409 research outputs found

    Can supplemented skim milk (skm) boost your gut health?

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    The incorporation of functional ingredients, such as prebiotics and probiotics in food matrices, became a common practice in the human diet to improve the nutritional value of the food product itself. Worldwide, skim milk (SKM) is one of the most consumed food matrices, comprising all the essential nutrients desired for a balanced diet. Thus, the modulation of the human gut microbiota by SKM supplemented with different well-known functional ingredients was evaluated. Four well-studied prebiotics, fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), mannanoligosaccharides (MOS) and inulin, and one probiotic product, UL-250® (Saccharomyces boulardii) were added at 1% (w/v) to SKM and subjected to a gastrointestinal in vitro model. The impact of each combination on gut microbiota profile and their fermentation metabolites (i.e., short-chain fatty acids–SCFA) was assessed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), respectively. The addition of FOS to SKM had promising results, showing prebiotic potential by promoting the growth of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Clostridium cluster IV. Moreover, the increment of SCFA levels and the decrease of total ammonia nitrogen were observed throughout colonic fermentation. Overall, these results demonstrate that the combination SKM + FOS was the most beneficial to the host’s health by positively modulating the gut microbiota.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Applied microbiology on poultry industry: from nutrition to the gut microbiota

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    Poultry products (i.e., meat and eggs) are one of the major protein sources for the human diet. The animal’s diet is one of the key elements that the poultry industry has been focused on, to improve the animal’s performance, maintaining their healthy growth and, ultimately, high quality end products. The incorporation of functional ingredients in feed formulations, aiming to provide extra benefits and/or prevent diseases, has been considered efficient in maintaining the animal’s productivity and simultaneously ensure its well-being. Nutrient’s bioavailability varies throughout digestion and absorption within the poultry’s gastrointestinal tract (GIT). A reliable in vitro model, as the one developed and used in this study, capable of mimicking all digestion, absorptive and cecal fermentation processes, is a useful tool to study the potential benefits of feed supplemented with functional and/or bioactive ingredients. The developed in vitro gastrointestinal model simulates the chemical, enzymatic, and mechanical conditions prevailing in the chicken´s GIT, from beak to cecum. Fresh broiler’s cecal samples were used as inoculum for batch cecal fermentation and the impact of different feed formulations, on bacteria modulation, organic acids, and total ammonia nitrogen production, were assessed. Overall, this approach enables to evaluate, as close to reality as possible, the potential of target additives, providing a trustworthy tool for the development of functional feeds.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Strategies to assess the impact of sustainable functional food ingredients on gut microbiota

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    Nowadays, it is evident that food ingredients have different roles and distinct health benefits to the consumer. Over the past years, the interest in functional foods, especially those targeting gut health, has grown significantly. The use of industrial byproducts as a source of new functional and sustainable ingredients as a response to such demands has raised interest. However, the properties of these ingredients can be affected once incorporated into different food matrices. Therefore, when searching for the least costly and most suitable, beneficial, and sustainable formulations, it is necessary to understand how such ingredients perform when supplemented in different food matrices and how they impact the host's health. As proposed in this manuscript, the ingredients' properties can be first evaluated using in vitro gastrointestinal tract (GIT) simulation models prior to validation through human clinical trials. In vitro models are powerful tools that mimic the physicochemical and physiological conditions of the GIT, enabling prediction of the potentials of functional ingredients per se and when incorporated into a food matrix. Understanding how newly developed ingredients from undervalued agro-industrial sources behave as supplements supports the development of new and more sustainable functional foods while scientifically backing up health-benefits claims.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Preservation of human gut microbiota inoculums for in vitro fermentations studies

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    The use of fecal inoculums for in vitro fermentation models requires a viable gut microbiota, capable of fermenting the unabsorbed nutrients. Fresh samples from human donors are used; however, the availability of fresh fecal inoculum and its inherent variability is often a problem. This study aimed to optimize a method of preserving pooled human fecal samples for in vitro fermentation studies. Different conditions and times of storage at -20 degrees C were tested. In vitro fermentation experiments were carried out for both fresh and frozen inoculums, and the metabolic profile compared. In comparison with the fresh, the inoculum frozen in a PBS and 30% glycerol solution, had a significantly lower (p < 0.05) bacterial count (<1 log CFU/mL). However, no significant differences (p < 0.05) were found between the metabolic profiles after 48 h. Hence, a PBS and 30% glycerol solution can be used to maintain the gut microbiota viability during storage at -20 degrees C for at least 3 months, without interfering with the normal course of colonic fermentation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Study of the edible Rumex induratus from Côa Valley in hepaticocarcinoma cells

