937 research outputs found


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    WHEREAS, Leon Max Lederman was born on July 15, 1922, in Manhattan, New York to Morris and Minna Lederman; and

    The Impact of Community Service-Learning on Student Development, as Perceived by Student Leaders

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    Since the mid-1980s, leaders in higher education have promoted the resurgence of student service linked with learning, but limited research exists on expectations or outcomes for these students or for the communities they serve. The literature review revealed that students\u27 experiences of community service leadership had been a previously unexplored phenomenon. This study investigated the experiences of college students as community service leaders over a two-year period at two universities. According to data generated by four case studies, these leaders perceived significant personal changes in themselves as being different from changes they experienced when they volunteered. They grappled with their responses to societal problems and reflected on their relationships with people, of widely diverse cultures, whom they served. Participants improved communication and organizational skills while learning about societal issues and community agencies. Leaders examined their perceptions of those receiving service and also of the volunteers serving the community through university programs. Interpersonal relationships with other students as well as service recipients challenged leaders to reflect not only upon their own unrecognized stereotypes but also on their continued growth toward appreciating diversity. Leaders questioned the amount of influence or impact they had made on other students. Some discovered they preferred giving direct service instead of assuming program responsibility. Intense experiences of the participants affected their current and future decision-making about community service commitments and careers, and also on what they read and discussed. Data for this study were gathered from archival sources, surveys, questionnaires, journals, and focus group interviews. Several differences existed between the two university programs; such as, the program longevity, funding sources, and student leader autonomy. Issues regarding community service program implementation emerged, including types and amount of advising given to community service leaders and agency receptivity to students giving service. Impact on both universities and the broader communities convinced student leaders that they could make a difference. Being a leader in university community service programs stimulated some participants to plan future community leadership; all felt challenged to assume responsibility as citizens in our complex world

    California College Promise Program Characteristics and Perceptions from the Field

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    This report describes College Promise programs in California, including the number of College Promise programs, features, and general perceptions held by practitioners, leaders, and policymakers

    Bildungsforschung in der Wissensgesellschaft: Grundlagen, WidersprĂĽche und Perspektiven. Zur Berufsform der Arbeit als Dreh- und Angelpunkt beruflicher Bildung und der Berufsbildungsforschung

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    Erstellung einer Konkordanz zwischen BK (Basisklassifikation) und RVK (Regensburger Verbundklassifikation) fĂĽr das Fachgebiet Germanistik

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    Ziel der vorliegenden Master Thesis war die Erstellung einer Konkordanz zwischen der Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (RVK) und der Basisklassifikation (BK) für den Fachbereich Germanistik, die in der Suchmaschinentechnologie Primo als Tool bei der facettierten Suche eingesetzt werden kann. Der erste Teil der Arbeit beinhaltet Informationen zu Primo und zur facettierten Suche sowie Erläuterungen zu den Begriffen Klassifikation und Notation. Daran schließen sich die Präsentation der beiden Universalklassifikationen RVK und BK sowie kursorische Angaben zur Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) an. Einführenden Informationen zum Thema Konkordanz folgen die Ergebnisse einer Umfrage in der Inetbib- und RVKAnwenderliste unter potentiellen Anwendern beider Klassifikationen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit, der als Testfall konkreter Anwendung angelegt worden ist, werden nach einem einführenden Kommentar exemplarisch ausgewählte Beispiele aus der in Microsoft Excel tabellarisch erstellten Konkordanz kommentiert angeführt. Als Resultat der Arbeit ist neben der bereits bekannten Problematik der Erstellung einer Konkordanz zwischen unterschiedlich tief gegliederten Klassifikationen der Wunsch nach weiteren Konkordanzen für die gesamte Geisteswissenschaft zu nennen, um einerseits die Datendichte in den Bibliotheksverbünden noch weiter erhöhen und um sowohl Klassifizierern in ihrer täglichen Arbeit als auch informationssuchenden Benutzern bei ihren Recherchen einen Mehrwert bieten zu können.The aim of this master thesis was the creation of a concordance between the "Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (RVK)" and the "Basisklassifikation (BK)" for the academic discipline of German studies and philology, which can be used as a tool for faceted browsing in the search engine Primo. The first part of this work contains information on Primo and on faceted browsing, as well as explanation of the terms classification and notation. The following parts cover the presentation of the two classifications RVK and BK and cursory information 4 on the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). Introductory information on the topic of concordance is followed by the results of a survey in the Inetbib- and RVK-usergroup among potential users of both classifications. The second part of this work is intended as a test case for an actual application. After an introductory commentary selected examples of the concordance are quoted. Throughout this work Microsoft Excel is used as a tool for the representation of the tabulary concordance. As a result of this work – beneath the already known difficulty of creating a concordance between unequally deep structured classifications – there is to be mentioned the desire of further concordances for the total area of human sciences. The goal is further to increase the amount of available data in the library networks and to offer benefits to classifiers in their daily work on the one hand and users in search for information by improving their research on the other hand

