767 research outputs found

    Toxicity induced by Solanapyrone A in Chickpea shoots and its metabolism through Glutathione/Glutathione-S-Transferase system

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    Solanapyrone A and C were isolated from a Pakistani isolate of Ascochyta rabiei, Pk-1. Two experiments were conducted to investigate the phytotoxic effects of the most potent toxin, solanapyrone A on chickpea cultivars and its subsequent detoxification through glutathion/glutathion-s-transferase(GST) system. When the shoots of cultivars were fed solanapyrone A, symptoms mimicking to Ascochyta blight appeared and extent of manifestation of symptoms varied with the cultivar. In the first experiment, the effect of three different plant ages of 2 cultivars with different levels of resistance to toxin was determined in terms of GST activity unit. GST activity in Balkasar-2000 (a resistant cultivar) increased 1.92 times, 1.72 and 1.65 times in two-week-old seedling, eight-week-old and adult plants (all treated) respectively as compared to their respective controls. In the highly susceptible cultivar, AUG-424, a slight increase (1.14 times) over control was noticed in GST activity at all the three ages. In the second experiment, where shoots of three cultivars were tested against 2 doses of the toxin, an increase in GST activity in Noor-91 (a moderately susceptible cultivar) and AUG-424 was significantly less than resistant cultivar, Balkasar-2000 showing direct relationship between resistance and activity of the enzyme. It may be concluded that it is a reason for difference in response of cultivars to the disease

    Implementation of the Theory of Terri L. Fauber on Various Tube Voltage (KV) and Current (mAs) on Radiographic Density

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    Research has been conducted to determine the radiographic density value resulting from tube voltage variation (kV) and current time strength (mAs) with 15% rule. The method used in this research is descriptive method with direct experiment. The study used tubular (kV) and strong current time times (mAs) with a 15% rule of 60 kV 10 mAs, 51 kV 20 mAs, 69 kV 5 mAs, 80 kV 6 mAs, 68 kV 12 mAs and 92 kV 3 mAs . Instead of the object is a step wedge. The results of this study can be concluded that the density value with the use of 15% rule on radiography is no difference


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan : 1) Menganalisis faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal dalam pengembangan agribisnis bawang merah 2) Menyusun strategi pengembangan agribisnis bawang merah di Kecamatan Paguyaman Kabupaten Boalemo. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian  survey dengan analisis data menggunakan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan agribisnis bawang merah meliputi faktor internal kekuatan yakni pengalaman petani, status lahan petani, penggunaan teknologi, faktor kelemahan yakni keterbatasan modal, tidak adanya saprodi/instansi yang bekerja sama, gagal panen, informasi pasar dan harga yang fluktuatif. Sedangkan faktor eksternal meliputi faktor peluang yakni  bantuan pemerintah, kelompok tani, lembaga penyuluh serta permintaan bawang merah, faktor ancaman yakni serangan hama penyakit, tingginya biaya produksi, keadaan pesaing, kondisi iklim atau alam. 2) Strategi pengembangan agribisnis bawang merah di Kecamatan Paguyaman Kabupaten Boalemo yaitu berada pada kuadran 1 yang mendukung strategi agresif dimana keadaan ini menggambarkan situasi yang baik karena memanfaatkan pengalaman petani untuk mendukung bantuan dari pemerintah dan Dinas terkait, memanfaatkan status lahan petani adalah milik sendiri serta produk merupakan kebutuhan masyarakat untuk memenuhi permintaan bawang merah yang meningkat, serta memanfaatkan penggunaan teknologi dalam budidaya bawang merah untuk memanfaatkan keterlibatan lembaga penyuluh

    The Relationship Between Continuity of Care and Enhancement of Clinical Outcomes Among Patients with Chronic Conditions [Letter]

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    Imran Rauf Department of Medicine, St George’s University of London, London, UKCorrespondence: Imran Rauf, Department of Medicine, St George’s University of London, Cranmer Terrace, SW17 0RE, Tooting, London, UK, Email [email protected]

    Sleep Habits and Disturbances Among Tunisian Adults: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey [Letter]

