88 research outputs found

    Erkennen emotionaler GesichtsausdrĂŒcke bei Parkinsonpatienten mit leichter kognitiver BeeintrĂ€chtigung (MCI)

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    Zielsetzung: Die bisherigen Forschungsergebnisse zur Emotionserkennung in Gesichtern bei Parkinsonpatienten liefern ein heterogenes Bild. Kognitive Aspekte wurden noch wenig beleuchtet. Ziel war es, Patienten mit idiopathischer Parkinsonkrankheit und zusĂ€tzlichem Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) hinsichtlich der Leistung im Erkennen emotionaler GesichtsausdrĂŒcke mit gesunden Kontrollpersonen und MCI-Patienten zu vergleichen. Die Leistung im Emotionserkennen zwischen Parkinson-MCI Subgruppen (amnestisches MCI, nicht-amnestisches MCI und subjektives MCI) wurde ebenfalls untersucht. Weiters war von Interesse, ob ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen der Leistung im Emotionserkennen und der kognitiven LeistungsfĂ€higkeit bei Parkinsonpatienten bestehen. Methodik: Die FĂ€higkeit emotionale GesichtsausdrĂŒcke erkennen zu können, wurde bei 50 idiopathischen Parkinsonpatienten im Vergleich mit 138 gesunden Kontrollpersonen und 89 MCI-Patienten mittels Vienna Emotion Recognition Tasks-Kurzform (VERT-K) untersucht. Die Parkinsonpatienten wurden in die MCI-Subgruppen amnestisches MCI (n=9), nicht-amnestisches MCI (n=27) und subjektives MCI (n=14) unterteilt und bezĂŒglich der Emotionserkennungsleistung verglichen. Die Neuropsychologische Testbatterie Vienna (NTBV) diente zur Erfassung der kognitiven LeistungsfĂ€higkeit. Ergebnisse: Die Parkinsonpatienten zeigten signifikante Defizite im allgemeinen Emotionserkennen und im Erkennen der Emotion Wut im Vergleich zu den gesunden Kontrollpersonen, aber nicht im Vergleich zu den MCI-Patienten. Ein nicht signifikantes Ergebnis stellte sich bezĂŒglich Unterschiede im Emotionserkennen zwischen den Parkinson-MCI Subgruppen heraus. Signifikant positive ZusammenhĂ€nge wurden zwischen der allgemeinen Emotionserkennung und der globalen kognitiven LeistungsfĂ€higkeit (MMSE) und dem kognitiven Teilbereich GedĂ€chtnis gefunden. Weiters korrelierten die Emotionen Wut und Trauer signifikant mit dem GedĂ€chtnis. Schlussfolgerung: Die Emotionserkennung bei Parkinsonpatienten erweist sich als signifikant beeintrĂ€chtigt. Neurobiologische und psychologische Faktoren werden als mögliche ErklĂ€rungen fĂŒr die verminderte Emotionserkennung bei den Parkinsonpatienten angefĂŒhrt. Das nicht signifikante Ergebnis bezĂŒglich der Unterschiede im Emotionserkennen zwischen den Parkinson-MCI Subgruppen soll als explorativ betrachtet werden und bedarf weiterer Forschung mit grĂ¶ĂŸeren Stichproben. Die Korrelationen lassen die Emotionserkennung als einen kognitiven Prozess erscheinen, in welchem dem GedĂ€chtnis als kognitiven Teilbereich eine besonders wichtige Rolle zukommt.Objective: Previous studies indicate heterogeneous results concerning the ability to recognize facial expressions of emotions in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Cognitive aspects haven’t been properly explored yet. The aim of this study was to compare the ability to recognize emotional facial expressions of patients with idiopathic PD and the additional diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) with healthy control participants and patients with MCI. Possible differences in facial emotion recognition between PD-MCI subgroups (amnestic MCI, non-amnestic MCI and subjective MCI) were investigated too. Finally, correlations between performance in an emotion recognition task and cognitive performance in PD patients were estimated. Method: The ability to recognize emotional facial expressions was investigated in 50 PD patients, in 138 healthy control participants and in 89 patients with MCI. PD patients were subdivided into amnestic MCI (n=9), non-amnestic MCI (n=27) and subjective MCI (n=14). Cognitive performance was tested with the Neuropsychological Test Battery of Vienna (NTBV) and facial emotion recognition was examined with the Vienna Emotion Recognition Tasks-short form (VERT-K). Results: The PD patients showed a significant impairment in recognizing overall emotional expressions and angry faces compared to the healthy controls but not to the MCI patients. There was no significant result concerning differences in emotion recognition between PD-MCI subgroups. Significant positive correlations were found between overall emotional recognition and global cognitive ability (MMSE) and the cognitive domain memory. The emotions anger and sadness shared a significant correlation with memory. Conclusion: Emotion recognition is significantly impaired in PD patients. Neurobiological and psychological factors are given as possible explanations for the reduced emotion recognition in PD patients. The non significant result between PD-MCI subgroups should be regarded as explorative and needs further investigations with bigger samples. Concerning the correlations, emotion recognition appears as a cognitive process, in which memory plays a decisive role as a cognitive domain

