9 research outputs found

    Simulations of Colorado Potato Beetle Development in Poland Based on Four Climate Change Scenarios

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    The simulations were conducted using actual data and virtual data. The actual data were recorded in the period of 1986–2005 at 16 localities representing 16 regions of Poland. The virtual data were obtained after transformation of the recorded data to reflect a temperature changes under RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP6.0 and RCP8.5 scenarios according to giss_e2_r climate model. The model used in the study was based on scientific reports describing the influence of temperature on acceleration of the onset of egg laying and on successive stages of Colorado potato beetle as well as publications on the effects of photoperiod on the pest diapause. The study showed a growing threat to potato from Colorado potato beetles as a result of the temperature rise. The fastest development of the pest appeared in simulations under RCP8.5 scenario. Of 16 regions surveyed in the study, the south-western part of Poland was found to be most threatened by Colorado potato beetle as a result of anticipated climate change

    Effect of the spray volume adjustment model on the efficiency of fungicides and residues in processing tomato

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    This study compared the effects of a proportionate spray volume (PSV) adjustment model and a fixed model (300 L/ha) on the infestation of processing tomato with potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary) (PLB) and azoxystrobin and chlorothalonil residues in fruits in three consecutive seasons. The fungicides were applied in alternating system with or without two spreader adjuvants. The proportionate spray volume adjustment model was based on the number of leaves on plants and spray volume index. The modified Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe (QuEChERS) method was optimized and validated for extraction of azoxystrobin and chlorothalonil residue. Gas chromatography with a nitrogen and phosphorus detector and an electron capture detector were used for the analysis of fungicides. The results showed that higher fungicidal residues were connected with lower infestation of tomato with PLB. PSV adjustment model resulted in lower infestation of tomato than the fixed model (300 L/ha) when fungicides were applied at half the dose without adjuvants. Higher expected spray interception into the tomato canopy with the PSV system was recognized as the reasons of better control of PLB. The spreader adjuvants did not have positive effect on the biological efficacy of spray volume application systems. The results suggest that PSV adjustment model can be used to determine the spray volume for fungicide application for processing tomato crop

    The application possibility of Bacillus circulans strains in plant protection against grey mould and fusarium spp.

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    Fusarium spp. oraz gatunek Botrytis cinerea stanowią poważny problem podczas wegetacji roślin i przechowywania płodów rolnych. Chemiczne środki ochrony stosowane w zwalczaniu fitoptogenów wywierają niekorzystny wpływ na środowisko naturalne i zdrowie człowieka. Metoda biologiczna należy do bardziej przyjaznych. Polega na wprowadzeniu do środowiska bezpiecznych, a jednocześnie antagonistycznych w stosunku do fitopatogenów mikroorganizmów. Wśród nich duże zainteresowanie budzą bakterie Bacillus. W niniejszej pracy oceniano fungistatyczne oddziaływanie szczepów Bacillus circulans (nr 1, 7 i 8), wyizolowanych z kompostów łubinowych, w stosunku do grzybów wskaźnikowych: B. cinerea, F. culmorum, F. oxysporum, F. solani i porównano je z oddziaływaniem Phytium oligandrum (substancja czynna biopreparatu Polyversum®). Ocenę przeprowadzono w warunkach laboratoryjnych. Wyniki doświadczeń wskazują, że badane laseczki B. circulans posiadają bardzo wysoki potencjał fungistatyczny wobec w/w patogenów. Wzrost fitopatogenów w obecności hodowli i supernatantów B. circulans dodanych do pożywki hamowany był w zakresie od 53% do blisko 90%, w zależności od kombinacji (szczep B. circulans – patogen) i czasu obserwacji. Hamowanie wzrostu fitopatogenów przez P. oligandrum było słabsze – na poziomie 25 – 73%. Badane laseczki mogą okazać się zatem obiecującą alternatywą dla chemicznych fungicydów.Fusarium spp. and grey mould Botrytis cinerea are a serious problem during both the growing season and the post-harvest storage. The chemical plant protection products adversely affect the environment and human health. The biological method is more favorable. It is based on the application of environmentally safe but antagonistic microorganisms against phytopathogens. Among them, Bacillus spp. is especially interesting. In this work the activity of Bacillus circulans strains (No 1, 7 and 8) isolated from lupine composts against B. cinerea and Fusarium species: F. culmorym, F. oxysporum, F. solani was evaluated. It has been compared with Phytium oligandrum (an active substance in the Polyversum® biopreparation). The evaluation was carried out under laboratory conditions. Experimental results revealed that B. circulans strains exhibited a high fungistatic potential against the above mentioned pathogens. The growth of phytopathogenes in the presence of cultures and supernatants of B. circulans strains added to the medium was inhibited in the range of 53 – 90%, depending on the treatment (B. circulans strain – pathogen) and the observation time. The inhibition of phytopatogenes by P. oligandrum was weaker – at the level 25-73%. Thus, the test bacilli can be a promising alternative for synthetic fungicides. But the laboratory results must be confirmed under real conditions

    The effect of coarse-droplet spraying with double flat fan air induction nozzle and spray volume adjustment model on the efficiency of fungicides and residues in processing tomato

