763 research outputs found

    High-field magnetoexcitons in unstrained GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum dots

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    The magnetic field dependence of the excitonic states in unstrained GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum dots is investigated theoretically and experimentally. The diamagnetic shift for the ground and the excited states are studied in magnetic fields of varying orientation. In the theoretical study, calculations are performed within the single band effective mass approximation, including band nonparabolicity, the full experimental three-dimensional dot shape and the electron-hole Coulomb interaction. These calculations are compared with the experimental results for both the ground and the excited states in fields up to 50 Tesla. Good agreement is found between theory and experiment

    "All on short" prosthetic-implant supported rehabilitations

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    Objectives. Short implants are increasing their popularity among clinicians who want to fulfill the constant demanding of fixed prosthetic solutions in edentulous jaws. The aim of this report was to propose a new possibility to project and realize an occlusal guided implant cross-arch prosthesis supported by ultra-short implants, describing it presented an edentulous mandible case report. Methods. A 61-year-old, Caucasian, female patient who attended the dental clinic of the University of L’Aquila presented with edentulous posterior inferior jaw and periodontitis and periimplantitis processes in the anterior mandible. The remaining tooth and the affected implant were removed. Six 4-mm-long implants were placed to support a cross-arch metal-resin prosthesis. Results. At 1-year follow-up clinical and radiological assessment showed a good osseointegration of the fixtures and the patient was satisfied with the prosthesis solution. Conclusion. The method, even if it requires further validation, seems to be a valid aid in solving lower edentulous clinical cases, and appears less complex and with more indications of other proposals presented in the current clinical literature. Our case report differs from the current technique All-on-Four, which uses four implants in the mandible to support overdenture prosthesis, assuring a very promising clinical resul

    Vacuum String Field Theory ancestors of the GMS solitons

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    We define a sequence of VSFT D-branes whose low energy limit leads exactly to a corresponding sequence of GMS solitons. The D-branes are defined by acting on a fixed VSFT lump with operators defined by means of Laguerre polynomials whose argument is quadratic in the string creation operators. The states obtained in this way form an algebra under the SFT star product, which is isomorphic to a corresponding algebra of GMS solitons under the Moyal product. In order to obtain a regularized field theory limit we embed the theory in a constant background B field.Comment: 1+16 pages; v2: typos corrected; v3: two appendices added, final versio

    The Perturbative Spectrum of the Dressed Sliver

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    We analyze the fluctuations of the dressed sliver solution found in a previous paper, hep-th/0311198, in the operator formulation of Vacuum String Field Theory. We derive the tachyon wave function and then analyze the higher level fluctuations. We show that the dressing is responsible for implementing the transversality condition on the massless vector. In order to consistently deal with the singular k=0k=0 mode we introduce a string midpoint regulator and we show that it is possible to accommodate all the open string states among the solutions to the linearized equations of motion. We finally show how the dressing can give rise to the correct ratio between the energy density of the dressed sliver and the brane tension computed via the three-tachyons-coupling.Comment: 52 pages, v2: comment added in sec. 5, v3: one appendix added, comments added in introduction and conclusion, to appear on PR

    Zeeman Spectroscopy of the Star Algebra

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    We solve the problem of finding all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Neumann matrix of the matter sector of open bosonic string field theory, including the zero modes, and switching on a background B-field. We give the discrete eigenvalues as roots of transcendental equations, and we give analytical expressions for all the eigenvectors.Comment: (1, 25) pages, 2 Figure

    Spin-one ferromagnets with single-ion anisotropy in a perpendicular external field

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    In this paper, the conventional Holstein-Primakoff method is generalized with the help of the characteristic angle transformation [Lei Zhou and Ruibao Tao, J. Phys. A {\bf 27} 5599 (1994)] for the spin-one magnetic systems with single-ion anisotropies. We find that the weakness of the conventional method for such systems can be overcome by the new approach. Two models will be discussed to illuminate the main idea, which are the ``easy-plane" and the ``easy-axis" spin-one ferromagnet, respectively. Comparisons show that the current approach can give reasonable ground state properties for the magnetic system with ``easy-plane" anisotropy though the conventional method never can, and can give a better representation than the conventional one for the magnetic system with ``easy-axis" anisotropy though the latter is usually believed to be a good approximation in such case. Study of the easy-plane model shows that there is a phase transition induced by the external field, and the low-temperature specific heat may have a peak as the field reaches the critical value.Comment: Using LaTex. To be published in the September 1 issue of Physical Review B (1996). Email address: [email protected]

