor neurone disease: a systematic review

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    Introduction: Cognitive dysfunction is commonplace in Motor Neurone Disease (MND). However, due to the prominent motor symptoms in MND, assessing patients’ cognitive function through traditional cognitive assessments, which oftentimes require motoric responses, may become increasingly challenging as the disease progresses. Oculomotor pathways are apparently resistant to pathological degeneration in MND. As such, abnormalities in oculomotor functions, largely driven by cognitive processes such as saccades and smooth pursuit eye movement, may be reflective of frontotemporal cognitive deficits in MND. Thus, saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements may prove to be ideal mechanistic markers of cognitive function in MND. Methods: To ascertain the utility of saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements as markers of cognitive function in MND, this review summarizes the literature concerning saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movement task performance in people with MND. Results and discussion: Of the 22 studies identified, noticeable patterns suggest that people with MND can be differentiated from controls based on antisaccade and smooth pursuit task performance, and thus the antisaccade task and smooth pursuit task may be potential candidates for markers of cognition in MND. However, further studies which ascertain the concordance between eye tracking measures and traditional measures of cognition are required before this assumption is extrapolated, and clinical recommendations are made. Systematic review registration: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=376620, identifier CRD42023376620

    SERS Sensing of Dopamine with Fe(III)-Sensitized Nanogaps in Recleanable AuNP Monolayer Films

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    Sensing of neurotransmitters (NTs) down to nm concentrations is demonstrated by utilizing self-assembled monolayers of plasmonic 60 nm Au nanoparticles in close-packed arrays immobilized onto glass substrates. Multiplicative surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy enhancements are achieved by integrating Fe(III) sensitizers into the precisely-defined <1 nm nanogaps, to target dopamine (DA) sensing. The transparent glass substrates allow for efficient access from both sides of the monolayer aggregate films by fluid and light, allowing repeated sensing in different analytes. Repeated reusability after analyte sensing is shown through oxygen plasma cleaning protocols, which restore pristine conditions for the nanogaps. Examining binding competition in multiplexed sensing of two catecholamine NTs, DA and epinephrine, reveals their bidentate binding and their interactions. These systems are promising for widespread microfluidic integration enabling a wide range of continuous biofluid monitoring for applications in precision health

    Mechanistic study of an immobilized molecular electrocatalyst by in situ gap-plasmon-assisted spectro-electrochemistry

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    Immobilized first-row transition metal complexes are potential low-cost electrocatalysts for selective CO2 conversion in the production of renewable fuels. Mechanistic understanding of their function is vital for the development of next-generation catalysts, although the poor surface sensitivity of many techniques makes this challenging. Here, a nickel bis(terpyridine) complex is introduced as a CO2 reduction electrocatalyst in a unique electrode geometry, sandwiched by thiol-anchoring moieties between two gold surfaces. Gap-plasmon-assisted surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy coupled with density functional theory calculations reveals that the nature of the anchoring group plays a pivotal role in the catalytic mechanism. Our in situ spectro-electrochemical measurement enables the detection of as few as eight molecules undergoing redox transformations in individual plasmonic hotspots, together with the calibration of electrical fields via vibrational Stark effects. This advance allows rapid exploration of non-resonant redox reactions at the few-molecule level and provides scope for future mechanistic studies of single molecules

    Mechanistic study of an immobilized molecular electrocatalyst by in situ gap-plasmon-assisted spectro-electrochemistry

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    Immobilised first-row transition metal complexes are potential low-cost electrocatalysts for selective CO2 conversion to produce renewable fuels. Mechanistic understanding of their function is vital for the development of next-generation catalysts, though poor surface sensitivity of many techniques makes this challenging. Here, a nickel bis(terpyridine) complex is introduced as a CO2 reduction electrocatalyst in a unique electrode geometry, sandwiched by thiol anchoring moieties between two gold surfaces. Gap-plasmon-assisted surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy coupled with density functional theory calculations reveals the nature of the anchoring group plays a pivotal role in the catalytic mechanism by eliminating ligand loss. Our in-situ spectro-electrochemical measurement enables the detection of as few as 8 molecules undergoing redox transformations in the individual gold-sandwiched nanocavities, together with the calibration of electrical fields via vibrational Stark effects. This advance allows rapid exploration of non-resonant redox reactions at the few-molecule level and provides scope for future mechanistic studies of single-molecules

