18 research outputs found

    Are parents identifying positive aspects to parenting their child with an intellectual disability or are they just coping? A qualitative exploration

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    Although acknowledging the stress of raising their child with intellectual disabilities, parents also report that their child has brought about many positive changes in themselves and family. This study reports what parents perceive to be a positive aspect of parenting their child, as currently what constitutes a ‘positive’ is unclear. Seven key themes were identified; an increased sense of personal strength and confidence, changed priorities, greater appreciation of life, pleasure in the child’s accomplishments, increased faith/spirituality, more meaningful relationships and the positive effect that the child has on the wider community. Interpretive examination of the themes reveals that the positive aspects identified consist mostly of meaning-focused coping strategies. These enable parents to adapt successfully to the stressful experiences of raising their child and therefore could be amenable to meaning-focused therapeutic interventions for parents with newly diagnosed children or for those unable to identify any positive aspects of parenting their child

    How parents describe the positive aspects of parenting a child who has intellectual disabilities : a systematic review and narrative synthesis

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    Background: Identifying what parents describe to be positive about parenting their child who has intellectual disabilities is important for professional practice and how parents can be supported over a lifespan. Method: Studies where parents describe the positive aspects of parenting a child with intellectual disabilities were identified via electronic databases searches and analysed in a narrative synthesis. Results: Twenty-two studies were included in the review. Positive aspects were defined and measured differently across the studies but eight consistent themes emerged that showed the construct to be multifaceted with most themes relating to the intrapersonal orientation of the parent. Conclusion: There is evidence that parents do identify positive aspects of parenting their child with intellectual disabilities, however the construct is poorly defined, not measured in a similar fashion across all studies and lacks theoretical underpinning. Evidence of factors likely to predict a parent’s ability to identify positive aspects is inconclusive. This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Wills, J., and Beighton, C. (2019). How parents describe the positive aspects of parenting a child who has intellectual disabilities: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, which has been published in final form at [xxxxxxx]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions

    Hope as a psychological resilience factor in mothers and fathers of children with intellectual disabilities

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    Background: Positive psychology is an area gaining credence within the field of intellectual disability (ID). Hope is one facet of positive psychology that is relatively unstudied in parents of children with ID. In the present study, we explore hope and its relationships with parental well-being in parents of school-aged children with ID. Method: A total of 138 mothers and 58 fathers of children with ID took part in a questionnaire-based study. Parents reported on their feelings of hope and positive affect, other dimensions of psychological well-being (anxiety, depression and stress), and on their child's behaviour. For this study, hope was measured as a goal driven behaviour comprising two components: agency (the perception that one can reach his/her goals) and pathways (the perception that one can find alternative routes to reach these goals should the need arise). Results: For mothers, regression analyses revealed that lower levels of hope (agency and pathways) and more child behaviour problems predicted maternal depression. Positive affect was predicted by less problematic child behaviour and by higher levels of hope agency. For fathers, anxiety and depression were predicted by low hope agency and positive affect was predicted by high hope agency. Hope pathways was not a significant predictor of paternal well-being. Hope agency and pathways interacted in the prediction of maternal depression such that mothers reporting high levels of both hope dimensions reported the lowest levels of depressive symptoms. Conclusions: Hope is a construct that merits further investigation within families research, and is potentially a factor that could be utilised in intervention to help increase familial well-being