372 research outputs found

    Study of internal structures of 9,10Be and 10B in scattering of 4He from 9Be

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    A study of inelastic scattering and single-particle transfer reactions was performed by an alpha beam at 63 MeV on a 9$Be target. Angular distributions of the differential cross sections for the 9Be(4He,4He')9Be*, 9Be(4He,3He)10Be and 9Be(4He,t)10B reactions were measured. Experimental angular distributions of the differential cross sections for the ground state and a few low-lying states were analyzed in the framework of the optical model, coupled channels and distorted-wave Born approximation. An analysis of the obtained spectroscopic factors was performed.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, regular paper, mispritns are corrected in new versio

    The WAY theorem and the quantum resource theory of asymmetry

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    The WAY theorem establishes an important constraint that conservation laws impose on quantum mechanical measurements. We formulate the WAY theorem in the broader context of resource theories, where one is constrained to a subset of quantum mechanical operations described by a symmetry group. Establishing connections with the theory of quantum state discrimination we obtain optimal unitaries describing the measurement of arbitrary observables, explain how prior information can permit perfect measurements that circumvent the WAY constraint, and provide a framework that establishes a natural ordering on measurement apparatuses through a decomposition into asymmetry and charge subsystems.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    A Variational Approach to the Spinless Relativistic Coulomb Problem

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    By application of a straightforward variational procedure we derive a simple, analytic upper bound on the ground-state energy eigenvalue of a semirelativistic Hamiltonian for (one or two) spinless particles which experience some Coulomb-type interaction.Comment: 7 pages, HEPHY-PUB 606/9

    Memorino on the `1/2 vs. 3/2 Puzzle' in Bˉ→lνˉXc\bar B \to l \bar \nu X_c

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    After the successes the OPE description has scored in describing Bˉ→lνˉXc\bar B \to l \bar \nu X_c decays, we need to study what can be said about the composition of the hadronic final state XcX_c. The same OPE treatment yields sum rules implying the dominance of jq=3/2j_q = 3/2 charm states in XcX_c over their jq=1/2j_q=1/2 counterparts. This prediction is supported by other general arguments as well as quark model calculations. At present it is unclear to which degree data conform to these predictions. More experimental information is essential. We want to ask our experimental colleagues for a redoubled effort to establish, which hadronic configurations -- D/D∗+π,D/D∗+2π,...D/D^* + \pi, D/D^* + 2 \pi, ... -- make up Γ(Bˉ→lνˉXc)\Gamma (\bar B \to l \bar \nu X_c) beyond Bˉ→lνˉD/D∗\bar B \to l \bar \nu D/D^*, what their quantum numbers are and their mass distributions. The latter is most relevant for the determination of hadronic mass moments in Bˉ→lνˉXc\bar B \to l \bar \nu X_c. Since all this will require considerable effort on their part, we want to explain the theoretical issues involved, why they carry `gravitas' -- i.e. are weighty -- and why a better understanding of them will be of significant value. In this brief memo we sketch the underlying arguments based on heavy quark theory, the OPE, a special class of quark models and lattice QCD in a nutshell. After summarizing the experimental situation we conclude with two lists, namely one with measurements that need to be done and one with items of theoretical homework. Some of the latter can be done by employing existing theoretical tools, whereas others need new ideas.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    Determination of the CP Violating Phase γ\gamma by a Sum Over Common Decay Modes to BsB_s and Bˉs\bar{B}_s

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    To help the difficult determination of the angle γ\gamma of the unitarity triangle, Aleksan, Dunietz and Kayser have proposed the modes of the type K−Ds+K^-D^+_s, common to BsB_s and Bˉs\bar{B}_s. We point out that it is possible to gain in statistics by a sum over all modes with ground state mesons in the final state, i.e. K−Ds+K^-D^+_s, K∗−D+sK^{*-}D_+^s, K−Ds∗+K^-D^{*+}_s, K∗−Ds∗+K^{*-}D^{*+}_s. The delicate point is the relative phase of these different contributions to the dilution factor DD of the time-dependent asymmetry. Each contribution to DD is proportional to a product FcbF^{cb} FubF^{ub} fDsf_{D_s} fKf_K where FF denotes form factors and ff decay constants. Within a definite phase convention, lattice calculations do not show any change in sign when extrapolating to light quarks the form factors and decay constants. Then, we can show that all modes contribute constructively to the dilution factor, except the PP-wave K∗−Ds∗+K^{*-}D^{*+}_s, which is small. Quark model arguments based on wave function overlaps also confirm this stability in sign. By summing over all these modes we find a gain of a factor 6 in statistics relatively to K−Ds+K^-D^+_s. The dilution factor for the sum DtotD_{tot} is remarkably stable for theoretical schemes that are not in very strong conflict with data on B→ψK(K∗)B \to \psi K(K^*) or extrapolated from semileptonic charm form factors, giving Dtot≥0.6D_{tot} \geq 0.6, always close to D(K−Ds+)D(K^- D^+_s).Comment: 22 pages, LPTHE Orsay 94/03, DAPNIA/SPP/94-2

    On small proofs of Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem for two, three and four qubits

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    The Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem (BKS) theorem rules out realistic {\it non-contextual} theories by resorting to impossible assignments of rays among a selected set of maximal orthogonal bases. We investigate the geometrical structure of small v−lv-l BKS-proofs involving vv real rays and ll 2n2n-dimensional bases of nn-qubits (1<n<51< n < 5). Specifically, we look at the parity proof 18-9 with two qubits (A. Cabello, 1996), the parity proof 36-11 with three qubits (M. Kernaghan & A. Peres, 1995 \cite{Kernaghan1965}) and a newly discovered non-parity proof 80-21 with four qubits (that improves work of P. K Aravind's group in 2008). The rays in question arise as real eigenstates shared by some maximal commuting sets (bases) of operators in the nn-qubit Pauli group. One finds characteristic signatures of the distances between the bases, which carry various symmetries in their graphs.Comment: version to appear in European Physical Journal Plu

    Does collaborative farm-scale modelling address current challenges and future opportunities?

