45 research outputs found

    Health and social care professionals’ experiences of providing end of life care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study

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    Background: Health and social care professionals’ ability to address the needs of patients and their relatives at end of life is likely to have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Aim: To explore health and social care professionals’ experiences of providing end of life care during the COVID-19 pandemic to help inform current/future clinical practice and policy. Design: A qualitative interview study. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Setting/participants: Sixteen health and social care professionals working across a range of clinical settings in supporting dying patients during the first wave (March–June 2020) of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom. Results: Participants reported emotional and practical challenges to providing end of life care during the pandemic, including increases in patient numbers, reduced staffing levels and relying on virtual platforms for sensitive, emotive conversations with relatives. Participants were central to promoting connections between patients and their families at end of life and creating opportunities for a final contact before the death. However, the provision of support varied as a consequence of the pressures of the pandemic. Results are discussed under two themes: (1) challenges and facilitators to providing end of life care, and (2) support needs of relatives when a family member was dying during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: There is a need for flexible visiting arrangements at end of life during a pandemic. A systems-level approach is necessary to promote the wellbeing of health and social care professionals providing end of life care during and after a pandemic

    Are public health measures and individualised care compatible in the face of a pandemic? A national observational study of bereaved relatives’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: COVID-19 public health restrictions have affected end-of-life care experiences for dying patients and their families. Aim: To explore bereaved relatives’ experiences of quality of care and family support provided during the last days of life; to identify the impact of factors associated with perceived support. Design: A national, observational, open online survey was developed and disseminated via social media, public fora and professional networks (June–September 2020). Validated instruments and purposively designed questions assessed experiences. Analysis used descriptive statistics, logistic regression and thematic analysis of free-text responses. Participants: Individuals (⩾18 years) who had experienced the death of a relative/friend (all care settings) within the United Kingdome during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: Respondents (n = 278, mean 53.4 years) tended to be female (n = 216, 78%); over half were ‘son/daughter’ (174, 62.6%) to the deceased. Deceased individuals (mean 81.6 years) most frequently died in their ‘usual place of care’ (n = 192, 69.3%). Analysis established five conceptual themes affecting individualised care: (1) public health restrictions compounding the distress of ‘not knowing’; (2) disparate views about support from doctors and nurses; (3) challenges in communication and level of preparedness for the death; (4) delivery of compassionate care; (5) emotional needs and potential impact on grief. Male respondents (OR 2.9, p = 0.03) and those able to visit (OR 2.2, p = 0.04) were independently associated with good perceptions of family support. Conclusion: Despite public health restrictions, individualised care can be enabled by proactive, informative communication; recognising dying in a timely manner and facilitating the ability to be present before death

    Acquisition of a Unique Onshore/Offshore Geophysical and Geochemical Dataset in the Northern Malawi (Nyasa) Rift

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    The Study of Extension and maGmatism in Malawi aNd Tanzania (SEGMeNT) project acquired a comprehensive suite of geophysical and geochemical datasets across the northern Malawi (Nyasa) rift in the East Africa rift system. Onshore/offshore active and passive seismic data, long‐period and wideband magnetotelluric data, continuous Global Positioning System data, and geochemical samples were acquired between 2012 and 2016. This combination of data is intended to elucidate the sedimentary, crustal, and upper‐mantle architecture of the rift, patterns of active deformation, and the origin and age of rift‐related magmatism. A unique component of our program was the acquisition of seismic data in Lake Malawi, including seismic reflection, onshore/offshore wide‐angle seismic reflection/refraction, and broadband seismic data from lake‐bottom seismometers, a towed streamer, and a large towed air‐gun source

