719 research outputs found

    Evaluation of fibre lenght distribution in a short glass fibre reinforced PA-6

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    The aim of this work is to evaluate the fibre length distribution in a polyamide reinforced by short glass fibre. The fibre length and the fibre orientation distributions strongly influence the mechanical properties of short fibre reinforced composites. The sample investigated is a 30GFPA6 (polyamide-6 reinforced by 30 % by weight glass fibre), extracted from an injection-moulded plate. The digital reconstruction of the three-dimensional structure of the sample was obtained by synchrotron radiation micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), a high spatial resolution non-destructive technique. One global and one local method have been tested for the automatic evaluation of the fibre length distribution in our sample. The global method is based on the mean fibre length distribution computed from the Star Length Distribution (SLD), a morphological parameter. The local method is based on a 3D skeletonize function. The results are discussed in the light of the experimental data available in literature

    Threshold Identification for Micro-Tomographic Damage Characterisation in a Short-Fibre-Reinforced Polymer

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    The micro-tomographic technique represents an important tool for the analysis of the internal structure in short-fibre-reinforced polymers samples. For the investigation of damage mechanisms, detection of the micro-voids within the matrix can be facilitated by applying a tensile load in-situ during the scan. The investigations here described started from two micro-CT acquisitions, at different strain levels, of the same PA6.6GF10 sample. An original procedure for micro-voids identification is proposed, based on the statistical elaboration of the matrix grey-tone range. In order to validate the suggested procedure beyond visual inspection, an independent method based on an optimisation approach, which puts to use the two available micro-tomographic sets, was developed and applied. The effect of the tensile load, which can induce a progression of the damage within the specimen, was investigated, and the relations among strain, fibre distribution and micro-voids volumetric fraction were studied. Our findings point out that the mechanisms of damage progression, even under static loading as in this case, appear to be more complex than those related to the fibre-density-induced stress concentrations alone and require further investigation


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    Osteoporosis (OP) is a very common disease in which the bones become weak and are more likely to break. Despite the huge costs in the EU and worldwide, the majority of individuals who have sustained an osteoporosis-related fracture or who are at high risk of fracture are left untreated. In effect, OP is a silent disease, with bones deteriorating without warning until fracture, and the current screening modalities are not significantly better than age alone, also because they consider only the bone quantity (bone mineral density, BMD) and the clinical risk factors, but disregard the bone quality, that is the structural soundness of the trabecular arrangement, which can be evaluated by simulations on virtual models. While 3D models can only be used in research because of high costs, an alternative approach based on the acquisition of planar hand radiograms for bone behaviour simulations, and the use of a Structural Index, SI, for bone quality ranking, have been developed at the University of Trieste. In this work, we discuss the preliminary design of a portable low dose X-ray hand scanner to be used as a low cost, user-friendly device (Fig.1) for imaging the trabecular pattern in the proximal phalanges of the non-dominant hand and for providing a radiogram suitable for the SI evaluation


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    Osteoporosis (OP) is a very common disease in which the bones become weak and are more likely to break. Despite the huge costs in the EU and worldwide, the majority of individuals who have sustained an osteoporosis-related fracture or who are at high risk of fracture are left untreated. In effect, OP is a silent disease, with bones deteriorating without warning until fracture, and the current screening modalities are not significantly better than age alone, also because they consider only the bone quantity (bone mineral density, BMD) and the clinical risk factors, but disregard the bone quality, that is the structural soundness of the trabecular arrangement, which can be evaluated by simulations on virtual models. While 3D models can only be used in research because of high costs, an alternative approach based on the acquisition of planar hand radiograms for bone behaviour simulations, and the use of a Structural Index, SI, for bone quality ranking, have been developed at the University of Trieste. In this work, we discuss the preliminary design of a portable low dose X-ray hand scanner to be used as a low cost, user-friendly device (Fig.1) for imaging the trabecular pattern in the proximal phalanges of the non-dominant hand and for providing a radiogram suitable for the SI evaluation

