99 research outputs found


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    The modern world brings demographic changes that are of great importance to employers. There are currently four generations on the labour market – baby boomers, X, Y and Z, who differ in their approach to work, needs and expectations. However, good cooperation in the workplace is necessary. A appropriate solution in this case is proper management of generational diversity in the organization. However, its level depends on many factors, including the type of organizational culture. It was decided to examine this relationship. Therefore, research were conducted, the results of which showed whether and how the type of organizational culture determines the management of an age-diverse team. The purpose of the research is a recognition of relationship between the type of organizational culture and the level of age management in the organization. The research outcomes showed that the type of organizational culture is one of the factors determining the level of management of generational diversity in an enterprise. Interestingly, organizations with a clan-type culture that assumes values and practices in line with the idea of multigenerational management are not the best at managing an age-diverse team.The modern world brings demographic changes that are of great importance to employers. There are currently four generations on the labour market – baby boomers, X, Y and Z, who differ in their approach to work, needs and expectations. However, good cooperation in the workplace is necessary. A appropriate solution in this case is proper management of generational diversity in the organization. However, its level depends on many factors, including the type of organizational culture. It was decided to examine this relationship. Therefore, research were conducted, the results of which showed whether and how the type of organizational culture determines the management of an age-diverse team. The purpose of the research is a recognition of relationship between the type of organizational culture and the level of age management in the organization. The research outcomes showed that the type of organizational culture is one of the factors determining the level of management of generational diversity in an enterprise. Interestingly, organizations with a clan-type culture that assumes values and practices in line with the idea of multigenerational management are not the best at managing an age-diverse team


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    Reformy emerytalne analizuje się często z punktu widzenia solidarności, zwłaszcza w ujęciu solidarności międzygeneracyjnej (i „konfliktu” pokoleń). Dominującą perspektywą rozważań jest stabilność finansowa systemu i wpływ projektowanych czy realizowanych reform emerytalnych na sytuację finansów publicznych. Inne aspekty, w tym skutki reform dla redystrybucji dochodu w społeczeństwie, są zazwyczaj pomijane. Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza reform emerytalnych w Polsce w latach 1999-2011 z punktu widzenia solidarności (poziomej i pionowej). Główna konkluzja dotyczy tego, że nastąpiło ograniczenie obu aspektów solidarności. Poza tym w odniesieniu do sprawiedliwości pionowej miało miejsce ograniczenie w ujęciu międzygeneracyjnym na rzecz sprawiedliwości wewnątrzgeneracyjnej.Solidarity, and especially intergenerational solidarity (and intergenerational ‘conflict’), is often discussed within the context of the pension reform. However, the predominant point of view in these discussions is only financial sustainability of the pension system and the influence of pension reform on the reduction of public spending. Other issues, like the consequences of the reform on the (re)distribution of welfare, are usually disregarded. This paper analyses pension reforms in Poland in 1999-2011 from the point of view of the changes (vertical and horizontal) in solidarity between generations. The main conclusion is that both the horizontal and vertical solidarity have been weakened. Furthermore, the vertical solidarity has been converted: there is less intergenerational solidarity in favour of intragenerational solidarity

    Equality of desert in the pension system from the gender perspective. The case of Poland

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    The aim of the article is to operationalize equity with regard to one of the equity dimensions, i.e. the equity of desert within a generation in the pension system. In the next step the intergenerational (in)equity between women and men in the Polish (obligatory) pension system will be identified. The calculations will focus on the results of the descriptive microsimulation model, which bases on the female and male biographies and pension outcomes received from the new pension system

    Do the asymmetry and the size of the structures of the temporal lobe persist in early stages of schizophrenia?