    Multiplex Zymography Captures Stage-specific Activity Profiles of Cathepsins K, L, and S in Human Breast, Lung, and Cervical Cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cathepsins K, L, and S are cysteine proteases upregulated in cancer and proteolyze extracellular matrix to facilitate metastasis, but difficulty distinguishing specific cathepsin activity in complex tissue extracts confounds scientific studies and employing them for use in clinical diagnoses. Here, we have developed multiplex cathepsin zymography to profile cathepsins K, L, and S activity in 10 μg human breast, lung, and cervical tumors by exploiting unique electrophoretic mobility and renaturation properties.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Frozen breast, lung, and cervix cancer tissue lysates and normal organ tissue lysates from the same human patients were obtained (28 breast tissues, 23 lung tissues, and 23 cervix tissues), minced and homogenized prior to loading for cathepsin gelatin zymography to determine enzymatic activity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cleared bands of cathepsin activity were identified and validated in tumor extracts and detected organ- and stage-specific differences in activity. Cathepsin K was unique compared to cathepsins L and S. It was significantly higher for all cancers even at the earliest stage tested (stage I for lung and cervix (n = 6, p < .05), and stage II for breast; n = 6, p < .0001). Interestingly, cervical and breast tumor cathepsin activity was highest at the earliest stage we tested, stages I and II, respectively, and then were significantly lower at the latest stages tested (III and IV, respectively) (n = 6, p < 0.01 and p < 0.05), but lung cathepsin activity increased from one stage to the next (n = 6, p < .05). Using cathepsin K as a diagnostic biomarker for breast cancer detected with multiplex zymography, yielded 100% sensitivity and specificity for 20 breast tissue samples tested (10 normal; 10 tumor) in part due to the consistent absence of cathepsin K in normal breast tissue across all patients.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>To summarize, this sensitive assay provides quantitative outputs of cathepsins K, L, and S activities from mere micrograms of tissue and has potential use as a supplement to histological methods of clinical diagnoses of biopsied human tissue.</p

    Is Placental Mitochondrial Function a Regulator that Matches Fetal and Placental Growth to Maternal Nutrient Intake in the Mouse?

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    Effective fetal growth requires adequate maternal nutrition coupled to active transport of nutrients across the placenta, which, in turn requires ATP. Epidemiological and experimental evidence has shown that impaired maternal nutrition in utero results in an adverse postnatal phenotype for the offspring. Placental mitochondrial function might link maternal food intake to fetal growth since impaired placental ATP production, in response to poor maternal nutrition, could be a pathway linking maternal food intake to reduced fetal growth.We assessed the effects of maternal diet on placental water content, ATP levels and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content in mice at embryonic (E) day 18 (E18). Females maintained on either low- (LPD) or normal- (NPD) protein diets were mated with NPD males.To investigate the possibility of an underlying mitochondrial stress response, we studied cultured human trophoblast cells (BeWos). High throughput imaging showed that amino acid starvation induces changes in mitochondrial morphology that suggest stress-induced mitochondrial hyperfusion. This is a defensive response, believed to increase mitochondrial efficiency, that could underlie the increase in ATP observed in placenta.These findings reinforce the pathophysiological links between maternal diet and conceptus mitochondria, potentially contributing to metabolic programming. The quiet embryo hypothesis proposes that pre-implantation embryo survival is best served by a relatively low level of metabolism. This may extend to post-implantation trophoblast responses to nutrition

    Embedding Temporal Convolutional Networks for Energy-efficient PPG-based Heart Rate Monitoring

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    Photoplethysmography (PPG) sensors allow for non-invasive and comfortable heart rate (HR) monitoring, suitable for compact wrist-worn devices. Unfortunately, motion artifacts (MAs) severely impact the monitoring accuracy, causing high variability in the skin-to-sensor interface. Several data fusion techniques have been introduced to cope with this problem, based on combining PPG signals with inertial sensor data. Until now, both commercial and reasearch solutions are computationally efficient but not very robust, or strongly dependent on hand-tuned parameters, which leads to poor generalization performance. In this work, we tackle these limitations by proposing a computationally lightweight yet robust deep learning-based approach for PPG-based HR estimation. Specifically, we derive a diverse set of Temporal Convolutional Networks for HR estimation, leveraging Neural Architecture Search. Moreover, we also introduce ActPPG, an adaptive algorithm that selects among multiple HR estimators depending on the amount of MAs, to improve energy efficiency. We validate our approaches on two benchmark datasets, achieving as low as 3.84 beats per minute of Mean Absolute Error on PPG-Dalia, which outperforms the previous state of the art. Moreover, we deploy our models on a low-power commercial microcontroller (STM32L4), obtaining a rich set of Pareto optimal solutions in the complexity vs. accuracy space

    Standard light breakfast inhibits circulating ghrelin level to the same extent of oral glucose load in humans, despite different impact on glucose and insulin levels