    Caution or Trust in AI? How to design XAI in sensitive Use Cases?

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly common, but adoption in sensitive use cases lacks due to the black-box character of AI hindering auditing and trust-building. Explainable AI (XAI) promises to make AI transparent, allowing for auditing and increasing user trust. However, in sensitive use cases maximizing trust is not the goal, rather to balance caution and trust to find the level of appropriate trust. Studies on user perception of XAI in professional contexts and especially for sensitive use cases are scarce. We present the results of a case study involving domain-experts as users of a prototype XAI-based IS for decision support in the quality assurance in pharmaceutical manufacturing. We find that for this sensitive use case, simply delivering an explanation falls short if it does not match the beliefs of experts on what information is critical for a certain decision to be reached. Unsuitable explanations override all other quality criteria. Suitable explanations can, together with other quality criteria, lead to a suitable balance of trust and caution in the system. Based on our case study we discuss design options in this regard

    Urban Densification and Urban Climate Change – Assessing Interaction through Densification Scenarios and Climate Simulations

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    The paper discusses interrelations of urban densification and urban climate under global warming conditions by means of microclimate simulations as well as urban densification scenarios, referring to two research projects exploring test areas in Vienna and Linz, Austria. The impact of the extension of building heights on microclimate in densely urbanized areas is tested applying 3D city models describing building height distribution, surface properties and open space characteristics. In Vienna the densification impact on the local climate is explored for a larger study area by extruding the buildings’ footprints towards the maximum height as allowed by the current zoning regulations. In Linz the urban densification impact on the local climate is tested by adding high-rise buildings which are planned to be developed in a selected neighbourhood. Building height extension scenarios allow on the one side examining the densification potential to create new residential floorspace without requiring additional building land and on the other side to investigate the impact of densification on climate conditions by modelling the effects on heat storage during sunlight hours, nocturnal heat radiation from buildings and air flow. Microclimate simulations show significant differences in the diurnal variation pattern of the mean radiant temperature depending on increase or decrease of shading and heat storage effects due to densification

    Bulletin board : report on the 2022 IEEE DEIS summer school in Monmouth, Wales

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    From August 21 to 25, 2022, the sixth annual IEEE DEIS-sponsored Summer School on Extra-High Voltage DC (EHVDC) Transmission took place in Monmouth, located on the border between England and Wales, UK. Unfortunately, the summer school was not spared from the COVID-19 pandemic, which, as many of us know, has become a constant companion in our everyday lives. As a result of some cases of illness among the moderators and speakers, the summer school was quickly adapted into an all-too-familiar hybrid event. However, this made it possible for all participants to attend all presentations, network, and exchange ideas in the best way possible, while also staying safe

