28 research outputs found

    Genetic diversity analysis for various morphological and quality traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    The present investigation was carried out during 2011-12 in a randomized block design (RBD) with 35 diverse wheat genotypes to assess the genetic diversity for various morphological and quality traits. The analysis of variance for grain yield and its contributing components namely days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, productive tillers, plant height, spike length, spikelets pet spike, grains per spikelet, biological yield, harvest index, 1000 grain weight, grain yield and gluten content showed highly significant differences (at <1% level of significance) among the genotypes under present study. High heritability along with high genetic advance and high phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) and genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) for grain yield (g), biological yield (g), harvest index (%), spike length (cm) and 1000 grain weight (g) indicated substantial contribution of additive gene action in the expression and thus selection would be effective for genetic improvement of these traits for improving grain yield in wheat. On the basis of multivariate analysis, 35 genotypes were grouped into ‘6’ clusters based on genetic divergence (D2 ) value. The compositions of clusters revealed that the Cluster IV contained the highest number of genotypes (9) followed by Cluster II (8), Cluster VI (8) and Cluster III (7). The highest inter cluster values were recorded between cluster III and V (8357.19) followed by cluster IV and V (7513.88), cluster IV and VI (6009.44) and cluster III and VI (5530.40) exhibiting wide genetic diversity. Among different traits, biological yield (32.12%), productive tillers (28.74%), harvest index (26.71%), plant height (24.20%), grain yield (19.23%) and grains per spikelets (14.89%) had maximum contribution to total genetic divergence, therefore may be used as selection parameters in transgressive segregants. Selection of genotypes from the clusters may be used as potential donors for further hybridization programme to develop genotypes with high yield potential in wheat crop

    Sensorless speed control of DC motor using EKF estimator and TSK fuzzy logic controller

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    In this article, sensorless speed control of DC motor has been proposed using the extended Kalman filter (EKF) estimator and Takagi–Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy logic controller (FLC). In the industry, high-cost measurement systems/sensors are necessary for better controlling and monitoring, which can be replaced by a sensorless control technique to reduce the cost, size and increase system reliability and robustness. EKF has been used to perform the sensorless speed control by estimating the speed of the DC motor using the armature current only and TSK-FLC is used to reduce the effect of motor parameter variation and load torque nonlinearity in close loop speed control for various speed references. The performance of EKF-based TSK-FLC is compared with EKF-based PID controller. The time-domain specification and absolute error performance indices indicate that EKF-based TSK-FLC is superior to the EKF-based PID under similar conditions. The proposed system is executed in the MATLAB/Simulink environment, and sensorless speed control of DC motor prototype model has been developed for validating the proposed technique with the help of a micro-controller

    Usporedba lidokaina i kombinacije lidokaina i ketamina primijenjenih za distalnu intravensku regionalnu anesteziju (DIVRA) u goveda

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    The hoof diseases of cattle can be managed surgically under intravenous regional anesthesia (IVRA). For routine induction of IVRA, a tourniquet is placed circumferentially at the metacarpus/metatarsus. In the present study, hoof diseases of cattle were corrected using a modified IVRA technique. The cattle with hoof ailments were randomly divided into two groups and a tourniquet was placed just distal to the dew claws instead of at the metacarpus/metatarsus in order to decrease the dose of anesthetic. In group I lidocaine (2mg/kg) and in group II a mixture of lidocaine and ketamine (2mg/kg+1.5mg/kg) was injected into the axial digital vein to induce distal intravenous regional anesthesia (DIVRA). The heart rate, respiration rate, systolic and diastolic pressure were unaffected in both groups. Oxygen saturation was significantly (P<0.05) lower between 5 and 60 minutes in group I and between 15 and 40 minutes in group II animals. The sensory and motor block onset time was shorter, and the sensory and motor block recovery time was longer in group II animals as compared to group I animals. It was concluded that the DIVRA technique using lidocaine alone and lidocaine admixed with ketamine are suitable for hoof examination and surgery.Bolesti papaka u goveda mogu se kirurški liječiti pod intravenskom regionalnom anestezijom (IVRA). Za rutinsko uvođenje u IVRA-u postavlja se kružno čvrsti zavoj na metakarpus/metatarzus. U ovom su istraživanju bolesti papaka u goveda liječene modificiranom IVRA metodom. Istražene životinje nasumično su podijeljene u dvije skupine a zavoj kojim se samnjuje doza anestetika postavljen je, umjesto na metakarpus/metatarzus, distalno od rudimentiranih papaka. U skupini I primijenjen je lidokain (2 mg/kg), a u skupini II kombinacija lidokaina i ketamina (2 mg/kg + 1,5 mg/kg). Za uvođenje u distalnu intravensku regionalnu anesteziju (DIVRA) anestetici su aplicirani u aksijalnu digitalnu venu. Srčana frekvencija, frekvencija disanja, sistolički i dijastolički tlak u obje su skupine bili nepromijenjeni. Zasićenost kisikom bila je znakovito niža (P<0,05) između 5. i 60. minute u skupini I te između 15. i 40. minute u skupini II. Vrijeme pojave senzornih i motoričkih blokova bilo je kraće, a vrijeme oporavka tih blokova dulje u životinja u skupini II u usporedbi sa skupinom I. Zaključeno je da je DIVRA, uz upotrebu i samog lidokaina i lidokaina u kombinaciji s ketaminom, prikladna metoda za pregled i obavljanje kiruških zahvata na papcima goveda


