86 research outputs found

    Endothelial Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes: Targeting Inflammation

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    Several experimental and clinical studies have indicated a prominent role of vascular inflammation in the development of endothelial dysfunction. In endothelial dysfunction, the endothelium loses its physiological features, decrements nitric oxide bioavailability, and shifts towards a vasoconstrictor, pro-thrombotic and pro-inflammatory state. Within arterial wall, the interplay between the pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidant milieus promotes vascular dysfunction, and perivascular adipose tissue seems to play an important role. Inflammation is now considered a key event in vascular dysfunction and the development of vascular disease associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes. This concept is supported by the fact that anti-inflammatory adipokines such as adiponectin protect endothelial function, and interventions resulting in reduced inflammation such as the administration of salicylates prevent vascular dysfunction and cardiovascular events. Thus, the aim of this review is to address the role of inflammation and its mechanisms in endothelial dysfunction associated with diabetes, describing the impact of these conditions on vascular function

    Perceção dos professores e dos pais face às competências dos alunos com Síndrome de Asperger

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    Orientação: Fernando Oliveira e PereiraUma escola inclusiva é aquela onde todos os alunos são aceites e educados em salas regulares e recebem oportunidades adequadas às suas habilidades e necessidades. Pretende este estudo investigar e analisar a forma como os professores e os pais percecionam as competências dos alunos com síndrome de Asperger (SA) comparativamente à perceção que têm dos outros alunos sem problemas. Vários são os estudos que apontam para as principais competências deficitárias nestes indivíduos. Uma perceção mais clara e precisa por parte dos professores e dos pais permitirá adotar estratégias de intervenção com maior eficácia. No capítulo I, foi feita uma análise aos referenciais teóricos sobre SA, relativamente à etiologia e evolução histórica do conceito; ao diagnóstico e caraterísticas principais. Aborda-se ainda as competências da criança / jovem com síndrome de Asperger, nomeadamente sociais, emocionais, comunicacionais, cognitivas e motoras. O capítulo II é constituído pela caraterização e organização metodológica da investigação. Tecem-se algumas considerações gerais acerca da pertinência do tema e definem-se os objetivos. É caraterizada a amostra e são formuladas as hipóteses do estudo. É estruturado o método da investigação, partindo do problema apresentado e da orientação dada pelas hipóteses; o que permitiu formular as questões do estudo. Além disso, foram descritos os instrumentos metodológicos de recolha de dados. No capítulo III, é feita a exposição e consequente análise descritiva dos resultados obtidos. No capítulo IV, procede-se à discussão e interpretação dos resultados, propondo-se fazer inferências e relacioná-las com a abordagem teórica efetuada sobre a temática em estudo. Por fim, foram elaboradas conclusões, as quais decorreram diretamente das interpretações dos resultados, permitindo formular um conjunto de contribuições.An inclusive school is the one where all students are accepted and educated in regular classrooms and receive opportunities suited to their abilities and needs. This study wants to investigate and analyze how teachers and parents perceive the skills of students with Asperger Syndrome (AS) compared to a group of students with typical development. Several studies point out to the major skills deficit in these individuals. There must be a clear perception on the part of teachers and parents to manage effective strategies of intervention. In Chapter I, it was made an analysis on the theoretical AS, regarding the etiology and historical concept, diagnosis and main features. It also addresses the skills of a child / youth with Asperger syndrome, including social, emotional, communicative, cognitive and motor. Chapter II consists of the characterization and organization of research methodology. Some general considerations are given about the relevance of the theme so objectives can be defined. The sample is characterized and the study of the hypotheses is formulated. The method of the investigation is based on the problem and guidance given by them, which allowed the formulation of the survey questions. Furthermore, the methodological tools have been described for the collection of data. In Chapter III, the exposure and subsequent descriptive analysis of the results are made. In Chapter IV, one proceeds to the discussion and interpretation of results, proposing the making of inferences, relating them to theoretical approach performed on the subject under investigation. Finally, conclusions were drawn up, which took place directly in interpreting the results, allowing to make a set of contributions

    Sentido de vida dos estudantes do primeiro ano do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria