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    A total of 14 patients of various ages diagnosed with schizophrenia and, as an age-matched control group, 12 healthy subjects were examined using the MRI method of neuro-imaging. The volume of the following structures was evaluated in the right and left hemispheres: the superior temporal gyrus, the basolateral temporal area (the region including the middle temporal gyrus, inferior temporal gyrus and fusiform gyrus), the parahippocampal gyrus, the hippocampal head, the amygdaloid body and the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle. In schizophrenia a significant increase in the volume of the amygdaloid body on both the left and right sides was observed. In the patients, as in the control group, we noticed significant asymmetry between the left and right sides in the volume of the structures studied. The left amygdaloid body was significantly larger than the right, whereas the left hippocampal head and the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle were smaller than the right. Our findings suggest that in the early stages of schizophrenia, despite the increased volume of the amygdaloid body, the asymmetry between the structures of the temporal lobe is still present. However, the changes observed in the temporal lobe could be related to the functional disturbances observed in this disease

    A magnetic resonance volumetric study of the temporal lobe structures in depression

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    Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders and is associated with considerable morbidity. In recent years structural-imaging technology has provided an opportunity to examine the brain anatomy in patients with the psychiatric illness. 10 patients of various ages and, as the control group, 16 healthy subjects were examined using the MRI method of neuroimaging. The volumes of the following structures were evaluated in the right and left hemispheres: the superior temporal gyrus, the basolateral temporal area (the region including middle temporal gyrus, inferior temporal gyrus and fusiform gyrus), the parahippocampal gyrus, the hippocampal head, the amygdaloid body and the lateral ventricle. The significant difference between the control group and the group with depression concerned the volume of the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle of both hemispheres. In depressed patients the left temporal horn was 49.8% and the right 38.4% larger in comparison with the control group. In the control group there were significant differences between the left and right hemispheres in the volume of all the structures studied, whereas in the group with depression these difference in volume between the hemispheres concerned only the amygdaloid body and the lateral ventricle

    Atmospheric conditions and the occurrence of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Poland — preliminary analysis of poorly understood phenomena

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    Background: The aim of this study was to investigate numerous daily weather conditions and the incidenceof out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) in the moderate climate of Poland. The authors particularlywanted to examine yet poorly explored individual atmospheric parameters that may presumably influencethe incidence of OHCA. Methods: The retrospective analysis of OHCA cases based on dispatch cards from Emergency MedicalCentre in Opole, Poland covering 2 years (2006–2007). Total of 815 adults with presumed cardiac aetiologyof OHCA was included. Results: The mean age of the group was 69,2 ± 14,2 years, with the majority of men (63%). No statisticallysignificant differences were found in the incidence of OHCA regarding analysed weather conditions. Inthe subgroup of men, the incidence of OHCA was higher on days with the atmospheric pressure increasebetween consecutive days (p = 0.028) with the highest prevalence on days with pressure increase lessthan 5 hPa (p = 0.026). In a group of patients ≤ 65 years old the incidence of OHCA was the highest ondays with day-to-day pressure change between 0.1 and 4.9 hPa (p = 0.025). Conclusions: Among many weather parameters, only a few of them might be significant for the occurrenceof OHCA in the moderate climate of Poland. In the population of men and patients ≤ 65 years old theincidence of OHCA may be influenced by atmospheric pressure changes

    Long-term assessment of the in Vitro corrosion resistance of biomimetic ACP coatings electrodeposited froman acetate bath

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    Calcium phosphate coatings are able to improve the osseointegration process due to their chemical composition, which is similar to that of bone tissues. In this work, to increase the longterm corrosion resistance and to improve the osseointegration process of commercially pure titanium Grade 4 (CpTi G4), biomimetic amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) coatings were electrodeposited for the first time from an acetate bath with a pH level of 7.0 and a Ca:P ratio of 1.67. ACP coatings were obtained on CpTi G4 substrate subjected to sandblasting and autoclaving using electrochemically assisted deposition at a potential of -3 V relative to the open circuit potential for 30 min at room temperature. SEM, EDS, 2D roughness profiles, amplitude-sensitive eddy current method, and Kelvin scanning probe were used for the surface characterization of the biomaterial under study. In vitro corrosion resistance tests were conducted for 21 days in artificial saliva using open circuit potential, polarization curves, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements. The passive-transpassive behavior was revealed for the obtained ACP coatings. The longterm corrosion resistance test showed a deterioration of the protective properties for CpTi G4 uncoated and coated with ACP with immersion time. The mechanism and kinetics of the pitting corrosion on the CpTi G4|TiO2|ACP coating system are discussed in detail