    The distorted body: the perception of the relative proportions of the body is preserved in Parkinson’s disease

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    Given humans’ ubiquitous visual experience of their own body, one reasonable assumption is that one’s perceptions of the lengths of their body parts should be accurate. However, recent research has shown that large systematic distortions of the length of body parts are present in healthy younger adults. These distortions appear to be linked to tactile sensitivity such that individuals overestimate the length of body parts of low tactile sensitivity to a greater extent than body parts of high tactile sensitivity. There are certain conditions featuring reduced tactile sensitivity, such as Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and healthy older ageing. However, the effect of these circumstances on individuals’ perceptions of the lengths of their body parts remains unknown. In this study, participants visually estimated the length of their body parts using their hand as a metric. We show that despite the reductions in tactile sensitivity, and potential alterations in the cortical presentation of body parts that may occur in PD and healthy older ageing, individuals with mild-moderate PD and older adults of comparable age experience body size distortions comparable to healthy younger controls. These findings demonstrate that the ability to perceive the length of one’s body parts is well preserved in mild-moderate PD

    Transformation of C60 fullerene aggregates suspended and weathered under realistic environmental conditions

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    The occurrence, fate and behaviour of carbon nanomaterials in the aquatic environment are dominated by their functionalization, association with organic material and aggregation behaviour. In particular, the degradation of fullerene aggregates in the aquatic environment is a primary influence on their mobility, sorption potential and toxicity. However, the degradation and kinetics of water suspensions of fullerenes remain poorly understood. In the present work, first, an analytical method based on liquid chromatography and high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) for the determination of C60 fullerene and their environmental transformation products was developed. Secondly, a series of C60 fullerene water suspensions were degraded under relevant environmental conditions, controlling the salinity, the humic substances content, the pH and the sunlight irradiation. Up to ten transformation products were tentatively identified, including epoxides and dimers with two C60 units linked via one or two adjacent furane-like rings. Fullerenols were not observed under these environmentally relevant conditions. The kinetics of generation of each transformation product were studied with and without simulated sunlight conditions. The ionic strength of the media, its pH and the humic substances content were observed to modulate the kinetics of generation

    Room-Temperature Optical Picocavities below 1 nm3 Accessing Single-Atom Geometries.

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    Reproducible confinement of light on the nanoscale is essential for the ability to observe and control chemical reactions at the single-molecule level. Here we reliably form millions of identical nanocavities and show that the light can be further focused down to the subnanometer scale via the creation of picocavities, single-adatom protrusions with angstrom-level resolution. For the first time, we stabilize and analyze these cavities at room temperatures through high-speed surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy on specifically selected molecular components, collecting and analyzing more than 2 million spectra. Data obtained on these picocavities allows us to deduce structural information on the nanoscale, showing that thiol binding to gold destabilizes the metal surface to optical irradiation. Nitrile moieties are found to stabilize picocavities by 10-fold against their disappearance, typically surviving for >1 s. Such constructs demonstrate the accessibility of single-molecule chemistry under ambient conditions

    Resolving sub-angstrom ambient motion through reconstruction from vibrational spectra.

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    Metal/organic-molecule interactions underpin many key chemistries but occur on sub-nm scales where nanoscale visualisation techniques tend to average over heterogeneous distributions. Single molecule imaging techniques at the atomic scale have found it challenging to track chemical behaviour under ambient conditions. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy can optically monitor the vibrations of single molecules but understanding is limited by the complexity of spectra and mismatch between theory and experiment. We demonstrate that spectra from an optically generated metallic adatom near a molecule of interest can be inverted into dynamic sub-Å metal-molecule interactions using a comprehensive model, revealing anomalous diffusion of a single atom. Transient metal-organic coordination bonds chemically perturb molecular functional groups > 10 bonds away. With continuous improvements in computational methods for modelling large and complex molecular systems, this technique will become increasingly applicable to accurately tracking more complex chemistries.We acknowledge financial support from EPSRC grant EP/G060649/1, EP/L027151/1, EP/G037221/1, EP/R013012/1, EPSRC NanoDTC, and EU grant THOR 829067 and ERC starting grant BioNet 757850. B.d.N. acknowledges support from the Leverhulme Trust and Isaac Newton Trust. We acknowledge use of the Rosalind computing facility at King’s College London. We are grateful to the UK Materials and Molecular Modelling Hub for computational resources, which is partially funded by EPSRC 397 (EP/P020194/1)
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