17 research outputs found

    Valuation of Marine Ecosystem Service Losses Caused by Sea Reclamation:A Case Study of Xiamen Bay

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    [摘要]:海岸带是人类活动最集中的地带。随着沿海经济的发展、人口的增长,各种人类活动尤其是围填海,对近海生态 系统的干扰愈来愈大,使之承受日益增大的压力。文章以厦门湾为研究区域,基于相应的评估模型,对1980 ~ 2005 年该 区域的围填海工程所导致的生态系统服务价值损失进行回顾性评价。结果表明,1980 ~ 2005 年厦门湾的围填海工程造成 的近海生态系统服务损失超过7. 8 亿元,其中同安湾损失最大,西海域次之,二者之和占厦门湾总损失的67. 8%。此外,文中还对供给、调节、文化和支持这四类服务损失的比例作了分析。[Abstract]:The coastal zone is the densest human activity zone. With coastal economic development and population growth,the increasing interferences by various types of human activities,especially sea reclamation,have made marine ecosystem under heavier pressure. Based on related models,this paper valuated the marine ecosystem service losses caused by sea reclamation in Xiamen Bay from 1980 to 2005. The results reveal that the total losses of marine ecosystem services are over 780 million,and the losses in Tong'an Bay and Western Bay take 67. 8% of the total. The proportions of the providing,regulating,cultural and supporting service losses are also discussed.福建908 项目( FJ908 - 02 - 02 - 02) ; 国家自然科学基金项目( 70771098

    An improved ion-exchange/diffusion method for N-15 isotope tracing analysis of nitrate in surface waters from watersheds

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    An improved method, suitable for collecting nitrate from surface waters in the watershed for N-15 isotope tracing analysis, was developed on the basis of the anion exchange coupled with diffusion through systematic simulation and comparison experiments. The results showed that the nitrate could be separated and enriched from the waters efficiently by using the improved method. Being simple and practical in operation principle and procedures, cost-economic, and highly efficient in nitrate separation/enrichment, the method met the requirements of alpha N-15 mass spectrum analysis and would lay a foundation for the application of N-15 isotope tracing approach to the research on non-point source pollution in watershed.Department of Science and Technology of Fujian Province, China [2002H009

    Modeling the Total Allowable Area for Coastal Reclamation : a case study of Xiamen, China

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2013. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Ocean & Coastal Management 76 (2013):38-44, doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2013.02.015.This paper presents an analytical framework to estimate the Total Allowable Area for Coastal Reclamation (TAACR) to provide scientific support for the implementation of a coastal reclamation restriction mechanism. The logic of the framework is to maximize the net benefits of coastal reclamation subject to a set of constraints. Various benefits and costs, including the ecological and environmental costs of coastal reclamation, are systematically quantified in the framework. Model simulations are developed using data from Tongan Bay of Xiamen. The results suggest that the TAACR in Tongan Bay is 5.67 km2, and the area of the Bay should be maintained at least at 87.52 km2.The study was funded by the National Oceanic Public Welfare Projects (No. 201105006) and the Fujian Natural Science Foundation (No. 2010J01360

    2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining Link Prediction and Recommendation across Heterogeneous Social Networks

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    Abstract—Link prediction and recommendation is a fundamental problem in social network analysis. The key challenge of link prediction comes from the sparsity of networks due to the strong disproportion of links that they have potential to form to links that do form. Most previous work tries to solve the problem in single network, few research focus on capturing the general principles of link formation across heterogeneous networks. In this work, we give a formal definition of link recommendation across heterogeneous networks. Then we propose a ranking factor graph model (RFG) for predicting links in social networks, which effectively improves the predictive performance. Motivated by the intuition that people make friends in different networks with similar principles, we find several social patterns that are general across heterogeneous networks. With the general social patterns, we develop a transfer-based RFG model that combines them with network structure information. This model provides us insight into fundamental principles that drive the link formation and network evolution. Finally, we verify the predictive performance of the presented transfer model on 12 pairs of transfer cases. Our experimental results demonstrate that the transfer of general social patterns indeed help the prediction of links. Keywords-Social network analysis, Link prediction, Recommendation, Factor graph, Heterogeneous network

