297 research outputs found

    Quantifying Tensions between CMB and Distance Datasets in Models with Free Curvature or Lensing Amplitude

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    Recent measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) by the Planck Collaboration have produced arguably the most powerful observational evidence in support of the standard model of cosmology, i.e. the spatially flat Λ\LambdaCDM paradigm. In this work, we perform model selection tests to examine whether the base CMB temperature and large scale polarization anisotropy data from Planck 2015 (P15) prefer any of eight commonly used one-parameter model extensions with respect to flat Λ\LambdaCDM. We find a clear preference for models with free curvature, ΩK\Omega_\mathrm{K}, or free amplitude of the CMB lensing potential, ALA_\mathrm{L}. We also further develop statistical tools to measure tension between datasets. We use a Gaussianization scheme to compute tensions directly from the posterior samples using an entropy-based method, the surprise, as well as a calibrated evidence ratio presented here for the first time. We then proceed to investigate the consistency between the base P15~CMB data and six other CMB and distance datasets. In flat Λ\LambdaCDM we find a 4.8σ4.8\sigma tension between the base P15~CMB data and a distance ladder measurement, whereas the former are consistent with the other datasets. In the curved Λ\LambdaCDM model we find significant tensions in most of the cases, arising from the well-known low power of the low-ℓ\ell multipoles of the CMB data. In the flat Λ\LambdaCDM +AL+A_\mathrm{L} model, however, all datasets are consistent with the base P15~CMB observations except for the CMB lensing measurement, which remains in significant tension. This tension is driven by the increased power of the CMB lensing potential derived from the base P15~CMB constraints in both models, pointing at either potentially unresolved systematic effects or the need for new physics beyond the standard flat Λ\LambdaCDM model.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 6 table

    On the determination of the deceleration parameter from Supernovae data

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    Supernovae searches have shown that a simple matter-dominated and decelerating universe should be ruled out. However a determination of the present deceleration parameter q0q_0 through a simple kinematical description is not exempt of possible drawbacks. We show that, with a time dependent equation of state for the dark energy, a bias is present for q0q_0 : models which are very far from the so-called Concordance Model can be accommodated by the data and a simple kinematical analysis can lead to wrong conclusions. We present a quantitative treatment of this bias and we present our conclusions when a possible dynamical dark energy is taken into account.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitte

    Nutritive value of different hybrids of sorghum forage determinedin vitro

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    Eight hybrids of sorghum forage were tested in large plots of two farms in two consecutive years to evaluate their chemical characteristics, nutritive value and yield as a possible substitute for maize silage. Two or three cuts were made depending on climatic conditions. On forage samples taken at ensiling chemical analyses and 24 h gas production were performed, to predict the NEl content. In comparison with maize silage, the sorghum hybrids registered higher protein (13.7% on DM) and NDF (62.6% on DM) contents. Interestingly, the fibre fraction had a low lignin content (3.1% on DM). NEl content ranged from 4.53 to 5.28 MJ/kg DM, the latter for the hybrid with the lowest NDF content. Hybrid effect was significant for ash, NDF, ADF and NEl contents, whilst cut effect was significant for EE, CP, NDF and ADF. Yield was strongly influenced by fertilisation; when the latter was applied, it was in the range of 10-18 t DM, 1.7-2.8 t CP and 47-88 thousand MJ NEl per hectare, as a sum of the 2- 3 cuts. Sorghum forage seems to be a possible alternative to the fibrous maize silage fraction in diets of lactating cows, and an excellent forage for the rations of dry cows and heifers

    Cosmology and astrophysics from relaxed galaxy clusters - IV: Robustly calibrating hydrostatic masses with weak lensing