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common form of liver cancer (about 90%) which remains a worldwide health challenge due to its incidence growth and yet scarce and not specific treatments.HCC is characterized by a metabolic and oxidative stress which induces a prolonged pathological inflammation and cell damage, and also an evident increase in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which will lead to an increase of cellular lipid peroxidation and of hepatic enzymes. Available treatments are not very effective being usually adapted from other illnesses. Plants are considered very important sources for the discovery of new compounds to prevent and treat diseases (1). There are several natural drug leads presently used in chemotherapy including in HCC. Rumex induratus is native in Iberian Peninsula and spontaneous in northwest Portugal where it is used in local cuisine. Its extracts have significative antioxidant activity (2). This work aimed to add value to this species focused on the evaluation of the antitumoral activity of different extracts. Extractions of Rumex induratus (collected in Vale do Côa, Portugal, between March and May 2021) were made in water, ethanol 80% and ethanol 100% and tested in HCC in vitro models using HepG2, HuH7 and Hep3B cells lines. Metabolic activity, cellular morphology, cellular death and the quantification of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide) were assayed. A reduction in the metabolic activity was dependent on the extract and its concentration: it was observed that the infusion was more cytotoxic and Hep3B the most sensitive cell line. As for cellular morphology, in HuH7 was observed the condensation of the nucleus after treatment with infusion, and in Hep3B the hydroethanolic extract led to cellular contraction. Cellular death evaluated by the membrane potential revealed that HepG2 and HuH7 suffered from exposure to infusion and hydroethanolic extracts, while Hep3B was not so sensitive. As for ROS quantification, a growth pattern in the concentration of the superoxide anion and a decrease in peroxides were detected with an increase in the concentration of R. induratus extracts. Although not so robust, results of this study still revealed an evident influence of R. induratus extracts in the cellular activity and intracellular ROS production in the studied hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines. It is understandable that these biologic activities are directly associated to the existent phenolic compounds which antioxidant potential allows the understanding that the extracts led to an increase in membrane potential in all cell lines, with HepG2 presenting the highest values. In conclusion, the plant extract provides intracellular differences that can lead to the triggering of apoptosis in tumor cells. Nevertheless, future assays will allow to understand the mechanism of action of R. induratus extracts in HCC and to potentiate its use.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Use of clobetasol in lacquer for plaque psoriasis treatment

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    Clobetasol benefits to control psoriasis lesions are well defined, but there were not studies about its action when used in lacquer vehicle to control skin lesions. A double-blind study was conducted with 40 patients that utilized clobetasol 0.05% in one hemibody and just the vehicle in the other hemibody. Twenty of them used petrolatum as vehicle and the others used lacquer. An assessment was conducted using the clinical index PASI and a quality of life questionnaire (Dermatological Life Quality Index). There was no statistical difference between groups. There was a trend of favorable response particularly in the hemibody treated with clobetasol911113115CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPSem informação2008/09433-

    Adolescentes com DM1: conhecimento acerca da doença e dificuldades no autocuidado

