800 research outputs found

    Nonparametric Dark Energy Reconstruction from Supernova Data

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    Understanding the origin of the accelerated expansion of the Universe poses one of the greatest challenges in physics today. Lacking a compelling fundamental theory to test, observational efforts are targeted at a better characterization of the underlying cause. If a new form of mass-energy, dark energy, is driving the acceleration, the redshift evolution of the equation of state parameter w(z) will hold essential clues as to its origin. To best exploit data from observations it is necessary to develop a robust and accurate reconstruction approach, with controlled errors, for w(z). We introduce a new, nonparametric method for solving the associated statistical inverse problem based on Gaussian Process modeling and Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling. Applying this method to recent supernova measurements, we reconstruct the continuous history of w out to redshift z=1.5.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Nonparametric Reconstruction of the Dark Energy Equation of State from Diverse Data Sets

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    The cause of the accelerated expansion of the Universe poses one of the most fundamental questions in physics today. In the absence of a compelling theory to explain the observations, a first task is to develop a robust phenomenology. If the acceleration is driven by some form of dark energy, then, the phenomenology is determined by the dark energy equation of state w. A major aim of ongoing and upcoming cosmological surveys is to measure w and its time dependence at high accuracy. Since w(z) is not directly accessible to measurement, powerful reconstruction methods are needed to extract it reliably from observations. We have recently introduced a new reconstruction method for w(z) based on Gaussian process modeling. This method can capture nontrivial time-dependences in w(z) and, most importantly, it yields controlled and unbaised error estimates. In this paper we extend the method to include a diverse set of measurements: baryon acoustic oscillations, cosmic microwave background measurements, and supernova data. We analyze currently available data sets and present the resulting constraints on w(z), finding that current observations are in very good agreement with a cosmological constant. In addition we explore how well our method captures nontrivial behavior of w(z) by analyzing simulated data assuming high-quality observations from future surveys. We find that the baryon acoustic oscillation measurements by themselves already lead to remarkably good reconstruction results and that the combination of different high-quality probes allows us to reconstruct w(z) very reliably with small error bounds.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    Did psychosocial status, sociodemographics and smoking status affect non-attendance in control participants in the Danish Lung Cancer Screening Trial? A nested observational study

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    © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.OBJECTIVES: We investigated if psychosocial status, sociodemographics and smoking status affected non-attendance in the control group in the randomised Danish Lung Cancer Screening Trial (DLCST). DESIGN AND SETTING: This study was an observational study nested in the DLCST. Due to large non-attendance in the control group in the second screening round we made an additional effort to collect questionnaire data from non-attenders in this group in the third screening round. We used a condition-specific questionnaire to assess psychosocial status. We analysed the differences in psychosocial status in the third and preceding rounds between non-attenders and attenders in the control group in multivariable linear regression models adjusted for sociodemographics and smoking status reported at baseline. Differences in sociodemographics and smoking status were analysed with χ2 tests (categorical variables) and t-tests (continuous variables). PRIMARY OUTCOME MEASURE: Primary outcome was psychosocial status. PARTICIPANTS: All control persons participating in the third screening round in the DLCST were included. RESULTS: Non-attenders in the third round had significantly worse psychosocial status than attenders in the scales: 'behaviour' 0.77 (99% CI 0.18 to 1.36), 'self-blame' 0.59 (99% CI 0.14 to 1.04), 'focus on airway symptoms' 0.22 (99% CI 0.08 to 0.36), 'stigmatisation' 0.51 (99% CI 0.16 to 0.86), 'introvert' 0.56 (99% CI 0.23 to 0.89) and 'harms of smoking' 0.35 (99% CI 0.11 to 0.59). Moreover, non-attenders had worse scores than attendees in the preceding screening rounds. Non-attenders also reported worse sociodemographics at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: Non-attenders had a significantly worse psychosocial status and worse sociodemographics compared with attenders. The results of our study contribute with evidence of non-response and attrition driven by psychosocial status, which in turn may be influenced by the screening intervention itself. This can be used to adjust cancer screening trial results for bias due to differential non-attendance. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: Clinicaltrials.gov Protocol Registration System (NCT00496977).publishersversionpublishe

