41 research outputs found
La presencia de placa carotídea es predictor de eventos adversos cardiacos y cerebrovasculares en sujetos sometidos a coronariografía
[Abstract] Background: Carotid disease, measured as carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and carotid plaque (CP), is associated with major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (MACCE) in people without the previous atherosclerotic disease; however, there are few published data in patients undergoing coronary angiography. The aim of the study is to determinate if the carotid disease is associated with MACCE after coronary angiography.
Methods: A total of 390 consecutive patients underwent coronary angiography after exercise echocardiography and carotid ultrasonography between 2002 and 2013. MACCE was defined as stroke, myocardial infarction due to atherosclerosis progression or death due to a stroke or cardiac event.
Results: Two patients were lost (0.5%). During a mean follow-up of 6.0 years (standard deviation of 2.9), 52 patients (13.4%) suffered MACCE. 1, 5, and 10 years, event-free survival was 96.4% (1.0), 88.7% (1.7), and 81.4% (2.8), respectively. Event rates at 10 years were higher in the CP group (23.2% vs. 10.2%, p = 0.013) and in the CIMT > 0.9 mm group (25.9% vs. 13.3%, p = 0.023). Multivariate analysis showed smoking habit (hazard ratio [HR] 2.51, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.36-4.62, p = 0.003), glomerular filtration rate (HR 0.98, 95% CI 0.98-0.99), aortic stenosis (HR 2.99, 95% CI 1.24-7.21, p = 0.014), incomplete/no coronary revascularization (HR 1.97, 95% CI 1.06-3.67, p = 0.033), insulin treatment (HR 2.63, 95% CI 1.30-5.31, p = 0.006), and CP (HR 2.36, 95% CI 1.02-5.44, p = 0.044) as predictors of MACCE.
Conclusions: CP is an independent predictor of MACCE in patients undergoing coronary angiography.[Resumen] La enfermedad carotídea, definida como grosor de íntima media (GIMC) y placa (PC), se asocia con eventos adversos cardiacos y cerebrovasculares (EACC) en sujetos sin aterosclerosis previa; sin embargo hay pocos datos en pacientes sometidos a coronariografía. El objetivo del estudio es determinar si la enfermedad carotídea se asocia a EACC en pacientes remitidos a coronariografía
Entre 2002 y 2013 390 pacientes fueron sometidos a coronariografía tras ecocardiograma de esfuerzo y ecografía carotídea. Se definió EACC como accidente cerebrovascular, infarto de miocardio por progresión aterosclerótica o muerte por accidente cerebrovascular o causa cardiaca.
Durante un seguimiento medio de 6 años (desviación estándar 2, 9) se registraron 2 pérdidas y 52 eventos (13,4%). La supervivencia media libre de eventos a uno, cinco y diez años fue 96.4% (1.0), 88.7% (1.7) y 81.4% (2.8). Hubo mayor número de eventos a 10 años en el grupo de PC (23.2% frente 10.2%, p = 0.013) y GIMC > 0.9 mm (25,9% frente 13.3%, p = 0.023). En el análisis multivariado los predictores de EACC fueron tabaquismo (hazard ratio [HR] 2.51, intervalo de confianza [IC] al 95% 1.36-4.62, p = 0.003), filtrado glomerular renal (HR 0.98 IC95% 0.98-0.99), estenosis aórtica (HR 2.99, IC 95% 1.24-7.21, p = 0.014), revascularización incompleta/no revascularización (HR 1.97, IC 95% 1.06-3.67, p = 0.033), tratamiento con insulina (HR 2.63, IC 95% 1.30-5.31, p = 0.006) y PC (HR 2.36, 95%CI 1.02-5.44, p = 0.044).
La PC es un predictor independiente de EACC en pacientes sometidos a coronariografía
Ajustando RFR por Preditores de Discordância, “The Adjusted RFR”: Uma Metodologia Alternativa para Melhorar a Capacidade Diagnóstica de Índices Coronarianos
Background: Cutoff thresholds for the "resting full-cycle ratio" (RFR) oscillate in different series, suggesting that population characteristics may influence them. Likewise, predictors of discordance between the RFR and fractional flow reserve (FFR) have been documented. The RECOPA Study showed that diagnostic capacity is reduced in the RFR "grey zone", requiring the performance of FFR to rule out or confirm ischemia.
Objectives: To determine predictors of discordance, integrate the information they provide in a clinical-physiological index, the "Adjusted RFR", and compare its agreement with the FFR.
Methods: Using data from the RECOPA Study, predictors of discordance with respect to FFR were determined in the RFR "grey zone" (0.86 to 0.92) to construct an index ("Adjusted RFR") that would weigh RFR together with predictors of discordance and evaluate its agreement with FFR.
Results: A total of 156 lesions were evaluated in 141 patients. Predictors of discordance were: chronic kidney disease, previous ischemic heart disease, lesions not involving the anterior descending artery, and acute coronary syndrome. Though limited, the "Adjusted RFR" improved the diagnostic capacity compared to the RFR in the "grey zone" (AUC-RFR = 0.651 versus AUC-"Adjusted RFR" = 0.749), also showing an improvement in all diagnostic indices when optimal cutoff thresholds were established (sensitivity: 59% to 68%; specificity: 62% to 75%; diagnostic accuracy: 60% to 71%; positive likelihood ratio: 1.51 to 2.34; negative likelihood ratio: 0.64 to 0.37).
