40 research outputs found

    Intensität und einflusstyp der wettkampfbezogenen aufregung, des selbstbewusstseins und der sportlichen leistung

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    The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the intensity and direction of competitive state anxiety, self-confidence and performance in basketball and volleyball players prior to different matches. Male basketball (n=12) and volleyball players (n=12) completed a modified version of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) prior to 11 different matches, and a total of 132 questionnaires overall. The inventory included an intensity subscale as well as direction sub-scale for somatic and cognitive anxiety. The findings revealed a moderate level of state anxiety and very high self-confidence of the players before the matches. The cognitive and somatic anxiety and self-confidence were stable prior to the different matches. Correlation analysis showed that the intensity and direction of somatic and cognitive anxiety and self-confidence of the players were not related to their athletic performance. However, the intensity of cognitive anxiety was positively and moderately related to their athletic performance.Uvod Istraživanja su pokazala da je sposobnost suočavanja s naglašenom anksioznošću usko povezana s uspjehom u natjecateljskom, osobito vrhunskom sportu. Sukladno tome, brojna su istraživanja proučavala anksioznost u sportu, većinom Upitnikom stanja kompetitivne anksioznosti-2 (Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2; CSAI-2, Martens i sur., 1990). S obzirom na određena ograničenja koja se javljaju u mjerenju intenziteta anksioznosti, Jones (1991) uvodi pojam ‘usmjerene percepcije’. Istraživanja tom skalom usmjerenosti pokazuju da je interpretacija anksioznosti kao olakšavajućeg faktora povezana s uspješnošću. Tako je cilj ovog rada bio ispitati odnos između jačine i usmjerenosti kompetitivnoga stanja anksioznosti, samopouzdanja i sportske uspješnosti kod košarkaša i odbojkaša prije više različitih utakmica. Metoda Košarkaši (n=12) i odbojkaši (n=12) popunili su modificiranu verzij upitnika CSAI-2 prije 11 različitih utakmica, što je na koncu rezultiralo sa 132 popunjena upitnika za svaki sport. Upitnik je uključivao i subskalu jačine, kao i subskalu usmjerenosti na somatske i kognitivne simptome anksioznosti. Treneri su također vrednovali natjecateljsku uspješnost svojih igrača na svim utakmicama koristeći se skalom Likertova tipa sa 10 jedinica. Rezultati Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na umjereno stanje anksioznosti i vrlo visoko samopouzdanje sportaša prije utakmica. Kognitivna i somatska anksioznost, kao i samopouzdanje pokazali su se stabilnima prije utakmica. Korelacijska analiza pokazuje da intenzitet i usmjerenost somatske i kognitivne anksioznosti i samopouzdanja igrača nije bilo povezano sa sportskom uspješnošću. Ipak, jačina kognitivne anksioznosti umjereno je i pozitivno povezana s uspješnošću. Rasprava i zaključak Naše istraživanje provjerava Jonesovu (1991) direktivnu hipotezu unutar multidimenzionalne teorije anksioznosti (Martens i sur., 1990). Rezultati pokazuju da, općenito, jačina i usmjerenost somatske i kognitivne anksioznosti sportaša, kao ni njihovo samopouzdanje nisu povezani sa sportskom uspješnošću. Ipak, dobivena je umjereno visoka i pozitivna povezanost jačine kognitivne anksioznosti i sportske uspješnosti. U ovom je istraživanju sportska uspješnost operacionalizirana kao subjektivna trenerova procjena. U budućim istraživanjima trebalo bi koristiti valjaniji instrument za procjenu sportske izvedbe. Osim toga, bilo bi potrebno razmotriti i djelovanje obrazaca anksioznosti na sportsku uspješnost kroz vrijeme.Die vorliegende Forschung hat zum Ziel, sowohl die Intensität und den Typ der Aufregung und des Selbstbewusstseins vor den Wettkämpfen zu betrachten, als auch deren Auswirkung auf die Wettkampfsresultate im Basketball und Volleyball. Ein Basketball- (n = 12) und ein Volleyballteam (n = 12) haben vor 11 unterschiedlichen Wettkämpfen eine modifizierte Umfrage zum Thema Aufregung vor den Wettkämpfen ausgefüllt. Insgesamt wurden 132 Fragebogen ausgefüllt. Die Umfrage hatte eine Unterskala zur Einschätzung sowohl der kognitiven und somatischen Intensität als auch des Aufregungstyps. Die Forschungsergebnisse haben sowohl eine mäβige Aufregung des Zustandes als auch sehr hohes Selbstbewuβtsein vor den Wettkämpfen gezeigt. Die kognitive und somatische Aufregung und das Selbstbwusstsein vor verschiedenen Wettkämpfen war stabil. Die Korrelationsanalyse zeigte, dass die Intensität und die Auswirkung der Aufregung in keinem wechselseitigen Zusammenhang mit der sportlichen Leistung waren. Die Intensität der Aufregung korrelierte positiv und mäβig mit sportlicher Leistung


