12,297 research outputs found

    Status of major southern California marine sport fish species with management recommendations, based on analyses of catch and size composition data collected on board commercial passenger fishing vessels from 1985 through 1987

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    This report on the status of major southern California marine sport fish species, together with management recommendations, is based on analyses of catch and size composition data, which were collected on board Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessels (CPFV) from 1985 through 1987. The project was designed to determine the status of those fishes that support the CPFV industry, and to make management recommendations when deemed necessary. We collected and analyzed data based on random, stratified, on-board sampling of weekday (excluding holidays), open CPFV's on a year-round basis. We sampled 1/2-day, 3/4-day, and full-day type trips at a level of 5%. The survey area extended from below the United States-Mexican border to Point Arguello. Catch estimates were extrapolated to include weekday as well as weekend and holiday, open and chartered CPFV's. We sampled 736 CPFV trips in 1985, 650 in 1986, and 631 in 1987. We encountered 180 species of fishes, including 49 species of rockfishes. We performed detailed analyses on 14 non-rockfish species and 12 rockfish species, as well as all fishes as a group and all rockfishes as a group. We found a moderate increase in total catch of combined fish species between this study and one in the mid-1970's, due primarily to sizeable increases in catches of Pacific mackerel, kelp bass, barred sand bass, and barracuda. However, we also found that there has been more than a 50% decline in the CPFV rockfish catches, due primarily to substantial decreases in catches of bocaccio, chilipepper, and olive rockfish. We have recommended that the current 15-rockfish bag limit regulation be reduced to a 10-rockfish bag limit, and that additional and equitable conservation measures also be implemented on the commercial rockfish fishery. (385pp.

    Composite CDMA - A statistical mechanics analysis

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    Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) in which the spreading code assignment to users contains a random element has recently become a cornerstone of CDMA research. The random element in the construction is particular attractive as it provides robustness and flexibility in utilising multi-access channels, whilst not making significant sacrifices in terms of transmission power. Random codes are generated from some ensemble, here we consider the possibility of combining two standard paradigms, sparsely and densely spread codes, in a single composite code ensemble. The composite code analysis includes a replica symmetric calculation of performance in the large system limit, and investigation of finite systems through a composite belief propagation algorithm. A variety of codes are examined with a focus on the high multi-access interference regime. In both the large size limit and finite systems we demonstrate scenarios in which the composite code has typical performance exceeding sparse and dense codes at equivalent signal to noise ratio.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, Sigma Phi 2008 conference submission - submitted to J.Stat.Mec

    The nature and role of experiential knowledge for environmental conservation

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    Understanding the nature and role of experiential knowledge for environmental conservation is a necessary step towards understanding if it should be used and how it might be applied with other types of knowledge in an evidence-based approach. This paper describes the nature of experiential and expert knowledge. It then discusses the role of experiential knowledge as a complement to scientific knowledge and explains the interplay between experiential knowledge with conservation research and practice using a simple conceptual model of how individuals learn. There are five main conclusions: (1) because experiential knowledge will always play a role in decision-making, enhancing ability to learn from experiences (including research) will have a significant influence on the effectiveness of conservation outcomes; (2) while experiential knowledge is qualitatively very different from quantitative information, both are important and complementary; (3) some experiential knowledge can be expressed quantitatively, but experiential knowledge can be difficult to isolate as single facts or propositions and qualitative methods will therefore often be required to elicit experiential knowledge; (4) because each person's expertise is unique, when using experiential knowledge the extent of a person's experience and its relevance to a particular problem need to be specified; and (5) as with any form of knowledge, there are limitations to that derived from personal experience. Synthesis and communication of research is therefore essential to help prevent erroneous thinking and, where possible, experiential knowledge should be used in conjunction with other types of information to guide conservation actions.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The Middeck Active Control Experiment (MACE)

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    The Middeck Active Control Experiment (MACE) is a NASA In-Step and Control Structure Interaction (CSI) Office funded Shuttle middeck experiment. The objective is to investigate the extent to which closed-loop behavior of flexible spacecraft in zero-gravity (0-g) can be predicted. This prediction becomes particularly difficult when dynamic behavior during ground testing exhibits extensive suspension and direct gravity coupling. On-orbit system identification and control reconfiguration is investigated to improve performance which would otherwise be limited due to errors in prediction. The program is presently in its preliminary design phase with launch expected in the summer of 1994. The MACE test article consists of three attitude control torque wheels, a two axis gimballing payload, inertial sensors and a flexible support structure. With the acquisition of a second payload, this will represent a multiple payload platform with significant structural flexibility. This paper presents on-going work in the areas of modelling and control of the MACE test article in the zero and one-gravity environments. Finite element models, which include suspension and gravity effects, and measurement models, derived from experimental data, are used as the basis for Linear Quadratic Gaussian controller designs. Finite element based controllers are analytically used to study the differences in closed-loop performance as the test article transitions between the 0-g and 1-g environments. Measurement based controllers are experimentally applied to the MACE test article in the 1-g environment and achieve over an order of magnitude improvement in payload pointing accuracy when disturbed by a broadband torque disturbance. The various aspects of the flight portion of the experiment are also discussed

    X-Ray Emission from M32: X-Ray Binaries or a micro-AGN?

