9 research outputs found

    Subknots in ideal knots, random knots, and knotted proteins.

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    We introduce disk matrices which encode the knotting of all subchains in circular knot configurations. The disk matrices allow us to dissect circular knots into their subknots, i.e. knot types formed by subchains of the global knot. The identification of subknots is based on the study of linear chains in which a knot type is associated to the chain by means of a spatially robust closure protocol. We characterize the sets of observed subknot types in global knots taking energy-minimized shapes such as KnotPlot configurations and ideal geometric configurations. We compare the sets of observed subknots to knot types obtained by changing crossings in the classical prime knot diagrams. Building upon this analysis, we study the sets of subknots in random configurations of corresponding knot types. In many of the knot types we analyzed, the sets of subknots from the ideal geometric configurations are found in each of the hundreds of random configurations of the same global knot type. We also compare the sets of subknots observed in open protein knots with the subknots observed in the ideal configurations of the corresponding knot type. This comparison enables us to explain the specific dispositions of subknots in the analyzed protein knots

    How topoisomerase IV can efficiently unknot and decatenate negatively supercoiled DNA molecules without causing their torsional relaxation.

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    Freshly replicated DNA molecules initially form multiply interlinked right-handed catenanes. In bacteria, these catenated molecules become supercoiled by DNA gyrase before they undergo a complete decatenation by topoisomerase IV (Topo IV). Topo IV is also involved in the unknotting of supercoiled DNA molecules. Using Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations, we investigate the shapes of supercoiled DNA molecules that are either knotted or catenated. We are especially interested in understanding how Topo IV can unknot right-handed knots and decatenate right-handed catenanes without acting on right-handed plectonemes in negatively supercoiled DNA molecules. To this end, we investigate how the topological consequences of intersegmental passages depend on the geometry of the DNA-DNA juxtapositions at which these passages occur. We observe that there are interesting differences between the geometries of DNA-DNA juxtapositions in the interwound portions and in the knotted or catenated portions of the studied molecules. In particular, in negatively supercoiled, multiply interlinked, right-handed catenanes, we detect specific regions where DNA segments belonging to two freshly replicated sister DNA molecules form left-handed crossings. We propose that, due to its geometrical preference to act on left-handed crossings, Topo IV can specifically unknot supercoiled DNA, as well as decatenate postreplicative catenanes, without causing their torsional relaxation

    KnotProt: a database of proteins with knots and slipknots.

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    The protein topology database KnotProt, http://knotprot.cent.uw.edu.pl/, collects information about protein structures with open polypeptide chains forming knots or slipknots. The knotting complexity of the cataloged proteins is presented in the form of a matrix diagram that shows users the knot type of the entire polypeptide chain and of each of its subchains. The pattern visible in the matrix gives the knotting fingerprint of a given protein and permits users to determine, for example, the minimal length of the knotted regions (knot's core size) or the depth of a knot, i.e. how many amino acids can be removed from either end of the cataloged protein structure before converting it from a knot to a different type of knot. In addition, the database presents extensive information about the biological functions, families and fold types of proteins with non-trivial knotting. As an additional feature, the KnotProt database enables users to submit protein or polymer chains and generate their knotting fingerprints

    KnotProt 2.0: a database of proteins with knots and other entangled structures.

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    The KnotProt 2.0 database (the updated version of the KnotProt database) collects information about proteins which form knots and other entangled structures. New features in KnotProt 2.0 include the characterization of both probabilistic and deterministic entanglements which can be formed by disulfide bonds and interactions via ions, a refined characterization of entanglement in terms of knotoids, the identification of the so-called cysteine knots, the possibility to analyze all or a non-redundant set of proteins, and various technical updates. The KnotProt 2.0 database classifies all entangled proteins, represents their complexity in the form of a knotting fingerprint, and presents many biological and geometrical statistics based on these results. Currently the database contains >2000 entangled structures, and it regularly self-updates based on proteins deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB)

    Symmetry-breaking in cumulative measures of shapes of polymer models.

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    Using numerical simulations we investigate shapes of random equilateral open and closed chains, one of the simplest models of freely fluctuating polymers in a solution. We are interested in the 3D density distribution of the modeled polymers where the polymers have been aligned with respect to their three principal axes of inertia. This type of approach was pioneered by Theodorou and Suter in 1985. While individual configurations of the modeled polymers are almost always nonsymmetric, the approach of Theodorou and Suter results in cumulative shapes that are highly symmetric. By taking advantage of asymmetries within the individual configurations, we modify the procedure of aligning independent configurations in a way that shows their asymmetry. This approach reveals, for example, that the 3D density distribution for linear polymers has a bean shape predicted theoretically by Kuhn. The symmetry-breaking approach reveals complementary information to the traditional, symmetrical, 3D density distributions originally introduced by Theodorou and Suter

    Identifying knots in proteins.

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    Polypeptide chains form open knots in many proteins. How these knotted proteins fold and finding the evolutionary advantage provided by these knots are among some of the key questions currently being studied in the protein folding field. The detection and identification of protein knots are substantial challenges. Different methods and many variations of them have been employed, but they can give different results for the same protein. In the present article, we review the various knot identification algorithms and compare their relative strengths when applied to the study of knots in proteins. We show that the statistical approach based on the uniform closure method is advantageous in comparison with other methods used to characterize protein knots

    Effect of knotting on polymer shapes and their enveloping ellipsoids.

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    We simulate freely jointed chains to investigate how knotting affects the overall shapes of freely fluctuating circular polymeric chains. To characterize the shapes of knotted polygons, we construct enveloping ellipsoids that minimize volume while containing the entire polygon. The lengths of the three principal axes of the enveloping ellipsoids are used to define universal size and shape descriptors analogous to the squared radius of gyration and the inertial asphericity and prolateness. We observe that polymeric chains forming more complex knots are more spherical and also more prolate than chains forming less complex knots with the same number of edges. We compare the shape measures, determined by the enveloping ellipsoids, with those based on constructing inertial ellipsoids and explain the differences between these two measures of polymer shape

    Linear and ring polymers in confined geometries

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    A short overview of the theoretical and experimental works on the polymer-colloid mixtures is given. The behaviour of a dilute solution of linear and ring polymers in confined geometries like slit of two parallel walls or in the solution of mesoscopic colloidal particles of big size with different adsorbing or repelling properties in respect to polymers is discussed. Besides, we consider the massive field theory approach in fixed space dimensions d = 3 for the investigation of the interaction between long flexible polymers and mesoscopic colloidal particles of big size and for the calculation of the correspondent depletion interaction potentials and the depletion forces between confining walls. The presented results indicate the interesting and nontrivial behavior of linear and ring polymers in confined geometries and give possibility better to understand the complexity of physical effects arising from confinement and chain topology which plays a significant role in the shaping of individual chromosomes and in the process of their segregation, especially in the case of elongated bacterial cells. The possibility of using linear and ring polymers for production of new types of nano- and micro-electromechanical devices is analyzed