120 research outputs found

    La Cour suprĂŞme et les communications

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    On November 30th, 1977, the Supreme Court rendered two important decisions which put an end to the provincial claims for jurisdiction on cable distribution undertakings. On January 19, 1978, the Supreme Court rendered a third judgment dealing with provincial consumer protection legislation affecting broadcasting undertakings. These three judgments although flowing from unrelated matters, must be read together. They confirm that the federal power over radiocommunications is exclusive. Any service which is connected thereto such as the distribution of programming by means of cables form and integral part of the broadcasting system and, as a result, falls under the federal power. The fact that the cable distribution service is owned and operated by a different person and that it has its own infrastructure is immaterial. The question is : what is the service being rendered. If, as the Court found in the case, the service is mainly to facilitate the public's assess to broadcasting, then it is an integral part thereof. The Court found, however, that a province could control advertising even where it was destined for broadcasting so long as the regulation was directed at the manufacturer and not the broadcaster. It is unclear, however, whether this power would survive the adoption by Parliament of conflicting legislation on the same subject matter

    Luther\u27s Concept of Conscience

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    The object of this thesis is not to determine what others have said, though some comparisons are made in order to point up Luther\u27s view. The etymology of the term \u27\u27conscience” and the historical background are not included. Related subjects are touched on only insofar as they contribute to the problem as stated. Various practical applications are referred to because Luther referred to conscience mostly in actual experienced cases

    Analisis Batas Keamanan Struktur Kamar Mesin Kapal Katamaran akibat Penambahan Beban di Atasnya menggunakan Simulasi

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    Modifikasi pada suatu struktur yang telah jadi kerapkali meninggalkan masalah, di mana penguatan tambahan diabaikan. Pada objek penelitian ini muatan ditambah pada daerah di atas kamar mesin kapal katamaran bermaterial aluminium alloy. Penelitian ini bertujuan merekomendasikan batas berat yang dapat diterima struktur dalam batas aman struktur. Kecelakaan dapat dihindari dengan mengetahui kapasitas ruang yang dapat digunakan. Metode simulasi masih lebih efisien dan banyak digunakan karena hemat biaya, waktu dan tenaga dengan hasil yang valid. Simulasi digunakan pada penelitian ini untuk memperoleh nilai tegangan kerja yang terjadi akibat pembebanan yang diberikan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa muatan yang dapat berada di atas deck kamar mesin sebesar 3.000 kN atau setara dengan 305,91 ton di mana skerja 210,51 MPa <  310 MPa sijin. Jika ingin menambahkan muatan lebih dari batas aman maka kekakuan struktur di daerah ini harus ditambah dengan menambah besar modulus penampang

    L'application des règles d'interprétation constitutionnelle

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    With the advent of the Charter of Rights, the field of Constitutional Law is no longer reserved to a few scholars. The fundamentals at least of the art of constitutional interpretation must be part of the daily arsenal of every lawyer. Constitutional interpretation is by no means mechanical. Constitutional enactments must develop and grow like a living tree. They must be read and applied with a degree of political sensitivity, historical perspective and a good deal of common sense. We must draw on the wealth of constitutional precedents and authorities gathered since 1867 especially for the first stage of Charter interpretations where the content of the rights intended for protection is analysed. New rules are being developed for the second stage where an attempt is made to save conflicting laws on the basis of a section 1 "reasonable limit (...) demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan delik dalam Pasal 494 KUHP dan bagaimana pengenaan pidana berkenaan dengan delik dalam Pasal 494 KUHP. Dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif, dengan kesimpulan: 1. Pengaturan delik dalam Pasal 494 KUHP yaitu delik pelanggaran terhadap perbuatan orang yang melakukan penggalian (membuat lubang) di jalan umum; menumpuk tanah di jalan umum; atau menaruh benda di jalan umum, tanpa mengadakan penerangan secukupnya dan tanda-tanda menurut kebiasaan pada waktu melakukan suatu pekerjaan di atas atau dipinggir jalan umum, tidak mengadakan tindakan seperlunya untuk memberi tanda bagi yang lalu di situ, bahwa ada kemungkinan bahaya. 2. Pengenaan pidana berkenaan dengan delik dalam Pasal 494 KUHP hanya berupa denda, yang berdasarkan Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor: 02 Tahun 2012 tentang Penyesuaian Batasan Tindak Pidana Ringan dan Jumlah Denda dalam KUHP, menjadi paling banyak Rp375.000,00 (tiga ratus tujuh puluh lima ribu rupiah) merupakan pidana yang relatif ringan