    Epidemiology and chronobiology of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in a subpopulation of southern Poland: A two-year observation

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    Background: Although recent studies indicate temporal variations in the incidence of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), the Polish experience in this research is scarce to date. We evaluated the epidemiology of OHCA and circadian, weekly and seasonal variations of OHCA frequency among the adult population of the Opole district, Poland. Methods: The retrospective analysis of 815 OHCA cases with presumed cardiac etiology was made based on dispatch cards from the Emergency Medical Center in Opole registered during a 2 year period (2006–2007). Results: The incidence of OHCA in the studied population was 1.56/1000 inhabitants per year. Mean age of the group was 69.2 ± 14.2 years, with the majority of men (63%), younger than women (66.1 vs. 74 years, p = 0.0001). The OHCA occurrence increased with age reaching a peak between 71 and 75 years. The incidence of OHCA stayed at stable low levels between 22:00 and 4:59 and started to increase at 5:00, with trimodal peaks: 8:00–10:59, 14:00–15:59 and 18.00–21.59. The lowest number of OHCA occurred from 00:00 to 5:59, the highest from 6:00 to 11:59 (13% vs. 32.4%, p < 0.001). The day with the lowest occurrence of OHCA was Friday, the highest Saturday (10.9% vs. 16%, p = 0.01). Summer was the season of the lowest incidence of OHCA, while winter — the highest (22.6% vs. 26%, p = 0.04). These seasons were the warmest and the coldest one, respectively (average temperature 18.5°C vs. 0°C, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Circadian and less marked, weekly variability in OHCA occurrence were confirmed. Existing seasonal differences may be affected by temperature. This is the first Polish analysis of a large subpopulation, which also includes seasonal temperature data

    The assessment of risk factors for febrile seizures in children

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    Objective The aim of the paper was to assess the risk factors of febrile seizures in children. Methods The paper presents an analysis of a group of 176 children aged 6 months to 5 years who were admitted to A&E because of febrile seizures. Results The analysed group of 176 children comprised 61.96% boys and 38.07% girls, and the average age equalled 23 months. Family history was significant in 9.66% of patients. A statistically significant difference was noticed between insignificant family history and the incidence of febrile seizures. In all the studied groups of children the factor that determined the incidence of febrile seizures was a sudden increase in the body temperature with an infection of the upper respiratory tract of several day's duration as another cause. Febrile seizure incident was most frequently associated with a sudden increase in the body temperature in 53.40% children. A statistically significant difference was observed between persisting fever and an increase thereof during the day. Yet another factor predisposing for febrile seizures incidence was an infection of the upper respiratory system that could be observed in 32.95% patients. The mean body temperature when the seizures occurred was 38.9°C. Conclusions A sudden increase in the body temperature within the first day of pyrexia predisposes for the incidence of febrile seizures and it was proved that it depends on how long fever persists during the day. The other factor triggering the seizures was an infection of the upper respiratory tract of several days’ duration

    The assessment of risk factors for febrile seizures in children

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    Objective The aim of the paper was to assess the risk factors of febrile seizures in children. Methods The paper presents an analysis of a group of 176 children aged 6 months to 5 years who were admitted to A&E because of febrile seizures. Results The analysed group of 176 children comprised 61.96% boys and 38.07% girls, and the average age equalled 23 months. Family history was significant in 9.66% of patients. A statistically significant difference was noticed between insignificant family history and the incidence of febrile seizures. In all the studied groups of children the factor that determined the incidence of febrile seizures was a sudden increase in the body temperature with an infection of the upper respiratory tract of several day's duration as another cause. Febrile seizure incident was most frequently associated with a sudden increase in the body temperature in 53.40% children. A statistically significant difference was observed between persisting fever and an increase thereof during the day. Yet another factor predisposing for febrile seizures incidence was an infection of the upper respiratory system that could be observed in 32.95% patients. The mean body temperature when the seizures occurred was 38.9°C. Conclusions A sudden increase in the body temperature within the first day of pyrexia predisposes for the incidence of febrile seizures and it was proved that it depends on how long fever persists during the day. The other factor triggering the seizures was an infection of the upper respiratory tract of several days’ duration