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    BeSt programmi toetusel loodud e-kursus annab ülevaate spordi rollist tänapäeva ühiskonnas võimaldades lahti mõtestada seoseid spordi ja perekonna, spordi ja poliitika, spordi ja majanduse ning paljude teiste nähtuste vahel


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    E-kursuse eesmärgiks on ülevaate andmine inimese liigutustegevuste juhtimise ja omandamise alustest


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    In line with the tenets of self-determination theory, the current study tested associations of perceived autonomy-supportive and controlling behaviour from PE teacher with adolescents’ leisure-time physical activity (LT PA) participation, and the role of need satisfaction and need frustration, autonomous motivation and controlled motivation in PE, and perceived effort towards LT PA as mediators of these associations. Adolescents (N=381) aged between 12 and 15 years completed self-reported measures of respective constructs. Results of the structural equation modelling demonstrated that perceived autonomy-supportive behaviour from PE teachers was related to adolescents’ LT PA participation only via experiences of need satisfaction and autonomous motivation in PE, and perceived effort towards LT PA. Perceived controlling behaviour from PE teachers was found to be related to adolescents’ LT PA participation only via experiences of need frustration and controlled motivation in PE, and perceived effort towards LT PA. The current study provided evidence that perceived autonomy-supportive behaviour and perceived controlling behaviour from PE teachers contributes to adolescents’ LT PA participation through unique pathways. Findings highlight the facilitative role of autonomy-supportive behaviour from teachers in a PE context on adolescents’ LT PA participation. In addition, the beneficial role of controlled motivation in PE, although instigated by students’ perceptions of controlling behaviour from teachers and experiences of need frustration in PE, on adolescents’ LT PA participation was supported.Key words: autonomy-supportive behaviour, controlling behaviour, psychological needs, autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, leisure-time physical activity</p

    Pallimängude organisatsioon Eestis

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    Uuringuaruanne Eesti Vabariigi KultuuriministeeriumileSportmängude organisatsiooni tegevuse efektiivsust käsitletakse käesoleva uurimuse raames eraldi. Seda mitte sellepärast, et sportmängude alaliitude ja klubide tegevus oleks kardinaalselt erinev nn individuaalspordialade organisatsioonide tegevusest. Peamine põhjus, lähtudes meie uurimuse kesksest paradigmast, ressursside teooriast, on seotud tõdemusega, et sportmängude rahvusvahelise konkurentsivõime saavutamiseks on vaja rohkem ressursse. Organisatsioonilistest ressurssidest on lisaks individuaalspordialade alaliitude efektiivse tegevuse ressurssidele vajalikud mitmed sellised ressursid, mida individuaalalade edukuse saavutamiseks vaja ei ole.http://www.spordiinfo.ee/est/g22s17

    The effect of peers’ autonomy-supportive behaviour on adolescents’ psychological need satisfaction, intrinsic motivation and objectively measured physical activity

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    Based on self-determination theory, adolescents’ leisure-time (LT) physical activity (PA) behaviour may depend on the extent by which they perceive an environment as autonomy-supportive. The present study aimed to investigate whether adolescents’ perception of autonomy-supportive behaviour from their peers is related to adolescents’ objectively measured LT moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) through perceived psychological needs satisfaction and intrinsic motivation towards PA. School students (n=215) aged between 12 to 15 years old (age: 13.20±0.96 yrs) completed self-reported measures of perceived peers’ autonomy support, psychological needs satisfaction, and intrinsic motivation in the context of LT PA. In addition, study participants wore an accelerometer (Acti-Graph GT3X) to monitor their MVPA. Results of the structural equation modelling revealed that perceived autonomy support from peers had a significant and positive effect on perceptions of all three psychological need satisfaction in LT, which, in turn, had a significant and positive effect on adolescents’ intrinsic motivation. Adolescents’ LT PA was significantly predicted by their intrinsic motivation towards PA. Only one pathway through autonomy need satisfaction was revealed by which adolescents’ perception of their peers’ autonomy-supportive behaviour is related to intrinsic motivation and MVPA. The findings of the current study highlight the role of peers’ autonomy-supportive behaviour on adolescents objectively measured PA through motivational processes in the context of LT