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh dimensi pondasi baru dan juga menggunakan karet peredam sebagai solusi paling sederhana dalam mengatasi masalah getaran yang berlebih pada sistem, sesuai standar yang diijinkan. Dari analisis perhitungan dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk mengatasi kelebihan getaran yang terjadi dapat dilakukan dengan memperbesar, atau merubah bentuk, dimensi dari pondasi, serta redaman (c) dari pondasi tersebut. Besar amplitudo getaran pada sistem pondasi motor penggerak pada kapal ini adalah 0,078 mm untuk tipe SR1110 dan 0,069 mm untuk tipe S1100 dan tingkat getaran yang terjadi dinyatakan masih melebihi dari batasan. Dengan perubahan dimensi pondasi yang baru, besar amplitudo untuk mesin diesel tipe SR1110 menjadi 0,0245 mm dan tipe S1100 menjadi 0,0238 mm. Perbandingan hasil tersebut dengan tabel Barkan menunjukkan bahwa nilai amplitudo ini masih dalam batas yang diijinkan yaitu kurang dari 0,02 mm s/d 0,05 mm

    Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation on Nitrided Ferritic Surfaces in Stainless Steel 439

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    Ferritic stainless steel grade 439 is not one of the most commonly used materials in the area of industrial application as compare to other stainless steel such as austenitic stainless steel grade 316 and 304 especially in the area of case hardening process of nitriding. Hence, a constructive study had been undertaken to study the process of nitriding on the ferritic stainless steel grade 439 and the effect of nitriding whether it has a significant improvement in crack initiation and propagation. The experimental procedures of the nitriding process and equipment involved were being determined through numbers of literature review. The effect of nitriding on fatigue crack initiation and propagation of various other grades of stainless steel plates was also being so that the expected results of the experiment could be understood prior to the experiment. The methodology of the project study had been arranged accordingly from initial literature review of the subject until the experimental procedures and the analysis method was determined

    The Driving Forces for the Practice of Strategic Planning in Smes: Evidence from Harare Metropolitan Province, Zimbabwe

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    Despite Zimbabwe sharing with the rest of the world, the notion that SMEs are the impeccable engines to economic revival, growth and development, many of the nation`s SMEs are plagued with high failure rates. Previous studies carried out in most foreign countries suggested that the high failure rate of SMEs was attributable to lack of strategic planning among a host of other factors. Against this backdrop, the purpose of this study was to examine the driving forces for the practice of strategic planning in SMEs. A quantitative cross sectional study was conducted among active SMEs who are registered with the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative Development in Zimbabwe. The study revealed that globalisation, business ownership motivations, environmental dynamism and innovation & technological advancement have a positive and statistically significant influence on the adoption or practice of strategic planning among SMEs. The study has important implications for the practice and implementation of strategic planning among SMEs especially in the context of a developing country such as Zimbabwe


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    ABSTRAKModernisme dalam arsitektur merupakan suatu hal yang dianggap memberikan suatu cara pandang dan pikir yang baru dalam berarsitektur. Segala bentuk pemikiran berfokus kepada hal-hal yang bersifat mutakhir sejalan dengan kemajuan jaman dan teknologi. Dengan penggunaan mesin secara besar-besaran, keindahan dan seni ber-arsitektur masa lalu telah dilupakan, yang kemudian mengacu pada suatu karya yang bersih, polos tanpa ornamen, serta pengkotak-kotakan alias pengklasifikasian bentuk terhadap fungsi. Namun akhirnya segala bentuk kemutakhiran dan kehebatan modernisme, memunculkan beragam kelemahan dan kekurangan. Keinginan untuk menghasilkan suatu karya yang bebas penuh rasa dengan semangat yang plural dan kaya makna, membuat dogma-dogma modernisme akhirnya tumbang dalam badai amukan pemikiran-pemikiran eklektik atau aliansi antara sejarah dengan kemajuan teknologi.Kata kunci: modernisme, sejarah, pemikiran, sen
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