Conclusions: Adjusting the RFR by integrating the information provided by predictors of discordance to obtain the "Adjusted RFR" improved the diagnostic capacity in our population. Further studies are required to evaluate whether clinical-physiological indices improve the diagnostic capacity of RFR or other coronary indices.Fundamento: Os limiares de corte para a “relação do ciclo completo de repouso” (RFR) oscilam em diferentes séries, sugerindo que as características da população podem influenciá-los. Da mesma forma, foram documentados preditores de discordância entre a RFR e a reserva de fluxo fracionado (FFR). O Estudo RECOPA, mostrou que a capacidade diagnóstica está reduzida na “zona cinzenta” da RFR, tornando necessária a realização de FFR para descartar ou confirmar isquemia.
Objetivos: Determinar os preditores de discordância, integrar as informações que eles fornecem em um índice clínico-fisiológico: a “RFR Ajustada”, e comparar sua concordância com o FFR.
Métodos: Usando dados do Estudo RECOPA, os preditores de discordância em relação à FFR foram determinados na “zona cinzenta” da RFR (0,86 a 0,92) para construir um índice (“RFR Ajustada”) que pesaria a RFR juntamente com os preditores de discordância e avaliar sua concordância com a FFR.
Resultados: Foram avaliadas 156 lesões em 141 pacientes. Os preditores de discordância foram: doença renal crônica, cardiopatia isquêmica prévia, lesões não envolvendo a artéria descendente anterior esquerda e síndrome coronariana aguda. Embora limitada, a “RFR Ajustada” melhorou a capacidade diagnóstica em comparação com a RFR na “zona cinzenta” (AUC-RFR = 0,651 versus AUC-“RFR Ajustada” = 0,749), mostrando também uma melhora em todos os índices diagnósticos quando foram estabelecidos limiares de corte otimizados (sensibilidade: 59% a 68%; especificidade: 62% a 75%; acurácia diagnóstica: 60% a 71%; razão de verossimilhança positiva: 1,51 a 2,34; razão de verossimilhança negativa: 0,64 a 0,37).
Conclusões: Ajustar a RFR integrando as informações fornecidas pelos preditores de discordância para obter a “RFR Ajustada” melhorou a capacidade diagnóstica em nossa população. Mais estudos são necessários para avaliar se os índices clínico-fisiológicos melhoram a capacidade diagnóstica da RFR ou de outros índices coronarianos
Clinical follow-up of long nontapered sirolimus-eluting coronary stent in real-world patients with de novo lesions. The Billar registry
Introduction and objectives: Coronary lesions with stent overlapping are associated with higher neointimal proliferation that leads to more restenosis. Furthermore, the tapering of coronary arteries is a major challenge when treating long coronary lesions. This study attempted to assess the safety and clinical level of performance of long nontapered sirolimus-eluting coronary stent systems (> 36 mm) to treat long and diffused de novo coronary lesions in real-world scenarios. Methods: This was a prospective, non-randomized, multicentre study that included 696 consecutive patients treated with the long nontapered BioMime sirolimus-eluting coronary stent system in long and diffused de novo coronary lesions. The safety endpoint was major adverse cardiovascular events defined as a composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, clinically driven target lesion revascularization, stent thrombosis, and major bleeding at the 12-month follow-up. Results: Of a total of 696 patients, 38.79% were diabetic. The mean age of all the patients was 64.6 +/- 14 years, and 80% were males. The indication for revascularization was acute coronary syndrome in 63.1%. A total of 899 lesions were identified out of which 742 were successfully treated with long BioMime stents (37 mm, 40 mm, 44 mm, and 48 mm). The cumulative incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events was 8.1% at the 12-month follow-up including cardiac death (2.09%), myocardial infarction (1.34%), and total stent thrombosis (0.5%). Conclusions: This study confirms the safety and good performance of long nontapered BioMime coronary stents to treat de novo coronary stenosis. Therefore, it can be considered a safe and effective treatment for long and diffused de novo coronary lesions in the routine clinical practice
A Prospective, Multicenter, Real-World Registry of Coronary Lithotripsy in Calcified Coronary Arteries
BACKGROUND Intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) has demonstrated effectiveness in the treatment of calcified lesions in selected patients with stable coronary disease. OBJECTIVES The authors sought to assess the performance of coronary IVL in calcified coronary lesions in a real-life, all comers, setting. METHODS The REPLICA-EPIC18 study prospectively enrolled consecutive patients treated with IVL in 26 centers in Spain. An independent core laboratory performed the angiographic analysis and event adjudication. The primary effectiveness endpoint assessed procedural success (successful IVL delivery, final diameter stenosis <20%, and absence of in- hospital major adverse cardiovascular events [MACE]). The primary safety endpoint measured freedom from MACE at 30 days. A predefined substudy compared outcomes between acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and chronic coronary syndrome (CCS) patients. RESULTS A total of 426 patients (456 lesions) were included, 63% of the patients presenting with ACS. IVL delivery was successful in 99% of cases. Before IVL, 49% of lesions were considered undilatable. The primary effectiveness endpoint was achieved in 66% of patients, with similar rates among CCS patients (68%) and ACS patients (65%). Likewise, there were no significant differences in angiographic success after IVL between CCS and ACS patients. The rate of MACE at 30 days (primary safety endpoint) was 3% (1% in CCS and 5% in ACS patients [P = 0.073]). CONCLUSIONS Coronary IVL proved to be a feasible and safe procedure in a real-life setting, effectively facilitating stent implantation in severely calcified lesions. Patients with ACS on admission showed similar angiographic success rates but showed a trend toward higher 30-day MACE compared with patients with CCS. (REPLICA-EPIC18 study [Registry of Coronary Lithotripsy in Spain]; NCT04298307) (c) 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier on behalf of the American College of Cardiology Foundation. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Análisis de la relación de los marcadores de inflamación y del material intracoronario aspirado con el éxito en la reperfusión del infarto agudo de miocardio
Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina. Fecha de lectura: 2 de Febrero de 201