2,879 research outputs found

    Leprosy and tuberculosis concomitant infection: a poorly understood, age-old relationship

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    Historically, archaeological evidence, post-mortem findings and retro- spective analysis of leprosy institutions’ data demonstrates a high observed incidence of concomitant infection with leprosy and tuberculosis (TB). However, reports of concomitant infection in the modern literature remain scarce, with estimates of annual new case detection rates of concomitant infection at approximately 0·02 cases per 100,000 population. Whilst the mechanism for this apparent decline in concomitant infections remains unclear, further research on this topic has remained relatively neglected. Modelling of the interaction of the two organisms has suggested that the apparent decline in observations of concomitant infection may be due to the protective effects of cross immunity, whilst more recently others have questioned whether it is a more harmful relationship, predisposing towards increased host mortality. We review recent evidence, comparing it to previously held understanding on the epidemiological relationship and our own experience of concomitant infection. From this discussion, we highlight several under-investigated areas, which may lead to improvements in the future delivery of leprosy management and services, as well as enhance understanding in other fields of infection management. These include, a) highlighting the need for greater understanding of host immunogenetics involved in concomitant infection, b) whether prolonged courses of high dose steroids pre-dispose to TB infection? and, c) whether there is a risk of rifampicin resistance developing in leprosy patients treated in the face of undiagnosed TB and other infections? Longitudinal work is still required to characterise these temporal relationships further and add to the current paucity of literature on this subject matter

    Studies on the effect of doxorubicin on MDA, NO2, NO3, Se-GSH peroxidase and SOD levels in albino rat tissues

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    Doxorubicin, a highly effective anticancer drug, produces cardiotoxicity, which limits its therapeutic potential. The mechanism of this cardiotoxicity has remained elusive. The use of this drug, however,continues to be limited by its dose-related and time interval toxicity. Reactive oxygen species are hypothesized to be a major factor in the toxicity of doxorubicin. The aim of this work was to investigate theeffect of doxorubicin on dose-related and time interval in rat. The study utilized adult albino rats (120 ± 5 g). They were divided into 8 groups of 7 animals each and were kept under standard laboratory conditions.They had free access to commercial pellet diet and water. The room temperature was maintained at 20 ± 5°C. The study measured rat tissue MDA, NO2, NO3, Se-GSH peroxidase and SOD under Dox stress, and the results indicate that MDA and NO generated in Dox treated samples cause neuro, myo, hepato and renal toxicity. Since SOD and Peroxidase are scavenging molecules, increase in their levels in Dox treated samples may be one of mechanism to overcome Dox caused oxidative stress in Dox treated albino rat

    Patchy layered structure of tropical troposphere as seen by Indian MST radar

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    The MST radar observations at Gadanki (13.47° N, 79.18° E) show, almost every day throughout the year, stratified layers of intense reflectivity near the tropopause level (17 km) and also at a couple of levels between 4 km and 10 km. Highest individual reflectivity values occur near 17 km, but they occur for a short while. The region between 11 km and 15 km shows the lowest values of reflectivity alongwith vertical downward motion almost on all days of the year. High values of reflectivity are attributed to the existence of visible or sub-visible clouds; the layered structure of clouds is attributed to inertio-gravity waves with vertical wavelength of 2-3 km. It is suggested that each high reflectivity layer consists mainly of thin sheets and patches of visible and sub-visible cloud material. Hydrometeors inside the cloud material go up and down due to gravity, precipitation-loading, Brunt-Vaisala oscillations, and Kelvin-Helmholtz waves. In these small-scale motions, thin air sheets and patches get formed with sharp temperature and humidity discontinuities through contact cooling, melting, evaporation, condensation and freezing. Also, melting and freezing at low temperatures generate electrical charges in these thin sheets and patches. These thin sheets and patches have vertical dimensions ranging from a few centimetres to several metres and horizontal dimensions of the order of 1km. These thin sheets and patches have corresponding vertical and horizontal discontinuities and sharp gradients in refractive index for the MST radar beam. These show up as regions of high values of reflectivity

    Platypnea-orthodeoxia associated with a fenestrated atrial septal aneurysm: Case Report

