8 research outputs found

    Communication effectiveness in social networks of leading universities

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    The article presents the results of communication effectiveness analysis in social networks of leading universities with strong economic departments. The study was carried out using the textual information analysis i.e. content, links, posts, comments, tags, etc.; multimedia i.e. photos, videos, audio, etc., and the ontology method, which estimated the social networks parameters like the number of subscribers, average path length, etc.The study showed that the main platform for international higher education institutions is Facebook; Instagram is actively developing, and then comes YouTube. The number of publications does not directly affect the number of subscribers, in contrast to the number of students. The high frequency of posts does not lead to subscribers increase. There is no single strategy for universities social network development. The use of informal communication, which encourages action, significantly increases the audience and its involvement; but is not used by all universities, because it might contradict with the university’s image. It should be noted that good design, the use of professional photos and videos, has its impact on potential audience

    Efectividad de la comunicación en redes sociales de universidades líderes

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    The article presents the results of communication effectiveness analysis in social networks of leading universities with strong economic departments. The study was carried out using the textual information analysis i.e. content, links, posts, comments, tags, etc.; multimedia i.e. photos, videos, audio, etc., and the ontology method, which estimated the social networks parameters like the number of subscribers, average path length, etc. The study showed that the main platform for international higher education institutions is Facebook; Instagram is actively developing, and then comes YouTube. The number of publications does not directly affect the number of subscribers, in contrast to the number of students. The high frequency of posts does not lead to subscribers increase. There is no single strategy for universities social network development. The use of informal communication, which encourages action, significantly increases the audience and its involvement; but is not used by all universities, because it might contradict with the university’s image. It should be noted that good design, the use of professional photos and videos, has its impact on potential audience.El artículo presenta los resultados del análisis de la efectividad de la comunicación en las redes sociales en las principales universidades con departamentos económicos sólidos. El estudio se llevó a cabo utilizando el análisis de información textual, es decir, contenido, enlaces, publicaciones, comentarios, etiquetas, etc .; multimedia, es decir, fotos, videos, audio, etc., y el método ontológico, que estimó los parámetros de las redes sociales como el número de suscriptores, la longitud promedio de la ruta, etc. El estudio mostró que la principal plataforma para las instituciones internacionales de educación superior es Facebook; Instagram se está desarrollando activamente y luego viene YouTube. El número de publicaciones no afecta directamente al número de suscriptores, a diferencia del número de estudiantes. La alta frecuencia de publicaciones no conduce a un aumento de suscriptores. No existe una estrategia única para el desarrollo de redes sociales de las universidades. El uso de la comunicación informal, que fomenta la acción, aumenta significativamente la audiencia y su participación; pero no es utilizado por todas las universidades, porque podría resultar contrario a la imagen de la universidad. Cabe señalar que un buen diseño, el uso de fotos y videos profesionales, tiene su impacto en la audiencia potencial

    Innovative market research functions

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    The relevance of the article lies in the discussion of the marketing strategy and success of companies that have achieved world fame. The purpose of the work is to conduct an assessment of the company's activities, as well as to show how, using elements of marketing, you can achieve tremendous success. The task of the study is to study the market, the proper organisation of fast food, and the study of the psychology of people. The results of the research will allow managers of organizations to increase the efficiency of using human capital. The novelty of the development is determined, in our opinion, on the one hand, by the methodological approach to the correlation of many existing versions of the interpretation of this problem. Also, within each direction, the corresponding concepts are defined, on which they are based, and which, in turn, reflect the real prerequisites for the diversity of versions in the past and present. It is known that marketing is a continuous process in which goals change: when one is achieved, a new one is set. Here, it is of no small importance to involve children and adolescents in the use of hamburgers through the organisation of playgrounds, family trips and food sets for children with toys

    Innovative market research functions

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    The relevance of the article lies in the discussion of the marketing strategy and success of companies that have achieved world fame. The purpose of the work is to conduct an assessment of the company's activities, as well as to show how, using elements of marketing, you can achieve tremendous success. The task of the study is to study the market, the proper organisation of fast food, and the study of the psychology of people. The results of the research will allow managers of organizations to increase the efficiency of using human capital. The novelty of the development is determined, in our opinion, on the one hand, by the methodological approach to the correlation of many existing versions of the interpretation of this problem. Also, within each direction, the corresponding concepts are defined, on which they are based, and which, in turn, reflect the real prerequisites for the diversity of versions in the past and present. It is known that marketing is a continuous process in which goals change: when one is achieved, a new one is set. Here, it is of no small importance to involve children and adolescents in the use of hamburgers through the organisation of playgrounds, family trips and food sets for children with toys

    The Image of an Ideal Scientist Among Modern Russian Youth

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    Introduction. Studying the image of an ideal scientist among modern young Russians is important for understanding their professional preferences and desire to engage in scientific activities in modern conditions of science. The research concentrates on structural and substantial characteristics of the image of a scientist among students and working young people, and also their factors. Materials and Methods.The stages of the research included methods of semantic differential, laboratory experiment, and factor analysis. Results. The main stage of the research made it possible to construct the semantic space reflecting the characteristics of the images of an ideal scientist and various cinematographic images of scientists among students and working young people. The image of an ideal scientist had cognitive (ability to formulate problems and express ideas, tolerance for uncertainty, and the discipline of thinking) and personal (purposefulness, resoluteness, adherence to principle, focus on results, high working capacity, versatility, originality, rich imagination) qualities. Discussion. The students for whom the assimilation of scientific knowledge is the basis for educational activities construct the image of a scientist being guided by their knowledge about real scientists and the idea about scientific activity as a thinking and intellectual work. Assessing cinematographic images reflects this. Working young people have a lack of scientific research in the content of professional activity; they are estranged from scientific reality and suffer from a lack of objective information. Thus, working young people construct the image of a scientist on the basis of their representations about scientists and also cinematographic images, reflecting stereotypes of scientists (often through demonstrating the tools of scientific work). This testifies to the simplification of the image of a scientist among working young people. Substantial characteristics of the image of an ideal scientist are analogous among working and studying young people. However, the image forming foundation differs in the two studied groups

    Additional files for paper "Plasma metabolome signature in patients with early-stage Parkinson disease".

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    <div>Patients.pdf - Clinical characteristics of patients.          </div><div>Mass list.zip - Mass lists.</div>Mass spectra.zip - Mass spectra in mzXL format. <div>Mass spectra.tif - Mass spectra (screenshots) of the metabolites listed in the Table 2.<br><div><br></div></div