17,756 research outputs found

    Leprosy and tuberculosis concomitant infection: a poorly understood, age-old relationship

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    Historically, archaeological evidence, post-mortem findings and retro- spective analysis of leprosy institutions’ data demonstrates a high observed incidence of concomitant infection with leprosy and tuberculosis (TB). However, reports of concomitant infection in the modern literature remain scarce, with estimates of annual new case detection rates of concomitant infection at approximately 0·02 cases per 100,000 population. Whilst the mechanism for this apparent decline in concomitant infections remains unclear, further research on this topic has remained relatively neglected. Modelling of the interaction of the two organisms has suggested that the apparent decline in observations of concomitant infection may be due to the protective effects of cross immunity, whilst more recently others have questioned whether it is a more harmful relationship, predisposing towards increased host mortality. We review recent evidence, comparing it to previously held understanding on the epidemiological relationship and our own experience of concomitant infection. From this discussion, we highlight several under-investigated areas, which may lead to improvements in the future delivery of leprosy management and services, as well as enhance understanding in other fields of infection management. These include, a) highlighting the need for greater understanding of host immunogenetics involved in concomitant infection, b) whether prolonged courses of high dose steroids pre-dispose to TB infection? and, c) whether there is a risk of rifampicin resistance developing in leprosy patients treated in the face of undiagnosed TB and other infections? Longitudinal work is still required to characterise these temporal relationships further and add to the current paucity of literature on this subject matter

    A unified data flow model for fault tolerant computers

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    The Dataflow Simulation System (DFSS) at USL was used as the medium on which a functional simulaton of sIFT was produced. DFSS is written in PL/I and is supported by MULTICS. Within the simulation, all the interprocessor communication, fault simulation, system state data, and monitoring were implemented in dataflow and supported directly by DFSS. The actual processor level computation was carried out by the SIFT code in PASCAL. The interface between DFSS in PL/I and the SIFT code in PASCAL was supported under a mechanism in DFSS called a Node Realization Module (NRM)

    Dissociation Energies, r-centroids and Franck-condon Factors of Ass Molecule

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    Anti-correlated hard X-ray time lags in Galactic black hole sources

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    We investigate the accretion disk geometry in Galactic black hole sources by measuring the time delay between soft and hard X-ray emissions. Similar to the recent discoveries of anti-correlated hard X-ray time lags in Cyg X-3 and GRS 1915+105, we find that the hard X-rays are anti-correlated with soft X-rays with a significant lag in another source: XTE J1550-564. We also find the existence of pivoting in the model independent X-ray spectrum during these observations. We investigate time-resolved X-ray spectral parameters and find that the variation in these parameters is consistent with the idea of a truncated accretion disk. The QPO frequency, which is a measure of the size of truncated accretion disk, too changes indicating that the geometric size of the hard X-ray emitting region changes along with the spectral pivoting and soft X-ray flux. Similar kind of delay is also noticed in 4U 1630-47.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Morphological Analysis of the Human Internal Iliac Artery in South Indian Population

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    Objectives: The accidental hemorrhage is common due to erroneous interpretation of the variant arteries during surgical procedures, hence the present study has been undertaken with reference to its morphological significance. The objectives were to examine the level of origin, length and the branching pattern of the human internal iliac artery in South Indian population. Methods: The study included 60 human bisected pelvises irrespective of their side and sex. The specimens were collected from the anatomy laboratory and were fixed with the formalin. The branching patterns were studied and demonstrated as per the guidelines of Adachi. Results: The origin of internal iliac artery was at the level of S1 vertebra in majority (58.3%) of the cases. The average length of internal iliac artery was 37 ± 4.62 mm (range, 13-54 mm). The type I pattern of the internal iliac artery was most common (83.5%) followed by types III and II. The type IV and V pattern of adachi were not observed. Conclusions: The results of this study were different from those reported by others and may be because of racial and geographical variations. Prior knowledge of the anatomical variations is beneficial for the vascular surgeons ligating the internal iliac artery or its branches and the radiologists interpreting angiograms of the pelvic region

