8 research outputs found


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    Inflamasi merupakan reaksi tubuh terhadap benda asing yang masuk ke dalam tubuh dengan tanda-tanda berupa kemerahan, panas, bengkak, sakit, dan gangguan beberapa fungsi organ. Rimpang temu putih termasuk tanaman obat yang berkhasiat menghilangkan nyeri dan radang kulit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya efek antiinflamasi infusa rimpang temu putih (Curcuma zedoaria (Berg) Roscoe) pada tikus putih jantan galur Wistar yang telah diinduksi dengan karagenin 1%. Uji efek antiinflamasi ini menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimental dengan rancangan acak lengkap pola searah. Hewan uji yang digunakan adalah tikus putih jantan galur Wistar sebanyak 25 ekor, sehat, umur 2-3 bulan, berat badan 150-200g. Hewan uji dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok dan tiap kelompok terdiri 5 ekor tikus. Kelompok I sebagai kontrol negatif akuades 2,5 ml/200gBB, kelompok II sebagai kontrol positif Na-diklofenak 6,75 mg/kgBB, kelompok III,IV, dan V berturut-turut diberi infusa rimpang temu putih 5% (dosis 0,625 g/kgBB), 10% (dosis 1,250 g/kgBB), dan 20% (dosis 2,500 g/kgBB). Semua kelompok diberikan per oral 2,5 ml/200gBB 1 jam sebelum injeksi 0,1 ml karagenin 1% secara suplantar. Volume udem kaki tikus adalah selisih volume kaki tikus setelah dan sebelum diradangkan. Pengukuran volume kaki tikus dilakukan tiap 0,5 jam selama 6 jam pengamatan. Dari data volume udem dapat dihitung AUC (Area Under the Curve), yaitu luas daerah dibawah kurva antara rata-rata volume udem terhadap waktu, dan persen daya antiinflamasi. Data dianalisis dengan anava satu jalan dan dilanjutkan uji LSD (Least Significant Difference) dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa infusa rimpang temu putih dosis 0,625 g/kgBB, 1,250 g/kgBB, dan 2,500 g/kgBB mempunyai efek antiinflamasi pada tikus putih jantan galur Wistar yang diinduksi karagenin 1% (p0,05)


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    This community service is motivated by the problems of junior high school students who are in the early teenage stage with an age range of 12-15 years. At this age, students are in puberty, where there is a transition and development in themselves both physically, psychologically, and socially. Drug abuse is one of the problems that often occurs among teenagers, this happens because they do not know and know more about drugs. Drugs are substances or a combination of substances, including biological products, which are used to influence or investigate physiological systems or pathological states. Drugs can indeed cure, but the use of the wrong drug will result in poisoning or new diseases. Pharmacists have a role in introducing more about drugs, such as drug dosage forms, efficacy, or logos of drugs. So that the purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge of junior high school students about medicine. Community service to students in junior high schools in Banjarmasin is carried out by providing outreach and question and answer methods using counseling media. The result of this activity is that children in their early teens do not fall into the wrong use of drugs, especially because of promiscuity nowadays. Keywords: Pharmacists, Drugs, Teen


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    Coenzyme Q10 has functions of providing and preventing the skin. Reactive oxygen species can be restrained and the peroxidation form of lipid would be slowed and protected by Coenzyme Q10. However, Coenzyme Q10 has limited due to solubility in water is very low (4 ng/ml), causing low bioavailability and permeability of the oral administration. This research was investigate the effect of concentration of HPMC 10%, 15% and 20% on the characteristics and penetration of Coenzyme Q10 transdermal patch. Coenzyme Q10 NLC system with different lipid ratio 70:30 (cetyl palmitate and alpha tocopheryl acetate) used as drug reservoir dan hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 606 (HPMC 606) as rate controlling membrane. NLC Coenzyme Q10 as drug reservoir were prepared using high shear homogenization method. Transdermal patch was using membrane type with HPMC 606 as rate controlling membrane. This research was investigate the effect of concentration of HPMC 606 (F1=10% ; F2=15% ; and F3=20%) on the characteristics Coenzyme Q10 transdermal patches. The prepared transdermal patches were evaluated for thickness, weight variation, moisture content, drug content and drug homogenity. All independent variables had no significant effect on the dependent variables (p-values > 0.05) using one way ANOVA, except the weight and moisture content patches. Coenyme Q10 patches in F1 has better characteristics than other formulas. Coenzyme Q10 levels which penetration the most in F1 at 6 hour with 83,53 ± 1,34 %, flux 15,714 ± 0,257 %/hour and lag time 0,523 ± 0,029 hour. Variation concentration of HPMC 606 used in the transdermal patches of Coenzyme Q10 give effect to the characteristic and penetration in vivo

