69 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti error yang paling sering dilakukan siswa dalam penggunaan simple past tense ketika menulis teks biographical recount berdasarkan metode error anlysis. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk meneliti sumber dari error yang dilakukan oleh siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah qualitative case study. Data yang digunakan yaitu 30 teks recount yang ditulis oleh siswa kelas sepuluh dari kelas yang sama pada salah satu Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri di Cimahi dan data yang diperoleh berupa teks siswa dan wawancara. Teks recount yang akan dianalisis hanya terfokus pada kesalahan penggunaan simple past tense bedasarkan teori surface strategy taxonomy dari Dulay (Burt & Kransen, 1982). Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa misformation adalah error yang paling sering muncul dengan presentase 63, 64%, kemudian omission 22, 73%, addition 13, 64%, dan misordering 0%. Penelitian ini juga menenuman jika error yang dibuat siswa dipengaruhi oleh beberapa sumber yaitu interlingual dan intralingual dan rata-rata siswa terpengaruh oleh sumber intralingual. Sumber intralingual mengambil peran terbanyak sebesar 94% dan interlingual hanya sebesar 6%. Hal ini menunjukan jika bahasa ibu tidak terlalu mempengaruhi siswa pada level ini. Setelah diberikan error correction, ternyata hanya sedikit siswa yang masih membuat kesalahan yang sama. Hal ini juga menunjukan jika kualitas menulis siswa meningkat. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan para guru untuk memberikan penjelasa mengenai tenses lebih jel;as lagi karena di level ini siswa masih bingung untuk menentukan tenses apa yang digunakan sehingga mereka tidak keliru menggunakan tenses lain Kata Kunci: Teks biographical recount, Analisis Error, Surface Strategy Taxonomy, sumber error. This study aims to know the most frequent errors made by students in writing biographical recount text, based on the error analysis methods. This study also aims to investigate the source of the errors. The method in this study was a qualitative one. The data obtained from the research were interview data and 30 texts written by tenth-grade students from a same class at a senior high school in Cimahi. The data were collected from writing and interview. The focus was only on the error of simple past tense based on surface strategy taxonomy by Dulay Burt & Kransen (1982). The finding showed that the most frequent error was misformation which was 63.64%, then omission which was 22.73%, addition which was 13.64%, and misordering which was 0%. The findings also showed that intralingual and interlingual aspects were the sources of student’s error. Intralingual source took the biggest part which was 94% and interlingual only 6%. It indicates that the mother tongue did not really influence the students at this level. After the error correction was given there were only a few students who still made the error. It means that the quality of students in writing improved. This study recommended that the teacher give a clearer explanation about the tenses that will be taught because the students at this level are still confused about the correct tenses that have to use. Keywords: Biographical recount Text, Error Analysis, Surface Strategy Taxonomy, Source of Erro


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    Skripsi ini dilatar belakangi oleh pentingnya keterampilan dribbling dalam permainan bola basket, karena keterampilan dribbling ini mendukung sekali untuk terciptanya angka yang bisa menentukan kemenangan dalam permainan bola basket. Adapun masalah yang penulis ajukan dalam skripsi ini adalah apakah modifikasi tes keterampilan dribbling ini memiliki tingkat validitas dan reliabilitas yang memadai. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini metode deskriptif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengungkapkan berapa besar tingkat atau kadar validitas dan reliabilitas modifikasi tes keterampilan dribbling dalam permaianan bola basket. Hasil analisis data yang diperoleh yaitu : (1). Tes keterampilan dribbling menurut Nurhasan dan Dudung H memiliki tingkat validitas sebesar r = 0,90 dan reliabilitas sebesar r = 0,94 dan hasilnya adalah signifikan. (2). Modifikasi tes keterampilan dribbling memiliki tingkat validitas sebesar r = 0,90 dan reliabilitas sebesar r = 0,94 dan hasilnya adalah signifikan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut di atas maka penulis berkesimpulan bahwa tes keterampilan dribbling dalam permainan bola basket yang penulis susun mempunyai nilai validitas dan relibilitas yang tinggi serta signifikan


