20 research outputs found

    Flow-induced elastic anisotropy of metallic glasses

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    As-cast bulk metallic glasses are isotropic, but anisotropy can be induced by thermomechanical treatments. For example, the diffraction halo in the structure function S(Q) observed in transmission becomes elliptical (rather than circular) after creep in uniaxial tension or compression. Published studies associate this with frozen-in anelastic strain and bond-orientational anisotropy. Results so far are inconsistent on whether viscoplastic flow of metallic glasses can induce anisotropy. Preliminary diffraction data suggest that the anisotropy, if any, is very low, while measurements of the elastic properties suggest that there is induced anisotropy, opposite in sign to that due to anelastic strain. We study three bulk metallic glasses, Ce65Al10Cu20Co5, La55Ni10Al35, and Pd40Ni30Cu10P20. By using resonant ultrasound spectroscopy to determine the full elasticity tensor, the effects of relaxation and rejuvenation can be reliably separated from uniaxial anisotropy (of either sign). The effects of viscoplastic flow in tension are reported for the first time. We find that viscoplastic flow of bulk metallic glasses, particularly in tension, can induce significant anisotropy that is distinct from that associated with frozen-in anelastic strain. The conditions for inducing such anisotropy are explored in terms of the Weissenberg number (ratio of relaxation times for primary relaxation and for shear strain rate). There is a clear need for further work to characterize the structural origins of flow-induced anisotropy and to explore the prospects for improved mechanical and other properties through induced anisotropy.This research was supported by the Engineering and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK (grant EP/I035404/1). Y.H.S. acknowledges support from a China Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarship. The authors thank Z. Lu, H. Y. Bai and W. H. Wang for the supply of the Ce65Al10Cu20Co5 and La55Ni20Al25 metallic glasses.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2016.04.02

    FRET characterisation for cross-bridge dynamics in single-skinned rigor muscle fibres

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    In this work we demonstrate for the first time the use of Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) as an assay to monitor the dynamics of cross-bridge conformational changes directly in single muscle fibres. The advantage of FRET imaging is its ability to measure distances in the nanometre range, relevant for structural changes in actomyosin cross-bridges. To reach this goal we have used several FRET couples to investigate different locations in the actomyosin complex. We exchanged the native essential light chain of myosin with a recombinant essential light chain labelled with various thiol-reactive chromophores. The second fluorophore of the FRET couple was introduced by three approaches: labelling actin, labelling SH1 cysteine and binding an adenosine triphosphate (ATP) analogue. We characterise FRET in rigor cross-bridges: in this condition muscle fibres are well described by a single FRET population model which allows us to evaluate the true FRET efficiency for a single couple and the consequent donor–acceptor distance. The results obtained are in good agreement with the distances expected from crystallographic data. The FRET characterisation presented herein is essential before moving onto dynamic measurements, as the FRET efficiency differences to be detected in an active muscle fibre are on the order of 10–15% of the FRET efficiencies evaluated here. This means that, to obtain reliable results to monitor the dynamics of cross-bridge conformational changes, we had to fully characterise the system in a steady-state condition, demonstrating firstly the possibility to detect FRET and secondly the viability of the present approach to distinguish small FRET variations

    Brief Engagement and Acceptance Coaching for Community and Hospice Settings (the BEACHeS Study): Protocol for the development and pilot testing of an evidence-based psychological intervention to enhance wellbeing and aid transition into palliative care

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    Background: Cancer affects millions of individuals globally, with a mortality rate of over eight million people annually. Although palliative care is often provided outside of specialist services, many people require, at some point in their illness journey, support from specialist palliative care services, for example, those provided in hospice settings. This transition can be a time of uncertainty and fear and there is a need for effective interventions to meet the psychological and supportive care needs of people with cancer that cannot be cured. While Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has been shown to be effective across diverse health problems, robust evidence for its effectiveness in palliative cancer populations is not extensive. Method: This mixed-methods study uses a single-case experimental design with embedded qualitative interviews to pilot test a novel intervention for this patient group. Between 14 and 20 patients will be recruited from two hospices in England and Scotland. Participants will receive five face-to-face manualised sessions with a psychological therapist. Sessions are structured around teaching core ACT skills (Openness, Awareness and Engagement) as a way to deal effectively with challenges of transition into specialist palliative care services. Outcome measures include: cancer-specific quality of life (primary outcome) and distress (secondary outcome), which are assessed alongside measures of psychological flexibility. Daily diary outcome assessments will be taken for key measures, alongside more detailed weekly self-report, through baseline, intervention and one-month follow-up phases. After follow-up, participants will be invited to take part in a qualitative interview to understand their experience of taking part, and acceptability and perceived effectiveness of the intervention and its components. Discussion: This study is the first investigation of using ACT with terminally ill patients at the beginning of their transition into palliative treatment. Using in-depth single-case approaches, we will refine and manualise intervention content by the close of the study for use in follow-up research trials. Our long-term goal is then to test the intervention as delivered by non-psychologist specialist palliative care practitioners thus broadening the potential relevance of the approach

    A core outcome set for pre‐eclampsia research: an international consensus development study

