165 research outputs found

    Forced Running Endurance Is Influenced by Gene(s) on Mouse Chromosome 10

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    Acknowledgments The authors wish to acknowledge technical assistance from Mrs. Indrė Libnickienė and intellectual input from Dr. David A. Blizard. This research was funded by the European Social Fund under the Global Grant measure. Grant VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-02-057 was awarded to AL.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Myostatin dysfunction is associated with reduction in overload induced hypertrophy of soleus muscle in mice

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    Acknowledgements This project was also supported by Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant 249156 (A. Lionikas) and the grants VP1-3.1-SMM-01-V-02-003 (A. Kilikevicius) and MIP-067/2012 (T. Venckunas) from the Research Council of Lithuania as well as the grant from the Ministry of Higher Education of Saudi Arabia (Y. Alhind). We wish also to thank Mrs Indre Libnickiene for her excellent technical assistance provided during the project.Peer reviewedPostprin

    H55N polymorphism is associated with low citrate synthase activity which regulates lipid metabolism in mouse muscle cells

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    Funding: This work was supported, in whole or in part, by European Social Fund under the Global Grant measure Grant VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-02-057 (to A.L.), European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes grant (to T.V.), NHS Grampian Endowment grant (to A.R. and S.R.G.), Kuwait Ministry of Health grant (to M.A.), Saudi Ministry of Higher Education grant (to Y.A.,) as well as Saltire scholarship, Wenner-Gren Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, Albert Renold Travel Fellowship and a Novo Nordisk Foundation Challenge Grant (to B.G.).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Regenerated soleus muscle shows reduced creatine kinase efflux after contractile activity in vitro

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    Date of Acceptance: 07/10/2014 Acknowledgements We are very grateful to Petras Jeneckas and Audrius Capskas for technical assistance. The study was supported by a grant (No. MIP-067/2012) from the Research Council of Lithuania.Peer reviewedPostprin

    A longitudinal study of muscle rehabilitation in the lower leg after cast removal using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and strength assessment

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    Acknowledgements We thank the A&E nurses and plaster technicians for identifying suitable patients, the MRI radiographers for performing the scanning, Dr Scott Semple for invaluable help in some of the pilot studies and Mr E. C. Stevenson for constructing the footrest used in the scanner. We are very grateful to the dedicated patients themselves who gave considerable amounts of time to come in for scanning, exercise and assessment during the course of this study.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Gender differences in the human cervicothoracic ganglia

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    Researchers still further have a morphological interest in sympathetic ganglia. Functionally, paravertebral ganglia are involved in many physiological and pathological aspects of neuropathic, vascular, visceral pain syndromes, the Raynaud’s syndrome and hyperhydrosis. Several interventions on ganglia as surgical and chemical sympathectomy, the ganglion block, and the chemical or thermal sympatholysis are applied for treatment of the pathological conditions. Accurate knowledge about the structure and the location of ganglia is required for a successful aftereffect of these procedures. In scientific literature there are many facts about the structural variations of the sympathetic ganglia related to development, age, pathology, lateral asymmetry and gender. The last one is the indeterminate factor, and the data about it are few and controversial. Still we were missing the information about the gender role on morphometry of human sympathetic ganglia and particularly of the cervicothoracic ganglion. The goal of our present study was to evaluate gender differences in the human ganglia. In our study we found that male cervicothoracic ganglia were longer than female ganglia, 21.33±4.74 mm vs. 14.87±1.84 mm, wider 9.51±1.48 mm vs. 8.76±1.14 mm, and thicker than female ganglia 5.19±0.77 vs. 4.29±0.36 mm. The dissected ganglia exhibited the three main distinguishable shapes: spindle, dumbbell and inverted “L”. We defined gender differences: the female ganglia were mainly of spindle shape (78%), whereas the male ones equally expressed all the three types of the shape (35%, 30%, and 35%). In summary, we determined the gender differences in human cervicothoracic ganglia. We note that these differences are important for interventions on ganglia

    Fiber type composition affects resting ATP turnover estimated by NIRS in human ischemic muscle

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of fiber type composition on resting ATP turnover at ischemic rest in human gastrocnemius (GC), tibialis anterior (TA) and soleus (SL) muscles using continuous-wave near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Fiber type composition of the muscles was evaluated by histochemical analysis of muscle biopsies. Type I fiber occupied 54.0 ± 5.3, 62.2 ± 2.6 (p< 0.05) and 87.7 ± 3.3 % (p < 0.01, p < 0.05) of total fiber cross-section area in GC, TA and SL, respectively. Initial rate of decrease in muscle oxygenation by NIRS during ischemia was converted to resting ATP turnover rate using by muscle oxygen store at rest and a phosphate-to-oxygen ratio of 5.5. Resting ATP turnover rate was also corrected for muscle temperature decrease during the ischemic period. It was 0.281 ± 0.046, 0.277 ± 0.022 and 0.366 ± 0.046 mmol・(kg wet wt)-1・min-1 in GC, TA and SL, respectively. Resting ATP turnover rate correlated with the relative type I fiber area (r = 0.748, p < 0.01) for the pooled data of all three muscles. It is suggested that the relative type I fiber area is an important factor determining resting metabolic rate in human muscles in vivo. 本研究の目的は近赤外線分光法を用いて、虚血された腓腹筋、前脛骨筋およびヒラメ筋における安静時のATP代謝速度と筋線維組成の関係を検討することである。腓腹筋、前脛骨筋およびヒラメ筋の遅筋線維占有率はそれぞれ54.0 ± 5.3、62.2 ± 2.6(p < 0.05)および87.7 ± 3.3%(p < 0.01, p < 0.01)であった。近赤外線分光法によって測定された虚血初期の筋酸素化レベルの低下率は、安静時における筋内酸素貯蔵量とリン酸/酸素比(5.5)を用いて、安静時ATP代謝速度に変換された。また、安静時ATP代謝速度を、虚血時における筋温の低下を考慮して補正した。腓腹筋、前脛骨筋およびヒラメ筋における安静時ATP代謝速度はそれぞれ、0.281 ± 0.046、0.277 ± 0.022および0.366 ± 0.046 mmol(kg wet wt)?1・min?1であった。各筋の値をまとめると、安静時のATP代謝速度は遅筋線維占有率と有意な正の相関関係(r = 0.748, p < 0.01)にあった。以上の結果から、遅筋線維占有率はin vivoの測定においても、安静時代謝量を決定する重要な要因であると示唆される