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    A transição do ensino secundário para o ensino superior tem-se demonstrado uma fase complexa na vida dos estudantes, devido maioritariamente a fatores externos, tais como a mudança de casa, aumento do grau de dificuldade do ensino e mudança de estilos de vida, que podem muitas das vezes levar a desequilíbrios da saúde mental como problemas emocionais, depressão e distress, entre outros. Pretende-se então com este estudo analisar o sentido de vida destes estudantes nesta nova fase, repleta de mudanças e alterações, utilizando para tal uma análise quantitativa correlacional. Os dados analisados serão obtidos anonimamente através de um questionário, salvaguardando a privacidade dos envolvidos no estudo. Entre os instrumentos de recolha de dados, figura um questionário sociodemográfico, a escala de sentido de vida, a escala de qualidade de vida SF-12, a escala de vivências académicas e a escala de ansiedade e depressão. A nível de implicações na prática, pretende-se identificar quais são os principais problemas dos estudantes nesta transição, detetando-os o mais precocemente possível, com o objetivo de os auxiliar a ultrapassar esta fase, justificando assim a presença do enfermeiro no gabinete de apoio ao estudante.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enhanced mitochondrial testicular antioxidant capacity in Goto-Kakizaki diabetic rats: role of coenzyme Q

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    Because diabetes mellitus is associated with impairment of testicular function, ultimately leading to reduced fertility, this study was conducted to evaluate the existence of a cause-effect relationship between increased oxidative stress in diabetes and reduced mitochondrial antioxidant capacity. The susceptibility to oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity (in terms of glutathione, coenzyme Q, and vitamin E content) of testis mitochondrial preparations isolated from Goto-Kakizaki (GK) non-insulin-dependent diabetic rats and from Wistar control rats, 1 yr of age, was evaluated. It was found that GK mitochondrial preparations showed a lower susceptibility to lipid peroxidation induced by ADP/Fe(2+), as evaluated by oxygen consumption and reactive oxygen species generation. The decreased susceptibility to oxidative stress in diabetic rats was associated with an increase in mitochondrial glutathione and coenzyme Q9 contents, whereas vitamin E was not changed. These results demonstrate a higher antioxidant capacity in diabetic GK rats. We suggest this is an adaptive response of testis mitochondria to the increased oxidative damage in diabetes mellitu

    On making choices: some thoughts on an ethnographic film screening

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    See note 1 of the article: "This paper was written by four authors as a multi-vocal collaborative exercise that resulted from our experience as members of the jury of the ethnographic film screening that the Portuguese Anthropological Association (APA) organised in 2016. However, given the conference regulations, which establishes a maximum of three authors per paper, we have collectively decided to provide one name - that of the corresponding author. The de facto authors of this paper are: Humberto Martins ([email protected], UTAD/CETRAD), Ricardo Seiça Salgado ([email protected], CRIA-UMinho), Raquel Schefer ([email protected], Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3) and Sofia Sampaio. We hope that, in the near future, the conference organisation may find a way to fully acknowledge this kind of collaborative work."In this paper we describe, analyse and reflect on our first-hand experiences as members of the jury of the Ethnographic Film Screening of the 6th Meeting of the Portuguese Anthropological Association (APA), which took place in the University of Coimbra, in June 2016 (http://vicongresso.apantropologia.org/mostra-de-filme-etnografico/). To quote from our call for the ethnographic films, our “simple invitation” was to “show through images how ‘Disputed Futures’ [the topic of the general meeting] mean the diversity of presents and pasts; because the world is made on different rhythms, impulses, desires towards the uncertainty and incompleteness of history.” Our criteria for the film selection process was divided into (1) cinematic quality and originality (cinematography, sound, etc.) and (2) the anthropological character of the films. In the end, we selected 21 out of a total number of 101 films received, among short, medium and feature-length formats. The selection proved a difficult process, raising important issues, namely: was this ‘practical’ division between ‘cinematic quality’ and ‘anthropology’ theoretically (and even empirically) sound? Was it able to overcome the separation between content and form? To what extent were our preferences determined by our different professional backgrounds? Is it possible to assess fairly the ‘ethnographicity’ of such a large number of films, originating from a wide range of geographical and even academic contexts? How did the context of the event – a meeting of anthropologists – impact on our viewings and final choices? Lastly, how did the cinema-going conventions and expectations associated with this kind of film exhibition frame constrain the films’ ‘ethnographicity’? Are there any exhibition alternatives?SFRH/BPD/100647/2014.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Calcium-dependent mitochondrial permeability transition is augmented in the kidney of Goto-Kakizaki diabetic rat

