608 research outputs found

    Fluids, Anomalies and the Chiral Magnetic Effect: A Group-theoretic Formulation

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    It is possible to formulate fluid dynamics in terms of group-valued variables. This is particularly suited to the cases where the fluid has nonabelian charges and is coupled to nonabelian gauge fields. We explore this formulation further in this paper. An action for a fluid of relativistic particles (with and without spin) is given in terms of the Lorentz and Poincare (or de Sitter) groups. Considering the case of particles with flavor symmetries, a general fluid action which also incorporates all flavor anomalies is given. The chiral magnetic and chiral vorticity effects as well as the consequences of the mixed gauge-gravity anomaly are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, version to be published in Phys Rev


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    The Kudumbashree project from Kerala (a state in the southern part of India) has been a much discussed case for the community of practitioners, policy makers, researchers working on technology, empowerment and development. It is built around three pillars of economic, social and women’s empowerment. Its formation was the culmination of a process of community mobilization taken up by the State Government. But this article is focusing on the inclusion of gender in policies relating to information and communication technology with the aim of empowering socially excluded women as users and producers of this technology. The prominent part of this investigation is the case study of Kudumbashree ICT enterprises in the State of Kerala to understand the factors that resulted in the working of the enterprises and performance of them. Data were collected from Northern part of Kerala. Focus group discussions and interviews were the method employed to gather information

    An overview Survey on Various Video compressions and its importance

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    With the rise of digital computing and visual data processing, the need for storage and transmission of video data became prevalent. Storage and transmission of uncompressed raw visual data is not a good practice, because it requires a large storage space and great bandwidth. Video compression algorithms can compress this raw visual data or video into smaller files with a little sacrifice on the quality. This paper an overview and comparison of standard efforts on video compression algorithm of: MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-

    Across continents: A comparison of African and Australian academics' online preparedness

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted higher education across the globe, in particular the shift from face-to-face teaching and assessment, as well as interaction with students. In 2020, an online survey was distributed to African and Australian higher education academics to gather insights into academics’ transformation of educational practices during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular it focused on the effects on the quality of teaching, learning and assessment. The survey questions investigated the comparison of the use of teaching and assessment technologies prior to, and during the COVID-19 pandemic; academics’ experiences with the sudden shift to work from home (WFH) arrangements and quality assurance measures for digital technologies. The sample included 71 academics across 12 Australian universities/tertiary institutions and 278 academics across 21 African higher education institutions. This study identified that while many Australian academics had prior experience and training in online/blended delivery, African academics, despite not having formal training in digital pedagogy, rated themselves as more than average in their ability to adopt technology for the online environment, just as the Australian cohort had. The most effective online tools adopted during the crisis in the African region were Zoom and WhatsApp while in the Australian region the learning management system (LMS) was the most popular. The major factors that affected African and Australian students’ ability to engage online included lack of access to connectivity and devices, technological competency and emotional and social factors. The results suggest that the predominant challenges faced by students as reported by academics across both continents in the “forced” remote work environment other than general anxiety about COVID-19 were social isolation (Aguilera-Hermida, 2020), connectivity for their students and the lack of a balanced work life (Kotteeswari & Sharief, 2014; Oliveira et al., 2021). This study has implications on institutions’ readiness in terms of capacity building for academic staff, infrastructure and support during digital delivery of courses

    Experiences of female academics in Australia during COVID-19: Opportunities and challenges

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    An online survey collected data on a range of female academic experiences globally gaining 260 responses with 144 Australian specific academics’ responses (55% of total responses). The pandemic has highlighted positive opportunities such as online teaching and skill development, flexibility, time efficiency, increased collaboration, and time for research. In terms of challenges identified responses indicate an increased workload, less motivation for career progression, and perceptions of greater and obvious gender disparity and bias against female academics. Australia is often referred to as a ‘lucky country’ which can further be enriched though fostering its rich and diverse female academic community into the future. Rapid measures to support women immediately and with longer-term solutions that address gender equity is critical for female academics to ensure future engagement of female academics for positive economic and social growth as a nation

    Trends in Youth Victimization and Well-Being, and Implications for Youth Policy

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    Youth victimization concerns have engaged educators, public health officials, and the media for many years. Cases of child victimization regularly make headlines, and in recent years public concern has focused in particular on sexual abuse, child abductions, online predators, school shootings, bullying, and cyberbullying. But little attention has been given to evidence for substantial declines in child victimizations over the past 20 years. Even for internet victimization, an area of high current public anxiety, trend data do not suggest a growing epidemic but instead find that some types of online victimization have declined over the past decade. The failure to successfully promote information about positive youth victimization trends means that the public, professionals, and policy makers are making decisions based on unbalanced information. Attention is often directed erroneously, and we are prevented from identifying what policies and practices work best at helping improve youth safety even further. This report discusses the trends in various forms of child victimization and well-being, the potential reasons for these trends, and the implications of these findings for policy makers

