402 research outputs found

    Evidence of two spectral breaks in the prompt emission of gamma ray bursts

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    The long-lasting tension between the observed spectra of gamma ray bursts (GRBs) and the predicted synchrotron emission spectrum might be solved if electrons do not completely cool. Evidence for incomplete cooling was recently found in Swift GRBs with prompt observations down to 0.1 keV and in one bright Fermi burst, GRB 160625B. Here we systematically search for evidence of incomplete cooling in the spectra of the ten brightest short and long GRBs observed by Fermi. We find that in 8/10 long GRBs there is compelling evidence of a low energy break (below the peak energy) and good agreement with the photon indices of the synchrotron spectrum (respectively -2/3 and -3/2 below the break and between the break and the peak energy). Interestingly, none of the ten short GRBs analysed shows a break but the low energy spectral slope is consistent with -2/3. In a standard scenario, these results imply a very low magnetic field in the emission region (B' ~ 10 G in the comoving frame), at odd with expectations.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures, in press, accepted for publication in A&

    The short gamma-ray burst population in a quasi-universal jet scenario

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    We describe a model of the short gamma-ray burst (SGRB) population under a `quasi-universal jet' scenario in which jets can differ in their on-axis peak prompt emission luminosity LcL_c, but share a universal angular luminosity profile (θv)=L(θv)/Lc\ell(\theta_v)=L(\theta_v)/L_c as a function of the viewing angle θv\theta_v. The model is fitted, through a Bayesian hierarchical approach inspired by gravitational wave (GW) population analyses, to 3 observed SGRB samples simultaneously: the Fermi/GBM sample of SGRBs with spectral information in the catalogue (367 events); a flux-complete sample of 16 Swift/BAT SGRBs also detected by GBM, with a measured redshift; and a sample of SGRBs with a binary neutron star (BNS) merger counterpart, which only includes GRB~170817A at present. The results favour a narrow jet core with half-opening angle θc=2.11.4+2.4\theta_c=2.1_{-1.4}^{+2.4} deg (90\% credible intervals from our fiducial `full sample' analysis) whose on-axis peak luminosity is distributed as p(Lc)LcAp(L_c) \propto L_c^{-A} with A=3.20.4+0.7A=3.2_{-0.4}^{+0.7} above a minimum luminosity Lc=52+11×1051L_c^\star = 5_{-2}^{+11}\times 10^{51} erg s1^{-1}. For θv>θc\theta_v>\theta_c, the luminosity scales as a power law θvαL\ell\propto \theta_v^{-\alpha_L} with αL=4.71.4+1.2\alpha_L=4.7_{-1.4}^{+1.2}, with no evidence for a break. While the model implies an intrinsic `Yonetoku' correlation between LL and the peak photon energy EpE_p, its slope is somewhat shallower EpL0.4±0.2E_p\propto L^{0.4\pm 0.2} than the apparent one, and the normalization is offset towards larger EpE_p, due to selection effects. The implied local rate density of SGRBs is between about 100 up to several thousands of events per Gpc3^{3} yr, in line with the BNS merger rate density inferred from GW observations. Based on the model, we predict 0.2 to 1.3 joint GW+SGRB detections per year by the Advanced GW detector network and Fermi/GBM during the O4 observing run.Comment: 30 pages, 23 figures, submitted to A&A. Comments are welcome

    The long-term optical spectral variability of BL Lacertae

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    We present the results from a study of the long-term optical spectral variations of BL Lacertae, using the long and well-sampled B and R-band light curves of the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) collaboration, binned on time intervals of 1 day. The relation between spectral slope and flux (the spectrum gets bluer as the source flux increases) is well described by a power-law model, although there is significant scatter around the best-fitting model line. To some extent, this is due to the spectral evolution of the source (along well-defined loop-like structures) during low-amplitude events, which are superimposed on the major optical flares, and evolve on time scales of a few days. The "bluer-when-brighter" mild chromatism of the long-term variations of the source can be explained if the flux increases/decreases faster in the B than in the R band. The B and R-band variations are well correlated, with no significant, measurable delays larger than a few days. On the other hand, we find that the spectral variations lead those in the flux light curves by ~ 4 days. Our results can be explained in terms of Doppler factor variations due to changes in the viewing angle of a curved and inhomogeneous emitting jet.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Internal shocks in relativistic outflows: collisions of magnetized shells