    Kehalise kasvatuse õpetamise tingimused ja olukord Eesti koolides

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    Uuringu aruanne Eesti Vabariigi KultuuriministeeriumileKooli kehalise kasvatuse eesmärki on viimase kümnekonna aasta jooksul hakatud paljudes riikides revideerima. Selle põhjuseks ei ole niivõrd vajadus kehalise kasvatuse õppekava reformimise järele, kuivõrd muutused ühiskonnas laiemalt ning sellest tulenevalt ka kooliõpilaste käitumisharjumustes. Üheks oluliseks teguriks, mis mõjutab õpilaste liikumist ning sportimist puutuvaid hoiakuid ja motiive, on vaba aja tegevuste hüppeline kasv. Televisioon, arvutid, videomängud, virtuaalne suhtlemine internetis ja teised kehaliselt passiivsed vaba aja veetmise vormid on viinud olukorrani, kus lapsed veedavad keskmiselt 4 tundi päevas arvuti või teleri taga. Teadlased on välja arvutanud, et teleri vaatamisele ja arvuti kasutamisele kuluv aeg on lapse 16ndaks eluaastaks summaarselt suurem kui ühelegi teisele ärkveloleku tegevusele kuluv aeg. Ja see trend süveneb. Kui võtta arvesse ka kooliõpilaste üha suurenev õppekoormus, polegi imestada, et kooliõpilastest vaid iga neljas on kehaliselt piisavalt aktiivne. Käesolev uuring on teostatud Tartu Ülikooli spordi sotsiaalteaduste õppetooli poolt Eesti Vabariigi Kultuuriministeeriumi tellimusel. Uuringu eesmärgiks on analüüsida kehalise kasvatuse õpetamise olukorda ja tingimusi Eesti koolides ning hinnata millised muutused on aine õpetamisel toimunud võrreldes 2003.a.http://www.spordiinfo.ee/est/g22s16

    Tippspordi organisatsioon Eestis

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    Uuringuaruanne Eesti Vabariigi KultuuriministeeriumileKäesoleva projekti üheks eesmärgiks on analüüsida vabatahtliku sektori erinevate tasandite spordiorganisatsioonide tegevust, lähtudes organisatsiooniteooria kaasaegsetest seisukohtadest. Viimase kümnekonna aasta jooksul on Eesti spordiorganisatsioonid liikunud erinevaid arenguteid pidi. Osa alaliite ning spordiklubisid on suutnud arenguks piisavaid ressursse leida, teised, vastupidi, takerdunud nii vahendite kui ka ideede puudusesse. Millised ressursid on aga organisatsiooni arenguks hädavajalikud, milliste puudumist saab kompenseerida teiste vahenditega ning millised ressursid on spordiorganisatsiooni arenguks vähetähtsad?http://www.spordiinfo.ee/est/g22s17

    Validation of three-dimensional hydrodynamic models of the Gulf of Finland

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    A model-intercomparison study was conducted, the first of its kind for the Baltic Sea, whose aim was to systematically simulate the basic three-dimensional hydrographic properties of a realistic, complex basin. Simulations of the hydrographic features of the Gulf of Finland for the summer–autumn of 1996 by six three-dimensional hydrodynamic models were compared. Validation was undertaken using more than 300 vertical hydrographic profiles of salinity and temperature. The analysis of model performance, including averaging of the ensemble results, was undertaken with a view to assessing the potential suitability of the models in reproducing the physics of the Baltic Sea accurately enough to serve as a basis for accurate simulations of biogeochemistry once ecosystem models are incorporated. The performance of the models was generally satisfactory. Nevertheless, all the models had some difficulties in correctly simulating vertical profiles of temperature and salinity, and hence mixed layer dynamics, particularly in the eastern Gulf of Finland. Results emphasized the need for high resolution in both vertical and horizontal directions in order to resolve the complex dynamics and bathymetry of the Baltic Sea. Future work needs to consider the choice of mixing and advection schemes, moving to higher resolution, high-frequency forcing, and the accurate representation of river discharges and boundary conditions