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    Renal disease associated with diabetes mellitus is a major problem among diabetic patients. The role of mitochondria in the pathogenesis of diabetes has received a large amount of attention in the last years, but many aspects of this subject are still poorly understood. In the present study, we studied the susceptibility of the mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) on kidney mitochondria from the Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rat, an animal model featuring physiological and pathological alterations characteristic of type 2 diabetes.Kidney mitochondria were isolated by differential centrifugations; mitochondrial electric transmembrane potential and calcium loading capacity were evaluated with a TPP+-selective electrode and with a calcium-sensitive fluorescent probe. Coenzyme Q9, Q10 and vitamin E were evaluated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).Kidney mitochondria from the diabetic animals had an increased susceptibility to the induction of the MPT by calcium. We observed a loss of calcium-loading capacity and a higher calcium-induced mitochondrial depolarization. Vitamin E and coenzyme Q9 were also increased in kidney mitochondria from GK rats.The results show an enhanced MPT activation in kidney mitochondria from GK rats, which lead us to suggest that this condition may be one major alteration triggered by chronic diabetes in kidney cells, ultimately leading to cell dysfunction. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Brain and liver mitochondria isolated from diabeticGoto-Kakizaki rats show different susceptibility to induced oxidative stress

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    Increased oxidative stress and changes in antioxidant capacity observed in both clinical and experimental diabetes mellitus have been implicated in the etiology of chronic diabetic complications. Many authors have shown that hyperglycemia leads to an increase in lipid peroxidation in diabetic patients and animals reflecting a rise in reactive oxygen species production. The aim of the study was to compare the susceptibility of mitochondria from brain and liver of Goto-Kakizaki (12-month-old diabetic) rats (GK rats), a model of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, to oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses.Brain and liver mitochondrial preparations were obtained by differential centrifugation. Oxidative damage injury was induced in vitro by the oxidant pair ADP/Fe2+ and the extent of membrane oxidation was assessed by oxygen consumption, malondialdehyde (MDA) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) formation. Coenzyme Q and alpha-tocopherol contents were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).Brain mitochondria isolated from 12-month-old control rats displayed a higher susceptibility to lipid peroxidation, as assessed by oxygen consumption and formation of MDA and TBARS, compared to liver mitochondria. In GK rats, mitochondria isolated from brain were more susceptible to invitro oxidative damage than brain mitochondria from normal rats. In contrast, liver mitochondria from diabetic rats were less susceptible to oxidative damage than mitochondria from normal rats. This decreased susceptibility was inversely related to their alpha-tocopherol and coenzyme Q (CoQ) content.The present results indicate that the diabetic state can result in an elevation of both alpha-tocopherol and CoQ content in liver, which may be involved in the elimination of mitochondrially generated reactive oxygen species. The difference in the antioxidant defense mechanisms in the brain and liver mitochondrial preparations of moderately hyperglycemic diabetic GK rats may correspond to a different adaptive response of the cells to the increased oxidative damage in diabetes. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd


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    A diabetes tipo 2 tem uma elevada prevalência a nível mundial e está associada à inatividade física e ao excesso de peso. Em doentes obesos, a redução de peso através de cirurgia bariátrica tem-se revelado mais eficaz no controlo do metabolismo glicídico que abordagens conservadoras. Por outro lado, o reconhecimento do papel das hormonas digestivas no controlo glicémico e na homeostase energética conduziu a uma nova visão dos mecanismos subjacentes à cirurgia bariátrica que, no contexto da sua eficácia no controlo de comorbilidades, também tem sido apelidada de cirurgia metabólica. Após a cirurgia, observa-se um aumento pós-prandial das hormonas com efeitos anorético e incretina, bem como a supressão de hormonas orexigénicas. Estudos experimentais em modelos não-obesos de diabetes tipo 2 demonstraram efeitos pós-cirúrgicos semelhantes, aparentemente independentes da perda de peso. Pequenas séries iniciais, utilizando técnicas estandardizadas em doentes portadores de diabetes tipo 2 com um índice de massa corporal <35 kg/m2, demonstraram resultados favoráveis. Novas técnicas cirúrgicas derivadas da experimentação animal que incluem a transposição de um segmento ileal para o tubo digestivo próxima,l demonstraram resultados promissores em estudos que incluíam doentes diabéticos tipo 2 anteriormente considerados sem indicação cirúrgica. Sociedades científicas da área médica e da área cirúrgica têm vindo a modificar as suas orientações terapêuticas no sentido de considerar a opção cirúrgica num grupo cada vez mais alargado de doentes

    Vascular Oxidative Stress: Impact and Therapeutic Approaches

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    Oxidative stress has been defined as an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants and more recently as a disruption of redox signaling and control. It is generally accepted that oxidative stress can lead to cell and tissue injury having a fundamental role in vascular dysfunction. Physiologically, reactive oxygen species (ROS) control vascular function by modulating various redox-sensitive signaling pathways. In vascular disorders, oxidative stress instigates endothelial dysfunction and inflammation, affecting several cells in the vascular wall. Vascular ROS are derived from multiple sources herein discussed, which are prime targets for therapeutic development. This review focuses on oxidative stress in vascular physiopathology and highlights different strategies to inhibit ROS production