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    Resources required increasing, resources available decreasingFarm-scale modellers will need to make strategic decisionsSingle-owner modelsMay continue with additional resourcesRisk of ‘succession’ problemCommunity modelling is an alternativeNeed to continue building a community of farm modellersThe results will be published as a peer-reviewed article

    Election turnout statistics in many countries: similarities, differences, and a diffusive field model for decision-making

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    We study in details the turnout rate statistics for 77 elections in 11 different countries. We show that the empirical results established in a previous paper for French elections appear to hold much more generally. We find in particular that the spatial correlation of turnout rates decay logarithmically with distance in all cases. This result is quantitatively reproduced by a decision model that assumes that each voter makes his mind as a result of three influence terms: one totally idiosyncratic component, one city-specific term with short-ranged fluctuations in space, and one long-ranged correlated field which propagates diffusively in space. A detailed analysis reveals several interesting features: for example, different countries have different degrees of local heterogeneities and seem to be characterized by a different propensity for individuals to conform to the cultural norm. We furthermore find clear signs of herding (i.e. strongly correlated decisions at the individual level) in some countries, but not in others.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 7 table

    Iso-osmotic regulation of nitrate accumulation in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)

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    Concerns about possible health hazards arising from human consumption of lettuce and other edible vegetable crops with high concentrations of nitrate have generated demands for a greater understanding of processes involved in its uptake and accumulation in order to devise more sustainable strategies for its control. This paper evaluates a proposed iso-osmotic mechanism for the regulation of nitrate accumulation in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) heads. This mechanism assumes that changes in the concentrations of nitrate and all other endogenous osmotica (including anions, cations and neutral solutes) are continually adjusted in tandem to minimise differences in osmotic potential of the shoot sap during growth, with these changes occurring independently of any variations in external water potential. The hypothesis was tested using data from six new experiments, each with a single unique treatment comprising a separate combination of light intensity, N source (nitrate with or without ammonium) and nitrate concentration carried out hydroponically in a glasshouse using a butterhead lettuce variety. Repeat measurements of plant weights and estimates of all of the main soluble constituents (nitrate, potassium, calcium, magnesium, organic anions, chloride, phosphate, sulphate and soluble carbohydrates) in the shoot sap were made at intervals from about 2 weeks after transplanting until commercial maturity, and the data used to calculate changes in average osmotic potential in the shoot. Results showed that nitrate concentrations in the sap increased when average light levels were reduced by between 30 and 49 % and (to a lesser extent) when nitrate was supplied at a supra-optimal concentration, and declined with partial replacement of nitrate by ammonium in the external nutrient supply. The associated changes in the proportions of other endogenous osmotica, in combination with the adjustment of shoot water content, maintained the total solute concentrations in shoot sap approximately constant and minimised differences in osmotic potential between treatments at each sampling date. There was, however, a gradual increase in osmotic potential (ie a decline in total solute concentration) over time largely caused by increases in shoot water content associated with the physiological and morphological development of the plants. Regression analysis using normalised data (to correct for these time trends) showed that the results were consistent with a 1:1 exchange between the concentrations of nitrate and the sum of all other endogenous osmotica throughout growth, providing evidence that an iso-osmotic mechanism (incorporating both concentration and volume regulation) was involved in controlling nitrate concentrations in the shoot

    Measuring ∣Vub∣|V_{ub}| with B→Ds+Xu\to D_s^+ X_u transitions

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    We propose the determination of the CKM matrix element ∣Vub∣|V_{ub}| by the measurement of the spectrum of B→Ds+XuB \to D_s^+ X_u, dominated by the spectator quark model mechanism bˉ→Ds(∗)+uˉ\bar{b} \to D_s^{(*)+} \bar{u}. The interest of considering B→Ds+XuB \to D_s^+X_u versus the semileptonic decay is that more than 50 % of the spectrum for B→Ds+XuB \to D_s^+ X_u occurs above the kinematical limit for B→Ds+XcB \to D_s^+ X_c, while most of the spectrum B→lνXuB \to l \nu X_u occurs below the B→lνXcB \to l \nu X_c one. Furthermore, the measure of the hadronic mass MXM_X is easier in the presence of an identified DsD_s than when a ν\nu has been produced. As a consistency check, we point out that the rate bˉ→Ds(∗)+cˉ\bar{b} \to D_s^{(*)+} \bar{c} (including QCD corrections that we present elsewhere) is consistent with the measured BR(B→Ds±X)BR (B \to D_s^{\pm} X). Although the hadronic complications may be more severe in the mode that we propose than in the semileptonic inclusive decay, the end of the spectrum in B→lνXuB \to l \nu X_u is not well understood on theoretical grounds. We argue that, in our case, the excited Ds∗∗D_s^{**}, decaying into DKD K, do not contribute and, if there is tagging of the BB meson, the other mechanisms to produce a DsD_s of the right sign are presumably small, of O(10−2)O(10^{-2}) relative to the spectator amplitude, or can be controlled by kinematical cuts. In the absence of tagging, other hadronic backgrounds deserve careful study. We present a feasability study with the BaBar detector.Comment: 22 pages, LaTe
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