    Renal Granulomatosis Post Intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Therapy for Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer

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    Intravesical Bacillus Calmette–Guerin (BCG) immunotherapy is a proven, effective treatment for intermediate- and high-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Minor side effects are common and expected but systemic effects can occur in \u3c 5% of treated patients. We present a rare case of a 49-year-old male that presented with fever and chills after 3 weeks of intravesical BCG therapy post transurethral resection of bladder tumor. New renal lesions were present on contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan which was histologically proven to be necrotizing renal granulomatosis

    Dizajniranje i evaluacija oralnih raspadajućih tableta dekstrometorfan hidrobromida s maskiranim okusom

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    The present study is aimed to develop dextromethorphan hydrobromide (DXM) oral disintegrating tablets (ODT) with acceptable palatability to help patients of all age group. The bitter taste of the drug was masked by binding the drug to ion exchange resin. The effect of particle size of resin on drug loading was studied. In vitro and in vivo disintegration time and in vitro drug release studies were performed. Drug loading increased significantly with a decrease in the particle size of the resin. DSC and XRPD studies reveal that the molecular state of the drug changed from crystalline to amorphous form. The dissolution efficiency calulated for optimized ODT and conventional directly compressed tablet were almost comparable, indicating free dissociation of the drug from the resinate. The bitter taste of DXM can be masked by binding with ion exchange resin and the resinate can be successfully formulated into oral disintegrating tablets.Cilj rada bio je pripraviti raspadajuće tablete dekstrometorfan hidrobromida (DXM) za oralnu primjenu (ODT) prihvatljivog okusa s namjerom da se pomogne pacijentima svih dobnih skupina. Gorki okus ljekovite tvari maskiran je vezanjem lijeka na ionsko-izmjenjivačku smolu. Proučavan je utjecaj veličine čestica smole na količinu ljekovite tvari koja se može na nju vezati, vrijeme raspadanja in vitro i in vivo, te oslobađanje lijeka in vitro. Količina vezanog lijeka značajno se povećava sa smanjenjem veličine čestica smole. DSC i XRPD studije pokazuju da prilikom vezanja kristalinični oblik lijeka prelazi u amorfni. Oslobađanje ljekovite tvari izračunato za optimizirane ODT i izravno komprimirane tablete vrlo je slično, što ukazuje na slobodno oslobađanje lijeka iz smole. Gorki okus DXM može se maskirati vezanjem ljekovite tvari na ionsko-izmjenjivačku smolu iz koje se mogu pripraviti raspadajuće tablete za oralnu primjenu

    TupA: A tungstate binding protein in the periplasm of Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20

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    The TupABC system is involved in the cellular uptake of tungsten and belongs to the ABC (ATP binding cassette)-type transporter systems. The TupA component is a periplasmic protein that binds tungstate anions, which are then transported through the membrane by the TupB component using ATP hydrolysis as the energy source (the reaction catalyzed by the ModC component). We report the heterologous expression, purification, determination of affinity binding constants and crystallization of the Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20 TupA. The tupA gene (locus tag Dde_0234) was cloned in the pET46 Enterokinase/Ligation-Independent Cloning (LIC) expression vector, and the construct was used to transform BL21 (DE3) cells. TupA expression and purification were optimized to a final yield of 10 mg of soluble pure protein per liter of culture medium. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was carried out showing that TupA binds both tungstate and molybdate ions and has no significant interaction with sulfate, phosphate or perchlorate. Quantitative analysis of metal binding by isothermal titration calorimetry was in agreement with these results, but in addition, shows that TupA has higher affinity to tungstate than molybdate. The protein crystallizes in the presence of 30% (w/v) polyethylene glycol 3350 using the hanging-drop vapor diffusion method. The crystals diffract X-rays beyond 1.4 Å resolution and belong to the P21 space group, with cell parameters a = 52.25 Å, b = 42.50 Å, c = 54.71 Å, β = 95.43°. A molecular replacement solution was found, and the structure is currently under refinement.Fil: Otrelo Cardoso, Ana Rita. Centro de Química Fina E Biotecnologia; PortugalFil: Nair, Rashmi. Centro de Química Fina E Biotecnologia; PortugalFil: Correia, Márcia. Centro de Química Fina E Biotecnologia; PortugalFil: Rivas, Maria Gabriela. Centro de Química Fina E Biotecnologia; Portugal. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Santos Silva, Teresa. Centro de Química Fina E Biotecnologia; Portuga