    Theoretical studies on tone noise from a ducted fan rotor

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    The method of computing radiated noise from a ducted rotor due to inflow distortion and turbulence are examined. Analytical investigations include an appropriate description of sources, the cut-off conditions imposed on the modal propagation of the pressure waves in the annular duct, and reflections at the upstream end of the duct. Far field sound pressure levels at blade passing frequency due to acoustic radiation from a small scale low speed fan are computed. Theoretical predictions are in reasonable agreement with experimental measurements

    Power Quality Enhancement in Grid Connected PV Systems using High Step Up DC-DC Converter

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    Renewable energy sources (RES) are gaining more importance in the present scenario due to the depletion of fossil fuels and increasing power demand. Solar energy is the one of the most promising as it is clean and easily available source. The voltage obtained from the PV system is low. This voltage is increased by high step up dc-dc converter which uses only one switch leads to low switching losses and hence the efficiency of this converter is high. To get the good response this converter is operated in closed loop manner. Integration of PV system with existing grid has so many issues like distorted voltage, current and reactive power control etc. This paper presents a four leg inverter which works on hysteresis current control technique to address the power quality issues like reactive power compensation, balanced load currents and compensation of neutral current. The switching to the inverter is designed in such a way that it supplies the extra current to stabilise the current of the grid that is being supplied to the loads. Finally, the proposed technique is validated by using mat lab/Simulink software and corresponding results are presented in this paper

    Catalytic activity of nickel ferrite nanoparticles in synthesis of 4-aryl benzelidene-2- ((5-fluoro-1H-indol-1-yl)methyl)oxazol-5(4H)-one and its evalute the biological activity

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    ABSTRACT. Seven 4-arylbenzelidene-2-((5-fluoro-1H-indol-1-yl)methyl)oxazol-5(4H)-one derivatives were synthesized by the condensation of 2-(2-(5-fluoro-1H-indol-1-yl) acetoamide) acetic acid, substituted aromatic aldehydes with acetic anhydride and sodium acetate in the presence of MgO/Al2O3 under reflux using nickel ferrite nanoparticles. Seven of the compounds are new derivatives. 2-(2-(5-fluoro-1H-indol-1-yl)acetoamide) acetic acid was obtained from 2-(5-fluoro-1H-indol-1-yl)acetyl chloride with lysine in the presence of NaOH and HCl in the ice cold solution. 2-(5-fluoro-1H-indol-1-yl)acetyl chloride can be prepared from 5-fluoro indole with chloroacetyl chloride in triethylamine and dichloromethane. The structures of the compounds were evaluated based on 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and LC-MS and by elemental analysis. These compounds were screened by anti-oxidant as well as anti-microbial activity.               KEY WORDS: 2-(5-Fluoro-1H-indol-1-yl)acetyl chloride, 2-(2-(5-Fluoro-1H-indol-1-yl)acetoamide) acetic acid, 4-Aryl Benzelidene-2-((5-fluoro-1H-indol-1-yl)methyl)oxazol-5(4H)-one, Anti-oxidant, Anti-microbial activity, Nickel ferrite Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2019, 33(3), 517-526.  DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v33i3.1

    Spin Decoherence from Hamiltonian dynamics in Quantum Dots

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    The dynamics of a spin-1/2 particle coupled to a nuclear spin bath through an isotropic Heisenberg interaction is studied, as a model for the spin decoherence in quantum dots. The time-dependent polarization of the central spin is calculated as a function of the bath-spin distribution and the polarizations of the initial bath state. For short times, the polarization of the central spin shows a gaussian decay, and at later times it revives displaying nonmonotonic time dependence. The decoherence time scale dep ends on moments of the bath-spin distribuition, and also on the polarization strengths in various bath-spin channels. The bath polarizations have a tendency to increase the decoherence time scale. The effective dynamics of the central spin polarization is shown to be describ ed by a master equation with non-markovian features.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev

    Crafts and gear used for marine fishing along the Andhra Pradesh coast

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    Until the middle of nineteen sixties fishing for marine finfishes and shellfishes along the Andhra Pradesh coast used to be carried out employing indigenous non-mechanised crafts. Subsequently trawlers and later mechanised vessels operating gillnets came into use which resulted in the increased fish production. Use of outboard engine on indigenous crafts for reaching fishing grounds is a recent feature of near the coast fishing. The different kinds of non-mechanised and mechanised crafts and gear employed in the region are dealt with in this article