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    This is the fourth in a series of papers studying the astrophysics and cosmology of massive, dynamically relaxed galaxy clusters. Here, we use measurements of weak gravitational lensing from the Weighing the Giants project to calibrate Chandra X-ray measurements of total mass that rely on the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. This comparison of X-ray and lensing masses provides a measurement of the combined bias of X-ray hydrostatic masses due to both astrophysical and instrumental sources. Assuming a fixed cosmology, and within a characteristic radius (r_2500) determined from the X-ray data, we measure a lensing to X-ray mass ratio of 0.96 +/- 9% (stat) +/- 9% (sys). We find no significant trends of this ratio with mass, redshift or the morphological indicators used to select the sample. In accordance with predictions from hydro simulations for the most massive, relaxed clusters, our results disfavor strong, tens-of-percent departures from hydrostatic equilibrium at these radii. In addition, we find a mean concentration of the sample measured from lensing data of c_200 = 3.0−1.8+4.43.0_{-1.8}^{+4.4}. Anticipated short-term improvements in lensing systematics, and a modest expansion of the relaxed lensing sample, can easily increase the measurement precision by 30--50%, leading to similar improvements in cosmological constraints that employ X-ray hydrostatic mass estimates, such as on Omega_m from the cluster gas mass fraction.Comment: 13 pages. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcom

    Prediction of the nutritive value of maize silage using in vitro and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) techniques

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    Maize silage is by far the most used forage in the diets for dairy cows and beef cattle in a large part of the Po plain, Italy. However, its chemical composition and its nutritive value range widely according to the genotype and to the climatic and agronomic conditions, particularly with regards to the plant maturity at harvest

    Combining cluster observables and stacked weak lensing to probe dark energy: Self-calibration of systematic uncertainties

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    We develop a new method of combining cluster observables (number counts and cluster-cluster correlation functions) and stacked weak lensing signals of background galaxy shapes, both of which are available in a wide-field optical imaging survey. Assuming that the clusters have secure redshift estimates, we show that the joint experiment enables a self-calibration of important systematic errors including the source redshift uncertainty and the cluster mass-observable relation, by adopting a single population of background source galaxies for the lensing analysis. It allows us to use the relative strengths of stacked lensing signals at different cluster redshifts for calibrating the source redshift uncertainty, which in turn leads to accurate measurements of the mean cluster mass in each bin. In addition, our formulation of stacked lensing signals in Fourier space simplifies the Fisher matrix calculations, as well as the marginalization over the cluster off-centering effect, the most significant uncertainty in stacked lensing. We show that upcoming wide-field surveys yield stringent constraints on cosmological parameters including dark energy parameters, without any priors on nuisance parameters that model systematic uncertainties. Specifically, the stacked lensing information improves the dark energy FoM by a factor of 4, compared to that from the cluster observables alone. The primordial non-Gaussianity parameter can also be constrained with a level of f_NL~10. In this method, the mean source redshift is well calibrated to an accuracy of 0.1 in redshift, and the mean cluster mass in each bin to 5-10% accuracies, which demonstrates the success of the self-calibration of systematic uncertainties from the joint experiment. (Abridged)Comment: 29 pages, 17 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The Λ\LambdaCDM growth rate of structure revisited

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    We re-examine the growth index of the concordance Λ\Lambda cosmology in the light of the latest 6dF and {\em WiggleZ} data. In particular, we investigate five different models for the growth index γ\gamma, by comparing their cosmological evolution using observational data of the growth rate of structure formation at different redshifts. Performing a joint likelihood analysis of the recent supernovae type Ia data, the Cosmic Microwave Background shift parameter, Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations and the growth rate data, we determine the free parameters of the γ(z)\gamma(z) parametrizations and we statistically quantify their ability to represent the observations. We find that the addition of the 6dF and {\em WiggleZ} growth data in the likelihood analysis improves significantly the statistical results. As an example, considering a constant growth index we find Ωm0=0.273±0.011\Omega_{m0}=0.273\pm 0.011 and γ=0.586−0.074+0.079\gamma=0.586^{+0.079}_{-0.074}.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication by International J. of Modern Physics D (IJMPD). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1203.672
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