71 research outputs found

    Aspherical magnetically modulated optical nanoprobes (MagMOONs)

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    Aspherical magnetic particles orient in a magnetic field due to magnetic shape anisotropy. They also emit different fluxes of light from their different geometric faces due to self-absorption and total internal reflection within the particles. The particles rotate in response to rotating magnetic fields and appear to blink as they rotate. We have made pancake and chain shaped particles and magnetically modulated their fluorescent intensities. Demodulating the signal extracts the probe fluorescence from electronic and optical backgrounds dramatically increasing signal to noise ratios. The probes have applications in sensitive and rapid immunoassays, improved intracellular sensors, and inexpensive single molecule analysis. © 2003 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/70021/2/JAPIAU-93-10-6698-1.pd

    Brownian modulated optical nanoprobes

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    Brownian modulated optical nanoprobes (Brownian MOONs) are fluorescent micro- and nanoparticles that resemble moons: one hemisphere emits a bright fluorescent signal, while an opaque metal darkens the other hemisphere. Brownian motion causes the particles to tumble and blink erratically as they rotate literally through the phases of the moon. The fluctuating probe signals are separated from optical and electronic backgrounds using principal components analysis or images analysis. Brownian MOONs enable microrheological measurements on size scales and timescales that are difficult to study with other methods. Local chemical concentrations can be measured simultaneously, using spectral characteristics of indicator dyes embedded within the MOONs. © 2004 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/70496/2/APPLAB-84-1-154-1.pd

    Comet Machholz (C/2004 Q2): morphological structures in the inner coma and rotation parameters

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    Extensive observations of comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) were carried out between August 2004 and May 2005. The images obtained were used to investigate the comet's inner coma features at resolutions between 350 and 1500 km/pixel. A photometric analysis of the dust outflowing from the comet's nucleus and the study of the motion of the morphological structures in the inner coma indicated that the rotation period of the nucleus was most likely around 0.74 days. A thorough investigation of the inner coma morphology allowed us to observe two main active sources on the comet's nucleus, at a latitude of +85{\deg} \pm 5{\deg} and +45{\deg} \pm 5{\deg}, respectively. Further sources have been observed, but their activity ran out quite rapidly over time; the most relevant was at latcom. = 25{\deg} \pm 5{\deg}. Graphic simulations of the geometrical conditions of observation of the inner coma were compared with the images and used to determine a pole orientation at RA=95{\deg} \pm 5{\deg}, Dec=+35{\deg} \pm 5{\deg}. The comet's spin axis was lying nearly on the plane of the sky during the first decade of December 2004.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    The large trans-Neptunian object 2002 TC302 from combined stellar occultation, photometry, and astrometry data

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    Context. Deriving physical properties of trans-Neptunian objects is important for the understanding of our Solar System. This requires observational efforts and the development of techniques suitable for these studies. Aims. Our aim is to characterize the large trans-Neptunian object (TNO) 2002 TC302. Methods. Stellar occultations offer unique opportunities to determine key physical properties of TNOs. On 28 January 2018, 2002 TC302 occulted a mv ~ 15.3 star with designation 593-005847 in the UCAC4 stellar catalog, corresponding to Gaia source 130957813463146112. Twelve positive occultation chords were obtained from Italy, France, Slovenia, and Switzerland. Also, four negative detections were obtained near the north and south limbs. This represents the best observed stellar occultation by a TNO other than Pluto in terms of the number of chords published thus far. From the 12 chords, an accurate elliptical fit to the instantaneous projection of the body can be obtained that is compatible with the near misses. Results. The resulting ellipse has major and minor axes of 543 ± 18 km and 460 ± 11 km, respectively, with a position angle of 3 ± 1 degrees for the minor axis. This information, combined with rotational light curves obtained with the 1.5 m telescope at Sierra Nevada Observatory and the 1.23 m telescope at Calar Alto observatory, allows us to derive possible three-dimensional shapes and density estimations for the body based on hydrostatic equilibrium assumptions. The effective diameter in equivalent area is around 84 km smaller than the radiometrically derived diameter using thermal data from Herschel and Spitzer Space Telescopes. This might indicate the existence of an unresolved satellite of up to ~300 km in diameter, which is required to account for all the thermal flux, although the occultation and thermal diameters are compatible within their error bars given the considerable uncertainty of the thermal results. The existence of a potential satellite also appears to be consistent with other ground-based data presented here. From the effective occultation diameter combined with absolute magnitude measurements we derive a geometric albedo of 0.147 ± 0.005, which would be somewhat smaller if 2002 TC302 has a satellite. The best occultation light curves do not show any signs of ring features or any signatures of a global atmosphere.Funding from Spanish projects AYA2014-56637-C2-1-P, AYA2017-89637-R, from FEDER, and Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de AndalucĂ­a 2012-FQM1776 is acknowledged. We would like to acknowledge financial support by the Spanish grant AYA-RTI2018-098657-JI00 “LEO-SBNAF” (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) and the financial support from the State Agency for Research of the Spanish MCIU through the “Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa” award for the Instituto de AstrofĂ­sica de AndalucĂ­a (SEV- 2017-0709). Part of the research received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under grant agreement no. 687378 and from the ERC programme under Grant Agreement no. 669416 Lucky Star. The following authors acknowledge the respective CNPq grants: FB-R 309578/2017-5; RV-M 304544/2017-5, 401903/2016-8; J.I.B.C. 308150/2016-3; MA 427700/2018-3, 310683/2017-3, 473002/2013-2. This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiaçoamento de Pessoal de NĂ­vel Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001 and the National Institute of Science and Technology of the e-Universe project (INCT do e-Universo, CNPq grant 465376/2014-2). GBR acknowledges CAPES-FAPERJ/PAPDRJ grant E26/203.173/2016, MA FAPERJ grant E-26/111.488/2013 and ARGJr FAPESP grant 2018/11239-8. E.F.-V. acknowledges support from the 2017 Preeminent Postdoctoral Program (P3) at UCF. C.K., R.S., A.F-T., and G.M. have been supported by the K-125015 and GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00003 grants of the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH), Hungary. G.M. was also supported by the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH) grant PD-128 360. R.K. and T.P. were supported by the VEGA 2/0031/18 grant

