549 research outputs found

    Blended Learning: Use of Demonstration Videos in an Undergraduate Food Preparation Lab

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    Technology is rapidly advancing and changing how education is delivered. Blended learning, an emerging teaching style in flipped classrooms, incorporates technology in the form of online supplemental materials accessible to students prior to attending a traditional class. Incorporating technology into the learning process has been proposed as an effective way to meet the educational needs of the iGeneration. This study investigated the effect of online demonstration videos on learning scientific concepts in NUTR 245 Scientific Principles of Food Preparation Lab. The second lab section, (experimental group) received the intervention, online videos, before completing pre-lab quizzes, lab assignments and lab reports, and the first lab section (control group) did not. Students’ pre-lab quiz, lab report and final numerical grades were compared and post surveys were used to gather students’ perceptions and attitudes regarding effectiveness of the videos. As hypothesized, the experimental group had significantly higher pre-lab quiz, lab report, and final course grades when compared to the control group (p\u3c0.05). A majority of students from both groups believed having the ability to watch the videos before lab helped (experimental group) or would help (control group) them prepare for lab. Students also believed the videos helped them understand experiments other classmates were responsible for. Lastly, students in the experimental group found the videos engaging and enjoyed watching them while the control group was impartial to the videos (p\u3c0.05). Further research in which the sample size is larger, the practice effect of the instructor is controlled for and video viewing frequency is monitored is encouraged. Furthermore, future research should focus on the development of effective videos, specifically, determining which formatting techniques are most helpful for students. Advisor: Georgia Jone


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    Destination management includes determination of development goals that are compatible with existing strategic planning documents, rules and limitations of sustainable development, defining mechanisms of action and management in accordance with the objectives and continuous adjusting of operational objectives to development strategy. The assessment of competitive position and analysis of competitive advantages are important for understanding the current situation as well as possibilities of adjusting the individual factors of competitiveness to market demands. When defining and designing different mechanisms of demand management it is necessary to first identify the factors of competitiveness, as well as the legality and cause - effect relationship between these phenomena. Handling of the ship, passenger and crew members is an important part of port supply. In order to perform such complex and highly demanding work at the user\u27s satisfaction, it is necessary to appropriately organize that process and clear normative regulation of responsibilities, relationships, standards and costs, in order to know at all times the tasks and activities of individual holders, which is the scope of their work, which standards / criteria need to be fulfilled and what is the cost of services. Active participation of the organization / destination in relation to the market situation should be based on scientific - research activities as the basis in conducting business policy and development policy. Marketing is the business function that is future-oriented, using the results of research of all states and conditions at the market. Pricing policy is an essential part of the integrated destination management, but is also directly conditioned by its existence and functioning

    Improving the coastal line passenger traffic management system by applying information technologies

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    The paper analyses the features of public coastal liner shipping, public transport services in Croatia and the Croatian seaport system. Business processes within the system of public line transport services are analyzed – the management process, the fundamental process (transportation) and the support processes. The shortcomings of the existing system are stated, and improvement of the system by using information technology is proposed. The authors present the necessary adaptations of the public coastal liner shipping system with the goal of increasing system functionality, and the development of management tools (and the public coastal liner shipping services in general) by information system implementation – the appropriately designed information system, combined with standardized system elements. Such system will ensure a higher level of efficiency, together with stability and business continuity

    Structural analysis of development capabilities of the Port of Ploče as a potential container port within MoS services

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    The paper aims at presenting a thorough analysis of the present technological state of the Port of Ploče in the context of its development capabilities in terms of MoS service as a modern approach toward the port potential strengthening. Pre-determinants for modern container ports are in-depth examined and on the basis of the performed SWOT analysis the conclusions have been reached emphasizing development potentials and further growth directions that, all combined, shade a new light on the port of Ploče as a part of integrated MoS services. Such structural analysis also suggests new development dimensions that are available for port development in the South Adriatic region