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    The study was conducted for the purpose of improving the application of fungicides against potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary) (PLB) in processing tomato. The usability of coarse spray quality with double flat fan air induction IDKT12003 nozzle and the impact of fixed and variable spray volume and adjuvants during alternate application of azoxystrobin and chlorothalonil were analysed on the basis of plant infestation and fungicide residues. The variable spray volume was calculated based on the number of leaves on a plant. The study was conducted during three vegetation seasons. Spraying of plants with significantly flattened canopies during the peak of the fructification season using an IDKT12003 nozzle was as effective as in the case of fine spraying performed with an XR11003 nozzle and facilitated the increase of fungicides residue. In the case of plants with high-spreading canopy at the beginning of fructification, XR11003 nozzle favoured the reduction of PLB infestation. Both spray volume adjustment systems enabled the same level of protection of tomato against PLB, which could result from alternate application of systemic and contact fungicides. Polyalkyleneoxide modified heptamethyltrisiloxane adjuvant, which causes siginificant increase in wetting and droplet spreading, facilitated the reduction of tomato PLB infestation during the application of fungicides using an IDKT12003 nozzle

    The effect of coarse-droplet spraying with double flat fan air induction nozzle and spray volume adjustment model on the efficiency of fungicides and residues in processing tomato

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    The study was conducted for the purpose of improving the application of fungicides against potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary) (PLB) in processing tomato. The usability of coarse spray quality with double flat fan air induction IDKT12003 nozzle and the impact of fixed and variable spray volume and adjuvants during alternate application of azoxystrobin and chlorothalonil were analysed on the basis of plant infestation and fungicide residues. The variable spray volume was calculated based on the number of leaves on a plant. The study was conducted during three vegetation seasons. Spraying of plants with significantly flattened canopies during the peak of the fructification season using an IDKT12003 nozzle was as effective as in the case of fine spraying performed with an XR11003 nozzle and facilitated the increase of fungicides residue. In the case of plants with high-spreading canopy at the beginning of fructification, XR11003 nozzle favoured the reduction of PLB infestation. Both spray volume adjustment systems enabled the same level of protection of tomato against PLB, which could result from alternate application of systemic and contact fungicides. Polyalkyleneoxide modified heptamethyltrisiloxane adjuvant, which causes siginificant increase in wetting and droplet spreading, facilitated the reduction of tomato PLB infestation during the application of fungicides using an IDKT12003 nozzle

    Reflectance spectroscopy and machine learning as a tool for the categorization of twin species based on the example of the Diachrysia genus

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    In our work we used noninvasive point reflectance spectroscopy in the range from 400 to 2100 nm coupled with machine learning to study scales on the brown and golden iridescent areas on the dorsal side of the forewing of Diachrysia chrysitis and D. stenochrysis. We used our approach to distinguish between these species of moths. The basis for the study was a statistically significant collection of 95 specimens identified based on morphological feature and gathered during 23 years in Poland. The numerical part of an experiment included two independent discriminant analyses: stochastic and deterministic. The more sensitive stochastic approach achieved average compliance with the species identification made by entomologists at the level of 99–100%. It demonstrated high stability against the different configurations of training and validation sets, hence strong predictors of Diachrysia siblings distinctiveness. Both methods resulted in the same small set of relevant features, where minimal fully discriminating subsets of wavelengths were three for glass scales on the golden area and four for the brown. The differences between species in scales primarily concern their major components and ultrastructure. In melanin-absent glass scales, this is mainly chitin configuration, while in melanin-present brown scales, melanin reveals as an additional factor.273121058Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscop

    Effect of the spray volume adjustment model on the efficiency of fungicides and residues in processing tomato

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    This study compared the effects of a proportionate spray volume (PSV) adjustment model and a fixed model (300 L/ha) on the infestation of processing tomato with potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary) (PLB) and azoxystrobin and chlorothalonil residues in fruits in three consecutive seasons. The fungicides were applied in alternating system with or without two spreader adjuvants. The proportionate spray volume adjustment model was based on the number of leaves on plants and spray volume index. The modified Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe (QuEChERS) method was optimized and validated for extraction of azoxystrobin and chlorothalonil residue. Gas chromatography with a nitrogen and phosphorus detector and an electron capture detector were used for the analysis of fungicides. The results showed that higher fungicidal residues were connected with lower infestation of tomato with PLB. PSV adjustment model resulted in lower infestation of tomato than the fixed model (300 L/ha) when fungicides were applied at half the dose without adjuvants. Higher expected spray interception into the tomato canopy with the PSV system was recognized as the reasons of better control of PLB. The spreader adjuvants did not have positive effect on the biological efficacy of spray volume application systems. The results suggest that PSV adjustment model can be used to determine the spray volume for fungicide application for processing tomato crop

    Assessment of the impact of climate change on the latency period of leaf rust on triticale in Poland

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    Disease development in plants is strongly dependent on weather conditions, with temperature playing a particularly significant role by influencing latency period duration. Using two models describing the relationship between latency period and temperature, we performed simulations aimed at predicting changes in the latency period of leaf rust (Puccina recondita f. sp. tritici) on triticale in response to expected climate change. The simulations were based on meteorological data recorded in the period 1986–2005 at locations representing 16 provinces in Poland and based on values obtained after transformation of the observed data to reflect temperature changes under four scenarios (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP6.0 and RCP8.5) according to the giss_e2_r climate model. In all scenarios, the results for the two triticale cultivars studied, Witon (vulnerable to P. recondita) and Gniewko (less susceptible), showed a threat of faster development (shorter leaf rust latency period) on triticale triggered by climate change in south-east and south-central Poland than in other regions. The results also showed an increased probability of future regional diversification of leaf rust latency period duration on vulnerable triticale cultivars, opportunities for earlier start of leaf rust epidemics on triticale in Poland and an increase in final disease severity in comparison with 1986–2005