    Reducing Suffering During Conflict: The Interface Between Buddhism And International Humanitarian Law

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    This article stems from a project launched by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 2017 to examine the degree to which Buddhism might complement or enhance international humanitarian law (IHL), also known as ‘the law of war’ or ‘the law of armed conflict’. Given that Buddhist teachings discourage violence, scholarship has critiqued Buddhists’ involvement in armed conflict rather than considered how Buddhism might contribute to regulating the conduct of hostilities once war has broken out. Yet the Buddhist aim to reduce suffering is particularly relevant during armed conflict, and the empirical realism of early Buddhist texts shows that early Buddhist communities were very much aware of its grim reality. The article investigates the evidence for this empirical realism before exploring a range of concepts, doctrines and practices from within Buddhism that are pertinent to the recognition and implementation of IHL principles and the conduct of war. While IHL lays down explicit rules to follow during war, Buddhism emphasises broader ethical principles to be applied, so as not to dilute its ideal of non-violence. At a deeper level, it addresses the intention or motivation of parties to armed conflict, and possesses psychological insights and resources to help change their behaviour

    Die ehemalige Kirche des Klarissinnenklosters in DĂŒrnstein an der Donau

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    Diese Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der ehemaligen Kirche des Klarissinnenklosters in DĂŒrnstein. DĂŒrnstein befindet sich in der Wachau in Niederösterreich und zĂ€hlt zu den herausragendsten Kulturorten Österreichs. Die Stadt besitzt nicht nur zahlreiche barocke Bauten, welche unter dem Propst Hieronymus Übelbacher entstanden sind, sondern auch mittelalterliche Architektur - wie die Burg und die Klosteranlagen - aus jener Zeit, in der die Kuenringer in DĂŒrnstein herrschten. Das Klarissenkloster wurde am 11. MĂ€rz 1289 von Leutold I. von Kuenring gegrĂŒndet. Die Kirche des Klosters bildete das Zentrum des klösterlichen Alltages. Nach der Klosterschließung wurde das Kirchenlanghaus in einen Getreidespeicher umfunktioniert. Dabei kam es zum Abbruch des Gewölbes, des Daches und des Turmes der zweischiffigen Halle. Zwischen Chorraum und Langhaushaus wurde eine Mauer eingezogen. Der Chor ist weitestgehend in seinem originalen Zustand erhalten. Das Langhaus weist trotz dieser Umgestaltungen noch viele mittelalterliche Bauelemente auf. Diese Arbeit bietet eine detailierte Beschreibung der gotischen Architekturteile. Aufbauend auf diese Beschreibung wird der Versuch unternommen, das mittelalterliche Erscheinungsbild der Kirche zu rekonstruieren und die Klosterkirche durch Vergleiche mit anderen Sakralbauten, vornehmlich Klosterkirchen, in einen grĂ¶ĂŸeren kunsthistorischen Kontext zu stellen.This thesis deals with the church of a monastery of the St. Clara order, situated in the castle-town DĂŒrnstein. DĂŒrnstein is located in the „Wachau“ in Lower Austria and belongs to one of the most special cultural places in Austria. In this town there exist not only many baroque monuments, which were built by the provost Hieronymus Übelbacher, but also medieval architecture like the castle and the monasteries, which came into being under the rulement of the Kuenringer. The monastery of the St. Clara order was founded by Leutold I. of Kuenring on March 11th in 1289. The church of the monastery was the center of every day life of the nuns. After the monastery-closing the nave of the church was transformed into a granary. Therefore the vault of the two-naved hall and the little tower got destroyed. Between the choir and the nave a wall was confiscated. The choir is largely preserved in its original state. Despite this redesign the nave of the church still shows medieval component parts. This thesis offers a detailed description of these elements. Furthermore they get compared to other sacral buildings, especially monastery churches. The aim of this thesis is it to elaborate the medieval appearance of the church and to put her in a larger arthistorical context