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    U slučaju pomorskih krstarenja, ono što pojedini aranžman čini privlačnim je izbor itinerara (plovidbenog puta) s usputnim lukama pristajanja. Međutim, ovaj se oblik turističkog proizvoda sastoji također i od niza elemenata ponude koji se generiraju na brodu. Na važnosti ovih elemenata se sve više inzistira pa se tako razvijaju brodovi – destinacije čija je osnovna karakteristika raznovrsnost i količina dodatnih sadržaja, pored onih osnovnih smještajnih i ugostiteljskih. Ipak, bez obzira na ovu karakteristiku razvojnog trenda krstarenja, destinacije uključene u itinerar uvijek će ostati primarni činitelj privlačnosti pojedinog aranžmana. Odabir destinacije, te uključivanje u pojedine itinerare ovisi o zadovoljavanju niza kriterija. Promatrano sa pozicije upravljačke strukture destinacije, zadovoljavanje potrebe za pozicioniranjem na tržištu pomorskih krstarenja iziskuje poznavanje konkurentskog okruženja, kao i činitelja konkurentnosti, te važnost njihove uloge prilikom odabira. U uvjetima izrazite dinamike tržišta pomorskih krstarenja te intenzivne borbe za tržišnu poziciju, biti će sve važnije zadržati konkurentnost. Konkurentnost turističke destinacije predstavlja sposobnost destinacije da udovolji zahtjevima potrošača/posjetitelja uspješnije od konkurencije, te da pruži zadovoljavajuću vrijednost za novac. Osnovni činitelj konkurentnosti destinacije za pomorska krstarenja je turistički resurs. Dubrovnik raspolaže s turističkim resursom, tj. kulturno – povijesnom baštinom čija je vrijednost odavno priznata i prepoznata u svijetu. Turizam pomorskih krstarenja postavlja specifične zahtjeve pred destinaciju pa je valorizira u skladu s mogućnostima iskorištavanja destinacije za što kvalitetnije poludnevne ili cjelodnevne posjete. Dubrovnik u velikoj mjeri odgovara ovim zahtjevima. Potreba za definiranjem politike razvoja turizma pomorskih krstarenja u Dubrovniku temelji se na nužnosti spoznaje o trenutnim pozicijama, prirodi i zakonitosti, te međusobnim odnosima pojedinih pojava u sklopu tržišta. Spoznaja konkurentske pozicije, te mogućnosti i načina utjecaja na daljnji razvoj od velike je važnosti u kontekstu oblikovanja smjernica za budućnost. Komparativna analiza lučkih pristojbi i naknada u destinacijama Sredozemlja koje su označene kao Dubrovniku konkurentne destinacije pokazala je da je Dubrovnik veoma konkurentan s gledišta ovog činitelja. Konkurentnost luke na tržištu pomorskih krstarenja ne može promatrati izolirano od turističkog proizvoda destinacije koji predstavlja primarni uvjet za uključivanje u ovo tržište pa je u analizu su uključeni i činitelji koji se odnose na prikladnost destinacije za pomorska krstarenja.In case of sea cruises, what makes a particular package more attractive is the choice of itinerary (sea route) with ports of call. However, this form of tourist product also consists of a number of elements of supply that is being generated on board. These elements are increasingly important, thus developing ships - destinations with main characteristics of diversity and volume of additional contents, in addition to basic accommodation and catering facilities. However, despite this characteristic of cruise development trend, destinations included within the itinerary will always remain the primary factor in the attractiveness of a certain package. The choice of destination, and the inclusion of individual itineraries depend on satisfying a number of criteria. From the point of view of destination management structure, meeting the requirements of the market position of sea cruises seeks knowledge of the competitive environment, as well as factors of competitiveness and the importance of their role in the selection process. In conditions of extreme cruise market dynamics of and intense battle for market position, it will be increasingly important to maintain competitiveness. Competitiveness of a tourist destination represents the ability of destinations to meet the demands of customers / visitors more effi ciently than the competition, and to provide satisfactory value for money. The main factor in the competitiveness of cruise destinations is tourist resource. Dubrovnik has tourism resources or cultural - historical heritage whose value has long been acknowledged and recognized in the world. Cruise tourism sets specific requirements on the destination and valuates it according to the possibilities of exploiting destination for high quality half-day or all-day tours. Dubrovnik mostly meets these requirements. The need to define cruise development policy in Dubrovnik is based on the necessity of understanding the current position, nature and laws, as well as mutual relations of certain phenomena in the market. Knowing the competitive position and whether and how they impact on the further development is of great importance in the context of designing guidelines for the future. Comparative analysis of port fees and charges in the Mediterranean destinations marked as Dubrovnik competitive destinations showed that Dubrovnik is very competitive from the standpoint of this factor. Port competitiveness on the cruise market can not be viewed in isolation from the tourist destination product which is the primary criterion for inclusion in this market and the analysis includes factors relating to the suitability of a cruise destination

    Contribution of the PhoP/Q regulon to survival and replication of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in macrophages

