8 research outputs found

    Variação da Densidade e Porosidade Durante a Secagem de Peras Inteiras e em Metades Variation of Density and Porosity During the Drying of Pears and Pear Halves OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY

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    Neste trabalho a umidade e a densidade de pêras da variedade D. Joaquina foram avaliadas ao longo da secagem, para pêras inteiras e em metades, e os dados experimentais recolhidos foram ajustados a um modelo teórico de previsão da porosidade. Dos resultados obtidos foi possível verificar que a porosidade das pêras estava muito próxima de zero para umidades elevadas e aumentava com a perda de água até porosidades da ordem de 11 %, quando o teor de umidade era nulo. Do estudo efetuado foi possível ainda comprovar a relação de linearidade entre o volume específico e o conteúdo de umidade, e também o aumento exponencial da porosidade das pêras ao longo do processo de secagem. In the present work the moisture content and density of pears of the variety D. Joaquina were evaluated throughout the drying process, for both whole pears and pear halves, and the experimental data fitted to a theoretical model for the prediction of bulk porosity. From the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that the porosity of the pears was very close to zero at high moisture contents and increased as the moisture was removed from the pears until it reached about 11%, for totally dry samples. It was also possible to verify a strong linearity between the specific volume and the moisture content, and also an exponential increase in porosity throughout the drying process. pêra, secagem, densidade, porosidade, volume específico, modelo de porosidade. pear, drying, density, porosity, specific volume, porosity model

    Doprinos voća, povrća, cjelovitih žitarica i mahunarki ukupnom unosu prehrambenih vlakana u odrasle populacije iz Dalmacije

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    There is compelling evidence that fruit, vegetables, whole cereals, and legumes make about 80 % of the total food fibre intake and have a potential to help in the prevention of a number of diseases. The aim of our study was to estimate total fibre intake from consumption of this fibre-rich food, partly reported in our earlier study in Croatian adult population. Current data analysis involved a non-probabilistic sample of 1,034 adult participants from Dalmatia, Croatia who responded to a validated food frequency questionnaire between October 2014 and March 2015. We also analysed the sales data obtained from three shopping centres in the Zadar area (Croatian coast) to establish a list of most frequently bought fruit, vegetables, whole cereals, and legumes and to calculate dietary fibre (DF) intake for each of the top-selling items and conversion factors for each food group. We then used these conversion factors to calculate individual total fibre intake (TFI) in our population. It was 11.4 g per person per day, which is less than half the recommended dietary requirements. On average, respondents reported to consume one piece of fruit and one meal of vegetables a day, which is less than half the daily recommendation for either. 25.8 % of respondents reported no consumption of whole cereals at all, and only 0.2 % of the population consumed the recommended 3–5 servings of whole grains or legumes a day. We also observed significantly higher consumption of fruit and whole grains/legumes in women than men. Our findings alert to poor dietary fibre intake in Croatian adult population, which is similar to other western countries and points to issues deeply rooted in these economies. However, our findings may be either an over- or under-estimation and need to be verified through longitudinal research on a wider sample using more precise tools.Postoje uvjerljivi dokazi da su voće, povrće, cjelovite žitarice i mahunarke glavni izvori prehrambenih vlakana iz hrane, tj. čine oko 80 % ukupnog unosa prehrambenih vlakana i mogu potencijalno pomoći u prevenciji mnogih bolesti. Cilj naše studije bio je procijeniti ukupni unos vlakana konzumacijom hrane koja predstavlja glavne izvore prehrambenih vlakana. Dio podataka objavljen je u našoj ranijoj studiji za odraslu hrvatsku populaciju. Konkretna analiza podataka uključivala je uzorak od 1.034 odrasla ispitanika u Dalmaciji u Hrvatskoj koji su odgovorili na validirani upitnik o frekvenciji unosa hrane bogate vlaknima između listopada 2014. i ožujka 2015. Također, analizirali smo i uspostavili popis najčešće kupljenog voća, povrća, cjelovitih žitarica i mahunarki u trima trgovačkim centrima na području grada Zadra (hrvatska obala). Na osnovi dobivenih podataka za svaki smo pojedinačni proizvod izračunali čimbenik pretvorbe te ga procijenili za pojedinu skupinu hrane: voće, povrće, cjelovite žitarice i mahunarke. Dobivene čimbenike pretvorbe te podatke iz ankete upotrijebili smo za izračun ukupnog unosa vlakana (TFI) za našu ispitivanu populaciju, i on je iznosio 11,4 g po osobi dnevno, što je samo polovica preporučenih prehrambenih potreba. U prosjeku su ispitanici izvijestili da konzumiraju jedan komad voća i jedan obrok povrća dnevno, što je manje od polovine dnevne preporuke za oba izvora. Četvrtina ispitanika (25,8 %) izvijestila je da uopće ne konzumira cjelovite žitarice, a njih samo 0,2 % konzumiralo je preporučenih 3 – 5 obroka cjelovitih žitarica ili mahunarki dnevno. Također smo uočili značajno veću konzumaciju voća i cjelovitih žitarica/mahunarki kod žena u odnosu na muškarce. Naša otkrića upozoravaju na nedovoljan unos prehrambenih vlakana u odrasloj populaciji u Dalmaciji u Hrvatskoj, što je slično nalazima iz drugih zapadnih zemalja te upućuje na duboko ukorijenjene probleme u tim gospodarstvima. Međutim, naša otkrića mogu biti ili precijenjena ili podcijenjena, stoga ih je potrebno potvrditi novim longitudinalnim istraživanjima na širem uzorku, koristeći se preciznijim alatima