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    Breast cancer is one of lethal diseases feared by women. Early symptoms that are hard to recognize are the main factors which caused early treatment to patients receive few attention. One of the ways to solve this is by diagnosing someone to know whether or not the individual harbor malignant cancer. The research in t his paper will explain and implement backpropagation neural network method to diagnose breast cancer. The implementation process is by conducting tests using breast cancer data set. In initial stage, backpropagation neural network method conducted training to training data set and then the model obtained from the training’s network would be tested on test data. The experiment used 569 observation data divided into two parts; which were 70% training data set and 30% test data set for each class. Based on the result of the experiment, backpropagation neural network method can be used to diagnose breast cancer. The accuracy value obtained from this method was 100%. Choosing training data sets that will be used for learning will affect the accuracy level of the system


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    Natural disasters in Indonesia caused by geographical factor—such as earthquakes—or by human activity—such as flood—which occur almost annually in Jakarta are a source of concern. Moreover, it is common to hear news about natural disaster victims that had not received adequate attention and aid. One of the factors that caused ineffectivity in delivering aid to thevictims is the lack of information received by people competent in giving aid, other than other non technical problem. The role of management information system (MIS) becomes crucial when it comes to the importance of building trust. Thus, it is hoped to be able to ease aiding natural disaster victims. The use of natural disaster MIS through web-based application is very helpful in keeping aid delivery transparent, which made donors have no doubt upon giving help. Moreover, with this natural disaster MIS it is hoped that aid distribution to natural disaster victims could be done efficiently and right on target

    Improvement at Network Planning using Heuristic Algorithm to Minimize Cost of Distance between Nodes in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) consists of wireless stations that are connected with each other in a semi-static configuration. Depending on the configuration of a WMN, different paths between nodes offer different levels of efficiency. One areas of research with regard to WMN is cost minimization. A Modified Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (MBPSO) approach was used to optimize cost. However, minimized cost does not guarantee network performance. This paper thus, modified the minimization function to take into consideration the distance between the different nodes so as to enable better performance while maintaining cost balance. The results were positive with the PDR showing an approximate increase of 17.83% whereas the E2E delay saw an approximate decrease of 8.33%

    The Design of Population Data Application Using Unified Modeling Language

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    Population data collection at the sub-district level still uses a manual system. It is causing less efficient time. In this study the application of population data is generated in the sub-district, using web applications and using the Unified Modeling Language design. With the above considerations, we need a system that can solve population data problems. With this application, it is expected that it will facilitate the processing of population data. This new application can accelerate the process of population registration with the help of human resources who can run it. Advice needed human resources that can run the application properly

    Feature selection from colon cancer dataset for cancer classification using Artificial Neural Network

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    In the fast-growing field of medicine and its dynamic demand in research, a study that proves significant improvement to healthcare seems imperative especially when it is on cancer research. This research paved way to such significant findings by the inclusion of feature selection as one of its major components. Feature selection has become a vital task to apply data mining algorithms effectively in the real-world problems for classification. Feature selection has been the focus of interest for quite some time and much completed work related to it. Although much research conducted on the field, a study that proved a nearly perfect accuracy seems limited; hence, more scientifically driven results should be produced. Using various research on feature selection as basis for the choices in this study, the method was product of careful selection and planning. Specifically, this study used feature selection for improving classification accuracy on cancerous dataset. This study proposed Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for cancer classification with feature selection on colon cancer dataset. The study used best first search method in weka tools for feature selection. Through the process, a promising result has been achieved. The result of the experiment achieved 98.4 % accuracy for cancer classification after feature selection by using proposed algorithm. The result displayed that feature selection improved the classification accuracy based on the experiment conducted on the colon cancer dataset. The result of this experiment was comparable with the other studies on colon cancer research. It  showed another significant improvement and can be considered promising for more future applications