    Kosten, Nutzen und Qualität der beruflichen Ausbildung

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    "Bei der Diskussion über Kosten und Finanzierung der dualen Berufsausbildung kommt den Methoden zur Erfassung des Ausbildungsnutzens eine zentrale Rolle zu. In einem ITB-Forschungsvorhaben zum Zusammenhang von Kosten, Nutzen und Qualität beruflicher Bildung wurde ein Selbstevaluationsinstrument für Ausbildungsbetriebe entwickelt, das es erlaubt, nicht nur die Ausbildungskosten und -erträge abzuschätzen, sondern zusätzlich auch die Ausbildungsqualität zu ermitteln. Dabei wird nach vier Input-Kriterien und den zwei Output-Kriterien 'Berufsfähigkeit' und 'berufliches Engagement' unterschieden. Die Methode ermöglicht auch, den Zusammenhang zwischen Qualität und Rentabilität der Ausbildung insgesamt sowie für alle Ausbildungsjahre zu analysieren und zu veranschaulichen. In der Pilotphase des Projektes wurde die These bestätigt, dass die Rentabilität der Ausbildung mit zunehmender Ausbildungsqualität ansteigt." (Autorenreferat)"In the debate on the costs and financing of dual vocational training methods for the measurement of training benefits play a crucial role. A research project of the Institute Technology and Education (ITB) on costs, benefit and quality of vocational education and training led to the development of a self-evaluation tool for training enterprises. This tool allows not only for the estimation of training costs and benefits, but also for the assessment of the quality of training. The tool is based on four input criteria and the two output criteria 'vocational proficiency' and 'commitment'. By means of this method it is also possible to analyse and illustrate the relationship between quality and profitability of training both for the entire training period and for each year of the apprenticeship. The piloting phase of the project has confirmed the hypothesis that the profitability grows with increasing training quality." (author's abstract

    Triheteromeric NR1/NR2A/NR2B receptors constitute the major NMDA receptor population in adult hippocampal synapses

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    N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs), fundamental to learning and memory and implicated in certain neurological disorders, are heterotetrameric complexes composed of two NR1 and two NR2 subunits. The role of synaptic NMDARs in postnatal principal forebrain neurons is typically attributed to diheteromeric NR1/NR2A and NR1/NR2B receptors, despite compelling evidence for triheteromeric NR1/NR2A/NR2B receptors. In hippocampal CA1 synapses, the properties of triheteromeric NMDARs could thus far not be distinguished from those of mixtures of diheteromeric NMDARs. To find a signature of NR1/NR2A/NR2B receptors, we have employed two gene-targeted mouse lines, expressing either NR1/NR2A or NR1/NR2B receptors without any NR1/NR2A/NR2B receptors, and compared their synaptic properties to those of wild type. We found in acute hippocampal slices of adult mice a distinct voltage dependence of NMDA EPSC decay time for the two diheteromeric NMDARs. In age-matched wild-type mice, only the NR1/NR2A characteristic for this voltage-dependent deactivation could be detected, indicating that NR1/NR2B receptors are a minor population in adult CA3-to-CA1 synapses. Instead, the presence of NR1/NR2A/NR2B receptors became manifest from a slower NMDA EPSC decay time than for NR1/NR2A receptors. Moreover, we examined the sensitivity of NMDA EPSCs to NR2Bdirected NMDAR antagonists in the absence of extracellular Mg2+, which improved the sensitivity of these antagonists, especially for NR1/NR2A/NR2B receptors. NMDA EPSC sensitivity to NR2B-directed NMDAR antagonists was high at P5 and remained around 50% at P28. Thus, NR2B is prominent in hippocampal synapses throughout life and remains present in adult mice as an integral part of NR1/NR2A/NR2B receptors
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