325 research outputs found

    Origin and evolution of Gneiss-Charnockite rocks of Dharmapuri District, Tamil Nadu, India

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    A low- to high-grade transition area in Dharmapuri district was investigated petrologically and geochemically. The investigation confirmed the presence of a continuous section through a former lower crust, with felsic charnockites predominating the lower part and felsic gneisses the upper part. The structure of original gneisses is preserved in charnockites and the latter show petrographic evidence for prograde metamorphism. The prograde metamorphism is of isochemical nature as revealed by the similarity of compositions of tonalitic gneisses and tonalitic charnockites. However, the depletion of LIL elements particularly Rb, caused variation in K/Rb ratios from low values (345) in the gneisses in upper part to higher values (1775) in the charnockites in the lower crust. This variation in K/Rb ratio in a north to south traverse is related to the progressive break-down of hydrous minerals under decreasing H2O and increasing CO2 fluid conditions. Metasomatism and partial melting has also taken place to a limited extent along shear planes and weak zones. During cooling the H2O circulation affected substantial auto-regression in the transition zone resulting in the formation of second generation biotite

    Influence of Mo6+ on Dielectric properties of Copper Ferrites

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    Two series of copper ferrites are prepared using the chemical compositional formula Cu1.0-3y Fe2.0-2x Mox + yO4.0. They are calcinated at 750 C and sintered at 950C.When x =y = 0.0, the ε′ of the basic copper ferrite is probably due to electronic exchange interactions of copper and iron ions as Cu2+↔ Cu1+ and Fe3+↔ Fe2+. The observed value of dielectric constant (є′) decreases as a function of substituent concentration (x) up to x = 0.20 and for further values of ‘x’ it found to increase. In the case of ‘C’ (x = 0) series ferrites є′ decreases with substituent concentration (y) up to y = 0.04, later it found to increase. The dispersion of ac resistivity with frequency is observed indicating their strong dependence on frequency as in the case of dielectric behaviour. These results are explained with different possible mechanisms

    Deep Learning Framework for Covid-19 Detection and Severity Classification towards Clinical Decision Support System

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    Chest CT scans are widely used for COVID-19 diagnosis. Existing methods focused more on the detection of the disease. However, there is need for detection of severity towards making decisions for suitable course of action. Towards this end, we proposed a deep learning framework for automatic COVID-19 diagnosis and severity detection. Our framework is based on enhanced Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model which is found efficient for medical image analysis. We proposed two algorithms to realize the framework. The first algorithm is known as Deep Learning based Automatic COVID-19 Diagnosis (DL-ACD). This algorithm is meant for diagnosis of COVID-19 with learning based phenomena. The second algorithm is known as Automatic COVID-19 Severity Detection (ACSD). It is designed to know severity of the disease which helps in making treatment appropriate. Our framework is evaluated against existing deep learning models and found to have superior performance over the existing models

    Human Computer Interaction Employing Hand Gestures in Lieu of Mouse Movements

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    After the advent of computers, we have come to the stage where we can’t imagine a day without interacting with the computers. When the computer interaction is playing such an important role, it would not be wise if we don’t try to enhance the way we interact with the computer. So, the mechanism we propose helps to enhance the way we interact with the computer without any aid from any external device. The proposed system uses the webcam of the computer system to take the hand gestures as input and the cursor responds accordingly. Vision based approach is used for the skin detection. To reduce the effect of illumination on the image, HSV color space is used in the proposed design. The edge detection technique is used for the counter extraction process. Now a bounding rectangle is drawn so as to find the center of the hand. As the center of the hand moves, the cursor moves. To detect the gestures from the hand the fingers are to be recognized. This be done with the help of function like cvConvexityDefects() in openCV. Thus, with the help of two gestures right and left clicks can be preformed

    Prawn (Penaeus monodon) seed exploited along the coast of Visakhapatnam and Vizianagaram districts of east coast of Andhra Pradesh

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    The prawn business proved the best among all the businesses because of its profit earned on investment and high value in export trade. The demand for prawns is increasing day by day. Many prawn and acquaculture farms have come up in Visakhapatnam and Vizianagaram districts of Andhra Pradesh. To meet the demand the fishermen folk started exploitation of prawn seed from the surf zone

    Cephalopod resources revealed by exploratory surveys in Indian seas

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    The areawise and depth wise cephalopod catches of fishing vessels of Government of India and some Agencies which conducted exploratory fishing in offshore areas have been presented and discussed. The exploratory fishing by Government of India vessels in Bombay-Gujarat region during 1977-80 yielded a maximum of 7,609 kg of cephalopods a year at a catch rate of 6.8 kg/h. The highest catch rates were recorded from the area 19-70 and the depth zone 80-89 m. In Visakhapatnam region the cephalopod catch was poor during 1968-75 but during 1977-80 the annual catch increased to 3,283 kg. The most intensively fished area was 17-83. The catch was composed of four species of cuttlefishes and three species of squids. The results of trawl surveys in other parts of Indian waters are also dealt with

    Ovule mortality in gram (Cicer arietinum L.)

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