    Food Security and Sustainability: Discussing the Four Pillars to Encompass Other Dimensions

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    The unadjusted intake of food constitutes a real challenge for the several sustainability dimensions. In this perspective, the main objectives of this research are to characterise the current contexts of food security, its relationship with sustainability, and identify proposals and actions that may support the design of more adjusted policies in the future. In addition, it is intended to assess if the food security pillars properly address the sustainability goals and if the evolution of undernutrition is accompanied by sustainable frameworks. In this way, statistical information from the FAOSTAT database was considered for the several dimensions of food security over the period 2000–2020. These data were analysed through factor-cluster approaches and panel data methodologies, namely those related to quantile regressions. As main insights, we may refer that undernutrition is more impacted by the availability of food and nutrients and political stability than by the level of GDP—Gross Domestic Product (except for the extreme cases). This means that the level of development is not the primary explanation for the problems of nutrition. The main focus of the national and international policies must be to improve the agrifood supply chains and to support political stability, in order to mitigate undernutrition worldwide and ensure a global access to sustainable and healthy diets. In addition, it is suggested to rethink the four pillars of food security (availability, access, utilisation and stability), in order to encompass other dimensions, such as climate change

    Secagem de Pêras. Estudo Experimental e Simulação do Processo.

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    Integrated-Smart Agriculture: Contexts and Assumptions for a Broader Concept

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    The innovative technologies developed in the different fields of science (nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, genetic modification, etc.) opened new and infinite possibilities for the several stakeholders that carry out their activities in the different economic sectors. For agriculture, these new approaches are particularly relevant and may bring interesting contributions, considering the specificities of the sector, often dealing with contexts of land abandonment and narrow profit margins. Nonetheless, the question in these unstopped evolutions is about the interlinkages with sustainability. In this context, the objectives of this study are to highlight the main insights from the available scientific literature about the interrelationships between the new trends in the agriculture and the sustainability. To achieve these aims, a search on the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS) and Scopus databases was carried out, on 15 May 2021, for the topics ‘smart agriculture’ and ‘sustainability’. A total of 231 documents (102 from WoS and 129 from Scopus) were obtained, remaining 155 documents after removing the duplicated, which were surveyed through systematic review following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) approach. As main insights, the concerns of the researchers with the impacts on the sustainability from the transformations in the farming organization are highlighted. On the other hand, it was shown the relevance and the new opportunities, including in terms of food supply, arising from the precision agriculture, agricultural intelligence, vertical/urban farming, circular economy, internet of things, and crowdfarming. We suggest the new and wider concept of ‘integrated-smart agriculture’, better than ‘climate-smart agriculture’

    Fibra alimentar: práticas alimentares e conhecimentos em diferentes regiões do globo Viktória Szűcs

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    Introdução: A fibra dietética (FD) é um componente importante de uma dieta saudável e o seu consumo constitui uma ferramenta que pode ser utilizada para diminuir os factores de risco para muitas doenças. Objetivos: Porque a FD apresenta tantos benefícios para a saúde, este estudo teve como objetivo comparar os hábitos alimentares e atitudes em relação à rotulagem, bem como o conhecimento sobre alimentos ricos em fibras e seus efeitos na saúde em três países situados em diferentes partes do globo (Argentina, Portugal e Hungria). Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo transversal usando uma amostra de conveniência não-probabilística de 1525 participantes, mediante inquérito por questionário. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que a ingestão de FD ficou, nos três países, abaixo as doses recomendadas, e as pessoas em geral não se preocupam muito sobre a informação nutricional nos rótulos dos alimentos ou o seu conteúdo em FD. A internet surgiu como um meio de comunicação muito importante que as pessoas usam para obter informações sobre FD ou uma alimentação saudável, enquanto os hospitais e centros de saúde parecem ter pouco sucesso naquele que deveria ser o seu papel educativo. Conclusões: Em geral, os entrevistados mostraram um nível moderado de conhecimento sobre a natureza e as fontes de FD, mas um melhor conhecimento sobre os seus efeitos na saúde humana, sendo este semelhante entre os países em estudo

    Handbook of fruit and vegetable flavors

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    Acting as chemical messengers for olfactory cells, food flavor materials are organic compounds that give off a strong, typically pleasant smells. Handbook of Fruit and Vegetable Flavors explores the flavor science and technology of fruits and vegetables, spices, and oils by first introducing specific flavors and their commercialization, then detailing the technical aspects, including biology, biotechnology, chemistry, physiochemistry, processing, analysis, extraction, commodities, and requirements for application as food additives. With chapter authors representing more than ten different countries, this handy reference provides a comprehensive view of this evolving science