    Ecological damage compensation for coastal sea area uses

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    National Oceanic Public Welfare Projects [201105006]; Oceans and Fisheries Bureau of Xiamen [2010160]Rapid economic growth has resulted in significant ecological degradation in many coastal areas in China. Control measures involving marine ecological damage compensation (MEDC) have been introduced to curb unsustainable development. The study presents a practical framework for developing the MEDC standard. The standard considers spatial variation in ecological services and includes many different types of ocean uses that are common in coastal waters around the world. We illustrate the framework and specific procedures through a case study of Xiamen. Results of our calculation show that damages from many ocean uses to the ecosystems are not adequately compensated under current management regime, and a carefully designed MEDC standard is crucial for sustainable development. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Link Prediction and Recommendation across Heterogeneous Social Networks

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    Abstract—Link prediction and recommendation is a fundamental problem in social network analysis. The key challenge of link prediction comes from the sparsity of networks due to the strong disproportion of links that they have potential to form to links that do form. Most previous work tries to solve the problem in single network, few research focus on capturing the general principles of link formation across heterogeneous networks. In this work, we give a formal definition of link recommendation across heterogeneous networks. Then we propose a ranking factor graph model (RFG) for predicting links in social networks, which effectively improves the predictive performance. Motivated by the intuition that people make friends in different networks with similar principles, we find several social patterns that are general across heterogeneous networks. With the general social patterns, we develop a transfer-based RFG model that combines them with network structure information. This model provides us insight into fundamental principles that drive the link formation and network evolution. Finally, we verify the predictive performance of the presented transfer model on 12 pairs of transfer cases. Our experimental results demonstrate that the transfer of general social patterns indeed help the prediction of links. Keywords-Social network analysis, Link prediction, Recommendation, Factor graph, Heterogeneous network

    Modeling the total allowable area for coastal reclamation: A case study of Xiamen, China

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    National Oceanic Public Welfare Projects [201105006]; Fujian Natural Science Foundation [2010J01360]This paper presents an analytical framework to estimate the Total Allowable Area for Coastal Reclamation (TAACR) to provide scientific support for the implementation of a coastal reclamation restriction mechanism. The logic of the framework is to maximize the net benefits of coastal reclamation subject to a set of constraints. Various benefits and costs, including the ecological and environmental costs of coastal reclamation, are systematically quantified in the framework. Model simulations are developed using data from Tongan Bay of Xiamen. The results suggest that the TAACR in Tongan Bay is 5.67 km(2), and the area of the Bay should be maintained at least at 87.52 km(2). (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Multistage Anticoagulant Surfaces: A Synergistic Combination of Protein Resistance, Fibrinolysis, and Endothelialization

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    Anticoagulant surface modification of blood-contacting materials has been shown to be effective in preventing thrombosis and reducing the dose of anticoagulant drugs that patients take. However, commercially available anticoagulant coatings, that is, both bioinert and bioactive coatings, are typically based on a single anticoagulation strategy. This puts the anticoagulation function of the coating at risk of failure during long-term use. Considering the several pathways of the human coagulation system, the synergy of multiple anticoagulation theories may provide separate, targeted effects at different stages of thrombosis. Based on this presumption, in this work, negatively charged poly(sodium p-styrenesulfonate-co-oligo(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate) and positively charged poly(lysine-co-1-adamantan-1-ylmethyl methacrylate) were synthesized to construct matrix layers on the substrate by electrostatic layer-by-layer self-assembly (LBL). Amino-functionalized β-cyclodextrin (β-CD-PEI) was subsequently immobilized on the surface by host–guest interactions, and heparin was grafted. By adjusting the content of poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate) (POEGMA), the interactions between modified surfaces and plasma proteins/cells were regulated. This multistage anticoagulant surface exhibits inertness at the initial stage of implantation, resisting nonspecific protein adsorption (POEGMA). When coagulation reactions occur, heparin exerts its active anticoagulant function in a timely manner, blocking the pathway of thrombosis. If thrombus formation is inevitable, lysine can play a fibrinolytic role in dissolving fibrin clots. Finally, during implantation, endothelial cells continue to adhere and proliferate on the surface, forming an endothelial layer, which meets the blood compatibility requirements. This method provides a new approach to construct a multistage anticoagulant surface for blood-contacting materials