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    We have analysed archival {\it ROSAT} PSPC data for M32 in order to study the x-ray emission from this nearest elliptical galaxy. We fit spectra from three long exposures with Raymond-Smith, thermal bremsstrahlung, and power-law models. All models give excellent fits. The thermal fits have kTā‰ˆ\approx4 keV, the Raymond-Smith iron abundance is 0.4āˆ’0.3+0.70.4^{+0.7}_{-0.3} Solar, the power-law fit has Ī±\alpha=1.6Ā±\pm0.1, and all fits have NHN_H consistent with the Galactic column. The source is centered on M32 to an accuracy of 9ā€²ā€²'', and unresolved at 27ā€²ā€²'' FWHM (āˆ¼\sim90 pc). M32 is x-ray variable by a factor of 3--5 on timescales of a decade down to minutes, with evidence for a possible period of āˆ¼\sim1.3 days. There are two plausible interpretations for these results: 1) Emission due to low-mass x-ray binaries; 2) Emission due to accretion onto a massive central black hole. Both of these possibilities are supported by arguments based on previous studies of M32 and other old stellar systems; the {\it ROSAT} PSPC data do not allow us to unambiguously choose between them. Observations with the {\it ROSAT} HRI and with {\it ASCA} are required to determine which of these two very different physical models is correct.Comment: 9 pages, 5 PostScript figures, uses AASTeX style files, Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Effects of Buoyancy on Laminar, Transitional, and Turbulent Gas Jet Diffusion Flames

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    Gas jet diffusion flames have been a subject of research for many years. However, a better understanding of the physical and chemical phenomena occurring in these flames is still needed, and, while the effects of gravity on the burning process have been observed, the basic mechanisms responsible for these changes have yet to be determined. The fundamental mechanisms that control the combustion process are in general coupled and quite complicated. These include mixing, radiation, kinetics, soot formation and disposition, inertia, diffusion, and viscous effects. In order to understand the mechanisms controlling a fire, laboratory-scale laminar and turbulent gas-jet diffusion flames have been extensively studied, which have provided important information in relation to the physico-chemical processes occurring in flames. However, turbulent flames are not fully understood and their understanding requires more fundamental studies of laminar diffusion flames in which the interplay of transport phenomena and chemical kinetics is more tractable. But even this basic, relatively simple flame is not completely characterized in relation to soot formation, radiation, diffusion, and kinetics. Therefore, gaining an understanding of laminar flames is essential to the understanding of turbulent flames, and particularly fires, in which the same basic phenomena occur. In order to improve and verify the theoretical models essential to the interpretation of data, the complexity and degree of coupling of the controlling mechanisms must be reduced. If gravity is isolated, the complication of buoyancy-induced convection would be removed from the problem. In addition, buoyant convection in normal gravity masks the effects of other controlling parameters on the flame. Therefore, the combination of normal-gravity and microgravity data would provide the information, both theoretical and experimental, to improve our understanding of diffusion flames in general, and the effects of gravity on the burning process in particular

    Perspective: tobacco manufacturers are now compensating states for smoking-related costs: how will this affect the economy?

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    Smoking out the social and economic benefits of the 1998 tobacco settlement for Massachusetts.Tobacco industry ; Medical care, Cost of

    The Economic Impacts of the Tobacco Settlement

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    Recent litigation against major tobacco companies culminated in a Master Settlement Agreement' (MSA) under which the participating companies agreed to compensate most states for Medicaid expenses. We outline the terms of the settlement and analyze whether it was a move toward economic efficiency using data from Massachusetts. Medicaid spending will fall, but only a modest amount ($0.1 billion). The efficiency issue turns mainly on the treatment of health benefits from reduced smoking induced by the settlement. We conclude that the settlement was a move towards economic efficiency.

    Requested, Recommended and Allowed Returns to Equity: Serendipity or Substance

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    R. Charles Moyer is Professor of Finance and Chairman of the Area of Finance in the College of Business Administration. Texas Tech University. Raymond E. Spudeck is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Finance, College of Commerce and lndlustry at the University of Wyoming. David B. Cox is an Instructor in the Area of Finance in the College of Business Administration at Texas Tech University
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