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    Ghrelin levels are increased by fasting and energy restriction, decreased by food intake, glucose load and insulin but not by lipids and amino acids. Accordingly, ghrelin levels are elevated in anorexia and cachexia and reduced in obesity. Herein we compared the effects of a standardized light breakfast (SLB) on morning circulating ghrelin levels with those of oral glucose load (OGTT) in normal subjects. Specifically, 8 young adult volunteers [age (mean±SEM): 28.0±2.0 yr; body mass index (BMI): 22.4±0.6 kg/m2] underwent the following testing sessions: a) OGTT (100 g po at 0 min, about 400 kcal); b) SLB (about 400 kcal, 45% carbohydrates, 13% proteins and 42% lipids at 0 min) on three different days; c) placebo (100 ml water po). In all sessions, at baseline, blood samples were withdrawn twice at 5-min interval to characterize the inter- and intra-individual reproducibility of the variables assayed. After placebo and OGTT, blood samples were withdrawn every 15 min up to +120 min. After SLB, blood samples were taken at 60 min only. Ghrelin, insulin and glucose levels were assayed at each time point in all sessions. Similarly to insulin and glucose levels, at baseline, ghrelin showed remarkable intra-subject reproducibility both in the same sessions and among the different sessions. Placebo did not significantly modify ghrelin, insulin and glucose. OGTT increased (p<0.01) glucose (baseline vs peak: 80.0±3.6 vs 140.5±6.3 mg/dl) and insulin (20.2±6.2 vs 115.3±10.3 mU/l) levels. SLB increased (p<0.05) both insulin (16.3±1.8 vs 48.3±6.3 mU/l) and glucose (74.5±3.7 vs 82.9±3.1 mg/dl) levels. Notably both the insulin and glucose increases after OGTT were significantly higher (p<0.01) than that induced by SLB. After OGTT, ghrelin levels underwent a significant reduction (baseline vs nadir: 355.7±150.8 vs 243.3±98.8 pg/ml; p<0.05) reaching the nadir at time +60 min. Similarly, ghrelin levels 60 min after SLB (264.8±44.8 pg/ml were significantly (p<0.01) lower than at baseline (341.4±54.9 pg/ml). No significant differences in the reduction of ghrelin levels after OGTT and SLB were observed. In conclusion, these findings show that light breakfast inhibits ghrelin secretion to the same extent of OGTT in adults despite lower variations in glucose and insulin levels

    Standard light breakfast inhibits circulating ghrelin level to the same extent of oral glucose load in humans, despite different impact on glucose and insulin levels.

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    Ghrelin levels are increased by fasting and energy restriction, decreased by food intake, glucose load and insulin but not by lipids and amino acids. Accordingly, ghrelin levels are elevated in anorexia and cachexia and reduced in obesity. Herein we compared the effects of a standardized light breakfast (SLB) on morning circulating ghrelin levels with those of oral glucose load (OGTT) in normal subjects. Specifically, 8 young adult volunteers [age (mean+/-SEM): 28.0+/-2.0 yr; body mass index (BMI): 22.4+/-0.6 kg/m2] underwent the following testing sessions: a) OGTT (100 g p.o. at 0 min, about 400 kcal); b) SLB (about 400 kcal, 45% carbohydrates, 13% proteins and 42% lipids at 0 min) on three different days; c) placebo (100 ml water p.o.). In all sessions, at baseline, blood samples were withdrawn twice at 5-min interval to characterize the inter- and intra-individual reproducibility of the variables assayed. After placebo and OGTT, blood samples were withdrawn every 15 min up to +120 min. After SLB, blood samples were taken at 60 min only. Ghrelin, insulin and glucose levels were assayed at each time point in all sessions. Similarly to insulin and glucose levels, at baseline, ghrelin showed remarkable intra-subject reproducibility both in the same sessions and among the different sessions. Placebo did not significantly modify ghrelin, insulin and glucose. OGTT increased (p<0.01) glucose (baseline vs peak: 80.0+/-3.6 vs 140.5+/-6.3 mg/dl) and insulin (20.2+/-6.2 vs 115.3+/-10.3 mU/l) levels. SLB increased (p<0.05) both insulin (16.3+/-1.8 vs 48.3+/-6.3 mU/l) and glucose (74.5+/-3.7 vs 82.9+/-3.1 mg/dl) levels. Notably both the insulin and glucose increases after OGTT were significantly higher (p<0.01) than that induced by SLB. After OGTT, ghrelin levels underwent a significant reduction (baseline vs nadir: 355.7+/-150.8 vs 243.3+/-98.8 pg/ml; p<0.05) reaching the nadir at time +60 min. Similarly, ghrelin levels 60 min after SLB (264.8+/-44.8 pg/ml) were significantly (p<0.01) lower than at baseline (341.4+/-54.9 pg/ml). No significant differences in the reduction of ghrelin levels after OGTT and SLB were observed. In conclusion, these findings show that light breakfast inhibits ghrelin secretion to the same extent of OGTT in adults despite lower variations in glucose and insulin levels