1,269 research outputs found

    Savoirs formels et informels dans la muséologie des sciences et des techniques.

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    La distinction entre savoirs formels et savoirs informels, ou encore, entre savoirs scientifiques et techniques et savoir faire profanes, devrait nous permettre de préciser certains enjeux de la muséologie contemporaine et de la communication scientifique publique. Nous commencerons par analyser ces termes antagoniques à partir des apports de la sociologie du travail. Dans un second temps, nous verrons comment est-ce qu'ils peuvent être utilisés pour préciser les objectifs de la médiation dans les musées et dessiner des pistes d'évolution possible. La distinction entre savoirs formels et savoirs informels, ou encore, entre savoirs scientifiques et techniques et savoir faire profanes, devrait nous permettre de préciser certains enjeux de la muséologie contemporaine et de la communication scientifique publique. Nous commencerons par analyser ces termes antagoniques à partir des apports de la sociologie du travail. Dans un second temps, nous verrons comment est-ce qu'ils peuvent être utilisés pour préciser les objectifs de la médiation dans les musées et dessiner des pistes d'évolution possible

    Mandibular reconstruction using ProPlan CMF: a review

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    1. Traces patrimoine, mémoire des cultures populaires, ESSACHESS. Journal for Communication Studies, vol. 5, no. 2(10) / 2012, pp 245-254.

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    After taking care to redefine the concepts of trace, heritage and memory, we focus on the heritage process, which begins with the selection of traces and finishes with their interpretation until they become a collective memory. We shall examine in particular the dynamics of popular cultures, as opposed to academic cultures. Finally, we strive to evidence two major trend characteristics of the recent valorization of the popular heritage.Résumé : Après avoir pris soin de redéfinir les concepts de trace, de patrimoine et de mémoire, nous nous intéresserons au processus de patrimonialisation, qui débute en aval par la sélection des traces et aboutit en amont à leur interprétation, jusqu'à ce qu'elles constituent une mémoire collective. Nous interrogerons tout particulièrement la dynamique des cultures populaires, par opposition aux cultures savantes. Enfin, nous efforcerons de mettre en évidences deux grandes tendances caractéristiques de la valorisation récente du patrimoine populaire

    Detection of simulated leaks from geologically stored CO2 With 13C monitoring

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    Precise methods for the detection of geologically stored CO2within and above soil surfaces are an impor-tant component of the development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) under terrestrial environments.Although CO2leaks are not expected in well-chosen and operated storage sites, monitoring is required bylegislation and any leakage needs to be quantified under the EU Emissions Trading Directive. The objec-tive of the present research was to test if13C stable isotope motoring of soil and canopy atmosphere CO2increases our detection sensitivity for CCS-CO2as compared with concentration monitoring only. A CO2injection experiment was designed to create a horizontal CO2gradient across 6 m × 3 m plots, which weresown with oats in 2011 and 2012. Injected CO2was methane derived and had an isotopic signature of−46.2‰. The CO2concentrations were measured within the soil profile with passive samplers and at sev-eral heights within the crop canopies. The CO2fluxes and their13C signatures were also measured acrossthe experimental plots. In situ monitoring and gas samples measurements were conducted with a cavityring down spectrometer (CRDS). The plots displayed hot spots of injected-CO2leakage clearly detectableby either concentration or isotopic signature measurements. In addition, the13C signature measurementsallow us to detect injected CO2in plot regions where its presence could not be unequivocally ascertainedbased on concentration measurement alone.acceptedVersio

    Do Oceanic Hypoxic Regions Act as Barriers for Sinking Particles? A Case Study in the Eastern Tropical North Atlantic