    Nonparametric Reconstruction of the Dark Energy Equation of State

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    A basic aim of ongoing and upcoming cosmological surveys is to unravel the mystery of dark energy. In the absence of a compelling theory to test, a natural approach is to better characterize the properties of dark energy in search of clues that can lead to a more fundamental understanding. One way to view this characterization is the improved determination of the redshift-dependence of the dark energy equation of state parameter, w(z). To do this requires a robust and bias-free method for reconstructing w(z) from data that does not rely on restrictive expansion schemes or assumed functional forms for w(z). We present a new nonparametric reconstruction method that solves for w(z) as a statistical inverse problem, based on a Gaussian Process representation. This method reliably captures nontrivial behavior of w(z) and provides controlled error bounds. We demonstrate the power of the method on different sets of simulated supernova data; the approach can be easily extended to include diverse cosmological probes.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    The CCAT 25m diameter submillimeter-wave telescope

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    CCAT will be a 25 m diameter telescope operating in the 2 to 0.2 mm wavelength range. It will be located at an altitude of 5600 m on Cerro Chajnantor in Northern Chile. The telescope will be equipped with wide-field, multi-color cameras for surveys and multi-object spectrometers for spectroscopic follow up. Several innovations have been developed to meet the <0.5 arcsec pointing error and 10 µm surface error requirements while keeping within the modest budget appropriate for radio telescopes

    A scaling law for aeolian dunes on Mars, Venus, Earth, and for subaqueous ripples

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    The linear stability analysis of the equations governing the evolution of a flat sand bed submitted to a turbulent shear flow predicts that the wavelength λ\lambda at which the bed destabilises to form dunes should scale with the drag length Ldrag=ρsρfdL_{\rm drag} = \frac{\rho_s}{\rho_f} d. This scaling law is tested using existing and new measurements performed in water (subaqueous ripples), in air (aeolian dunes and fresh snow dunes), in a high pressure CO2_2 wind tunnel reproducing conditions close to the Venus atmosphere and in the low pressure CO2_2 martian atmosphere (martian dunes). A difficulty is to determine the diameter of saltating grains on Mars. A first estimate comes from photographs of aeolian ripples taken by the rovers Opportunity and Spirit, showing grains whose diameters are smaller than on Earth dunes. In addition we calculate the effect of cohesion and viscosity on the dynamic and static transport thresholds. It confirms that the small grains visualised by the rovers should be grains experiencing saltation. Finally, we show that, within error bars, the scaling of λ\lambda with LdragL_{\rm drag} holds over almost five decades. We conclude with a discussion on the time scales and velocities at which these bed instabilities develop and propagate on Mars.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, resubmitted to `Earth and Planetary Science Letters' with addition data and enlarged discussio

    Kerr-CFT From Black-Hole Thermodynamics

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    We analyze the near-horizon limit of a general black hole with two commuting killing vector fields in the limit of zero temperature. We use black hole thermodynamics methods to relate asymptotic charges of the complete spacetime to those obtained in the near-horizon limit. We then show that some diffeomorphisms do alter asymptotic charges of the full spacetime, even though they are defined in the near horizon limit and, therefore, count black hole states. We show that these conditions are essentially the same as considered in the Kerr/CFT corresponcence. From the algebra constructed from these diffeomorphisms, one can extract its central charge and then obtain the black hole entropy by use of Cardy's formula.Comment: 19 pages, JHEP3, no figures. V2: References added, small typos fixe

    Organizing learning materials through hierarchical topic maps: an illustration through Chinese herb medication

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    [[abstract]]This research aims to use hierarchical topic maps to compile digital learning material and to discuss its design and application possibilities. The system renders tremendous original assets and then embeds a self-organizing map (SOM) in the material database to produce topical learning materials, as in this case, an illustration through Chinese herb medication. It helps to demonstrate robust professional information as well as knowledge structures, and provides a customized and interactive learning dynamic to support both progressive and constructive learning styles. The paper first gives a detailed procedural description of the material construction, explains how topic map techniques were applied, and observes the implications and potentials of the technology to education. Both the technical and educational evaluations of using SOM topic maps in compilation of learning materials have resulted in positive feedback. SOM allows users to review the complete databank in structural hierarchical order, which provides comprehensive understanding of the entire set of learning materials, and also brings opportunities to users to discover knowledge related to their study area.[[notice]]補正完