63 research outputs found

    Quantum induced w = -1 crossing of the quintessence and phantom models

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    Considering the single scalar field models of dark energy, i.e. the quintessence and phantom models, it is shown that the quantum effects can cause the system crosses the w = -1 line. This phenomenon does not occur in classical level. The quantum effects are described via the account of conformal anomaly.Comment: LaTex, 7 pages, the version to be appeared in JCAP (2009

    The VLBA Imaging and Polarimetry Survey at 5 GHz

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    We present the first results of the VLBA Imaging and Polarimetry Survey (VIPS), a 5 GHz VLBI survey of 1,127 sources with flat radio spectra. Through automated data reduction and imaging routines, we have produced publicly available I, Q, and U images and have detected polarized flux density from 37% of the sources. We have also developed an algorithm to use each source's I image to automatically classify it as a point-like source, a core-jet, a compact symmetric object (CSO) candidate, or a complex source. The mean ratio of the polarized to total 5 GHz flux density for VIPS sources with detected polarized flux density ranges from 1% to 20% with a median value of about 5%. We have also found significant evidence that the directions of the jets in core-jet systems tend to be perpendicular to the electric vector position angles (EVPAs). The data is consistent with a scenario in which ~24% of the polarized core-jets have EVPAs that are anti-aligned with the directions of their jet components and which have a substantial amount of Faraday rotation. In addition to these initial results, plans for future follow-up observations are discussed.Comment: 36 pages, 3 tables, 13 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    The hunt for extraterrestrial high-energy neutrino counterparts

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    The origin of Petaelectronvolt (PeV) astrophysical neutrinos is fundamental to our understanding of the high-energy Universe. Apart from the technical challenges of operating detectors deep below ice, oceans, and lakes, the phenomenological challenges are even greater than those of gravitational waves; the sources are unknown, hard to predict, and we lack clear signatures. Neutrino astronomy therefore represents the greatest challenge faced by the astronomy and physics communities thus far. The possible neutrino sources range from accretion disks and tidal disruption events, to relativistic jets and galaxy clusters with blazar TXS 0506+056 the most compelling association thus far. Since that association, immense effort has been put into proving or disproving that jets are indeed neutrino emitters, but to no avail. By generating simulated neutrino counterpart samples, we explore the potential of detecting a significant correlation of neutrinos with jets from active galactic nuclei. We find that, given the existing challenges, even our best experiments could not have produced a > 3σ result. Larger programs over the next few years will be able to detect a significant correlation only if the brightest radio sources, rather than all jetted active galactic nuclei, are neutrino emitters. We discuss the necessary strategies required to steer future efforts into successful experiments. </p

    Magnetic fields and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in galaxy clusters

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    In this work we study the contribution of magnetic fields to the Sunyaev Zeldovich (SZ) effect in the intracluster medium. In particular we calculate the SZ angular power spectrum and the central temperature decrement. The effect of magnetic fields is included in the hydrostatic equilibrium equation by splitting the Lorentz force into two terms one being the force due to magnetic pressure which acts outwards and the other being magnetic tension which acts inwards. A perturbative approach is adopted to solve for the gas density profile for weak magnetic fields (< 4 micro G}). This leads to an enhancement of the gas density in the central regions for nearly radial magnetic field configurations. Previous works had considered the force due to magnetic pressure alone which is the case only for a special set of field configurations. However, we see that there exists possible sets of configurations of ICM magnetic fields where the force due to magnetic tension will dominate. Subsequently, this effect is extrapolated for typical field strengths (~ 10 micro G) and scaling arguments are used to estimate the angular power due to secondary anisotropies at cluster scales. In particular we find that it is possible to explain the excess power reported by CMB experiments like CBI, BIMA, ACBAR at l > 2000 with sigma_8 ~ 0.8 (WMAP 5 year data) for typical cluster magnetic fields. In addition we also see that the magnetic field effect on the SZ temperature decrement is more pronounced for low mass clusters ( ~ 2 keV). Future SZ detections of low mass clusters at few arc second resolution will be able to probe this effect more precisely. Thus, it will be instructive to explore the implications of this model in greater detail in future works.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Constraints on early dark energy from CMB lensing and weak lensing tomography

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    Dark energy can be studied by its influence on the expansion of the Universe as well as on the growth history of the large-scale structure. In this paper, we follow the growth of the cosmic density field in early dark energy cosmologies by combining observations of the primary CMB temperature and polarisation power spectra at high redshift, of the CMB lensing deflection field at intermediate redshift and of weak cosmic shear at low redshifts for constraining the allowed amount of early dark energy. We present these forecasts using the Fisher-matrix formalism and consider the combination of Planck-data with the weak lensing survey of Euclid. We find that combining these data sets gives powerful constraints on early dark energy and is able to break degeneracies in the parameter set inherent to the various observational channels. The derived statistical 1-sigma-bound on the early dark energy density parameter is sigma(Omega_d^e)=0.0022 which suggests that early dark energy models can be well examined in our approach. In addition, we derive the dark energy figure of merit for the considered dark energy parameterisation and comment on the applicability of the growth index to early dark energy cosmologies.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables; v2: very minor additions, updated to match version to be published in JCA