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    In oxygen minimum zones (OMZs), the attenuation rates of particulate organic carbon (POC) fluxes of large particles are known to be reduced, thus increasing the efficiency with which the biological carbonpump(BCP)transferscarbontotheabyss.TheBCPefficiencyisexpectedtofurtherincreaseifOMZs expand. However, little is known about how the POC fluxes of small particles—a significant component of the BCP—are attenuated inside OMZs. In this study, data collected by two BGC‐Argo floats deployed in the hypoxic OMZ of the eastern tropical North Atlantic were used to estimate net instantaneous fluxes of POCviasmallparticleduring3years.Thisinformationwasanalyzedtogetherwithmeteorologicaldataand published POC fluxes of large particles and allowed us to conclude that (1) major pulses of surface‐derived small particles toward the OMZ interior coincided with seasonal changes in wind stress and precipitation; (2) a permanent layer of small particles, presumably linked to microbial communities, was found in the upper section of the OMZ which might play a key role attenuating POC fluxes; and (3) fluxes of large particles were attenuated less efficiently inside this poorly oxygenated region than above it, while attenuation of small‐particle fluxes were equivalent or significantly higher inside the OMZ. These results highlight that more information about the processes controlling the fluxes of small and large particles in hypoxic OMZs is needed to better understand the impact of hypoxic OMZs on the BCP efficiency

    Approche anthropologique et juridique de la politique de prévention des risques

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    Le risque est un construit, technique, juridique, organisationnel et sociétal. Nous nous intéressons à la mise en place juridique des politiques de préventions des risques majeurs et notamment au plan de prévention des risques naturels (PPRN) et technologiques (PPRT). Dans un second temps, en interrogeant le contexte anthropologique, nous pointerons les dérives liées à la généralisation d’une politique sécuritaire et envisagerons comment, finalement, face aux aléas, la société de plus en plus anomique, anxieuse et individualiste, s’impose un carcan de réglementations et renonce à assurer la protection collective pour privilégier l’assurance individuelle, ce qui risque d’avoir pour conséquence d’exclure progressivement les zones et les hommes les plus vulnérables.Risk has been sociologically constructed in technical, legal, organizational and societal ways. This paper considers the legal process of major risks prevention policies, especially prevention plans of natural and technological risks. Anthropological context also provides us to aim at the issues of a securitarian policy generalization, and to look at the increase of rules and regulations our anomical, anxious and individualistic society is producing as a constraint. Giving priority to individual insurance instead of social welfare shall run the risk to gradually exclude the weakest areas and the most vulnerable people

    La planète Bidonville. Le cas des Chabolas de Madrid

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    Les quartiers des centre villes en cours de gentrification, tout de circulation, de communication et de métissage, s’opposent, par bien des aspects, symétriquement aux bidonvilles, où viennent s’agglutiner, se sédimenter les populations récemment urbanisées, abandonnées à elles-mêmes, dans une urbanité informelle en marge de la cité institutionnelle. Pour leur croissance incontrôlable et leur précarité propice aux mafias et au communautarisme, ils constituent, en dépit des ressources d’inventivité qu’ils mobilisent, un des grands maux de notre époque. Une enquête urbanistique menée sur les Chabolas, les bidonvilles de Madrid nous permet d’en prendre la mesure. Nous conjuguerons la description de cette microsociété avec une mise en perspective des connaissances recueillies en les resituant dans un projet anthropologique plus global, d’analyse de la civilisation planétaire, tissée par les réseaux de communication dont sont exclus les population des bidonvilles.The districts of the town centres, which are on the way to gentrification, characterized by movement, communication and racial mixture, contrast significantly with the shanty towns where recently urbanized populations stick together and settle down, left on their own in an unorganized urbanity on the fringe of the institutional city. Because of their uncontrollable growth and their precariousness, and thus more vulnerable to mafia and group building, they constitute, despite their inventiveness, one of the major issues of our time. An urban inquiry made on the Chabolas, the shanty towns of Madrid, enables to measure their extent. We will combine the description of this micro society with the knowledge gathered, by resetting it in a more global anthropological project of analysis of the world’s civilization, woven by the communication networks from which shanty town populations are excluded

    OpSeF : Open Source Python Framework for Collaborative Instance Segmentation of Bioimages