    Igre naših predaka u vrtiću danas

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    Il gioco rappresenta una delle attività tipiche dei bambini e occupa gran parte della loro giornata, può essere visto come la lente attraverso cui esplorano il mondo che li circonda. È per i piccoli una presenza basilare, la sua mancanza potrebbe influire in modo negativo oltre che nello sviluppo anche nel benessere cognitivo, fisico, emotivo e sociale. Il gioco per sua natura è educante. È infatti attraverso di esso che il bambino impara a conoscere il mondo, a sperimentare il valore delle regole, a stare con gli altri, a gestire le proprie emozioni, a scoprire nuovi percorsi di autonomia e a sperimentare per tentativi ed errori le convinzioni sulle cose e sugli altri. In realtà, il gioco, è qualcosa di spontaneo e costituisce un mezzo attraverso il quale l’ambiente viene sperimentato e conosciuto. Esso si rileva prezioso compagno per l’adulto, per conoscere meglio il bambino e orientare in modo migliore la sua scelta educativa. Si può anche notare delle difficoltà del bambino e quindi agire tempestivamente e nel modo migliore per lo sviluppo omogeneo di tutte le sue capacità. Il gioco è una cosa seria. È quella connessione che unisce più generazioni, le culture e le molte tradizioni. Riprendendo i giochi dimenticati, potrebbero portare ai bambini di oggi un senso di semplicità, libertà.Igra djeci predstavlja jednu od glavnih aktivnosti i zauzima velik dio dana, te kroz igru istražuju svijet koji ih okružuje. Za najmlađe je ona osnova svega, pa bi nedostatak igre moglo negativno djelovati ne samo na razvoj, nego i na fizičko, emotivno i socijalno stanje, te na samu spoznaju svijeta. Igra je veoma poučna i edukativna aktivnost. Kroz igru dijete uči upoznavati svijet, shvaćati vrijednost pravila, družiti se sa ostalima, kontrolirati i utjecati na vlastite emocije, otkrivati vlastitu samostalnost, te uvjeravati se u druge stvari i u druge osobe kroz mnogo pokušaja i pogrešaka. U biti, igra je nešto spontano i predstavlja način kojim istražujemo, upoznajemo i dolazimo do određenog iskustva kroz okolinu. Nije bitna samo djetetu nego i samom roditelju, jer mu pomaže da upoznaje bolje vlastito dijete, da učvršćuju odnos, te da ga na najbolji način uputi u daljnji obrazovni izbor. Mogu se i prepoznati poteškoće u ranoj fazi razvoja, te reagirati na najbolji način kako bi mu se pomoglo da raste i da se razvija na najsigurniji i najbolji za njega. Dakle, igra je vrlo bitan dio našeg života. Veza koja spaja različite generacije, kulture, te brojne tradicije. Prihvaćanjem starih i zaboravljenih igara, mogli bi pružati najmlađima jednostavnost, ono čega danas više nema, slobodu.The game is one of the typical activities of children and occupies much of their day, and can be seen as the lens through which they explore the world around them. The children have to play, his absence could have a negative impact besides developing even in cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being. The game by its nature is educational. It is through this that the child learns to know the world, to experience the value of the rules, to stay with others, to manage their emotions, to discover new paths of autonomy and to experiment with convictions on things and attempts and mistakes on others. In fact, playing is something spontaneous and is a means through which the environment is experienced and known. It is a precious companion for the adult, to know the child better and to orient his or her educational choice better. You may also notice the difficulties of the child and therefore act promptly and in the best way for the homogeneous development of all its capabilities. The game is a serious thing. It is the connection that joins several generations, cultures and many traditions. Resuming forgotten games could bring today's children a sense of simplicity and freedom

    Influence of different floor management techniques on chemical composition of 'Chardonnay' variety (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Upravljanje sustavom tla u vinogradu ima višestruku i izuzetno važnu ulogu u uzgoju vinove loze (Vitis vinifera L.).U posljednje vrijeme povećan je interes za zatravljivanjem i malčiranjem vinograda u odnosu na upotrebu herbicida i stalnu obradu tla jer povoljno utječu na tlo i rast i razvoj vinove loze te kvalitetu grožđa.Tema ovog diplomskog rada je pokus koji je postavljen 2016. godine na sorti Chardonnay. Pokus se sastoji od četiri različita sustava upravljanja tlom. Jedan sustav predstavlja konvencionalnu obradu, drugi kontinuiranu izostavljenu obradu, treći je pod prirodnom vegetacijom koja se održava malčiranjem i četvrti sustav se održava podrivanjem i rotirajućom motikom. U trenutku berbe izdvojen je prosječan uzorak od 10 grozdova po varijanti na kojem je određen sadržaj šećera, ukupne kiseline, pH vrijednost te slobodni α-amino dušik (FAN). Isto tako utvrdio se prirod, broj grozdova po trsu te prosječna masa grozda. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da nema statistički značajne razlike među navedenim sustavima za održavanje tla, ali može se uočiti kako zatravljivanje i malčiranje pozitivno utječu na rast i razvoj vinove loze.The management of the soil system in the vineyard has a multifaceted and extremely important role in the cultivation of vines (Vitis vinifera L.). Recently, there has been an increase in interest in cover crops and mulches of vineyards in relation to herbicide use and permanent soil cultivation, as they favorably affect the soil, growth and development of vines and grape quality. This thesis describes the experiment set up in 2016 on Chardonnay variety. The experiment consists four different soil management systems. One system represents conventional tillage , the other is a continuous no-tillage, the third is under natural vegetation, which is maintained by mulching, and the fourth system is underlined and rotating. At the time of harvest, an average sample of 10 clusters was varied according to the variations in sugar, total acidity, pH value and free α-amino nitrogen (FAN). They also followed the yield, the number of bunches per pound, the average mass of the grape.The results obtained showed that there are no statistically significant differences between the above mentioned soil maintenance systems, but it can be noticed that the cover crops and malting positively affect the growth and development of grapevine