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    Various embodiments of the present invention provide a system and method for defining, implementing, and / or executing batch processing of API transaction services and products. The system is configured to receive a plurality of file processing requests associated with API traffic from one or more clients and batch, one or more jobs associated with the plurality of file processing requests for the API traffic. Further, the system is configured to pick and initiate the process of executing the API call associated with the API transitions. Furthermore, it splits the input file into plurality of chunks and invokes the API call associated with the corresponding chunk and receives responses from API transitions as well as store the same in chunks. The processor within the system is configured to consolidate the plurality of responses stored in the chunks and write the response to an output file

    Impact of varying doses of Moringa leaf extract supplementation in the cryopreservation media on sperm quality, antioxidant capacity and antimicrobial activity of frozen-thawed buck spermatozoa

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    The current investigation was planned to evaluate the effect of Moringa leaves also called Moringa oleifera (M. oleifera) aqueous extract on buck semen quality during cryopreservation, and its antimicrobial potential against the Escherichia coli (E. coli) isolated from the semen samples. Semen was collected from 8 Jakhrana bucks, and from each buck, 8 ejaculates were collected. Semen samples were subjected to bacteriological studies and pathogenic coli were isolated from semen samples. Then, various concentrations of M. oleifera extract were evaluated for its antimicrobial potential. Good quality semen samples were pooled during each collection. Pooled semen samples were then divided into 4 equal parts, and diluted in TRIS buffer containing different concentration of M. oleifera leaf aqueous extract (Different groups, i.e. T1-50 mg, T2-100 mg, T3-200 mg, C-0 mg of M. oleifera aqueous extract in 100 ml TRIS Buffer). Semen samples were evaluated for various sperm characteristics after cryopreservation. oleifera aqueous extract supplemented groups showed significant enhancement in sperm viability, sperm motility, acrosomal integrity and plasma membrane integrity. The treatment significantly reduced the lipid peroxidation in supplemented groups and M. oleifera extract shows the potent antimicrobial activity against the E. coli isolated from buck semen

    Talajmikrobiológiai paraméterek változása szántóként és rétként hasznosított réti szolonyec talajokban

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    Összefoglalás A hazánk területének megközelítően 10%-át fedő szikes talajokban zajló talajkémiai folyamatok részletes vizsgálatával ellentétben, a talajmikrobiológiai folyamatokról és állapotokról kevesebb ismerettel rendelkezünk. Munkánkban ezért egy réti szolonyec talaj kémiai, fizikai és mikrobiológiai tulajdonságait vizsgáltuk szántó és rét hasznosítású területen. Munkánk célja a rét és szántó művelési ág talajkémiai, -fizikai és - mikrobiológiai tulajdonságainak megállapítása, a kémiai és mikrobiológiai tulajdonságok közötti kapcsolatok feltárása réti szolonyec talajon, ahol a korábbi vizsgálatok elsősorban a talajkémiai változásokra koncentráltak. A szántó és rét művelési ág talaja egyes kémiai és mikrobiológiai paraméterekben szignifikánsan különbözött egymástól. A talaj mikrobiológiai aktivitása, a talajban élő mikrobák mennyisége egyaránt nagyobb volt a rétként hasznosított területen. Eredményeink felhívják a figyelmet a minél hosszabb ideig tartó növényborítás biztosításának fontosságára a talaj szervesanyag-tartalmának megőrzésében, növelésében, és az ehhez szorosan kapcsolódó aktívabb talajéletfenntartásában. A művelési ág hatása olyan erőteljes a talaj vizsgált mikrobiológiai változóira, hogy azok statisztikailag elkülönítették a szántó és rét művelési ágakat annak ellenére, hogy a korábbi mintavételi terület két-két, a területekre jellemző mikrobiális biomassza szén szélsőértéket mutató pontjaiból vettük a talajmintákat. Ugyanakkor a vizsgált kémiai, fizikai változók csoportja még nem igazolta a két művelési ág talajmintáinak statisztikai különbségét. Eredményeink tehát igazolják, hogy a talajok mikrobiológiai paraméterei gyorsabban jelezhetik a talajokban bekövetkező, esetleges negatív változásokat, mint a kémiai és/vagy fizikai paraméterek