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    The ability of serovars of Salmonella enterica to cause systemic disease is dependent upon their survival and replication within macrophages. To do this, bacteria must withstand or surmount bacteriostatic and bactericidal responses by the host cell, including the delivery of hydrolytic enzymes from lysosomes to the phagosome. The bacterial two-component regulatory system PhoP/Q has been implicated in avoidance of phagolysosomal fusion by S. enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) in murine macrophages. In this study, the involvement of PhoP/Q-activated genes in avoidance of phagolysosomal fusion was analysed: of all the S. Typhimurium mutant strains tested, only an mgtC mutant strain partially reproduced the phenotype of the phoP mutant strain. As this gene is required for bacterial growth in magnesium-depleted conditions in vitro, the contributions of PhoP/Q to intramacrophage replication and survival were reappraised. Although PhoP/Q was required for both replication and survival of S. Typhimurium within murine macrophages, subsequent analysis of the kinetics of phagolysosomal fusion, taking account of differences in the replication rates of wild-type and phoP mutant strains, provided no evidence for a PhoP/Q-dependent role in this process. PhoP/Q appeared to act subsequent to the process of phagolysosomal avoidance and to promote replication of those bacteria that had already escaped a phagolysosomal fate. Therefore, we conclude that the PhoP/Q regulon enables S. Typhimurium to adapt to intramacrophage stresses other than phagolysosomal fusion


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    Dvogodišnjim istraživanjem u proljetnom razdoblju praćen je kvalitativni i kvantitativni sastav makroskopskih beskralježnjaka u Drugom i Trećem maksimirskom jezeru te u potoku Bliznecu. U godini 2002. i 2003. Gastropoda po brojnosti i biomasi prevladavaju na svim trima lokacijama. U Drugom maksimirskom jezeru povremeno se jače razvijaju Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Diptera i Crustacea. U Trećem maksimirskom jezeru dominantni su Gastropoda (od 1,484 do 2,506 g m–2) dok su Crustacea, Oligochaeta i Hirudinea prisutni u značajnoj biomasi. Potok Bliznec kvantitativno je najbogatiji vrstama, pri čemu prevladava Gastropoda (od 0,568 do 3,026 g m–2), a jači je razvoj prisutan i kod Trichoptera, Crustacea, Diptera, Heteroptera i Bivalvia (Tablice 2 i 3). Biološkom metodom bodovanja utvrđeno je da se kvaliteta vode potoka Blizneca kreće u rasponu od onečišćenih do vrlo onečišćenih voda.Qualitative and quantitative macroinvertebrates in spring period was investigated during two years in the first and second Maksimir Lake and Bliznec stream. The domination of Gastropoda was outstanding at these three investigated sites. From time to time stronger development of Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Diptera and Crustacea was noted at the second Maksimir Lake. Gastropoda was dominant at the third Maksimir Lake (from 1.484 to 2.506 g m–2) while Crustacea, Oligochaeta and Hirudinea made important biomass. Species density in the Bliznec stream was quantitative higher than the one at other stations. The dominant group was Gastropoda (from 0.568 to 3.026 g m–2) and there was higher development of Trichoptera, Crustacea, Diptera, Heteroptera and Bivalvia (Table 3 and 4). Bliznec stream water quality, observed by biological method given by Kerovec, ranged from polluted to highly polluted

    Port Towage as a Factor of Port Service Integrity and Efficiency

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    U radu su istraženi organizacijski aspekti lučkog tegljenja kao jedne od ključnih lučkih djelatnosti u lukama otvorenim za javni promet od osobitog međunarodnog značenja za Republiku Hrvatsku te je provedena analiza osobitosti i uloge lučkog tegljenja kao čimbenika ukupne učinkovitosti lučkih djelatnosti i cijele luke kao jedne od ključnih točaka na prometnom pravcu. Autori predlažu model organizacije usluge lučkog tegljenja sistematiziran po ključnim fazama i koracima te s definiranim vezama i outputima pojedinih faza. U radu je provedeno terensko istraživanje prakse poduzeća Jadranski pomorski servis d.d. Rijeka kao i poslovnih podataka poduzeća u cilju kreiranja organizacijskog modela i hodograma ključnih aktivnosti. Autori u radu analiziraju cjelovitost i ukupnost lučke usluge te ulogu lučkog tegljenja. Zaključuju kako je adekvatnom organizacijom lučkog tegljenja utemeljenom na kontinuiranom praćenju i razvoju moguće bitno unaprijediti integralnost i učinkovitost lučke djelatnosti kao cjeline te apsorpcijski kapacitet luke i konkurentnost prometnog pravca.The paper addresses the organisational aspect of port towage as one of the key port services in ports open to public traffic bearing particular international importance for Croatia, including the analysis concerning the characteristics and the role of port towage as factors of the overall efficiency of port activities and the port system as one of the key points on the transport route. The authors propose an organisational model of the port towage service systemized by key phases and steps with well defined relations and outputs of certain phases. The study was carried out through field research of corporate practices of Jadranski pomorski servis d.d. (The Adriatic Maritime Services) Rijeka and the company business data in order to create an organisational model and workflow of key activities. The authors have analysed the completeness and the integrity of port services and the role of port towage. They have concluded that an adequate organisation of port towage based on continuous monitoring and development can significantly improve the integrity and efficiency of port operations as a whole as well as the port absorption capacity and the competitiveness of the transport route