    New Heuristic Model for Optimal CRC Polynomial

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    Cyclic Redundancy Codes (CRCs) are important for maintaining integrity in data transmissions. CRC performance is mainly affected by the polynomial chosen. Recent increases in data throughput require a foray into determining optimal polynomials through software or hardware implementations. Most CRC implementations in use, offer less than optimal performance or are inferior to their newer published counterparts. Classical approaches to determining optimal polynomials involve brute force based searching a population set of all possible polynomials in that set. This paper evaluates performance of CRC-polynomials generated with Genetic Algorithms. It then compares the resultant polynomials, both with and without encryption headers against a benchmark polynomial


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    Kerusakan Struktur dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa hal, seperti detail pemasangan tulangan yang tidak tepat, kesalahan perhitungan desain struktur, pelaksanaan di lapangan yang kurang baik, dan lain sebagainya. Salah satu bentuk kerusakan struktur adalah terjadinya keruntuhan pada balok. Balok beton bertulang yang mengalami keruntuhan juga disebabkan oleh banyak hal. Keruntuhan geser pada balok beton bertulang merupakan salah satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan. Balok yang mengalami keruntuhan perlu dilakukan perbaikan atau di desain ulang tanpa harus membangun dari awal kembali. Untuk itu dibutuhkan suatu metode. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk perkuatan struktur adalah pengguanaan pelat baja sebagai perkuatan dalam menggantikan peran sengkang dalam memikul beban geser. Metode ini dinilai paling efektif dalam perkuatan struktur, dikarenakan pengerjaan yang mudah, lebih ekonomis, dan deformasi yang tinggi.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat diketahui bahwa semakin besar rasio tulangan tarik yang digunakan maka kekakuan pada benda uji juga akan semakin besar. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh bahwa balok tanpa tulangan sengkang yang diberi perkuatan pelat baja (S1-1, S1-2, S1-3) mampu menyamai kekuatan balok dengan tulangan sengkang (C1, C2, C3). Bahkan berdasarkan perhitungan kekuatan dengan SNI, pelat baja memiliki kekuatan lebih besar 5,634% daripada kekuatan tulangan sengkang. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelat baja berkontribusi dalam mengingkatkan kapasitas geser benda uji. Tetapi kontribusi pelat baja ini masih belum tercapai secara sempurna karena pada saat pengujian terjadinya debonding antara pelat baja dengan permukaaan beton, sehingga pelat baja tersebut tidak dapat lagi berkontribusi dalam menahan gaya geser yang terjadi pada benda uji


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    Thispaper discusses Indonesia's dilemma regarding the ratification of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). The purpose of this study is to understand more about the dilemma of the Ratification of the International Treaty Convention on Tobacco Control related to the threat of Indonesian state income from cigarette taxes for Indonesia. Data collection techniques in this study using library research (library research). The analysis technique in this study uses inductive analysis techniques. The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control was issued as one of the efforts of the international community to control tobacco consumption. The Indonesian state itself, which is actively participating in the formulation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control agreement as a drafting committee, has not yet been willing to ratify the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. In fact, Indonesia is the only country in the Asia Pacific region that is not yet willing to ratify this agreement. Therefore, various questions arise as to why the Indonesian government is not yet willing to ratify this treaty convention.AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas dilema Indonesia terkait ratifikasi Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk memehami lebih lanjut mengenai dilema Ratifikasi Konvensi Perjanjian Internasional Masalah Pengendalian Tembakau terkait ancaman pendapatan negara Indonesia dari pajak rokok bagi Indonesia. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan studi pustaka (library research). Teknik analisa pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisa induktif. FCTC dikeluarkan sebagai salah satu upaya dari masyarakat internasional guna untuk pengendalian konsumsi tembakau. Negara Indonesia sendiri yang aktif ikut serta dalam perumusan perjanjian FCTC sebagai drafting committee, sampai dengan saat ini belum juga bersedia untuk meratifikasi FCTC. Bahkan negara Indonesia menjadi negara satu-satunya di kawasan Asia Pasifik yang belum bersedia untuk meratifikasi perjanjian ini. Faktor penyebab dilema yang dihadapi Indonesia yaitu Industri rokok memberikan dampak positif bagi pendapatan Negara tetapi memiliki dampak buruk terhadap kesehatan masyarakat
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