    WMAP constraints on inflationary models with global defects

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    We use the cosmic microwave background angular power spectra to place upper limits on the degree to which global defects may have aided cosmic structure formation. We explore this under the inflationary paradigm, but with the addition of textures resulting from the breaking of a global O(4) symmetry during the early stages of the Universe. As a measure of their contribution, we use the fraction of the temperature power spectrum that is attributed to the defects at a multipole of 10. However, we find a parameter degeneracy enabling a fit to the first-year WMAP data to be made even with a significant defect fraction. This degeneracy involves the baryon fraction and the Hubble constant, plus the normalization and tilt of the primordial power spectrum. Hence, constraints on these cosmological parameters are weakened. Combining the WMAP data with a constraint on the physical baryon fraction from big bang nucleosynthesis calculations and high-redshift deuterium abundance, limits the extent of the degeneracy and gives an upper bound on the defect fraction of 0.13 (95% confidence).Comment: 10pp LaTeX/RevTeX, 6 eps figs; matches accepted versio

    Jet kinematics in the transversely stratified jet of 3C 84

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    3C 84 (NGC 1275) is one of the brightest radio sources in the millimetre radio bands, which led to a plethora of very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations at numerous frequencies over the years. They reveal a two-sided jet structure, with an expanding but not well-collimated parsec-scale jet, pointing southward. High-resolution millimetre-VLBI observations allow the study and imaging of the jet base on a sub-parsec scale. This could facilitate the investigation of the nature of the jet origin, also in view of the previously detected two-railed jet structure and east-west oriented core region seen withRadioAstronat 22 GHz. We produced VLBI images of this core and inner jet region, observed over the past twenty years at 15, 43, and 86 GHz. We determined the kinematics of the inner jet and ejected features at 43 and 86 GHz and compared their ejection times with radio andÎł-ray variability. For the moving jet features, we find an average velocity ofÎČappavg = 0.055−0.22c (ÎŒavg = 0.04 − 0.18 mas yr−1). From the time-averaged VLBI images at the three frequencies, we measured the transverse jet width along the bulk flow. On the ≀1.5 parsec scale, we find a clear trend of the jet width being frequency dependent, with the jet being narrower at higher frequencies. This stratification is discussed in the context of a spine-sheath scenario, and we compare it to other possible interpretations. From quasi-simultaneous observations at 43 and 86 GHz, we obtain spectral index maps, revealing a time-variable orientation of the spectral index gradient due to structural variability of the inner jet.https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf/2022/09/aa43343-22.pdfFirst author draf

    Probing neutrino masses with future galaxy redshift surveys

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    We perform a new study of future sensitivities of galaxy redshift surveys to the free-streaming effect caused by neutrino masses, adding the information on cosmological parameters from measurements of primary anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Our reference cosmological scenario has nine parameters and three different neutrino masses, with a hierarchy imposed by oscillation experiments. Within the present decade, the combination of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and CMB data from the PLANCK experiment will have a 2-sigma detection threshold on the total neutrino mass close to 0.2 eV. This estimate is robust against the inclusion of extra free parameters in the reference cosmological model. On a longer term, the next generation of experiments may reach values of order sum m_nu = 0.1 eV at 2-sigma, or better if a galaxy redshift survey significantly larger than SDSS is completed. We also discuss how the small changes on the free-streaming scales in the normal and inverted hierarchy schemes are translated into the expected errors from future cosmological data.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures. Added results with the KAOS proposal and 1 referenc

    Design, development and verification of the 30 and 44 GHz front-end modules for the Planck Low Frequency Instrument

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    We give a description of the design, construction and testing of the 30 and 44 GHz Front End Modules (FEMs) for the Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) of the Planck mission to be launched in 2009. The scientific requirements of the mission determine the performance parameters to be met by the FEMs, including their linear polarization characteristics. The FEM design is that of a differential pseudo-correlation radiometer in which the signal from the sky is compared with a 4-K blackbody load. The Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) at the heart of the FEM is based on indium phosphide High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs). The radiometer incorporates a novel phase-switch design which gives excellent amplitude and phase match across the band. The noise temperature requirements are met within the measurement errors at the two frequencies. For the most sensitive LNAs, the noise temperature at the band centre is 3 and 5 times the quantum limit at 30 and 44 GHz respectively. For some of the FEMs, the noise temperature is still falling as the ambient temperature is reduced to 20 K. Stability tests of the FEMs, including a measurement of the 1/f knee frequency, also meet mission requirements. The 30 and 44 GHz FEMs have met or bettered the mission requirements in all critical aspects. The most sensitive LNAs have reached new limits of noise temperature for HEMTs at their band centres. The FEMs have well-defined linear polarization characteristcs.Comment: 39 pages, 33 figures (33 EPS files), 12 tables. Planck LFI technical papers published by JINST: http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/-page=extra.proc5/1748-022