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    (Abridged): We study the collision of magnetized irregularities (shells) in relativistic outflows in order to explain the origin of the generic phenomenology observed in the non-thermal emission of both blazars and gamma-ray bursts. We focus on the influence of the magnetic field on the collision dynamics, and we further investigate how the properties of the observed radiation depend on the strength of the initial magnetic field and on the initial internal energy density of the flow. The collisions of magnetized shells and the radiation resulting from these collisions are calculated using the 1D relativistic magnetohydrodynamics code MRGENESIS. The interaction of the shells with the external medium prior to their collision is also determined using an exact solver for the corresponding 1D relativistic magnetohydrodynamic Riemann problem. Our simulations show that two magnetization parameters - the ratio of magnetic energy density and thermal energy density, \alpha_B, and the ratio of magnetic energy density and mass-energy density, \sigma - play an important role in the pre-collision phase, while the dynamics of the collision and the properties of the light curves depend mostly on the magnetization parameter \sigma. The interaction of the shells with the external medium changes the flow properties at their edges prior to the collision. For sufficiently dense shells moving at large Lorentz factors (\simgt 25) these properties depend only on the magnetization parameter \sigma. Internal shocks in GRBs may reach maximum efficiencies of conversion of kinetic into thermal energy between 6% and 10%, while in case of blazars, the maximum efficiencies are \sim 2%.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figures. 2 new references have been added. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Consistency with synchrotron emission in the bright GRB 160625B observed by Fermi

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    We present time-resolved spectral analysis of prompt emission from GRB 160625B, one of the brightest bursts ever detected by Fermi in its nine years of operations. Standard empirical functions fail to provide an acceptable fit to the GBM spectral data, which instead require the addition of a low-energy break to the fitting function. We introduce a new fitting function, called 2SBPL, consisting of three smoothly connected power laws. Fitting this model to the data, the goodness of the fits significantly improves and the spectral parameters are well constrained. We also test a spectral model that combines non-Thermal and thermal (black body) components, but find that the 2SBPL model is systematically favoured. The spectral evolution shows that the spectral break is located around Ebreak ~100 keV, while the usual νFν peak energy feature Epeak evolves in the 0.5-6 MeV energy range. The slopes below and above Ebreak are consistent with the values-0.67 and-1.5, respectively, expected from synchrotron emission produced by a relativistic electron population with a low-energy cut-off. If Ebreak is interpreted as the synchrotron cooling frequency, the implied magnetic field in the emitting region is ~10 Gauss, i.e. orders of magnitudes smaller than the value expected for a dissipation region located at ~1013-14 cm from the central engine. The low ratio between Epeak and Ebreak implies that the radiative cooling is incomplete, contrary to what is expected in strongly magnetized and compact emitting regions

    Decaying shock studies of phase transitions in MgOSiO2 systems: implications for the Super-Earths interiors

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    We report an experimental study of the phase diagrams of periclase (MgO), enstatite (MgSiO3) and forsterite (Mg2SiO4) at high pressures. We investigated with laser driven decaying shocks the pressure/temperature curves of MgO, MgSiO3 and Mg2SiO4 between 0.2-1.2 TPa, 0.12-0.5 TPa and 0.2-0.85 TPa respectively. A melting signature has been observed in MgO at 0.47 TPa and 9860 K, while no phase changes were observed neither in MgSiO3 nor in Mg2SiO4. An increasing of reflectivity of MgO, MgSiO3 and Mg2SiO4 liquids have been detected at 0.55 TPa -12 760 K, 0.15 TPa - 7540 K, 0.2 TPa - 5800 K, respectively. In contrast to SiO2, melting and metallization of these compounds do not coincide implying the presence of poor electrically conducting liquids close to the melting lines. This has important implications for the generation of dynamos in Super-earths mantles

    GRB 190114C: from prompt to afterglow?

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    GRB 190114C is the first gamma-ray burst detected at Very High Energies (VHE, i.e. >300 GeV) by the MAGIC Cherenkov telescope. The analysis of the emission detected by the Fermi satellite at lower energies, in the 10 keV -- 100 GeV energy range, up to ~ 50 seconds (i.e. before the MAGIC detection) can hold valuable information. We analyze the spectral evolution of the emission of GRB 190114C as detected by the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (GBM) in the 10 keV -- 40 MeV energy range up to ~60 sec. The first 4 s of the burst feature a typical prompt emission spectrum, which can be fit by a smoothly broken power-law function with typical parameters. Starting on ~4 s post-trigger, we find an additional nonthermal component, which can be fit by a power law. This component rises and decays quickly. The 10 keV -- 40 MeV flux of the power-law component peaks at ~ 6 s; it reaches a value of 1.7e-5 erg cm-2 s-1. The time of the peak coincides with the emission peak detected by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on board Fermi. The power-law spectral slope that we find in the GBM data is remarkably similar to that of the LAT spectrum, and the GBM+LAT spectral energy distribution seems to be consistent with a single component. This suggests that the LAT emission and the power-law component that we find in the GBM data belong to the same emission component, which we interpret as due to the afterglow of the burst. The onset time allows us to estimate the initial jet bulk Lorentz factor Gamma_0 is about 500, depending on the assumed circum-burst density.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, in press, accepted for publication in A&