    Osobne vještine u odgoju: Centro studi Podresca

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    In questa tesi ho analizzato le abilità personali nell’educazione che ci propone il Centro Studi Podresca. Lo scopo di questo lavoro era quello di analizzare quali sono le abilità personali, da cosa vengono composte, qual è il metodo giusto per metterle in atto e perché sono importanti. Quello che si è concluso è che le abilità personali sono importanti per uno sviluppo completo del bambino. Per poter essere insegnate, per prima cosa l’adulto deve possederle e dunque deve fare da esempio. I ricercatori di Podresca ci propongono anche degli esercizi che possono aiutare lo sviluppo di tali abilità. Infine si è voluta fare una ricerca su tali abilità, si è proposto di fare un questionario per i genitori al fine di capire quanto le ritengano importanti nell’educazione dei propri figli e se le usano con essi.In this thesis I analyzed the personal skills in education, which are suggested by the Podresca Study Center. The purpose of this work was to analyze personal skills, what they consist of, what is the right method to use and theri importance. What was concluded, was the importance of this personal skills for a full development of the child. To be a teacher, first of all you have to have those personal skills and therefore be the role model for the children. The Podresca researches suggest some exercises which are helpfull in the development of this skills. In conclusion, wa conducted a research based on these skills, using a questionnaire for the parents, so we could understand how much importance they give to personal skills and whether the parents are using them with their own children.U ovome sam završnome radu analizirala osobne vještine u odgoju, koje nam Centar Studija Podresca predlaže. Cilj ovoga rada je analiza osobnih vještina, od čega se one sastoje, koja je metoda rada preporučena u ovome slučaju, te važnost iste. Iz ovoga rada, zaključeno je to da su osobne vještine vrlo važne kako bi se postigao potpuni razvoj djece. Prije svega osoba, koja želi biti odgajatelj, treba posjedovati takve vještine, te biti primjer. Istraživači Podresca nam predlažu nekoliko vježbi, pomoću kojih možemo razviti takve vještine. Naposljetku se provelo istraživanje osobnih vještina, predloženo je da se sastavi upitnik za roditelje, kako bi se zaključilo koliku oni važnost pridodaju osobnim vještinama te koriste li ih sa vlastitom djecom

    Influence of different floor management techniques on chemical composition of 'Chardonnay' variety (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Upravljanje sustavom tla u vinogradu ima višestruku i izuzetno važnu ulogu u uzgoju vinove loze (Vitis vinifera L.).U posljednje vrijeme povećan je interes za zatravljivanjem i malčiranjem vinograda u odnosu na upotrebu herbicida i stalnu obradu tla jer povoljno utječu na tlo i rast i razvoj vinove loze te kvalitetu grožđa.Tema ovog diplomskog rada je pokus koji je postavljen 2016. godine na sorti Chardonnay. Pokus se sastoji od četiri različita sustava upravljanja tlom. Jedan sustav predstavlja konvencionalnu obradu, drugi kontinuiranu izostavljenu obradu, treći je pod prirodnom vegetacijom koja se održava malčiranjem i četvrti sustav se održava podrivanjem i rotirajućom motikom. U trenutku berbe izdvojen je prosječan uzorak od 10 grozdova po varijanti na kojem je određen sadržaj šećera, ukupne kiseline, pH vrijednost te slobodni α-amino dušik (FAN). Isto tako utvrdio se prirod, broj grozdova po trsu te prosječna masa grozda. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da nema statistički značajne razlike među navedenim sustavima za održavanje tla, ali može se uočiti kako zatravljivanje i malčiranje pozitivno utječu na rast i razvoj vinove loze.The management of the soil system in the vineyard has a multifaceted and extremely important role in the cultivation of vines (Vitis vinifera L.). Recently, there has been an increase in interest in cover crops and mulches of vineyards in relation to herbicide use and permanent soil cultivation, as they favorably affect the soil, growth and development of vines and grape quality. This thesis describes the experiment set up in 2016 on Chardonnay variety. The experiment consists four different soil management systems. One system represents conventional tillage , the other is a continuous no-tillage, the third is under natural vegetation, which is maintained by mulching, and the fourth system is underlined and rotating. At the time of harvest, an average sample of 10 clusters was varied according to the variations in sugar, total acidity, pH value and free α-amino nitrogen (FAN). They also followed the yield, the number of bunches per pound, the average mass of the grape.The results obtained showed that there are no statistically significant differences between the above mentioned soil maintenance systems, but it can be noticed that the cover crops and malting positively affect the growth and development of grapevine