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    Objective To develop a core outcome set for pre‐eclampsia. Design Consensus development study. Setting International. Population Two hundred and eight‐one healthcare professionals, 41 researchers and 110 patients, representing 56 countries, participated. Methods Modified Delphi method and Modified Nominal Group Technique. Results A long‐list of 116 potential core outcomes was developed by combining the outcomes reported in 79 pre‐eclampsia trials with those derived from thematic analysis of 30 in‐depth interviews of women with lived experience of pre‐eclampsia. Forty‐seven consensus outcomes were identified from the Delphi process following which 14 maternal and eight offspring core outcomes were agreed at the consensus development meeting. Maternal core outcomes: death, eclampsia, stroke, cortical blindness, retinal detachment, pulmonary oedema, acute kidney injury, liver haematoma or rupture, abruption, postpartum haemorrhage, raised liver enzymes, low platelets, admission to intensive care required, and intubation and ventilation. Offspring core outcomes: stillbirth, gestational age at delivery, birthweight, small‐for‐gestational‐age, neonatal mortality, seizures, admission to neonatal unit required and respiratory support. Conclusions The core outcome set for pre‐eclampsia should underpin future randomised trials and systematic reviews. Such implementation should ensure that future research holds the necessary reach and relevance to inform clinical practice, enhance women's care and improve the outcomes of pregnant women and their babies

    The availability of nitrogen from sugarcane trash on contrasting soils in the wet tropics of North Queensland

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    Sugarcane crop residues ('trash') have the potential to supply nitrogen (N) to crops when they are retained on the soil surface after harvest. Farmers should account for the contribution of this N to crop requirements in order to avoid over-fertilisation. In very wet tropical locations, the climate may increase the rate of trash decomposition as well as the amount of N lost from the soil-plant system due to leaching or denitrification. A field experiment was conducted on Hydrosol and Ferrosol soils in the wet tropics of northern Australia using N-15-labelled trash either applied to the soil surface or incorporated. Labelled urea fertiliser was also applied with unlabelled surface trash. The objective of the experiment was to investigate the contribution of trash to crop N nutrition in wet tropical climates, the timing of N mineralisation from trash, and the retention of trash N in contrasting soils. Less than 6% of the N in trash was recovered in the first crop and the recovery was not affected by trash incorporation. Around 6% of the N in fertiliser was also recovered in the first crop, which was less than previously measured in temperate areas (20-40%). Leaf samples taken at the end of the second crop contined 2-3% of N from trash and fertilizer applied at the beginning of the experiment. Although most N was recovered in the 0-1.5 m soil layer there was some evidence of movement of N below this depth. The results showed that trash supplies N slowly and in small amounts to the succeeding crop in wet tropics sugarcane growing areas regardless of trash placement (on the soil surface or incorporated) or soil type, and so N mineralisation from a single trash blanket is not important for sugarcane production in the wet tropics

    Allosteric activation transitions in enzymes and biomolecular motors: insights from atomistic and coarse-grained simulations

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    The chemical step in enzymes is usually preceded by a kinetically distinct activation step that involves large-scale conformational transitions. In simple enzymes this step corresponds to the closure of the active site; in more complex enzymes, such as biomolecular motors, the activation step is more complex and may involve interactions with other biomolecules. These activation transitions are essential to the function of enzymes and perturbations in the scale and/or rate of these transitions are implicated in various serious human diseases; incorporating key flexibilities into engineered enzymes is also considered a major remaining challenge in rational enzyme design. Therefore it is important to understand the underlying mechanism of these transitions. This is a significant challenge to both experimental and computational studies because of the allosteric and multi-scale nature of such transitions. Using our recent studies of two enzyme systems, myosin and adenylate kinase (AK), we discuss how atomistic and coarse-grained simulations can be used to provide insights into the mechanism of activation transitions in realistic systems. Collectively, the results suggest that although many allosteric transitions can be viewed as domain displacements mediated by flexible hinges, there are additional complexities and various deviations. For example, although our studies do not find any evidence for cracking in AK, our results do underline the contribution of intra-domain properties (e.g., dihedral flexibility) to the rate of the transition. The study of mechanochemical coupling in myosin highlights that local changes important to chemistry require stabilization from more extensive structural changes; in this sense, more global structural transitions are needed to activate the chemistry in the active site. These discussions further emphasize the importance of better understanding factors that control the degree of co-operativity for allosteric transitions, again hinting at the intimate connection between protein stability and functional flexibility. Finally, a number of topics of considerable future interest are briefly discussed

    Competitive advantages and risk management: capitalizing on the economic benefits of sustainability

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    Climate change and ecological degradation are two of the many pressing global issues that make sustainability pertinent to all stakeholders, including shareholders. Such issues are relevant to companies across all industries and sectors and are increasingly pressuring managers to consider how their organizations can utilize resources effectively while minimizing impact on the environment. It is critical to consider the underlying relationship between business and the environment: companies ultimately operate within the natural environment and are dependent upon it for the resources they use. A narrow focus on short-term economic interests without consideration for environmental impacts ignores the overarching system in which the planet supports business; without resources from which to make products there are no products to sell and, consequently, no profits