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    BACKGROUND: Platypnea-orthodeoxia describes the condition of combined dyspnea and hypoxia respectively, whilst in the upright position, which improves in the recumbent position. CASE REPORT: We present a case of platypnea-orthodeoxia due to a fenestrated atrial septal defect associated with an atrial septal aneurysm. Due to the fenestrated nature of the atrial septal defect, surgical rather than percutaneous correction was performed. CONCLUSION: A high index of suspicion is required to diagnose the syndrome of platypnea-orthodeoxia. Careful echocardiographic evaluation is required to identify the syndrome, and to determine suitability for percutaneous repair

    Year-round radiocarbon-based source apportionment of carbonaceous aerosols at two background sites in South Asia

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    Atmospheric Brown Clouds (ABC), regional-scale haze events, are a significant concern for both human cardiopulmonary health and regional climate impacts. In order to effectively mitigate this pollution-based phenomenon, it is imperative to understand the magnitude, scope and source of ABC in regions such as South Asia. Two sites in S. Asia were chosen for a 15-month field campaign focused on isotope-based source apportionment of carbonaceous aerosols in 2008-2009. Both the Maldives Climate Observatory in Hanimaadhoo (MCOH) and a mountaintop site in Sinhagad, India (SINH) act as regionally mixed receptor sites. Annual radiocarbon-based source apportionment for soot elemental carbon (SEC) at MCOH and SINH revealed 73 6 and 59 5 contribution from biomass combustion, respectively (remainder from fossil fuel). The contributions from biogenic/biomass combustion to total organic carbon were similar between MCOH and SINH (69 5 and 64 5, respectively). The biomass combustion contribution for SEC in the current study, especially the results from MCOH, shows good agreement with published black carbon emissions inventories for India. Geographic source assessment, including clustered back trajectory analysis and carbon contribution by source region, indicated that the highest SEC/TOC loads originated from the W. Indian coastal margin, including the coastal city of Mumbai, India. The winter dry season 14C-based source apportionment of the BC-tracing SEC fraction for 2006, 2008, 2009 were not statistically different (p = 0.7) and point to a near-constant two-thirds contribution from biomass combustion practices, including wood and other biofuels as well as burning of agricultural crop residues

    Aerosol characteristics during winter fog at Agra, North India

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    Simultaneous measurements on physical, chemical and optical properties of aerosols over a tropical semi-arid location, Agra in north India, were undertaken during December 2004. The average concentration of total suspended particulates (TSP) increased by about 1.4 times during intense foggy/hazy days. Concentrations of SO4 2-, NO3 -, NH4 + and Black Carbon (BC) aerosols increased by 4, 2, 3.5 and 1.7 times, respectively during that period. Aerosols were acidic during intense foggy/hazy days but the fog water showed alkaline nature, mainly due to the neutralizing capacity of NH4 aerosols. Trajectory analyses showed that air masses were predominantly from NW direction, which might be responsible for transport of BC from distant and surrounding local sources. Diurnal variation of BC on all days showed a morning and an evening peak that were related to domestic cooking and vehicular emissions, apart from boundary layer changes. OPAC (Optical properties of aerosols and clouds) model was used to compute the optical properties of aerosols. Both OPAC-derived and observed aerosol optical depth (AOD) values showed spectral variation with high loadings in the short wavelengths (<1 μm). AOD value at 0.5 μm wavelength was significantly high during intense foggy/hazy days (1.22) than during clear sky or less foggy/hazy days (0.63). OPAC-derived Single scattering albedo (SSA) was 0.84 during the observational period, indicating significant contribution of absorbing aerosols. However, the BC mass fraction to TSP increased by only 1 during intense foggy/hazy days and thereby did not show any impact on SSA during that period. A large increase was observed in the shortwave (SW) atmospheric (ATM) forcing during intense foggy/hazy days (+75.8 W/m2) than that during clear sky or less foggy/hazy days (+38 W/m2), mainly due to increase in absorbing aerosols. Whereas SW forcing at surface (SUF) increased from -40 W/m2 during clear sky or less foggy/hazy days to -76 W/m2 during intense foggy/hazy days, mainly due to the scattering aerosols like SO4 2-

    Comprimidos de liberación inmediata de Valsartán y Efavirenz: El papel de la concentración de superdisgregantes