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    Various pre-trained deep learning models for the segmentation of bioimages have been made available as developer-to-end-user solutions. They are optimized for ease of use and usually require neither knowledge of machine learning nor coding skills. However, individually testing these tools is tedious and success is uncertain. Here, we present the Open Segmentation Framework (OpSeF), a Python framework for deep learning-based instance segmentation. OpSeF aims at facilitating the collaboration of biomedical users with experienced image analysts. It builds on the analysts' knowledge in Python, machine learning, and workflow design to solve complex analysis tasks at any scale in a reproducible, well-documented way. OpSeF defines standard inputs and outputs, thereby facilitating modular workflow design and interoperability with other software. Users play an important role in problem definition, quality control, and manual refinement of results. OpSeF semi-automates preprocessing, convolutional neural network (CNN)-based segmentation in 2D or 3D, and postprocessing. It facilitates benchmarking of multiple models in parallel. OpSeF streamlines the optimization of parameters for pre- and postprocessing such, that an available model may frequently be used without retraining. Even if sufficiently good results are not achievable with this approach, intermediate results can inform the analysts in the selection of the most promising CNN-architecture in which the biomedical user might invest the effort of manually labeling training data. We provide Jupyter notebooks that document sample workflows based on various image collections. Analysts may find these notebooks useful to illustrate common segmentation challenges, as they prepare the advanced user for gradually taking over some of their tasks and completing their projects independently. The notebooks may also be used to explore the analysis options available within OpSeF in an interactive way and to document and share final workflows. Currently, three mechanistically distinct CNN-based segmentation methods, the U-Net implementation used in Cellprofiler 3.0, StarDist, and Cellpose have been integrated within OpSeF. The addition of new networks requires little; the addition of new models requires no coding skills. Thus, OpSeF might soon become both an interactive model repository, in which pre-trained models might be shared, evaluated, and reused with ease.Peer reviewe

    Die Entwicklung der Juristenausbildung und der juristischen Berufsprüfungen in Österreich seit dem 18. Jahrhundert

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    Die Dissertation befasst sich mit der Juristenausbildung und deren Entwicklung seit dem 18. Jahrhundert. Im Blickfeld stehen hierbei die universitäre und die berufliche Ausbildung. Nach der Krönung Maria Theresias und dem darauf folgenden Erbfolgekrieg von 1740 – 1748 zeigte sich, dass eine Umstrukturierung des Staates dringend von Nöten war. Durch einen zentralverwalteten Staat sollte die Macht des Staates nach innen und außen abgesichert werden. Für dieses Vorhaben brauchte es gut ausgebildete Staatsdiener in der Verwaltung, im Richteramt, aber auch in der Anwaltschaft und im Notariat. Bedingt durch die Revolution 1848 und die damit einhergehende Schaffung einheitlicher Gesetze und Verordnungen mussten sich Juristen in Justiz und Verwaltung an die neuen Gegebenheiten anpassen. Alle Reformen waren jedoch provisorisch und wichen bald der Ära des Neoabsolutismus. Erst mit der Verfassung 1867 blühten die Errungenschaften von 1848 langsam wieder auf. Sowohl die Staatsorganisation, als auch die Aus- und Fortbildung von Juristen änderte sich wesentlich. Aber auch Gesetze und Instanzenzüge bei Gericht wurden reformiert. Einzig das Bestreben nach einer einheitlichen Justizprüfung für Richter, Anwälte und Notare blieb unerfüllt. Nach dem Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges und der Ausrufung der Republik Österreich setzte sich die Änderung in der Juristenaus- und Fortbildung weiter fort. Eine Reihe von schnellen Änderungen und Wechseln der Ausbildung, angepaßt an die jeweiligen politischen Systeme, kennzeichnete die „Zwischenkriegszeit“, den „Anschluss“ und die neuerliche Unabhängigkeit Österreichs nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.This thesis deals with the development of legal education and training at the university and on professional level since the 18th Century. Maria Theresias accession was followed by wars (1740 to 1748) that clearly showed the deficits of state organisation. It was necessary to reorganize the empire, to establish a centralized administration and bureaucracy. For this purpose well-trained and loyal public servants were needed. Lawyers should be installed in the civil service, as well as in administration and in the core judicial affairs, especially as judges, attorneys and notaries. The last profession can be regarded as semi-public. The revolution of 1848 marks a turning point for civil service and all legal matters. Judiciary and administration were characterized by new unified laws, regulations and political changes. However, the reforms were only provisional and were soon replaced in an era of neo-absolutism. The new constitution of 1867 recovered the achievements of 1848. Changing state organization, requirements, education and training of lawyers were altered, too. Court system and many laws were reformed. But the requests for a common judicial exam for all legal professions were not satisfied. By the end of World War I and the proclamation of the Republic of Austria the transformation of legal education continued. We see a rapid succession of changes in the "interwar period", the "Anschluss" and Austria’s regained independence after the war. The last chapter of this thesis is devoted to that period