548 research outputs found

    Águilas y jaguares. Testimonios de la formación educativa de los antiguos nahuas

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    ¿Cuáles fueron los orígenes de la educación en México? ¿Qué características tuvo la educación practicada por el Estado más poderoso al arribo de los europeos a estas tierras? ¿Qué objetivos perseguía dicha formación? Este tipo de preguntas consideramos que pueden responderse de mejor forma mediante la presentación de los principales textos del siglo XVI que describen la enseñanza y el adiestramiento de los jóvenes mexicas. Los códices Mendoza y Florentino, además de ofrecernos un inmejorable testimonio, ostentan interesantes imágenes donde se manifiesta el trabajo de los tlacuilos de los primeros años posteriores a la Conquista Militar de México-Tenochtitlán y son, por tanto, al mismo tiempo una invaluable muestra del sincretismo de dos culturas visuales o dos maneras de comunicar con las imágenes. Por otra parte, podemos adelantar desde ahora que la educación de los antiguos nahuas se caracterizó por una férrea disciplina, que les permitía formar física y mentalmente a los niños y jóvenes, el fomento del trabajo comunal y la firme vinculación de estos aspectos con lo sagrado y el funcionamiento propio del universo

    Lean model of service to increase the attention span of an automotive workshop

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    The sale of vehicles in Peru has increased by more than 6% only between the years 2016-2017, with Peru being one of the seven countries with an increase in vehicle fleet between these years, and it is also the fourth country with the highest sales, only after Brazil, Argentina and Chile. However, the post-sale service by the companies that provide these services currently does not meet certain essential aspects to meet the demand, one of the most outstanding, the delivery time, largely due to bad practices and capacity problems. of the concessionaire, generating considerable losses. Thus, this study developed a methodology to optimize the production of preventive maintenance services in automotive dealers applying lean manufacturing tools in order to reduce waiting times, delivery of vehicles at the wrong time and defective services. The pilot proposal was validated in one of the largest concessionaires of preventive maintenance service. The methodology reduced the lead time in two hours. The queues were reduced before each process and the percentage of vehicles delivered untimely from 28% to only 8% was reduced. In addition, the culture of good practices was implemented

    Sustainable Energy Model for the Production of Biomass Briquettes Based on Rice Husks in Peruvian Low-Income Agricultural Areas

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    An energy model focuses on the sustainability of environmental proposals that use clean biomass technology. In this case, briquette production seeks to generate socio-environmental development in agricultural areas contaminated by the burning of rice husks. However, this agricultural waste product has a large heating capacity and can be used as a raw material for briquette production, replacing conventional contaminant fuels such as firewood and reducing Peru’s annual energy consumption by approximately 833,000 kg of CO2 per year, considering the minimization of emissions from the felling of trees and the burning of rice husks. These rice husks are burned and generate pollutant gases, causing respiratory and pulmonary problems. Despite these negative effects, it is an agricultural waste product with great untapped energy potential and constitutes an opportunity to promote socio-environmental development based on economic valorization. The level of deforestation would decrease by approximately 2070 trees per year, 23% of a market population which consumes 10 kg of firewood per day. Unlike similar projects, briquette production sustainability may be achieved when economic, environmental and social aspects are included in energy model development, based on the application of clean technology and efficient management of energy supplies, such as husk supplies and corresponding briquettes

    Maintenance management model based on Lean Manufacturing to increase the productivity of a company in the Plastic sector

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    The current demand of the plastic sector has been increasing, managing to exceed the productivity of SMEs in developing countries such as Peru. Within this framework, the demand is greater than the supply due to the low production of the companies, which present a high index of hours due to lack of maintenance of the machines. The purpose of solving the main problem is to reduce the hours of low productivity that represent a great monetary loss for the company. That is why, by implementing this maintenance management model that is based on Lean Manufacturing, it will allow for a broad competitive advantage in the sector. This model was validated by implementing the TPM and SMED tools of the Lean Manufacturing philosophy within the plastics plant, achieving results that determine the degree of improvement of productivity in the company. Finally, after having validated the model, it is concluded that it could increase the capacity used by the company by 20% with the reduction of the changes

    Integrated inventory system for forecasts based on knowledge management for the reduction of stock breaks in a distribution SME

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    In the current market, there is a large number of SMEs that have a large margin of economic losses due to lack of stocks, due to the supply process. In other words, the lost sales and the costs of the services generated by not having their products available in their warehouses is a critical scenario in the distribution companies, whose added value lies in maximizing their level of customer service. To solve this problem, we propose a system that integrates the development of the attention and the model of the inventories of the periodic review, the bases based on the framework of the work. The results, after analyzing the demand, their patterns and choosing the best method to use, are antecedents to develop the management of inventories and their policies. Likewise, knowledge management will act as an integrated support. Through the simulation carried out for a distribution of lubricants, results were obtained that indicate a reduction of 93% in losses due to stock-outs and an increase in the service level that goes from 77% to 91%. This is an integrated system of interest to be applied as a solution for SMEs that have high stock-outs and lack this type of tools.