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    The objective of this study was to formulate directly compressible fast disintegrating tablets of poorly water solubledrugs with different extent of drug solubilities, like valsartan and efavirenz, as model drugs. Effect of varying concentrationsof different superdisintegrants such as crospovidone, croscarmellose sodium, and sodium starch glycolate ondisintegration time and in vitro drug dissolution was studied. The disintegration time of the best immediate release tabletformulation among those tested was observed to be 21.5±1.26 sec and 20.16±0.85 sec for valsartan and efavirenz tabletscontaining 20% of Crospovidone, respectively. Drug release (from both valsartan and Efavirenz tablets) was faster fromformulations containing crospovidone compared to the other formulation. The effect was more apparent in Efavirenz,which has lesser aqueous solubility than valsartan. It was observed that 20% crospovidone was required to achieve80% drug release from efavirenz tablets. Differential scanning calorimetric studies did not indicate any drug-excipientincompatibility. In conclusion, directly compressible fast disintegrating tablets of valsartan and efavirenz with shorterdisintegration times and high dissolution rate were obtained and crospovidone seemed to be a better disintegrant forboth valsartan and efavirenz, based on disintegration time and T80% values obtained.El objetivo de este estudio fue formular comprimidos de rápida disgregación, obtenidos mediante compresión directa,de fármacos con baja solubilidad en agua y diferentes grados de solubilidad, tomando como modelo Valsartány Efavirenz. Se estudió el efecto de diversas concentraciones de diferentes superdisgregantes como crospovidona,croscarmelosa sódica y glicolato sódico de almidón sobre el tiempo de disgregación y la disolución del fármaco invitro. Se observó que el tiempo de disgregación del comprimido con mejor liberación inmediata, de entre todaslas formulaciones probadas, fue de 21,5 ± 1,26 s y 20,16 ± 0,85 s para los comprimidos de Valsartán y Efavirenz,respectivamente que contenían, en ambos casos, un 20% de crospovidona. La liberación del fármaco (tanto en loscomprimidos de Valsartán como Efavirenz) fue más rápida en el caso de las formulaciones con crospovidona encomparación con la otra formulación. El efecto fue más evidente en el caso de Efavirenz, cuya solubilidad en aguaes menor que la de Valsartán. Se observó que era necesario un 20% de crospovidona para obtener una liberacióndel fármaco del 80% en comprimidos de Efavirenz. Los estudios por calorimetría diferencial de barrido no indicaronninguna incompatibilidad fármaco-excipiente. En conclusión, se obtuvieron por compresión directa comprimidosde rápida disgregación de Valsartán y Efavirenz con tiempos de disgregación más cortos y una alta velocidad dedisolución. Además, la crospovidona resultó ser un mejor disgregante tanto para Valsartán como para Efavirenz,de acuerdo con el tiempo de disgregación y los valores T80% obtenidos

    Percutaneous treatment of native aortic coarctation in adults

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    Aortic coarctation is a common congenital cardiac defect, which can be diagnosed over a wide range of ages and with varying degrees of severity. We present two cases of patients diagnosed with aortic coarctation in adulthood. Both patients were treated by an endovascular approach. These cases demonstrate the variety of indications in which percutaneous treatment is an excellent alternative for surgical treatment in adult native coarctation patients

    Pre-transplant CDKN2A expression in kidney biopsies predicts renal function and is a future component of donor scoring criteria

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    CDKN2A is a proven and validated biomarker of ageing which acts as an off switch for cell proliferation. We have demonstrated previously that CDKN2A is the most robust and the strongest pre-transplant predictor of post- transplant serum creatinine when compared to “Gold Standard” clinical factors, such as cold ischaemic time and donor chronological age. This report shows that CDKN2A is better than telomere length, the most celebrated biomarker of ageing, as a predictor of post-transplant renal function. It also shows that CDKN2A is as strong a determinant of post-transplant organ function when compared to extended criteria (ECD) kidneys. A multivariate analysis model was able to predict up to 27.1% of eGFR at one year post-transplant (p = 0.008). Significantly, CDKN2A was also able to strongly predict delayed graft function. A pre-transplant donor risk classification system based on CDKN2A and ECD criteria is shown to be feasible and commendable for implementation in the near future