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    Background: type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease increasingly prevalent in children, thus it is essential to encourage adherence to self-care and minimize the difficulties experienced. Objectives: characterize the knowledge of adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus about their disease and identify their difficulties in self-care. Methodology: quantitative, simple descriptive study. Application of Knowledge Test of Adolescents with DM1 about the disease and the Inventory of Difficulties in Self-Care Roles by Flora &amp; Gameiro (2016). Data collected between june and november 2021 at Diabetes Consultation of a Hospital in the central region of Portugal. Sample of 34 diabetic adolescents with a mean age of 14.9 (±2.3) years. Results: in overall knowledge, adolescents show a level of knowledge between reasonable and good, and it is in domain 1 (Nature of the disease/physiopathology) where they show the best level of knowledge. In the difficulties in the self-care roles, they show higher percentages of difficulty in maintaining a balanced diet, fighting stress and interventions when facing hypoglycemia. Conclusion: adolescents have difficulties in self-care roles, and the nurses\u27 intervention in the implementation of adjusted therapeutic plans is essential to overcome the knowledge gaps and reduce the identified difficultiesMarco Contextual: la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 es una enfermedad crónica cada vez más prevalente en niños, por lo que es fundamental fomentar la adherencia al autocuidado y minimizar las dificultades que experimentan. Objetivos: caracterizar el conocimiento de los adolescentes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 sobre su enfermedad e identificar sus dificultades en el autocuidado. Metodologia: estudo quantitativo, descritivo simples. Aplicação de Test de Conocimientos de Adolescentes con DM1 sobre la enfermedad y el Inventario de Dificultades en los Roles de Autocuidado de Flora &amp; Gameiro (2016). Datos recogidos entre junio y noviembre de 2021 en la Consulta de Diabetes de un Hospital de la región central de Portugal. Muestra de 34 adolescentes diabéticos con edad media de 14,9 (±2,3) años. Resultados: en el conocimiento global, los adolescentes muestran un nivel de conocimiento entre razonable y bueno, y es en el dominio 1 (Naturaleza de la enfermedad/fisiopatología) donde muestran el mejor nivel de conocimiento. En cuanto a las dificultades en las funciones de autocuidado, estos pacientes mostraron mayores porcentajes de dificultad para mantener una dieta equilibrada, combatir el estrés e intervenir ante una hipoglucemia. Conclusión: adolescentes tienen una dificultad para los en los roles de autocuidado, siendo fundamental la intervención del enfermero en la implementación de planes terapéuticos ajustados, con el fin de llenar los vacíos de conocimiento y reducir las dificultades identificadas.Enquadramento: a Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 enquanto doença crónica é, cada vez mais prevalente, em idade pediátrica, sendo fundamental o incentivo de adesão ao autocuidado e a minimização das dificuldades sentidas. Objetivos: caracterizar o conhecimento de adolescentes com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 acerca da sua doença e identificar as suas dificuldades no autocuidado. Metodologia: estudo quantitativo, descritivo simples. Aplicação do Teste de Conhecimento dos Adolescentes com DM1 acerca da doença e o Inventário de Dificuldades nos Papéis de Autocuidado de Flora &amp; Gameiro (2016). Recolha de dados de junho a novembro de 2021, na Consulta de Diabetes de um Hospital da região centro de Portugal. Amostra de 34 adolescentes com média de idades de 14.9 (±2.3) anos. Resultados: no conhecimento global, os adolescentes apresentam um nível de conhecimento entre o razoável e bom, sendo o domínio 1 (Natureza da doença/fisiopatologia) onde estes apresentam melhor nível de conhecimento. Nas dificuldades nos papéis de autocuidado, apresentam maior dificuldade na manutenção de uma alimentação equilibrada, combate ao stress e intervenções numa hipoglicemia. Conclusão: verifica-se dificuldade destes nos papeis de autocuidado, sendo fundamental a intervenção dos enfermeiros na implementação de planos terapêuticos ajustados, no sentido de colmatar falhas de conhecimento e dificuldades identificadas

    Influence of the peritoneal lavage with bupivacaine on the survival and resistance of colonic anastomoses performed under fecal peritonitis in rats

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of peritoneal lavage with bupivacaine on survival and initial resistance of anastomosis on distal colon, performed under peritonitis or not. METHODS: Forty rats, weighing from 300 to 350g (321.29±11.31g), were randomly divided in four groups and underwent laparotomy and anastomosis on the distal colon six hours after induction of peritonitis by intraperitoneal injection of autologous fecal material or not. Group 1: No peritonitis and lavage with 3ml NS; Group 2: No peritonitis and lavage with 8 mg.kg-1 (± 0.5 mL) of 0.5% bupivacaine added to 2.5 mL of NS; Group 3: Peritonitis and lavage with 3ml NS; Group 4: Peritonitis and lavage with 8 mg.kg-1 (± 0.5 mL) of 0.5% bupivacaine added to 2.5 mL of NS. Necropsies were performed on the animals that died and the time of death was recorded. Surviving animals were submitted to euthanasia on the fifth post-operative day and Total Energy of Rupture biomechanical test (TER) was applied. RESULTS: Group 4 showed survival increase compared to Group 3, without statistical significance. Group 3 presented the smallest average TER, with statistical significance. CONCLUSION: Peritonitis increased mortality and influenced negatively the resistance of colic anastomosis in rats. Peritoneal lavage with bupivacaine increased anastomotic resistance.78378