    The Performance of Nanostructured Lipid Carrier (NLC) Incorporated Transdermal Patch Coenzyme Q10: Effect of Lipid Ratio as Drug Reservoir and HPMC 606 as Rate Controlling Membrane

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    Coenzyme Q10 is a strong antioxidant. Coenzyme Q10 can improve cellular dynamics inhuman body and playan effective role in preventing skin aging, keratinization and DNAoxidative. Coenzyme Q10 NLC system with different lipid ratio 70:30 (cetyl palmitate andalpha tocopheryl acetate) used as drug reservoir dan hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 606(HPMC 606) as rate controlling membrane. NLC coenzyme Q10 as drug reservoir wereprepared using high shear homogenization method. Transdermal patch was usingmembranetype with HPMC 606 as rate controlling membrane. This research was investigatethe effect of concentration of HPMC 10%, 15% and 20% on the characteristics coenzyme Q10transdermal patch. The prepared transdermal patches were evaluated for thickness, weightvariation, moisture content, drug content and drug homogenity which were found to 1.98 ±0.003 mm, 1.422 ± 0.003 g, 8.441 ± 0.077 %, 96.90± 0.92 and 97.75 ± 1.78 %, respectively.All independent variables had no significant effect on the dependent variables (p-values>0.05) usingone way ANOVA, except the weight and moisture content patches

    Pengaruh HPMC 606 Terhadap Kadar Penetrasi Coenzyme Q10 Dalam Sistem NanoStructured Lipid Carrier (NLC) Pada Patch Tipe Membran

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    Coenzyme Q10 berfungsi sebagai antioksidan yang dapat melindungi tubuh dari kerusakan yang dikarenakan radikal bebas. Coenzyme Q10 tidak stabil dan mudah terdegradasi ketika terpapar cahaya sehingga perlu dipilih suatu sistem penghantaran yang dapat memperbaiki stabilitas serta dapat meningkatkan penetrasinya. Nanostructured Lipid Carier (NLC) merupakan salah satu metode untuk meningkatkan penetrasi obat melalui stratum corneum. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh HPMC 606 terhadap kadar Coenzyme Q10 yang terpenetrasi pada kulit tikus. Pada penelitian ini dibuat sediaan patch tipe membran menggunakan sistem NLC. Coenzyme Q10 sebagai drug reservoir, sedangkan HPMC 606 sebagai rate controlling membran dengan kadar 20%, 15%, dan 10%. Uji penetrasi Coenzyme Q10 dari sediaan patch secara in vivo dengan menggunakan kulit tikus Wistar. Semakin kecil kadar HPMC 606 yang digunakan (20%, 15%, 10%) ternyata menghasilkan nilai fluks yang cenderung semakin besar (F1 = 15,714±0,257 %/jam ; F2 = 14,778±0,224 %/jam ; dan F3 = 13,765±0,182 %/jam) dan lag time yang semakin cepat (F1 = 0,523±0,029 jam ; F2 = 0,657±0,021 jam ; dan F3 = 0,679±0,016 jam). Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin kecil HPMC 606 yang digunakan sebagai rate controlling membrane, maka semakin besar Coenzyme Q10 yang berpenetrasi, sehingga F1 terpilih sebagai formula yang paling baik