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    Imran Rauf Department of Medicine, St George’s University of London, London, UKCorrespondence: Imran Rauf, Department of Medicine, St George’s University of London, Cranmer Terrace, SW17 0RE, Tooting, London, UK, Email [email protected]


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    This paper attempts to investigate whether young graduates possess the leadership style that is pre-requisite to become entrepreneur. The paper further examines the role of higher education towards the desire of new venture creation among young graduates in developing economies specially. This study analyzed the response of 225 final-semester students at different universities in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore. A questionnaire based survey instrument was used. Result of the present study shows that education and new venture creation are positively and significantly correlated. The results further indicate that all variables used in this study are significantly correlated with intention to create a new venture. The limitation of this study is that it includes business and economics discipline students only. Further studies may investigate and examine the possibilities of similar outcomes among students of other disciplines including science, engineering, medicine, agriculture and law etc. The present study will, however, provide insight to future policy makers and planners to consider strategies for optimally utilizing the expertise and potentials of the young graduates. The academicians, educators, and university authorities have rethink what to teach? How to teach? In order to effectively prepare-young generation for the forthcoming challenges.entrepreneurship, leadership style, new venture creation, planned behavior, young graduates.

    Knowledge of Antibiotic Use and Resistance Among Medical Students in Saudi Arabia [Letter]

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    Imran Rauf Department of Medicine, St George’s University of London, London, UKCorrespondence: Imran Rauf, Department of Medicine, St George’s University of London, Cranmer Terrace, SW17 0RE, Tooting, London, UK, Email [email protected]


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    Cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) are known to have potential as vectors of various pathogenic bacteria in various locations including the nutrition department area in the hospitals. Research related to the role of these animals as vectors of pathogenic bacteria has not been done. The provision of food in the hospital nutrition department has the potential for bacterial contamination from food, equipment, hospital staff, and the environment. Cockroaches can be a vector for spreading various nosocomial infectious diseases in hospitals. A descriptive method was used, and the data were obtained by bacterial isolation, Gram staining method, antibiotic sensitivity test, and bacterial identification using Microbact system software 2000. This study was carried out at the Biology Education Laboratory, Education and Teacher Training Faculty,  Tadulako University. Based on the results of the study, 6 species of bacterial isolates from cockroach feet   in the nutrition department area of Palu city hospital, namely E. coli, S. arizonae, Salmonella sp., K. ozaenae, S. simulans, and S. enterica. Antibiotic sensitivity test showed that four bacteria exhibited multi-drug resistance to antibiotics Amoxycillin, Chloramphenicol and Vancomycin. Meanwhile,S. enterica was still sensitive to the five tested antibiotics namely Amoxycillin, Chloramphenicol, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, and Vancomycin. serious policies and handling are needed to control new types of vectors that carry diseases in humans.. meanwhile,S. entericawas still sensitive to the five tested antibiotics

    Analisis Komparatif Pendapatan Pedagang Kelapa Muda di Kelurahan Tatura Utara dengan Kelurahan Talise Kota Palu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berapa besar pendapatan yang diperoleh dan tingkat perbedaan pendapatan pada pedagang kelapa muda di Kelurahan Tatura Utara dan Kelurahan Talise Kota Palu. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Tatura Utara dan Kelurahan Talise Kota Palu, pada bulan Agustus sampai dengan September 2012. Penentuan responden menggunakan metode Sensus, Data yang digunakan berupa data primer dan sekunder. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah Analisis Pendapatan dan Analisis Perbandingan Uji t. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan rata-rata yang diperoleh pedagang kelapa muda di Kelurahan Tatura Utara sebesar Rp. 5.952.660, atau dalam 1 bulan sebesar Rp. 2.976.330, sedangkan rata-rata pendapatan pedagang kelapa muda di Kelurahan Talise sebesar Rp. 5.590.025, atau dalam satu bulan sebesar Rp. 2.793.013. Hasil Uji t membuktikan bahwa perbedaan pendapatan antara pedagang kelapa muda di Kelurahan Tatura Utara dengan pedagang kelapa muda di Kelurahan Talise berbeda tidak nyata yaitu nilai t-hitung sebesar 0,155 t-tabel pada 0,05 (2,093)
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