    Optimized plant distribution and 5S model that allows SMEs to increase productivity in textiles

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    In Peru, the Textile sector generates between 350 and 400 thousand direct jobs, representing 1.9% of Gross domestic product (GDP) and just over 10% of manufacturing. SMEs are characterized by being formed by family businesses, low levels of investment in new technologies and limited financial resources. This context has made SMEs are delayed compared to large companies in implementing Lean Manufacturing. Manufacturing textile companies that have problems with low productivity, excessive use of physical space, unnecessary movement and transport, use the tools of Lean Manufacturing and distribution plant for solving these problems. Many of the problems found in companies are related to the disorganization of processes, material flow and layout. Therefore, companies have seen the need to apply different strategic tools to help them increase the efficiency of their processes and become more competitive in their market. Among the strategic tools is the Lean Manufacturing. Several authors conclude that the plant distributions that SMEs have are not correct for increased productivity, however, the improvement models presenting lack information on how to create step by step a new layout of the company. Because of this, this article details the steps that SMEs can follow in search for a plant distribution model under the SLP tool

    Influencia de la cultura organizacional, en el desempeño laboral de los docentes de la Institución Educativa N°88023, Almirante Miguel Grau Seminario, Chimbote 2021

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    El presente trabajo de investigación titulado “Influencia de la cultura organizacional, en el desempeño laboral de los docentes de la Institución Educativa N°88023, Almirante Miguel Grau Seminario, Chimbote 2021”. El objetivo general de esta investigación fue determinar el grado de influencia que tiene la cultura organizacional, en el desempeño laboral de los docentes de la Institución Educativa N°88023, Almirante Miguel Grau Seminario, Chimbote 2021. La presente investigación es de tipo aplicada, el nivel es descriptivo - explicativo, su diseño es no experimental, con una muestra censal de 11 docentes, la técnica utilizada fue la encuesta y el instrumento utilizado fue el cuestionario como instrumento de recolección de datos, compuesta inicialmente por 40 ítems (tipo escala de Likert), se obtuvo un coeficiente de Cronbach de 0,686 inferior al mínimo requerido por la universidad césar vallejo que es de 0.800, por lo que amerito ser ajustado a 34 ítems, eliminando así 6 ítems, los cuales fueron las preguntas 3,10,13 y 16 que corresponden al cuestionario de la variable cultura organizacional y las preguntas 5 y 7 que corresponden al cuestionario de la variable desempeño laboral, las cuales presentaban una alta dispersión en sus respuestas, así como una correlación negativa, con lo cual se pudo mejorar el resultado del coeficiente de Cronbach a 0,823. Así mismo se concluyó que la cultura organizacional tiene una influencia favorable en el desempeño laboral, con un nivel de significancia de p-valor = 0.013 < 0.05, asimismo existe una correlación positiva de r = 0,716, lo cual indica que el grado de correlación entre ambas variables es igual al 71,60%

    Implementation of a process management model and inventory control to increase the level of service in the after-sales area of industrial equipment

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    Currently, many industrial companies generate many losses in their after sales this is generated to an error in the control of inventories and in turn in a mishandling of their assets through their processes, therefore the present research proposes a management model of processes and control of inventories in order to reduce customer losses due to the large number of existing complaints and thus increase sales. Therefore, the process management model, which will contribute to the standardization, optimization and control of its critical processes, and for which indicators, procedures and policies will be proposed for each stage of the process in order to measure its efficiency and effectiveness for correct decision making. With respect to the control of inventories, it is proposed to make a segmentation of the products, which allows the identification of the most important products for the company, to then design a demand forecast model for families of products that will later be individualized considering their factors initial and finally using an inventory management model will obtain the optimal quantity of spare parts order to use in the technical service of the equipment reducing the annual costs related to the inventory

    Data governance maturity model for micro financial organizations in Peru

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    Micro finance organizations play an important role since they facilitate integration of all social classes to sustained economic growth. Against this background, exponential growth of data, resulting from transactions and operations carried out with these companies on a daily basis, becomes imminent. Appropriate management of this data is therefore necessary because, otherwise, it will result in a competitive disadvantage due to the lack of valuable and quality information for decision-making and process improvement. Data Governance provides a different approach to data management, as seen from the perspective of business assets. In this regard, it is necessary that the organization have the ability to assess the extent to which that management is correct or is generating expected results. This paper proposes a data governance maturity model for micro finance organizations, which frames a series of formal requirements and criteria providing an objective diagnosis. This model was implemented based on the information of a Peruvian micro finance organization. Four domains, out of the seven listed in the model, were evaluated. Finally, after validation of the proposed model, it was evidenced that it serves as a means for identifying the gap between data management and objectives set