    Igre naših predaka u vrtiću danas

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    Il gioco rappresenta una delle attività tipiche dei bambini e occupa gran parte della loro giornata, può essere visto come la lente attraverso cui esplorano il mondo che li circonda. È per i piccoli una presenza basilare, la sua mancanza potrebbe influire in modo negativo oltre che nello sviluppo anche nel benessere cognitivo, fisico, emotivo e sociale. Il gioco per sua natura è educante. È infatti attraverso di esso che il bambino impara a conoscere il mondo, a sperimentare il valore delle regole, a stare con gli altri, a gestire le proprie emozioni, a scoprire nuovi percorsi di autonomia e a sperimentare per tentativi ed errori le convinzioni sulle cose e sugli altri. In realtà, il gioco, è qualcosa di spontaneo e costituisce un mezzo attraverso il quale l’ambiente viene sperimentato e conosciuto. Esso si rileva prezioso compagno per l’adulto, per conoscere meglio il bambino e orientare in modo migliore la sua scelta educativa. Si può anche notare delle difficoltà del bambino e quindi agire tempestivamente e nel modo migliore per lo sviluppo omogeneo di tutte le sue capacità. Il gioco è una cosa seria. È quella connessione che unisce più generazioni, le culture e le molte tradizioni. Riprendendo i giochi dimenticati, potrebbero portare ai bambini di oggi un senso di semplicità, libertà.Igra djeci predstavlja jednu od glavnih aktivnosti i zauzima velik dio dana, te kroz igru istražuju svijet koji ih okružuje. Za najmlađe je ona osnova svega, pa bi nedostatak igre moglo negativno djelovati ne samo na razvoj, nego i na fizičko, emotivno i socijalno stanje, te na samu spoznaju svijeta. Igra je veoma poučna i edukativna aktivnost. Kroz igru dijete uči upoznavati svijet, shvaćati vrijednost pravila, družiti se sa ostalima, kontrolirati i utjecati na vlastite emocije, otkrivati vlastitu samostalnost, te uvjeravati se u druge stvari i u druge osobe kroz mnogo pokušaja i pogrešaka. U biti, igra je nešto spontano i predstavlja način kojim istražujemo, upoznajemo i dolazimo do određenog iskustva kroz okolinu. Nije bitna samo djetetu nego i samom roditelju, jer mu pomaže da upoznaje bolje vlastito dijete, da učvršćuju odnos, te da ga na najbolji način uputi u daljnji obrazovni izbor. Mogu se i prepoznati poteškoće u ranoj fazi razvoja, te reagirati na najbolji način kako bi mu se pomoglo da raste i da se razvija na najsigurniji i najbolji za njega. Dakle, igra je vrlo bitan dio našeg života. Veza koja spaja različite generacije, kulture, te brojne tradicije. Prihvaćanjem starih i zaboravljenih igara, mogli bi pružati najmlađima jednostavnost, ono čega danas više nema, slobodu.The game is one of the typical activities of children and occupies much of their day, and can be seen as the lens through which they explore the world around them. The children have to play, his absence could have a negative impact besides developing even in cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being. The game by its nature is educational. It is through this that the child learns to know the world, to experience the value of the rules, to stay with others, to manage their emotions, to discover new paths of autonomy and to experiment with convictions on things and attempts and mistakes on others. In fact, playing is something spontaneous and is a means through which the environment is experienced and known. It is a precious companion for the adult, to know the child better and to orient his or her educational choice better. You may also notice the difficulties of the child and therefore act promptly and in the best way for the homogeneous development of all its capabilities. The game is a serious thing. It is the connection that joins several generations, cultures and many traditions. Resuming forgotten games could bring today's children a sense of simplicity and freedom

    Subretinal recombinant tissue plasminogen activator and pneumatic displacement for the management of subretinal hemorrhage occurring after anti-VEGF injections for wet AMD

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    We describe three cases of submacular hemorrhage that occurred two to four days after anti-VEGF intravitreal injection for occult choroidal neovascularisation in age-related macular degeneration and their management with 25 gauge pars plana vitrectomy with injection of subretinal recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rTPA) followed by fluid-air exchange and postoperative prone position. Vitrectomy, subretinal rTPA injection and fluid-gas exchange apply as a safe and effective treatment in these cases. Functional results seem to be positive especially if surgical treatment is promptly performed