    The size, shape, density and ring of the dwarf planet Haumea from a stellar occultation

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    Haumea—one of the four known trans-Neptunian dwarf planets—is a very elongated and rapidly rotating body1, 2, 3. In contrast to other dwarf planets4, 5, 6, its size, shape, albedo and density are not well constrained. The Centaur Chariklo was the first body other than a giant planet known to have a ring system7, and the Centaur Chiron was later found to possess something similar to Chariklo’s rings8, 9. Here we report observations from multiple Earth-based observatories of Haumea passing in front of a distant star (a multi-chord stellar occultation). Secondary events observed around the main body of Haumea are consistent with the presence of a ring with an opacity of 0.5, width of 70 kilometres and radius of about 2,287 kilometres. The ring is coplanar with both Haumea’s equator and the orbit of its satellite Hi’iaka. The radius of the ring places it close to the 3:1 mean-motion resonance with Haumea’s spin period—that is, Haumea rotates three times on its axis in the time that a ring particle completes one revolution. The occultation by the main body provides an instantaneous elliptical projected shape with axes of about 1,704 kilometres and 1,138 kilometres. Combined with rotational light curves, the occultation constrains the three-dimensional orientation of Haumea and its triaxial shape, which is inconsistent with a homogeneous body in hydrostatic equilibrium. Haumea’s largest axis is at least 2,322 kilometres, larger than previously thought, implying an upper limit for its density of 1,885 kilograms per cubic metre and a geometric albedo of 0.51, both smaller than previous estimates1, 10, 11. In addition, this estimate of the density of Haumea is closer to that of Pluto than are previous estimates, in line with expectations. No global nitrogen- or methane-dominated atmosphere was detected.J.L.O. acknowledges funding from Spanish and Andalusian grants MINECO AYA-2014-56637-C2-1-P and J. A. 2012-FQM1776 as well as FEDER funds. Part of the research leading to these results received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under grant agreement no. 687378. B.S. acknowledges support from the French grants ‘Beyond Neptune’ ANR-08-BLAN-0177 and ‘Beyond Neptune II’ ANR-11-IS56-0002. Part of the research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Community’s H2020 (2014-2020/ERC grant agreement no. 669416 ‘Lucky Star’). A.P. and R.S. have been supported by the grant LP2012-31 of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. All of the Hungarian contributors acknowledge the partial support from K-125015 grant of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH). G.B.-R., F.B.-R., F.L.R., R.V.-M., J.I.B.C., M.A., A.R.G.-J. and B.E.M. acknowledge support from CAPES, CNPq and FAPERJ. J.C.G. acknowledges funding from AYA2015-63939-C2-2-P and from the Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEOII/2014/057. K.H. and P.P. were supported by the project RVO:67985815. The Astronomical Observatory of the Autonomous Region of the Aosta Valley acknowledges a Shoemaker NEO Grant 2013 from The Planetary Society. We acknowledge funds from a 2016 ‘Research and Education’ grant from Fondazione CRT. We also acknowledge the Slovakian project ITMS no. 26220120029

    Lightcurves of asteroids: spin, 3-D shape, density

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    International audienceThe study of the physical properties of asteroids, spin and 3-D shape, is the first step in understanding their formation and the mechanisms that dictate their evolution. The 3-D shape is indeed required to compute precisely the density, the only quantity that tells us about the internal structure from remote sensing, which is at the crux of the question of the location of formation. Bodies accreted far from the Sun contain volatiles elements (ices) and are less dense. Similarly, the spin orientation is key in triggering the orbital Yarkovsky drift effect, which ultimately delivers meteorites to the Earth. Observations by amateur astronomers and professional astronomers are complementary to study these properties. Lightcurves provided by amateurs combined with high-angular resolution images obtained by professionals with 8m class telescopes allow detailed modeling of asteroids. In this proceeding, we describe the motivations to study asteroid physical properties, describe several on-going professional-amateur observing campaigns, and illustrate then with a few results

    Lightcurves of asteroids: spin, 3-D shape, density

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    International audienceThe study of the physical properties of asteroids, spin and 3-D shape, is the first step in understanding their formation and the mechanisms that dictate their evolution. The 3-D shape is indeed required to compute precisely the density, the only quantity that tells us about the internal structure from remote sensing, which is at the crux of the question of the location of formation. Bodies accreted far from the Sun contain volatiles elements (ices) and are less dense. Similarly, the spin orientation is key in triggering the orbital Yarkovsky drift effect, which ultimately delivers meteorites to the Earth. Observations by amateur astronomers and professional astronomers are complementary to study these properties. Lightcurves provided by amateurs combined with high-angular resolution images obtained by professionals with 8m class telescopes allow detailed modeling of asteroids. In this proceeding, we describe the motivations to study asteroid physical properties, describe several on-going professional-amateur observing campaigns, and illustrate then with a few results