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    Many aquatic plants grow in these rivers, one of which is the lotus. Lotus (Nymphaea) is a plant that often lives in the swamplands of South Kalimantan, especially Banjarmasin. The lotus is a wild plant in its natural habitat, which is not foreign to Indonesian people. Some Indonesian people only know about the beauty of this plant. It turns out that apart from its beauty, the lotus also has benefits for curing various diseases. The lotus plant can also be used as medicine because it contains several different chemical ingredients in each part. This research aims to determine the antioxidant activity of extracts from various parts of the White Lotus plant (Nymphaea nouchali L) using the DPPH method. The plant parts tested include: flower parts, flower stalks, leaves and petioles. Based on the research results, the highest antioxidant activity test was found in flower extract, namely with an IC50 value of 66.906 μg/mL, and the lowest was found in leaf extract, namely with an IC50 value of 99.449 μg/mL. Quercetin as a comparison standard has an IC50 value of 6.337 μg/mL with a "very strong" antioxidant activity category, while flower extract, flower stalk extract, leaf extract and leaf stalk extract have a "strong" antioxidant activity category


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    Obat memiliki kebermanfaatan yang penting dalam pelayanan kesehatan yang dapat digunakan dalam meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat. Namun, industri farmasi di Indonesia masih sangat tergantung dengan bahan baku impor. Proses ekstraksi biasanya menghasilkan residu (ampas ekstraksi) berupa serbuk simplisia yang tidak digunakan lagi (limbah padat organik). Pemanfaatan residu hasil ekstraksi pada tanaman teratai putih masih sangat minim, sehingga residu dari hasil ekstraksi tanaman ini dapat diolah menjadi bahan baku pembuatan selulosa mikrokristal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan selulosa mikrokristal dari beberapa bagian pada tanaman teratai putih, kemudian dilakukan pengujian kualitas serbuk dengan Avicel PH 101 sebagai bahan baku pembanding. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, bagian dari tanaman teratai putih yang memiliki kandungan α-selulosa dengan rendemen tertinggi adalah pada bagian tangkai bunga dengan rendemen sebesar 29,02% terhadap serbuk simplisia, diikuti dengan bagian tangkai daun sebesar 22,41%, bagian bunga sebesar 18,72%, dan paling rendah bagian daun yaitu sebesar 7,70%. Selulosa mikrokristal dengan rendemen tertinggi diperoleh oleh bagian daun dengan persentase rendemen sebesar 97%, diikuti dengan bagian tangkai daun sebesar 89%, bagian bunga sebesar 88%, dan rendemen terendah oleh bagian tangkai bunga dengan persentase sebesar 83%. Sifat fisik dari serbuk selulosa mikrokristal teratai putih baik pada daun, tangkai daun, bunga, maupun tangkai bunga, menunjukkan kemiripan karakteristik dengan Avicel® PH 101 sebagai baku pembanding, meliputi reaksi warna, organoleptis, kelarutan, dan pH. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, kualitas serbuk selulosa mikrokristal dari beberapa bagian tanaman teratai putih (bunga, tangkai bunga, daun, dan tangkai daun) memiliki kemiripan dengan baku pembandingnya, yaitu Avicel® PH 101

    Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Daun Tabat Barito (Ficus Deltoidea) Terhadap Bakteri Bacillus Substillis Dengan Tingkatan Polaritas Pelarut

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    Tabat barito leaf (Ficus deltoidea) is a single leaf of a sole form, the leaf has round tip with a flat edge and a pointed base. These leaves have a smooth surface, coloured green above and brownish yellow beneath. This study aims to determine the antibacterial activity of polar, semi-polar and non-polar compounds contained in Tabat barito leaf extract extracted with solvents of different polarity. The highest bacterial inhibition was also measured against Bacillus substillis which is a gram-positive bacterial. The maceration method uses 3 levels of solvents with different polarities, started with a non-polar solvent (n-hexan), a semi-polar solvent (ethyl acetate) and finally macerated with a polar solvent (methanol). The bacterial activity test was done with  diffusion method. The results showed that the Tabat Barito leaf extract contained antibacterial compounds that were non-polar, semi-polar and polar. The highest inhibition of the hexane extract at concentration 15% with a clear zone diameter of 22.33 mm in very strong inhibition category against Bacillus substilis bacteri