    Design and Synthesis of Hsp90 Inhibitors with B-Raf and PDHK1 Multi-Target Activity

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    5noopenThe design of multi-target ligands has become an innovative approach for the identification of effective therapeutic treatments against complex diseases, such as cancer. Recent studies have demonstrated that the combined inhibition of Hsp90 and B-Raf provides synergistic effects against several types of cancers. Moreover, it has been reported that PDHK1, which presents an ATP-binding pocket similar to that of Hsp90, plays an important role in tumor initiation, maintenance and progression, participating also to the senescence process induced by B-Raf oncogenic proteins. Based on these premises, the simultaneous inhibition of these targets may provide several benefits for the treatment of cancer. In this work, we set up a design strategy including the assembly and integration of molecular fragments known to be important for binding to the Hsp90, PDHK1 and B-Raf targets, aided by molecular docking for the selection of a set of compounds potentially able to exert Hsp90-B-Raf-PDHK1 multi-target activities. The designed compounds were synthesized and experimentally validated in vitro. According to the in vitro assays, compounds 4 a, 4 d and 4 e potently inhibited Hsp90 and moderately inhibited the PDHK1 kinase. Finally, molecular dynamics simulations were performed to provide further insights into the structural basis of their multi-target activity.openPinzi L.; Foschi F.; Christodoulou M.S.; Passarella D.; Rastelli G.Pinzi, L.; Foschi, F.; Christodoulou, M. S.; Passarella, D.; Rastelli, G

    Marginal deformations in string field theory

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    We describe a method for obtaining analytic solutions corresponding to exact marginal deformations in open bosonic string field theory. For the photon marginal deformation we have an explicit analytic solution to all orders. Our construction is based on a pure gauge solution where the gauge field is not in the Hilbert space. We show that the solution itself is nevertheless perfectly regular. We study its gauge transformations and calculate some coefficients explicitly. Finally, we discuss how our method can be implemented for other marginal deformations.Comment: 23 pages. v2: Some paragraphs improved, typos corrected, ref adde

    Highly indistinguishable single photons from incoherently and coherently excited GaAs quantum dots

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    Semiconductor quantum dots are converging towards the demanding requirements of photonic quantum technologies. Among different systems, quantum dots with dimensions exceeding the free-exciton Bohr radius are appealing because of their high oscillator strengths. While this property has received much attention in the context of cavity quantum electrodynamics, little is known about the degree of indistinguishability of single photons consecutively emitted by such dots and on the proper excitation schemes to achieve high indistinguishability. A prominent example is represented by GaAs quantum dots obtained by local droplet etching, which recently outperformed other systems as triggered sources of entangled photon pairs. On these dots, we compare different single-photon excitation mechanisms, and we find (i) a "phonon bottleneck" and poor indistinguishability for conventional excitation via excited states and (ii) photon indistinguishablilities above 90% for both strictly resonant and for incoherent acoustic- and optical-phonon-assisted excitation. Among the excitation schemes, optical phonon-assisted excitation enables straightforward laser rejection without a compromise on the source brightness together with a high photon indistinguishability

    Quantum phase-slips in Josephson junction rings

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    We study quantum phase-slip (QPS) processes in a superconducting ring containing N Josephson junctions and threaded by an external static magnetic flux. In a such system, a QPS consists of a quantum tunneling event connecting two distinct classical states of the phases with different persistent currents [K. A. Matveev et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 096802 (2002)]. When the Josephson coupling energy EJ of the junctions is larger than the charging energy EC = e2/2C where C is the junction capacitance, the quantum amplitude for the QPS process is exponentially small in the ratio EJ/EC. At given magnetic flux each QPS can be described as the tunneling of the phase difference of a single junction of almost 2pi, accompanied by a small harmonic displacement of the phase difference of the other N-1 junctions. As a consequence the total QPS amplitude nu is a global property of the ring. Here we study the dependence of nu on the ring size N taking into account the effect of a finite capacitance C0 to ground which leads to the appearance of low-frequency dispersive modes. Josephson and charging effects compete and lead to a nonmonotonic dependence of the ring critical current on N. For N=infty, the system converges either towards a superconducting or an insulating state, depending on the ratio between the charging energy E0 = e2/2C0 and the Josephson coupling energy EJ.Comment: (19 pages, 12 figures) The final version deviated from the original version. One of the author was removed from the lis
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